committed by
1 changed files with 0 additions and 180 deletions
@ -1,180 +0,0 @@ |
%%清空环境 |
clc; |
clear; |
close all; |
%% 参数设置 |
ChromosomeSize = 3; %染色体长度,参数的个数,PID有三个参数 |
PopulationSize = 100; %种群规模 |
MaxIter = 100; %最大迭代次数 |
MinFitness=0.01; %最小适应值 |
% CrossRate=0.6; %交叉概率 |
MutateRate=0.2; %变异概率 |
ObjFun=@PSO_PID; %适应值函数 |
NoChangeNo=5; |
UpLimit=30; %上限 |
global Kp; |
global Ki; |
global Kd; |
%% 初始化种群init.m |
Population=rand(PopulationSize,ChromosomeSize); %种群,预分配内存 |
for i=1:PopulationSize |
disp(['正在初始化种群',num2str(i)]); |
for j=1:ChromosomeSize |
Population(i,j)=rand*30; %产生0-30之间的随机数用来初始化种群,30表示每个值不超过30 |
end |
end |
clear i; |
clear j; |
%% 开始循环 |
%Iter =1; |
PopulationFitness=zeros(PopulationSize,1); %种群适应度值,预分配内存 |
BestFitness=zeros(MaxIter,1); %初始化每一代的最佳适应度 |
AveFitness=zeros(MaxIter,1); |
Elite=zeros(MaxIter,ChromosomeSize); %用于记录每一代的最优解 |
for Iter=1:MaxIter |
disp(['迭代次数:',num2str(Iter)]); %显示迭代进度 |
%% 适应值计算Fitness |
for i=1:PopulationSize |
Kp=Population(i,1); |
Ki=Population(i,2); |
Kd=Population(i,3); |
PopulationFitness(i,1) = fitness(Kp,Ki,Kd); |
end |
%% 适应值大小排序,并保存最佳个体和最佳适应度 |
FitnessSum=sum(PopulationFitness); %种群累加适应度 |
AveFitness(Iter,1)=FitnessSum/PopulationSize; %种群平均适应度 |
[PopulationFitness,Index]=sort(PopulationFitness); %适应值从小到大排序 |
BestFitness(Iter,1) = PopulationFitness(MaxIter,1); %最佳适应度 |
Elite(Iter,:) = Population(Index(MaxIter),:); %记录本代的精英 |
% if(BestFitness(Iter,1)<MinFitness) %判断是否达到要求的适应值 |
% break; |
% end |
% FitnessCumsum=cumsum(PopulationFitness); %累加适应度数组 |
%复制适应值最大的不变的种群 |
PopulationNew=zeros(PopulationSize,ChromosomeSize); |
for i=1:NoChangeNo |
PopulationNew(i,:)=Population(Index(MaxIter-i+1),:); |
end |
%轮盘赌法 选择selection要交叉的父母 |
for i=(NoChangeNo+1):2:PopulationSize |
%确定要交叉的父亲染色体序号 |
idx1=0; |
idx2=0; |
m1=0; |
r1=rand*FitnessSum; |
for k=1:PopulationSize |
m1=m1+PopulationFitness(k); |
if r1<=m1 |
idx1=Index(k); |
break; |
end |
end |
%确定要交叉的母亲染色体序号 |
m2=0; |
r2=rand*FitnessSum; |
for k=1:PopulationSize |
m2=m2+PopulationFitness(k); |
if r2<=m2 |
idx2=Index(k); |
break; |
end |
end |
acr_position = floor(ChromosomeSize*rand+1); %要交叉的节点 |
%交叉 |
for j=1:acr_position |
temp = Population(idx1,j); |
Population(idx1,j) = Population(idx2,j); |
Population(idx2,j) = temp; |
end |
%将产生的两个子代添加到新的种群中 |
PopulationNew(i,:)=Population(idx1,:); |
PopulationNew(i+1,:)=Population(idx2,:); |
end |
%变异 mutation |
for i=(NoChangeNo+1):PopulationSize |
for j=1:ChromosomeSize |
mut_rand = rand; %是否变异 |
if mut_rand < MutateRate |
mut_pm = rand; %增加还是减少 |
mut_num = rand*(1-AveFitness(Iter)/BestFitness(Iter))^2; |
if PopulationNew(i, j)>=UpLimit |
PopulationNew(i, j)= PopulationNew(i, j)*(1-mut_num); |
elseif mut_pm<=0.5 |
PopulationNew(i, j)= PopulationNew(i, j)*(1-mut_num); |
else |
PopulationNew(i, j)= PopulationNew(i, j)*(1+mut_num); |
end |
if PopulationNew(i, j)>=UpLimit |
PopulationNew(i, j)=UpLimit; |
end |
end |
end |
end |
parfor i=1:PopulationSize |
for j=1:ChromosomeSize |
Population(i,j)=PopulationNew(i,j); |
end |
end |
clear i; |
clear j; |
clear first; |
clear last; |
clear idx; |
clear mid; |
% clear PopulationNew; |
%交叉操作 crossover |
% for i=1:PopulationSize |
% % rand<交叉概率,对两个个体的染色体串进行交叉操作 |
% if(rand < CrossRate) |
% acr_position = floor(ChromosomeSize*rand+1); %要交叉的节点 |
% % if (cross_position == 0 || cross_position == 1) |
% % continue; |
% % end |
% acr_chrom = floor((PopulationSize-1)*rand+1); %要交叉的染色体,floor取比它小的整数,acr_chrom取值在1-N |
% for j=1:acr_position |
% temp = Population(i,j); |
% Population(i,j) = Population(acr_chrom,j); |
% Population(acr_chrom,j) = temp; |
% end |
% |
% end |
% end |
% clear i; |
% % clear j; |
% clear temp; |
% clear acr_chrom; |
clear i; |
clear j; |
K_p(1,Iter)=Elite(Iter,1); |
K_i(1,Iter)=Elite(Iter,2); |
K_d(1,Iter)=Elite(Iter,3); |
end |
figure(1) |
plot(BestFitness,'LineWidth',2); |
figure(2) |
plot(K_p) |
hold on |
plot(K_i,'k','LineWidth',3) |
plot(K_d,'--r') |
Reference in new issue