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3 years ago
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<span id="year"><%- theme.time.year %>-<%- new Date().getFullYear() %></span>
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<span id="year"><%- theme.time.year %></span>
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<span id="sitetime">载入运行时间...</span>
function siteTime() {
var seconds = 1000;
var minutes = seconds * 60;
var hours = minutes * 60;
var days = hours * 24;
var years = days * 365;
var today = new Date();
var startYear = "<%- theme.time.year %>";
var startMonth = "<%- theme.time.month %>";
var startDate = "<%- %>";
var startHour = "<%- theme.time.hour %>";
var startMinute = "<%- theme.time.minute %>";
var startSecond = "<%- theme.time.second %>";
var todayYear = today.getFullYear();
var todayMonth = today.getMonth() + 1;
var todayDate = today.getDate();
var todayHour = today.getHours();
var todayMinute = today.getMinutes();
var todaySecond = today.getSeconds();
var t1 = Date.UTC(startYear, startMonth, startDate, startHour, startMinute, startSecond);
var t2 = Date.UTC(todayYear, todayMonth, todayDate, todayHour, todayMinute, todaySecond);
var diff = t2 - t1;
var diffYears = Math.floor(diff / years);
var diffDays = Math.floor((diff / days) - diffYears * 365);
var diffHours = Math.floor((diff - (diffYears * 365 + diffDays) * days) / hours);
var diffMinutes = Math.floor((diff - (diffYears * 365 + diffDays) * days - diffHours * hours) /
var diffSeconds = Math.floor((diff - (diffYears * 365 + diffDays) * days - diffHours * hours -
diffMinutes * minutes) / seconds);
if (startYear == todayYear) {
document.getElementById("year").innerHTML = todayYear;
document.getElementById("sitetime").innerHTML = "本站已安全运行 " + diffDays + " 天 " + diffHours +
" 小时 " + diffMinutes + " 分钟 " + diffSeconds + " 秒";
} else {
document.getElementById("year").innerHTML = startYear + " - " + todayYear;
document.getElementById("sitetime").innerHTML = "本站已安全运行 " + diffYears + " 年 " + diffDays +
" 天 " + diffHours + " 小时 " + diffMinutes + " 分钟 " + diffSeconds + " 秒";
setInterval(siteTime, 1000);
<% } %>
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<span id="icp"><img src="<%- theme.jsDelivr.url %><%- url_for('/medias/icp.png') %>" style="vertical-align: text-bottom;" />
<a href="<%- url_for(theme.icp.url) %>" target="_blank"><%= theme.icp.text %></a>
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