# main menu navigation url and icon
# 配置菜单导航的名称、路径和图标icon.
url: /
icon: fas fa-home
icon: fas fa-archive
- name: 统计
url: /census
icon: fas fa-layer-group
- name: 时轴
url: /archives
icon: fas fa-paper-plane
# - name: 分类
# url: /categories
# icon: fas fa-bookmark
- name: 标签
url: /tags
icon: fas fa-tag
url: /categories
icon: fas fa-bookmark
icon: fas fa-heartbeat
- name: 音乐
url: /List/music
icon: fas fa-music
- name: 相册
url: /List/galleries
icon: fas fa-image
- name: 视频
url: /List/movies
icon: fas fa-film
url: /contact
icon: fas fa-envelope
# Navi:
# url: /tools
# icon: fas fa-suitcase
# Windows:
# url: /Windows
# icon: fas fa-desktop
url: /friends
icon: fas fa-link
url: /about
icon: fas fa-user-circle
# More:
# icon: fas fas fa-ellipsis-v
# children:
# - name: GoogleHacker
# icon: fas fa-search-plus
# url: GoogleHacking/
# - name: CTF加解密工具
# icon: fas fa-tools
# url: http://ctf.ssleye.com/
# - name: 站点资源分析
# icon: fas fa-paw
# url: https://ziyuan.baidu.com/login/index
# - name: 站点评论管理
# icon: fas fa-credit-card
# url: https://console.leancloud.cn/login
# - name: 在线聊天管理
# icon: fas fa-users
# url: https://account.daocloud.io/signin
# 二级菜单写法如下
# icon: fas fa-list
# children:
# - name: Musics
# url: /musics
# icon: fas fa-music
# - name: Movies
# url: /movies
# icon: fas fa-film
# - name: Books
# url: /books
# icon: fas fa-book
# - name: Galleries
# url: /galleries
# icon: fas fa-image
# Website start time.
# 站点运行开始时间.
enable: true
year: 2022 # 年份
month: 04 # 月份
date: 26 # 日期
hour: 00 # 小时
minute: 00 # 分钟
second: 00 # 秒
# Index cover carousel configuration.
# 首页封面轮播图的相关配置.
showPrevNext: true # 是否显示左右切换按钮. Whether to display the left and right toggle buttons.
showIndicators: true # 是否显示指示器. # Whether to display the indicators
autoLoop: true # 是否自动轮播. Whether it is automatically rotated.
duration: 120 # 切换延迟时间. Switching delay time.
intervalTime: 8000 # 自动切换下一张的间隔时间. Automatically switch the interval of the next one.
useConfig: false # 是否使用配置文件, 在 _data/covers.json 下配置推荐文章, false则使用主题在文章中的配置 cover coverImg
# useConfig 使用方式: 将主题 hexo-theme-matery/source/_data/covers.json 移动到 my-blog/source/_data/下修改配置即可
# index page dream text,
# 配置首页显示"梦想"的语句.
enable: true
showTitle: true
title: 我的梦想
text: 不是每个人都应该像我这样去建造一座水晶大教堂,但是每个人都应该拥有自己的梦想,设计自己的梦想,追求自己的梦想,实现自己的梦想。梦想是生命的灵魂,是心灵的灯塔,是引导人走向成功的信仰。有了崇高的梦想,只要矢志不渝地追求,梦想就会成为现实,奋斗就会变成壮举,生命就会创造奇迹。——罗伯·舒乐
# Whether to display the musics.
# 是否在首页显示音乐.
enable: true
title: #非吸底模式有效
enable: true
show: TIanZD音乐
autoHide: true # hide automaticaly
server: tencent #require music platform: netease, tencent, kugou, xiami, baidu
type: playlist #require song, playlist, album, search, artist
id: 8412047926 #require song id / playlist id / album id / search keyword
fixed: true # 开启吸底模式
autoplay: false # 是否自动播放
theme: '#42b983'
loop: 'all' # 音频循环播放, 可选值: 'all', 'one', 'none'
order: 'random' # 音频循环顺序, 可选值: 'list', 'random'
preload: 'auto' # 预加载,可选值: 'none', 'metadata', 'auto'
volume: 0.7 # 默认音量,请注意播放器会记忆用户设置,用户手动设置音量后默认音量即失效
listFolded: true # 列表默认折叠
hideLrc: true # 隐藏歌词
# Whether to display the musics.
# 单独的音乐页面.
enable: true
title: #非吸底模式有效
enable: true
show: TIanZD音乐
server: tencent #require music platform: netease, tencent, kugou, xiami, baidu
type: playlist #require song, playlist, album, search, artist
id: 8412047926 #require song id / playlist id / album id / search keyword
fixed: false # 开启吸底模式
autoplay: true # 是否自动播放
theme: '#42b983'
loop: 'all' # 音频循环播放, 可选值: 'all', 'one', 'none'
order: 'random' # 音频循环顺序, 可选值: 'list', 'random'
preload: 'auto' # 预加载,可选值: 'none', 'metadata', 'auto'
volume: 0.7 # 默认音量,请注意播放器会记忆用户设置,用户手动设置音量后默认音量即失效
listFolded: false # 列表默认折叠
listMaxHeight: "525px" #列表最大高度
# Whether to display the videos.
# 是否在首页显示视频.
enable: false
showTitle: true
title: 精彩视频
url: # 必填
height: # 如:400
autoplay: false # 是否自动播放
theme: '#42b983'
loop: false # 是否循环播放
preload: 'auto' # 预加载,可选值: 'none', 'metadata', 'auto'
volume: 0.7
# Whether to display the title of the recommended posts
# 是否显示推荐文章的标题
enable: true
showTitle: true
useConfig: false # 是否使用配置文件, 在 _data/recommends.json 下配置推荐文章, false则会走主题配置的 top 属性
# useConfig 使用方式: 将主题 hexo-theme-matery/source/_data/recommends.json 移动到 my-blog/source/_data/下修改配置即可
# Configure website favicon and LOGO
# 配置网站favicon和网站LOGO
favicon: https://gitee.com/tianzhendong/img/raw/master/images/tian.png
logo: https://gitee.com/tianzhendong/img/raw/master/images/TianZD22.png
# The configuration of the second button in the home banner,
# including the display name of the button, the font awesome icon, and the hyperlink to the button.
# 首页 banner 中的第二个按钮的配置,包括按钮的显示名称、font awesome图标和按钮的超链接.
enable: true
name: Github
icon: fab fa-github-alt
url: https://github.com/tianzhendong/
# The configurations of the second line of home banner
# icon/button will not show up if you leave the corresponding socialLink empty
# 首页 banner 中的第二行个人信息配置,留空即不启用
github: https://github.com/tianzhendong/
email: 1203886034@qq.com
facebook: # https://www.facebook.com/xxx
twitter: # https://twitter.com/xxx
qq: 1203886034
weibo: # 6788560391 # https://weibo.com/xxx
zhihu: # https://www.zhihu.com/xxx
rss: true # true、false
# Whether to activate the Post TOC, and Configure which title types are supported by TOC support.
# You can add `toc: false` to the Front-matter of a post to turn off the TOC.
# 是否激活文章 TOC 功能,并配置TOC支持选中哪些标题类型,这是全局配置。
# 可以在某篇文章的 Front-matter 中再加上`toc: false`,使该篇文章关闭TOC目录功能
enable: true
heading: h2, h3, h4
collapseDepth: 0 # 目录默认展开层级
showToggleBtn: true # 是否显示切换TOC目录展开收缩的按钮
# 代码块相关
lang: true # 代码块是否显示名称
copy: true # 代码块是否可复制
shrink: true # 代码块是否可以收缩
break: false # 代码是否折行
# 是否激活文章末尾的打赏功能,默认激活(你替换为的你自己的微信、支付宝二维码图片、或者使用网络图片也可以).
enable: true
title: 你的赏识是我前进的动力
wechat: https://gitee.com/tianzhendong/img/raw/master/images/weixin.png # 微信二维码图片链接
alipay: https://gitee.com/tianzhendong/img/raw/master/images/zhifubao.png # 支付宝二维码图片链接
# Whether to activate the copyright information of the blog and author when copying the post content.
# minCharNumber: Approve copyright information by copying at least how many characters.
# 是否激活复制文章时追加博客和作者的版权信息.
enable: true
minCharNumber: 120 # 至少复制多少个字符就追加版权信息.
description: 本文章著作权归作者所有,任何形式的转载都请注明出处。
# Whether to activate the mathjax, this is a global configuration, but the post still does not open the mathjax rendering.
# Considering that the mathjax loading is time consuming,
# you also need to add `mathjax: true` to the Front-matter of the post that needs to be rendered.
# 是否激活mathjax数学公式,这是全局配置,但文章仍然不会都开启mathjax渲染,
# 考虑到mathjax加载比较耗时,你还需要在需要渲染的文章的Front-matter中再加上`mathjax: true`才行.
enable: true
cdn: https://cdn.bootcss.com/mathjax/2.7.5/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML
# Post word count, reading duration, site total word count.
# Before you activate, please confirm that you have installed the hexo-wordcount plugin,
# install the plugin command: `npm i --save hexo-wordcount`.
# 文章字数统计、阅读时长、总字数统计等
# 文章信息--若要开启文章字数统计,需要安装 hexo-wordcount 插件,安装命令: `npm i --save hexo-wordcount`
date: true # 发布日期
update: true # 更新日期
wordCount: true # 文章字数统计
totalCount: true # 站点总文章字数
min2read: true # 文章阅读时长
readCount: true # 文章阅读次数
# Whether to activate the 'love' effect of clicking on the page.
# 是否激活点击页面的'爱心'效果,默认激活.
enable: true
# profile in about page, including avatars, career, and personal introductions.
# 在”关于”页面中配置个人信息,包括头像、职业和个人介绍.
# avatar: https://gitee.com/tianzhendong/img/raw/master/images/TianZD22.png
avatar: https://gitee.com/tianzhendong/img/raw/master/images/tian.png
career: 业余码农 | 编程爱好者 | 被资本剥削者
introduction: The harder you work, the luckier you will be
# config my projects informations in about page.
# If you don't want to display this `My Projects` content, you can deactivate or delete this configuration.
# 在“关于”页面配置"我的项目"信息,如果你不需要这些信息则可以将其设置为不激活或者将其删除.
enable: false
icon: fas fa-file-alt
iconBackground: 'linear-gradient(to bottom right, #66BB6A 0%, #81C784 100%)'
url: http://github.com/blinkfox/hexo-theme-matery
desc: This is a Hexo blog theme with 'Material Design' and responsive design.
icon: fas fa-database
iconBackground: 'linear-gradient(to bottom right, #F06292 0%, #EF5350 100%)'
url: https://github.com/blinkfox/fenix
desc: 这是 Spring Data JPA 复杂或动态 SQL 查询的扩展库。
icon: fas fa-file-alt
iconBackground: 'linear-gradient(to bottom right, #29B6F6 0%, #1E88E5 100%)'
url: https://github.com/LuckyZmj/LuckyBlog
desc: 我的博客源码开源小项目
# config my skills informations in about page.
# If you don't want to display this `My Skills` content, you can deactivate or delete this configuration.
# 在“关于”页面配置"我的技能"信息,如果你不需要这些信息则可以将其设置为不激活或者将其删除.
enable: true
background: 'linear-gradient(to right, #FF0066 0%, #FF00CC 100%)'
percent: 10%
background: 'linear-gradient(to right, #9900FF 0%, #CC66FF 100%)'
percent: 20%
background: 'linear-gradient(to right, #2196F3 0%, #42A5F5 100%)'
percent: 20%
background: 'linear-gradient(to right, #00BCD4 0%, #80DEEA 100%)'
percent: 70%
background: 'linear-gradient(to right, #4CAF50 0%, #81C784 100%)'
percent: 30%
background: 'linear-gradient(to right, #FFEB3B 0%, #FFF176 100%)'
percent: 30%
# config gallery of my photos in about page.
# If you don't want to display this `Gallery` content, you can deactivate or delete this configuration.
# 在“关于”页面配置"我的相册"图片,如果你不需要这些信息则可以将其设置为不激活或者将其删除.
enable: true
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/galleries/璀璨星空/01.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/galleries/动漫风景/01.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/galleries/二次元风/01.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/galleries/动漫插画/01.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/galleries/呆萌猫咪/01.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/galleries/动漫人物/01.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/galleries/自然风景/01.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/galleries/清新花卉/01.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/galleries/乖巧小狗/01.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/galleries/炫酷跑车/01.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/galleries/城市风光/01.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/galleries/甜美食品/01.jpg
# Whether to display post-calender in the `archive` page
# 设置在归档页面中是否显示'文章日历'控件
postCalendar: true
# 不建议使用gittalk,gitment这样权限过高的oauth app,因为它们能够 读写 授权者 所有的公共仓库 ,也就是说拿到你的授权 Token 的人,可以将你的 GitHub 公共仓库删空(这是github权限分的不够细的锅),如果恶意攻击者想获取使用者的 AccessToken,只需要在代码中加上一个 ajax 请求即可。原贴地址:https://www.v2ex.com/t/535608。建议大家看完。(我没有在用gittalk/gitment的网站上评论过,但根据v2ex网友的提示,如果网站自行修改了 gitalk.js 脚本 或者反代了 github api,就很容易拿到你的 Token )
# https://github.com/utterance/utterances 是个 GitHub App,它的权限仅限于某个仓库。像 hugo hexo 这种静态页面类型的博客,clientID/clientSecret 泄露是不可避免的。我认为较好的解决方式是像 utteras 这种 GitHubApp,只有一个仓库的读写权限,将破坏降到最小。
# valine和minivaline都是使用的免费的leancloud开发版资源,即使数据丢了leancloud也不用负任何的责任。此外valine的src目录已在1.4.0后停止更新。。。薛定谔的开源。
# 当初多说国内最大都倒了,livere不一定靠谱。
# disqus被墙了。
# 畅言需要备案。
# the Gitalk config,default disabled
# Gitalk 评论模块的配置,默认为不激活
enable: false
# the Gitment config,default disabled
# Gitment 评论模块的配置,默认为不激活
enable: false
# disqus config, default disabled
# Disqus评论模块的配置,默认为不激活
enable: false
# Livere comment configuration, the default is not activated
# Livere 来必力评论模块的配置,默认为不激活
enable: false
# The configuration of the Valine comment module is not activated by default.
# To use it, activate the configuration item and set appId and appKey.
# Valine 评论模块的配置,默认为不激活,如要使用,就请激活该配置项,并设置 appId 和 appKey.
enable: false
appId: Ucrxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxsz
appKey: zPsLxxxxxxxxxxxxxxerLmd
notify: true
verify: true
visitor: true
avatar: 'monsterid' # Gravatar style : mm/identicon/monsterid/wavatar/retro/hide
pageSize: 10
placeholder: '留下你的足迹..' # Comment Box placeholder
background: /medias/comment_bg.png
count: true
enableQQ: 1203886034 # 改为自己的QQ号
recordIP: true
- nick
- mail
- nick
- mail
- link
- 46606772953bed0812789d6dc955614e # md5加密后的博主邮箱
metaPlaceholder: # 输入框的背景文字
nick: 昵称/QQ号(必填)
mail: 邮箱(必填)
link: 网址(https://)
lang: zh-CN
tagMeta: # The String Array of Words to show Flag.[Just Only xCss Style mode]
- 博主
- 小伙伴
- 访客
friends: # The MD5 String Array of friends Email to show friends Flag.[Just Only xCss Style mode]
- cb3e577ff029d6073400d5557effd41f
# The configuration of the MiniValine comment module is not activated by default.
# To use it, activate the configuration item and set appId and appKey.
# MiniValine 评论模块的配置,默认为不激活,如要使用,就请激活该配置项,并设置 appId 和 appKey.
# See: https://github.com/MiniValine/MiniValine
enable: false
appId: UcrxxxxxxxxxxxxoHsz # Your leancloud application appid
appKey: zPxxxxxxxxxxxxxxd # Your leancloud application appkey
mode: DesertsP # DesertsP or xCss
placeholder: 快来评论吧~ # Comment box placeholder
math: true # Support MathJax.
md: true # Support Markdown.
enableQQ: true # Enable QQ avatar API.
NoRecordIP: true # Do not record commenter IP.
visitor: true # Article reading statistics.
maxNest: 6 # Sub-comment maximum nesting depth.
pageSize: 6 # Pagination size.
adminEmailMd5: 46606772953bed0812789d6dc955614e # The MD5 of Admin Email to show Admin Flag.[Just Only DesertsP Style mode]
tagMeta: # The String Array of Words to show Flag.[Just Only xCss Style mode]
- 博主
- 小伙伴
- 访客
master: # The MD5 String Array of master Email to show master Flag.[Just Only xCss Style mode]
- 46606772953bed0812789d6dc955614e
friends: # The MD5 String Array of friends Email to show friends Flag.[Just Only xCss Style mode]
- cb3e577ff029d6073400d5557effd41f
# MiniValine's display language depends on user's browser or system environment
# If you want everyone visiting your site to see a uniform language, you can set a force language value
# Available values: en | zh-CN | (and many more)
# More i18n info: https://github.com/MiniValine/minivaline-i18n
lang: zh-cn
# Expression Url.
# https://github.com/MiniValine/MiniValine/blob/master/.github/FAQ.md#how-to-customize-emoticons
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/alus@latest
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/MiniValine/qq@latest
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/MiniValine/Bilibilis@latest
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/MiniValine/tieba@latest
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/MiniValine/twemoji@latest
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/MiniValine/weibo@latest
enable: false
# Whether to display fork me on github icon and link, default true, You can change it to your repo address
# 配置是否在 header 中显示 fork me on github 的图标,默认为true,你可以修改为你的仓库地址.
enable: true
url: https://github.com/tianzhendong/
title: Fork Me
# The password verification feature of read post. To use this feature,
# activate the configuration item and write the 'password' key and Cipher in the post's Front-matter.
# Note: In order to ensure that the original password will not be leaked to the web page,
# the password of the article must be encrypted by 'SHA256' so that it will not be cracked.
# 阅读文章的密码验证功能,如要使用此功能请激活该配置项,并在对应文章的Front-matter中写上'password'的键和加密后的密文即可.
# 请注意:为了保证密码原文不会被泄露到网页中,文章的密码必须是通过'SHA256'加密的,这样就不会被破解.
enable: true
promptMessage: 请输入访问本文章的密码
errorMessage: 密码错误,将返回主页!
# busuanzi(http://busuanzi.ibruce.info/) website statistics
# 不蒜子(http://busuanzi.ibruce.info/) 网站统计
enable: true
totalTraffic: true # 总访问量
totalNumberOfvisitors: true # 总人次
# Add google analytics configuration
# 添加 Google Analytics 配置
enable: false
id: UA-144253917-1
# Add baidu analytics configuration
# 添加 baidu Analytics 配置
enable: true
id: ""
# 百度搜索资源平台提交链接
baiduPush: true
# The used front-end library can be replaced with the corresponding CDN address as needed,
# If the specific version is not specified below, you can use the latest version.
# 使用到的前端库,可按需替换成对应的CDN地址,如果下面未指定具体的版本号,使用最新的版本即可.
# 注:jsdelivr可以自动帮你生成.min版的js和css,所以你在设置js及css路径中可以直接写.min.xxx
matery: /css/matery.css
mycss: /css/my.css
fontAwesome: /libs/awesome/css/all.css # V5.11.1
materialize: /libs/materialize/materialize.min.css # 1.0.0
aos: /libs/aos/aos.css
animate: /libs/animate/animate.min.css # V3.5.1
lightgallery: /libs/lightGallery/css/lightgallery.min.css # V1.6.11
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jqcloud: /libs/jqcloud/jqcloud.css
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prism: /libs/prism/prism.css
fancybox: https://cdn.staticfile.org/fancybox/3.5.7/jquery.fancybox.min.css
justifiedGallery: https://cdn.staticfile.org/justifiedGallery/3.7.0/css/justifiedGallery.min.css
fancybox: https://cdn.staticfile.org/fancybox/3.5.7/jquery.fancybox.min.js
justifiedGallery: https://cdn.staticfile.org/justifiedGallery/3.7.0/js/jquery.justifiedGallery.min.js
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jquery: /libs/jquery/jquery.min.js
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aos: /libs/aos/aos.js
scrollProgress: /libs/scrollprogress/scrollProgress.min.js
lightgallery: https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lightgallery/1.6.11/js/lightgallery-all.min.js # V1.6.11
clicklove: /libs/others/clicklove.js
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aplayer: /libs/aplayer/APlayer.min.js
dplayer: /libs/dplayer/DPlayer.min.js
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echarts: /libs/echarts/echarts.min.js
gitalk: /libs/gitalk/gitalk.min.js
valine: /libs/valine/Valine.min.js # 若想保持最新版,请替换为 https://unpkg.com/valine/dist/Valine.min.js 默认为 /libs/valine/Valine.min.js
minivaline: /libs/minivaline/MiniValine.js
jqcloud: /libs/jqcloud/jqcloud-1.0.4.min.js
tocbot: /libs/tocbot/tocbot.min.js
canvas_nest: /libs/background/canvas-nest.js
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ribbonRefresh: /libs/background/ribbon-refresh.min.js
ribbon_dynamic: /libs/background/ribbon-dynamic.js
instantpage: /libs/instantpage/instantpage.js
# The post featured images that needs to be displayed when there is no image.
# 无文章特色图片时需要显示的文章特色图片.
# - https://gitee.com/tianzhendong/img/raw/master/images/202204251305433.jpg
# - https://gitee.com/tianzhendong/img/raw/master/images/202204251306038.jpg
# - https://gitee.com/tianzhendong/img/raw/master/images/202204251307260.jpg
# - https://gitee.com/tianzhendong/img/raw/master/images/202204251308583.jpeg
# - https://gitee.com/tianzhendong/img/raw/master/images/202204251309761.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/posts/20200928021815.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/posts/20200928021853.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/posts/20200928021744.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/posts/20200928021707.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/posts/20200928021440.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/posts/20200928021332.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/posts/20200928021245.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/posts/20200928021129.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/posts/20200928021038.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/posts/20200928020939.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/posts/20200928020832.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/posts/20200928020704.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/posts/20200928020616.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/posts/20200928020502.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/posts/20200928020407.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/posts/20200928020319.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/posts/20200928020152.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/posts/20200928020120.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/posts/20200928015642.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/posts/20200928015537.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/posts/20200928015500.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/posts/20200928015238.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/posts/20200928014929.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/posts/20200928014831.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/posts/20200928014727.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/posts/20200928014621.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/posts/20200928014458.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/posts/20200928014319.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/posts/20200928014138.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/posts/20200928013951.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/posts/20200928013834.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/posts/20200928013627.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/posts/20200928013346.png
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/posts/20200928013251.png
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/posts/20200928011708.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/posts/20200928012539.jpg
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/posts/20200928012804.jpg
# default configs that the default policy for every articles/posts
# default 配置文章的默认转载规则
# you can define reprint policy for a single article in the front-matter of the specific md file using this key: reprintPolicy
# 您可以使用在文章md文件的 front-matter 中指定 reprintPolicy 来给单个文章配置转载规则
# 可用的转载规则有(available reprint policies are):
# 这些转载规则的意义请参考(you can refer to this link FMI):https://creativecommons.org/choose/?lang=zh
# cc_by(知识共享署名 4.0 国际许可协议 Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License)
# cc_by_nd(知识共享署名-禁止演绎 4.0 国际许可协议 Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License)
# cc_by_sa(知识共享署名-相同方式共享 4.0 国际许可协议 Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License)
# cc_by_nc(知识共享署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License)
# cc_by_nc_nd(知识共享署名-非商业性使用-禁止演绎 4.0 国际许可协议 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License)
# cc_by_nc_sa(知识共享署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 4.0 国际许可协议 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License)
# cc0(CC0 1.0 通用 (CC0 1.0) 公共领域贡献 CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication) https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/deed.zh
# noreprint(不允许转载 not allowed to reprint)
# pay(付费转载 pay for reprinting)
enable: true # whether enable reprint section 是否启用“转载规则限定模块”
default: cc_by
# DaoVoice online contact
enable: false
app_id: 4xxxxxxxe #DaoVoice中的app_id
# Tidio online contact
enable: false
public_key: cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxd
# 腾讯兔小巢,见https://txc.qq.com/
enable: false
enable: false
color: 0,0,255 # 线条颜色, 默认: '0,0,0' ;三个数字分别为(R,G,B),注意用,分割
pointColor: 0,0,255 # 交点颜色, 默认: '0,0,0' ;三个数字分别为(R,G,B),注意用,分割
opacity: 0.7 # 线条透明度(0~1), 默认: 0.5
zIndex: -1 # 背景的 z-index 属性,css 属性用于控制所在层的位置, 默认: -1.
count: 99 # 线条的总数量, 默认: 99
# 背景静止彩带.
enable: false
size: 150 # 彩带大小, 默认: 90.
alpha: 0.6 # 彩带透明度 (0 ~ 1), 默认: 0.6.
zIndex: -1 # 背景的z-index属性,css属性用于控制所在层的位置, 默认: -1.
clickChange: false # 设置是否每次点击都更换彩带.
# 背景动态彩带.
enable: true
# sharejs文章分享模块.
# 支持顺序,可选项目为twitter, facebook, google, qq, qzone, wechat, weibo, douban, linkedin.
enable: true
sites: qq,qzone,wechat,weibo,twitter,facebook,google,douban,linkedin
# addthis文章分享模块.
enable: false
pubid: # 前往https://www.addthis.com/获取
# 打字效果副标题.
# 如果有符号 ‘ ,请在 ’ 前面加上 \
enable: true
loop: true # 是否循环
showCursor: true # 是否显示光标
startDelay: 300 # 开始延迟
typeSpeed: 100 # 打字速度
backSpeed: 50 # 删除速度
sub1: 保持热爱,奔赴山海,忠于自己,热爱生活
sub2: Keep loving, Keep going, be loyal to yourself and love life
# 手机二级菜单.
mleft: true # 二级侧栏子菜单是否对齐左边
bgColor: " " # 二级侧栏子菜单背景颜色,留空即为全局背景色
# 网页预加载.
enable: true
# banner 是否每日切换.
# 若为 false, 则 banner 默认为 /medias/banner/0.jpg
enable: true
enable: true
url: http://www.beian.miit.gov.cn/ # 备案链接
text: 沪ICP备xxxxxxx号-1 # 备案信息
# CDN访问加速
# 第一次使用本功能,一定要先配置url,再`hexo cl && hexo g && hexo d`部署到GitHub的仓库,注意!必须是GitHub的仓库!
# 如果必须要使用国内的coding或者gitee,可以采用双部署,同时将网站部署到两个仓库(其中一个必须是GitHub的仓库)
# URL配置规则(例子如下): https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/你的GitHub用户名/你的仓库名
# 如果想关闭此功能,将 url地址 注释或删除即可!
# 注:配置了此项,就代表着本地调试的时候,网站依然会去GitHub请求资源(原来的资源),本地调试的时候记得将 此项配置 注释或者删除掉
# 更多关于访问速度优化,请查看:https://blog.sky03.cn/posts/42790.html
# 注:jsdelivr可以自动帮你生成.min版的js和css,所以你在上面设置js及css路径中可以直接写.min.xxx
url: # https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/skyls03/skyls03.github.io
# 网站背景图
enable: false
url: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/LuckyZmj/imgbed@master/posts/20210101002438.jpg"
# 说说 https://artitalk.js.org/
enable: false
appId: # xxxxx
appKey: # xxxxxx
# 哔哔功能配置
# 登陆leancloud创建应用。进入应用后,点击创建 Class,将「 Class 名称」命名为 content
# 点击刚刚创建的content Class,点击添加列并创建名称为content的列,类型为String,注意列注释也要填写(随意填)
# 记录appid,masterkey,api域名
# 输入:hexo new page bb
# hexo就在source文件夹下创建了bb/index.md。
# 修改index.md的frontmater下的layout为bb:
# ---
# title: 黑石说
# layout: bb
# ---
# 里面的文字可以自己随意加,会显示在哔哔的上方。
# 关注公众号 "黑石哔哔",发送: //bindCurrentUser:你的APPID,你的MASTERKEY,你的RESTAPI
# 可用leancloud国际版,国际版api为 https://appid前八位.api.lncldglobal.com
enable: false
appId: # 你的appId
appKey: # 你的appKey
serverURLs: # https://你的api
# 天气控件 Weather Widget
enable: true