You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

262 lines
8.1 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Daniele Lenares (
* Dual licensed under the MIT (
* and GPL ( licenses.
* Version 1.1.3
(function ($) {
'use strict';
* Animate the input object
* @param $obj
* @param type
* @param animation
function do_animation($obj, type, animation) {
if (type === 'show') {
switch (animation) {
case 'fade':
case 'slide':
} else {
switch (animation) {
case 'fade':
case 'slide':
* Bind click event
* @param $obj
* @param speed
function click_event($obj, speed) {
var not_clicked = true;
$obj.on('click', function () {
if (not_clicked === true) {
not_clicked = false;
$('html, body').animate({scrollTop: 0}, speed, function () {
not_clicked = true;
$.goup = function (user_params) {
/* Default Params */
var params = $.extend({
location: 'right',
locationOffset: 20,
bottomOffset: 10,
containerSize: 40,
containerRadius: 10,
containerClass: 'goup-container',
arrowClass: 'goup-arrow',
alwaysVisible: false,
trigger: 500,
entryAnimation: 'fade',
goupSpeed: 'slow',
hideUnderWidth: 500,
containerColor: '#42B983',
arrowColor: '#fff',
title: '',
titleAsText: false,
titleAsTextClass: 'goup-text',
zIndex: 1
}, user_params);
/* */
/* Parameters check */
if (params.location !== 'right' && params.location !== 'left') {
params.location = 'right';
if (params.locationOffset < 0) {
params.locationOffset = 0;
if (params.bottomOffset < 0) {
params.bottomOffset = 0;
if (params.containerSize < 20) {
params.containerSize = 20;
if (params.containerRadius < 0) {
params.containerRadius = 0;
if (params.trigger < 0) {
params.trigger = 0;
if (params.hideUnderWidth < 0) {
params.hideUnderWidth = 0;
var checkColor = /(^#[0-9A-F]{6}$)|(^#[0-9A-F]{3}$)/i;
if (!checkColor.test(params.containerColor)) {
params.containerColor = '#000';
if (!checkColor.test(params.arrowColor)) {
params.arrowColor = '#fff';
if (params.title === '') {
params.titleAsText = false;
if (isNaN(params.zIndex)) {
params.zIndex = 1;
/* */
/* Create required elements */
var $body = $('body');
var $window = $(window);
var $container = $('<div>');
var $arrow = $('<div>');
/* Container Style */
var containerStyle = {
position: 'fixed',
width: params.containerSize,
height: params.containerSize,
background: params.containerColor,
cursor: 'pointer',
display: 'none',
'z-index': params.zIndex
containerStyle['bottom'] = params.bottomOffset;
containerStyle[params.location] = params.locationOffset;
containerStyle['border-radius'] = params.containerRadius;
if (!params.titleAsText) {
$container.attr('title', params.title);
} else {
var $textContainer = $('<div>');
$textContainer.attr('style', $container.attr('style'));
$textContainer.css('background', 'transparent')
.css('width', params.containerSize + 40)
.css('height', 'auto')
.css('text-align', 'center')
.css(params.location, params.locationOffset - 20);
var textContainerHeight = parseInt($textContainer.height()) + 10;
var containerBottom = parseInt($container.css('bottom'));
var containerNewBottom = textContainerHeight + containerBottom;
$container.css('bottom', containerNewBottom);
/* Arrow Style */
var borderSize = 0.25 * params.containerSize;
var arrowStyle = {
width: 0,
height: 0,
margin: '0 auto',
'padding-top': Math.ceil(0.325 * params.containerSize),
'border-style': 'solid',
'border-width': '0 ' + borderSize + 'px ' + borderSize + 'px ' + borderSize + 'px',
'border-color': 'transparent transparent ' + params.arrowColor + ' transparent'
/* */
/* params.trigger Hide under a certain width */
var isHidden = false;
$window.resize(function () {
if ($window.outerWidth() <= params.hideUnderWidth) {
isHidden = true;
do_animation($container, 'hide', params.entryAnimation);
if (typeof($textContainer) !== 'undefined') {
do_animation($textContainer, 'hide', params.entryAnimation);
} else {
isHidden = false;
/* If i load the page under a certain width, i don't have the event 'resize' */
if ($window.outerWidth() <= params.hideUnderWidth) {
isHidden = true;
if (typeof($textContainer) !== 'undefined')
/* params.trigger show event */
if (!params.alwaysVisible) {
$window.scroll(function () {
if ($window.scrollTop() >= params.trigger && !isHidden) {
do_animation($container, 'show', params.entryAnimation);
if (typeof($textContainer) !== 'undefined') {
do_animation($textContainer, 'show', params.entryAnimation);
} else {
do_animation($container, 'hide', params.entryAnimation);
if (typeof($textContainer) !== 'undefined') {
do_animation($textContainer, 'hide', params.entryAnimation);
} else {
do_animation($container, 'show', params.entryAnimation);
if (typeof($textContainer) !== 'undefined') {
do_animation($textContainer, 'show', params.entryAnimation);
/* If i load the page and the scroll is over the trigger, i don't have immediately the event 'scroll' */
if ($window.scrollTop() >= params.trigger && !isHidden) {
do_animation($container, 'show', params.entryAnimation);
if (typeof($textContainer) !== 'undefined') {
do_animation($textContainer, 'show', params.entryAnimation);
click_event($container, params.goupSpeed);
if (typeof($textContainer) !== 'undefined') {
click_event($textContainer, params.goupSpeed);