You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

244 lines
7.2 KiB

2 years ago
!(function () {
"use strict";
function e(e) {
var n = {
"&": "&",
"<": "&lt;",
">": "&gt;",
'"': "&quot;",
"'": "&#39;",
"/": "&#x2F;",
return String(e).replace(/[&<>"'\/]/g, function (e) {
return n[e];
function n(e) {
var n = [];
return (
h.dom.findAll("a:not([data-nosearch])").map(function (t) {
var o = t.href,
i = t.getAttribute("href"),
r = e.parse(o).path;
r &&
-1 === n.indexOf(r) &&
!Docsify.util.isAbsolutePath(i) &&
function t(e) {
localStorage.setItem("", + e),
localStorage.setItem("", JSON.stringify(g));
function o(e, n, t, o) {
void 0 === n && (n = "");
var i,
r = window.marked.lexer(n),
a = window.Docsify.slugify,
s = {};
return (
r.forEach(function (n) {
if ("heading" === n.type && n.depth <= o)
(i = t.toURL(e, { id: a(n.text) })),
(s[i] = { slug: i, title: n.text, body: "" });
else {
if (!i) return;
? s[i].body
? (s[i].body += "\n" + (n.text || ""))
: (s[i].body = n.text)
: (s[i] = { slug: i, title: "", body: "" });
function i(n) {
var t = [],
o = [];
Object.keys(g).forEach(function (e) {
o = o.concat(
Object.keys(g[e]).map(function (n) {
return g[e][n];
(n = n.trim());
var i = n.split(/[\s\-\,\\\/]+/);
1 !== i.length && (i = [].concat(n, i));
for (var r = 0; r < o.length; r++)
!(function (n) {
var r = o[n],
a = !1,
s = "",
c = r.title && r.title.trim(),
l = r.body && r.body.trim(),
f = r.slug || "";
if (
c &&
l &&
(i.forEach(function (n, t) {
var o = new RegExp(n, "gi"),
i = -1,
r = -1;
if (
((i = c &&, (r = l &&, i < 0 && r < 0)
a = !1;
else {
(a = !0), r < 0 && (r = 0);
var f = 0,
d = 0;
(f = r < 11 ? 0 : r - 10),
(d = 0 === f ? 70 : r + n.length + 60),
d > l.length && (d = l.length);
var p =
"..." +
.substring(f, d)
.replace(o, '<em class="search-keyword">' + n + "</em>") +
s += p;
) {
var d = { title: e(c), content: s, url: f };
return t;
function r(e, i) {
h = Docsify;
var r = "auto" === e.paths,
a = localStorage.getItem("") <;
if (((g = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(""))), a))
g = {};
else if (!r) return;
var s = r ? n(i.router) : e.paths,
c = s.length,
l = 0;
s.forEach(function (n) {
if (g[n]) return l++;
h.get(i.router.getFile(n)).then(function (r) {
(g[n] = o(n, r, i.router, e.depth)), c === ++l && t(e.maxAge);
function a() {
"\n.sidebar {\n padding-top: 0;\n}\n\ {\n margin-bottom: 20px;\n padding: 6px;\n border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;\n}\n\ .results-panel {\n display: none;\n}\n\ {\n display: block;\n}\n\ input {\n outline: none;\n border: none;\n width: 100%;\n padding: 7px;\n line-height: 22px;\n font-size: 14px;\n -webkit-appearance: none;\n -moz-appearance: none;\n appearance: none;\n}\n\ h2 {\n font-size: 17px;\n margin: 10px 0;\n}\n\ a {\n text-decoration: none;\n color: inherit;\n}\n\ .matching-post {\n border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;\n}\n\ .matching-post:last-child {\n border-bottom: 0;\n}\n\ p {\n font-size: 14px;\n overflow: hidden;\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\n display: -webkit-box;\n -webkit-line-clamp: 2;\n -webkit-box-orient: vertical;\n}\n\ p.empty {\n text-align: center;\n}"
function s(e, n) {
void 0 === n && (n = "");
var t =
'<input type="search" value="' +
n +
'" /><div class="results-panel"></div></div>',
o = Docsify.dom.create("div", t),
i = Docsify.dom.find("aside");
Docsify.dom.toggleClass(o, "search"), Docsify.dom.before(i, o);
function c(e) {
var n = Docsify.dom.find(""),
t = Docsify.dom.find(n, ".results-panel");
if (!e) return t.classList.remove("show"), void (t.innerHTML = "");
var o = i(e),
r = "";
o.forEach(function (e) {
r +=
'<div class="matching-post">\n<a href="' +
e.url +
'"> \n<h2>' +
e.title +
"</h2>\n<p>" +
e.content +
(t.innerHTML = r || '<p class="empty">' + y + "</p>");
function l() {
var e,
n = Docsify.dom.find(""),
t = Docsify.dom.find(n, "input");
Docsify.dom.on(n, "click", function (e) {
return "A" !== && e.stopPropagation();
Docsify.dom.on(t, "input", function (n) {
(e = setTimeout(function (e) {
return c(;
}, 100));
function f(e, n) {
var t = Docsify.dom.getNode('.search input[type="search"]');
if (t)
if ("string" == typeof e) t.placeholder = e;
else {
var o = Object.keys(e).filter(function (e) {
return n.indexOf(e) > -1;
t.placeholder = e[o];
function d(e, n) {
if ("string" == typeof e) y = e;
else {
var t = Object.keys(e).filter(function (e) {
return n.indexOf(e) > -1;
y = e[t];
function p(e, n) {
var t = n.router.parse().query.s;
s(e, t),
t &&
setTimeout(function (e) {
return c(t);
}, 500);
function u(e, n) {
f(e.placeholder, n.route.path), d(e.noData, n.route.path);
var h,
g = {},
y = "",
m = {
placeholder: "Type to search",
noData: "No Results!",
paths: "auto",
depth: 2,
maxAge: 864e5,
v = function (e, n) {
var t = Docsify.util,
o = || m;
? (m.paths = o)
: "object" == typeof o &&
((m.paths = Array.isArray(o.paths) ? o.paths : "auto"),
(m.maxAge = t.isPrimitive(o.maxAge) ? o.maxAge : m.maxAge),
(m.placeholder = o.placeholder || m.placeholder),
(m.noData = o.noData || m.noData),
(m.depth = o.depth || m.depth));
var i = "auto" === m.paths;
e.mounted(function (e) {
p(m, n), !i && r(m, n);
e.doneEach(function (e) {
u(m, n), i && r(m, n);
$docsify.plugins = [].concat(v, $docsify.plugins);