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3 years ago
"AboutUs": "About Us",
"Add": "Add",
"AddAppFailed": "Add application failed.",
"AddPictureOnline": "Add Picture Online",
"AddTo": "Add to",
"Added": "Added",
"Advance": "Advance",
"AfterAppClose": "After App Open",
"AfterAppOpen": "After App Open",
"AlignBottom": "Align Bottom",
"AlignLeft": "Align Left",
"AlignRight": "Align Right",
"AlignTop": "Align Top",
"AppManager": "Apps",
"AppStore": "App Store",
"Application": "Application",
"AppLockedCanNotChange": "The Application locked is not allowed to be changed.",
"AttentionEnterAppName": "Please enter the application name",
"AttentionNoResize": "Sorry, you can't change the size.",
"Author": "Author",
"Authorization": "Authorization",
"AutoOffset": "Auto Offset",
"AutoRun": "Auto Run",
"BackMode": "Back Mode",
"BeforeUnload": "The system may not save the changes you made.",
"Big": "Big",
"Blur": "Blur",
"BottomTaskBar": "Bottom Task Bar",
"CanBeEmpty": "Can be Empty",
"Cancel": "Cancel",
"CentreAdjustment": "Centre Adjustment",
"ChildMethodSetupConfirm":"This operation tries to add new content to your desktop, does it continue?(Do not agree with the application of suspicious sources)",
"ChildMethodSetupSuccessMsgContent":"Request source:",
"ChildMethodSetupSuccessMsgTitle":"The Installation Is Complete",
"ChildMethodUninstallConfirm":"This operation tries to uninstall some applications, does it continue?(Do not agree with the application of suspicious sources)",
"ChildMethodUninstallSuccessMsgContent":"Request source:",
"ChildMethodUninstallSuccessMsgTitle":"The Uninstallation Is Complete",
"ClearSuperscript": "Clear Superscript",
"ClickToChange": "Click to Change",
"Close": "Close",
"CloseAll": "Close All",
"CollectAsApplication": "Collect as Application",
"Color": "Color",
"ConfigurationError": "Configuration Error",
"Confirm": "Confirm",
"Contact": "Contact",
"CopiedToShearPlate": "The content has been copied to the shear plate.",
"Copy": "Copy",
"Copyright": "Copyright",
"Create": "Create",
"Current": "Current",
"CutAndExchange": "Cut/Exchange",
"DataHasBeenRefreshed": "Data has been refreshed",
"DataManager": "Data",
"Degrade": "Degrade",
"Delete": "Delete",
"DeleteBtnConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete the button ${0} ?",
"DeleteGroupConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete the group ${0} ?",
"DeleteIconConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete the icon ${0} ?",
"DeleteMenuConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete the item ${0} ?",
"DeleteTileConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete the tile ${0} ?",
"Deleted": "Deleted",
"Description": "Description",
"DesktopIcons": "Desktop Icons",
"Disabled": "Disabled",
"DisplayAddressBar": "Display Address Bar",
"DisplayAll": "Display All",
"DisplayDesktop": "Desktop",
"DisplayMode": "Display Mode",
"DisplayWindow": "Display Window",
"Enabled": "Enabled",
"Exchange": "Exchange",
"Export": "Export",
"FormatError": "Format Error",
"FullScreen": "Full Screen",
"Group": "Group",
"Hash": "Hash",
"Height": "Height",
"HideAddressBar": "Hide Address Bar",
"HideAll": "Hide All",
"Hours": "Hours",
"IconBgColor": "Icon Bg Color",
"IconContent": "Icon Content",
"IconGroup": "IconGroup",
"IconType": "Icon Type",
"Image": "Image",
"Import": "Import",
"Initial": "Initial",
"Key": "Key",
"LateralAlignment": "Lateral Alignment",
"LateralOffset": "Lateral Offset",
"LegalCSSColor": "Legal CSS color",
"Load": "Load",
"Loaded": "Loaded",
"LoadingInitializing": "Initializing",
"LoadingPoweredBy": "This product is driven by YLUI",
"LoadingStandby": "Please stand by",
"MainMenu": "Main Menu",
"MaxNumberOfWindows": "Max Number of Windows",
"MaxWinsReached": "The number of windows is beyond the upper limit(${0}).",
"Maximize": "Maximize",
"Middle": "Middle",
"Minimize": "Minimize",
"Minutes": "Minutes",
"MobileScreen": "Mobile",
"MoveTo": "Move To",
"NewSubgroup": "New Subgroup",
"NoMoreDescription": "No more description",
"NoMoreNotice": "No More Notice",
"Normal": "Normal",
"NormalScreen": "Normal Screen",
"NoticeCenter": "Notice Center",
"NoticeClearAll": "Clear All",
"OfficialWebsite": "Official Website",
"OnlineLocation": "Online Loc.",
"Open": "Open",
"OpenIcons": "Open Icons",
"OpenMode": "Open Mode",
"OpenOuter": "Open Outer",
"Options": "Options",
"OtherStatements": "Other Statements",
"Others": "Others",
"Outer": "Outer",
"Paste": "Paste",
"Pending": "Pending",
"Personalization": "Custom",
"PickFromBgAuto": "Pick From Bg",
"PlayRandomly": "Play Randomly",
"PlaySequentially": "Play Sequentially",
"PleaseChoose": "Please Choose...",
"PluginMode": "Plugin Mode",
"Position": "Position",
"PutBackground": "Put Background",
"PutForeground": "Put Foreground",
"Recorded": "Recorded",
"Refresh": "Refresh",
"Reload": "Reload",
"RememberSizeAndPosition": "Record Size&Position",
"Rename": "Rename",
"ResetSizeAndPosition": "Reset Size&Position",
"Resizable": "Resizable",
"Restore": "Restore",
"Save": "Save",
"Saved": "Saved",
"Search": "Search",
"SecurityRisk": "Security Risk",
"SecurityRiskDetail": "Security risks are found, and risk items have been closed.<br/>Some applications try to use forged identity for data interaction, please stop all sensitive operations immediately and check the application you have installed.",
"SerialNumber": "SerialNumber",
"ShiftDown": "Shift Down",
"ShiftUp": "Shift Up",
"Sidebar": "Sidebar",
"SingleWindow": "Single Window",
"Size": "Size",
"Slide": "Slide",
"Small": "Small",
"Start": "Start",
"Superscript": "Superscript",
"SwitchingFrequency": "Switching Frequency",
"SystemOptions": "System",
"TakeEffect": "Take Effect",
"ThemeColor": "Theme Color",
"Tile": "Tile",
"Tiles": "Tiles",
"TipsOfSizeSetting": "Mathematical expression (unit: pixel;x,y represents window size)",
"Title": "Title",
"TopTaskBar": "Top Task Bar",
"UnGroup": "UnGroup",
"Uninstall": "Uninstall",
"UninstallCompleted": "Uninstall Completed",
"UninstallConfirm": "Are you sure you want to uninstall the application ${0} ?",
"UninstallFailed": "Uninstall failed.",
"Upgrade": "Upgrade",
"UrlRandomToken": "URL Token",
"Value": "Value",
"Version": "Version",
"VerticalAlignment": "Vertical Alignment",
"VerticalOffset": "Vertical Offset",
"WarningErrorTitle":"UI Exception Occured",
"WarningPerformanceInIEContent":"This product may not work completely under the IE browser. It is strongly recommended that you open with other browsers.",
"WarningPerformanceInIETitle":"IExplorer Detected",
"Wallpaper": "Wallpaper",
"Width": "Width",
"WindowPosition": "Window Position"