48 changed files with 4 additions and 84 deletions
@ -1,84 +1,3 @@ |
# This file is used to ignore files which are generated |
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
*~ |
*.autosave |
*.a |
*.core |
*.moc |
*.o |
*.obj |
*.orig |
*.rej |
*.so |
*.so.* |
*_pch.h.cpp |
*_resource.rc |
*.qm |
.#* |
*.*# |
core |
!core/ |
tags |
.DS_Store |
.directory |
*.debug |
Makefile* |
*.prl |
*.app |
moc_*.cpp |
ui_*.h |
qrc_*.cpp |
Thumbs.db |
*.res |
*.rc |
/.qmake.cache |
/.qmake.stash |
# qtcreator generated files |
*.pro.user* |
# xemacs temporary files |
*.flc |
# Vim temporary files |
.*.swp |
# Visual Studio generated files |
*.ib_pdb_index |
*.idb |
*.ilk |
*.pdb |
*.sln |
*.suo |
*.vcproj |
*vcproj.*.*.user |
*.ncb |
*.sdf |
*.opensdf |
*.vcxproj |
*vcxproj.* |
# MinGW generated files |
*.Debug |
*.Release |
# Python byte code |
*.pyc |
# Binaries |
# -------- |
*.dll |
*.exe |
build*/ |
build-* |
build-*/ |
build* |
!.vscode |
debug/ |
debug |
release/ |
release |
cmake-build*/ |
.idea/ |
/cmake-build-release/ |
/cmake-build-debug/ |
/.idea/ |
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
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Binary file not shown.
Reference in new issue