You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

118 lines
5.5 KiB

* docsify-plugin-flexible-alerts
* v1.0.4
* (c) 2019 Fabian Zankl
* MIT license
!(function () {
"use strict";
function g(t) {
return (g =
"function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator
? function (t) {
return typeof t;
: function (t) {
return t &&
"function" == typeof Symbol &&
t.constructor === Symbol &&
t !== Symbol.prototype
? "symbol"
: typeof t;
var e;
!(function (t, e) {
void 0 === e && (e = {});
var o = e.insertAt;
if (t && "undefined" != typeof document) {
var r = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],
a = document.createElement("style");
(a.type = "text/css"),
"top" === o && r.firstChild
? r.insertBefore(a, r.firstChild)
: r.appendChild(a),
? (a.styleSheet.cssText = t)
: a.appendChild(document.createTextNode(t));
'@import url("");@import url("");.alert{display:block;position:relative;word-wrap:break-word;word-break:break-word;padding:.75rem 1.25rem!important;margin-bottom:1rem!important}.alert>*{max-width:100%}.alert+.alert{margin-top:-.25rem!important}.alert:before{content:unset!important}.alert p{margin-top:.5rem;margin-bottom:.5rem}.alert i{margin-right:.5rem}.alert .title{font-weight:600;margin:0}.alert>:first-child{margin-top:0}.alert>:last-child{margin-bottom:0}.alert.callout{border:1px solid #eee;border-left-width:.25rem;border-radius:.25rem;background:#fff}.alert.callout.warning{border-left-color:#f0ad4e!important}.alert.callout.warning .title{color:#f0ad4e}.alert.callout.tip{border-left-color:#28a745!important}.alert.callout.tip .title{color:#28a745}{border-left-color:#17a2b8!important} .title{color:#17a2b8}.alert.callout.danger{border-left-color:#dc3545!important}.alert.callout.danger .title{color:#dc3545}.alert.flat{border-radius:.125rem;color:#383d41;background-color:#e2e3e5;border:1px solid #d6d8db}{color:#02587f;background-color:#cdeefd;border-color:#b8e7fc} .title{color:#01354d}.alert.flat.tip{color:#285b2a;background-color:#dbefdc;border-color:#cde9ce}.alert.flat.tip .title{color:#18381a}.alert.flat.warning{color:#852d12;background-color:#ffddd3;border-color:#ffd0c1}.alert.flat.warning .title{color:#581e0c}.alert.flat.danger{color:#7f231c;background-color:#fdd9d7;border-color:#fccac7}.alert.flat.danger .title{color:#551713}'
(e = {
style: "callout",
note: { label: "Note", icon: "fas fa-info-circle", className: "info" },
tip: { label: "Tip", icon: "fas fa-lightbulb", className: "tip" },
warning: {
label: "Warning",
icon: "fas fa-exclamation-triangle",
className: "warning",
danger: { label: "Attention", icon: "fas fa-ban", className: "danger" },
(window.$docsify = window.$docsify || {}),
(window.$docsify.plugins = [].concat(function (t, b) {
function m(t, e, o, r) {
var a = (t || "").match(
new RegExp(
return a ? (r ? r(a[1]) : a[1]) : r ? r(o) : o;
var p = (function t(e, o, r) {
var a = 2 < arguments.length && void 0 !== r ? r : 0;
for (var l in o)
try {
o[l].constructor === Object && a < 1
? (e[l] = t(e[l], o[l], a + 1))
: (e[l] = o[l]);
} catch (t) {
e[l] = o[l];
return e;
})(e, b.config["flexible-alerts"] || b.config.flexibleAlerts);
t.afterEach(function (t, e) {
function (t, e, o, r) {
var a = p[e.toLowerCase()];
if (!a) return t;
var l = m(o, "style",,
n = m(o, "iconVisibility", "visible", function (t) {
return "hidden" !== t;
c = m(o, "labelVisibility", "visible", function (t) {
return "hidden" !== t;
i = m(o, "label", a.label),
d = m(o, "icon", a.icon),
s = m(o, "className", a.className);
if ("object" === g(i)) {
var f = Object.keys(i).filter(function (t) {
return -1 < b.route.path.indexOf(t);
f && 0 < f.length ? (i = i[f[0]]) : (n = c = !1);
var u = '<i class="'.concat(d, '"></i>');
return '<div class="alert '
.concat(l, " ")
'">\n <p class="title">\n '
.concat(n ? u : "", "\n ")
.concat(c ? i : "", "\n </p>\n <p>")
.concat(r, "</p>\n </div>");
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