@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
@echo off |
git add . |
git commit -m "Auto commit." |
git push |
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ |
# Created by .ignore support plugin (hsz.mobi) |
.idea |
test.html |
/unpackage/ |
/test/ |
/saves/test.json |
/node_modules/ |
/package-lock.json |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 4.2 KiB |
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ |
YL.static = { |
/** “关于”信息 */ |
softwareName: 'Luckey', //网站名。请在此处填写您自己的网站名,如王小明的博客。
version: "1.0.0", // 网站版本号
iconBtnStart: 'html5', //主图标
author: 'Luckey',//作者
contactInformation: 'QQ:16463223',//联系方式
officialWebsite: 'http://www.luckyzmj.cn',//软件官网
welcome: '本网站UI由 YLUI 强力驱动\n更多信息://ylui.yuri2.cn',//加载完毕控制台提示信息
copyrightDetail: '仅用于个人用户学习使用',//版权详细信息
otherStatements: '',//其他信息(可留空)
/**————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————*/ |
/** YLUI基础设置 */ |
lang: 'zh-cn', //语言
localStorageName: "ylui-storage", //ls存储名
lockedApps: ['yl-system', 'yl-color-picker', 'ylui-fa', 'yl-browser', 'yl-server'], // 锁定的应用(不允许被脚本修改)
trustedApps: ['yl-server'], // 受信任的应用(可以使用敏感API)
debug: false,//启用更多调试信息
beforeOnloadEnable: true,//启用关闭前询问(打包app时请关闭防止出错)
WarningPerformanceInIE: true,//在IE下提示体验不佳信息
languages: {}, //推荐留空,自动从文件加载
changeable: true,//存档数据是否可被普通用户修改
dataCenter: true,//是否展示数据管理中心
/**————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————*/ |
/** YLUI注册信息 */ |
authorization: '社区版',//授权类型
serialNumber: null,//序列号
}; |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 4.2 KiB |
@ -1,503 +0,0 @@ |
<!DOCTYPE html> |
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content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0"> |
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window.yluiVersion = '2.1.9'; |
document.write('<link rel="stylesheet" href="./res/css/loading.css?v='+window.yluiVersion+'"/>'); |
document.write('<script src="res/yl.js?v='+window.yluiVersion+'"><\/script>'); |
document.write('<script src="onLoad.js?v='+window.yluiVersion+'"><\/script>'); |
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<!--图标模板--> |
<script type="text/x-template" id="tpl-icon"> |
<div :class="[drawer?'icon-drawer-pre':'icon']" :style="{background:nobg?'none':icon.bg}"> |
<template v-if="icon.type==='str'"> |
{{icon.content.substr(0, 1)}} |
</template> |
<i v-if="icon.type==='fa'" class="fa fa-fw" |
:class="[ 'fa-'+icon.content ]"> |
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<template v-if="icon.type==='img'"> |
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onerror="this.src='./res/img/icon/error.png'"/> |
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<div class="badge" v-show="badge">{{badgeText(badge)}}</div> |
</div> |
</script> |
<!--菜单模板--> |
<script type="text/x-template" id="tpl-menu"> |
<div class="menu" @contextmenu.self="onMainContextMenu($event)"> |
<yl-menu-item |
class="animated fadeInUp" |
:style="{'animation-duration': '0.3s', 'animation-delay': index*0.05+'s'}" |
v-for="(item, id, index) in menu" |
:open="true" |
:item="item" |
:itemid="id" |
:depth="0" |
@itemclick="onItemClick($event)" |
@itemcontextmenu="onItemContextMenu($event)" |
:apps="apps"> |
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<div> |
<div class="item" |
@contextmenu="onContextMenu($event)" |
:class="{open:open}" @click="click"> |
<span :style="{'margin-left':depth*15+'px'}"></span> |
<yl-icon v-if="!item.children" :icon="apps[item.app].icon"></yl-icon> |
<div v-else class="icon-drawer"> |
<template v-for="(c1, id1) in item.children"> |
<yl-icon v-if="!c1.children" :icon="apps[c1.app].icon" :badge="0" class="icon-drawer-pre" |
:drawer="true"></yl-icon> |
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</div> |
<span class="title">{{item.title}}</span> |
<div v-if="item.children" class="arrow" :class="{open:item.open}"> |
<i class="fa fa-fw fa-angle-up"></i> |
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v-if="item.children" |
v-for="(subItem, subId) in item.children" |
:item="subItem" |
:itemid="subId" |
:depth="depth+1" |
:open="item.open&&open" |
@itemclick="onItemClick($event)" |
@itemcontextmenu="onItemContextMenu($event)" |
:apps="apps"> |
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<div id="yl" :class="{'small-screen':runtime.isSmallScreen,'horizontal-screen':runtime.isHorizontalScreen}" |
style="display: none;opacity: 0" unselectable="on" |
v-show="ready"> |
<!--桌面 图标 抽屉 窗体--> |
<div class="desktop " |
:style="{top:configs.topTaskBar?40+'px':0}"> |
<!--图标--> |
<div class="shortcut" :class="shortcutClass(id,s)" v-for="(s, id) in shortcuts" |
:key="id" |
@mousedown="shortcutMouseDown(id,null, $event)" |
@touchstart="shortcutMouseDown(id,null, $event)" |
v-show="runtime.shortcutsShow" |
@contextMenu="shortcutContextMenu(id,null,$event)" |
:title="s.title" |
:style="shortcutStyle(id,null)"> |
<yl-icon v-if="!s.children" :icon="apps[s.app].icon" :badge="apps[s.app].badge"></yl-icon> |
<div class="icon-drawer" v-if="s.children"> |
<template v-for="(s1, id1) in s.children"> |
<yl-icon :icon="apps[s1.app].icon" :badge="0" class="icon-drawer-pre" |
:drawer="true"></yl-icon> |
</template> |
<div class="badge" v-show="shortcutGetDrawerBadge(id)">{{badgeText(shortcutGetDrawerBadge(id))}}</div> |
</div> |
<div class="title"> |
{{s.title}} |
</div> |
</div> |
<!--抽屉渲染--> |
<transition name="opacity"> |
<div class="shader " v-if="shortcuts[drawer]" |
@mousedown.self="if(Date.now()-runtime.shortcutOpenedAt>500) drawer=null" |
style="z-index:999999"> |
<div class="drawer"> |
<div class="mask" |
:style="{background:configs.themeColor}"></div> |
<div class="title">{{shortcuts[drawer].title}}</div> |
<div class="shortcut" v-for="(s, id) in shortcuts[drawer].children" |
:class="shortcutClass(id,s,true)" |
@mousedown="shortcutMouseDown(id,drawer, $event)" |
@touchstart="shortcutMouseDown(id,drawer, $event)" |
@contextMenu="shortcutContextMenu(id,drawer,$event,true)" |
:title="s.title" :style="{left:s.drag.left+'px',top:s.drag.top+'px'}"> |
<yl-icon v-if="!s.drawer" :icon="apps[s.app].icon" :badge="apps[s.app].badge"></yl-icon> |
<div class="title"> |
{{s.title}} |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
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<!--窗体渲染--> |
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<div v-for="(w,id) in wins" class="win shadow" :key="id" |
:id="id" |
v-show="!winIsMin(id)" |
@mousedown="winSetActive(id)" |
:class="winClass(id)" |
:style="winStyle(id)"> |
<div v-if="!w.plugin&&w.init" class="init" :style="{'background-color':w.icon.bg || configs.themeColor}"> |
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<div class="load-3"> |
<div v-if="!runtime.isSmallScreen" class="k-line2 k-line12-2" style="animation-delay: .7s"></div> |
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<div class="k-line2 k-line12-8" style="animation-delay: .1s"></div> |
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<div class="bar" :class="{'no-max':w.plugin||!w.resizable}"> |
<div class="mask bar-mask"></div> |
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<!--标题栏--> |
<div class="title" :title="w.title" |
@contextMenu="winContextMenu(id,$event)" |
@dblclick="winTitleDblclick(id)" |
@mousedown="winTitleMouseDown(id,$event)" |
@touchstart="winTitleMouseDown(id,$event)"> |
<yl-icon :icon="w.icon"></yl-icon> |
{{w.title}} |
</div> |
<div class="tools"> |
<span style="background-image: url('./res/img/icon/minimize.svg')" class="tool" @click="winMinimize(id)" ></span> |
<span v-if="!w.plugin&&w.state==='normal'&&w.resizable&&!runtime.isSmallScreen" |
style="background-image: url('./res/img/icon/maximize.svg')" |
class="tool" |
@click="winMaximize(id)" ></span> |
<span v-if="!w.plugin&&w.state==='max'&&!runtime.isSmallScreen" |
class="tool" |
style="background-image: url('./res/img/icon/restore.svg')" |
@click="winRestore(id)" ></span> |
<span class="tool close" @click="winClose(id)" style="background-image: url('./res/img/icon/close.svg')" ></span> |
<div style="clear: both"></div> |
</div> |
<div style="clear: both"></div> |
</div> |
<div v-show="w.addressBar" class="address-bar"> |
<i class="btns fa fa-fw fa-arrow-left" :class="{disable:!YL.child.historyBackAvailable(id)}" |
@click="YL.child.historyBack(id)"></i> |
<i class="btns fa fa-fw fa-arrow-right" |
:class="{disable:!YL.child.historyForwardAvailable(id)}" |
@click="YL.child.historyForward(id)"></i> |
<i class="btns fa fa-fw fa-rotate-right" |
:class="{disable:!w.childSupport}" |
@click="!w.childSupport||winRefresh(id)"></i> |
<i class="btns fa fa-fw fa-home" @click="winHome(id)"></i> |
<input v-model="w.urlBar" spellcheck="false" @keyup.enter="w.url=w.urlBar"> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="win-drag-placeholder"> |
<div class="mask" style="z-index: 2" v-show="runtime.drag"></div> |
<iframe :id="w.idIframe" :name="id" class="frm" |
:src="w.url"></iframe> |
<div v-show="w.resizable" class="win-resize" @mousedown="winResizeMouseDown(id,$event)"></div> |
<div class="win-move" |
@contextMenu="winContextMenu(id,$event)" |
@mousedown="winTitleMouseDown(id,$event)" |
@touchstart="winTitleMouseDown(id,$event)" |
></div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</transition-group> |
<!--背景图--> |
<div class="background-mask " |
@click.self="desktopClick" |
@mousemove.self="desktopMouseMove" |
@mousedown.self="desktopMouseDown" |
@mouseup.self="desktopMouseUp" |
@contextMenu.self="desktopContextMenu"></div> |
<div class="background" |
:class="{blur:configs.wallpaperBlur, cross:backgroundCross}" |
:style="{'background-image':'url('+runtime.wallpaper+')'}"></div> |
</div> |
<!--任务栏--> |
<div class="bar" @contextMenu="barContextMenu" :style="barStyle" :class="{top:configs.topTaskBar}"> |
<div class="mask" :style="{background:configs.themeColor}"></div> |
<div class="mask" :style="{background:'rgba(0,0,0,0.18)'}"></div> |
<div class="mask powered-by" :class="{fade: runtime.winOpened}" > |
Powered by YLUI v{{YL.info.version}} |
</div> |
<!--开始按钮--> |
<div class="btn shadow-hover fa fa-fw" |
style="width: 36px;" |
:class="[ 'fa-'+YL.info.iconBtnStart, {btnStartOpen: startMenu.open } ]" |
@click="if(startMenu.open){hideOpens();}else{hideOpens();startMenu.open=true} "></div> |
<!--子窗口的按钮--> |
<div class="btn win-task" @click="winTaskClick(id)" |
:class="{active:id===runtime.winActive&&!winIsMin(id),shadow:id===runtime.winActive&&!winIsMin(id)}" |
v-for="(w,id) in wins" v-if="!w.plugin" @contextMenu="winContextMenu(id,$event)" |
:style="{'width':parseInt((runtime.clientSize.width-210+(runtime.isSmallScreen?80:0))/runtime.winOpened)+'px'}"> |
<yl-icon :icon="w.icon"></yl-icon> |
<div class="title">{{w.title}}</div> |
<div class="line"></div> |
</div> |
<!--显示桌面--> |
<div id="yl-btn-right-bottom" |
@click="if(smallScreenAndMenuOpend){runtime.menuOnLeft=!runtime.menuOnLeft} else {showDesktop()}" |
:class="{'fa-exchange':smallScreenAndMenuOpend}" |
class="btn shadow-hover fa fa-fw"></div> |
<!--消息--> |
<div id="yl-btn-center" class="btn shadow-hover " style="float: right" |
@click="btnCenterClick()"> |
<div class="badge" |
:style="{bottom:configs.topTaskBar?'-18px':'none',top:configs.topTaskBar?'auto':'0'}" |
v-show="center.unread">{{center.unread>99?'99+':center.unread}} |
</div> |
</div> |
<!--时间--> |
<div class="btn shadow-hover" v-show="!runtime.isSmallScreen" v-html="runtime.time" |
:title="runtime.date && runtime.date.toLocaleString()" |
@click="runtime.CalendarOpen=!runtime.CalendarOpen;runtime.pluginIconsOpen=false;" |
style="font-size: 12px;float: right"></div> |
<!--托盘按钮--> |
<div class="btn shadow-hover fa fa-fw " |
:class="{'fa-angle-up':!configs.topTaskBar,'fa-angle-down':configs.topTaskBar}" |
style="float: right;padding: 0" |
@click="runtime.pluginIconsOpen=!runtime.pluginIconsOpen;runtime.CalendarOpen=false;"></div> |
<!--插件托盘盒子--> |
<transition name="opacity"> |
<div class="plugin-icons shadow" v-show="runtime.pluginIconsOpen"> |
<div class="mask" :style="{background:configs.themeColor}" ></div> |
<div class="mask" style="background: white; opacity: 0.04"></div> |
<div class="plugin-icon" @click="winShowToggle(id)" |
:class="{active:id===runtime.winActive&&!winIsMin(id)}" |
v-for="(w,id) in wins" v-if="w.plugin" @contextMenu="winContextMenu(id,$event)" |
:title="w.title" |
:style="{opacity:winIsMin(id)?0.6:1}"> |
<yl-icon :icon="w.icon"></yl-icon> |
</div> |
</div> |
</transition> |
<!--日历盒子--> |
<transition name="opacity"> |
<div id="_box_time" @contextMenu="ContextMenu.render($event,true)" class="calendar-box shadow" |
v-show="runtime.CalendarOpen"> |
<div class="mask" :style="{background:configs.themeColor}" ></div> |
<div class="mask" style="background: white; opacity: 0.02"></div> |
<div class="_h_m_s div-time"></div> |
<div class="_y_m_d div-time"></div> |
<div class="calendar clearfix"> |
<div class="_header"> |
<strong></strong> |
<span class="aL"><</span> |
<span class="aR">></span> |
</div> |
<div class="_normal"> |
<div class="_week clearfix"></div> |
<div class="_days clearfix"> |
<ul class="clearfix"></ul> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class='_years_months clearfix'> |
<ul></ul> |
</div> |
<div class="_tenyears clearfix"> |
<ul></ul> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</transition> |
</div> |
<!--开始菜单--> |
<transition name="opacity"> |
<div class="startMenu shadow" |
:style="{width: runtime.startMenu.width+'px', height: runtime.startMenu.height +'px'}" |
@click="center.open = false;runtime.pluginIconsOpen = false;runtime.CalendarOpen = false;" |
v-show="startMenu.open" |
:class="{topTaskBar:configs.topTaskBar}"> |
<div class="mask" |
:style="{background:configs.themeColor}"></div> |
<div class="startMenu-resize" |
@mousedown="startMenuResizeMouseDown($event)"></div> |
<!--左侧边栏--> |
<div class="sidebar" |
:style="{'background-color': configs.themeColor}" |
:class="{spread:startMenu.sidebar.open,'shadow-hover':startMenu.sidebar.open}" |
@mouseleave="startMenu.sidebar.open=false"> |
<div class="mask" |
style="background-color: white" |
:style="{opacity: startMenu.sidebar.open ? 0.04 : 0.02}"></div> |
<div @click="startMenu.sidebar.open=!startMenu.sidebar.open" class="btn"> |
<i class="fa fa-fw fa-align-justify"></i><span class="title">{{YL.lang("Start")}}</span></div> |
<div class="btn-group"> |
<div v-for="(b, i) in startMenu.sidebar.btns" :title="b.title" class="btn" |
@contextMenu="sidebarBtnContextMenu(i,$event)" |
@click="appOpen(b.app,b,b)"> |
<yl-icon :icon="apps[b.app].icon" :badge="apps[b.app].badge" :nobg="true"></yl-icon> |
<span class="title">{{b.title}}</span> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<!--主菜单--> |
<yl-menu |
:style="menuStyle" |
@maincontextmenu="menuMainContextMenu($event)" |
@itemcontextmenu="menuContextMenu($event)" |
@itemclick="menuItemClick($event)" :menu="startMenu.menu" :apps="apps"> |
</yl-menu> |
<!--磁贴--> |
<div class="tiles-box" @contextMenu="tilesBoxContextMenu($event)" :style="tilesBoxStyle"> |
<div class="tiles-flex-container" :style="{'column-count':runtime.tilesGroupNum}"> |
<div class="tiles" :style="{width: runtime.tilesWidth+'px'}" |
v-for="(tileGroup,groupIndex) in tiles"> |
<div class="title" @contextMenu="tilesTitleContextMenu(groupIndex,$event)">{{tileGroup.title}} |
<i @click="shortSetting=tileGroup" class="fa fa-navicon tip"></i> |
</div> |
<grid-layout |
:layout="tileGroup.data" |
:col-num="6" |
:row-height="runtime.tileSize" |
:is-draggable="true" |
:is-resizable="true" |
:vertical-compact="true" |
:margin="[4,4]" |
:use-css-transforms="false" |
:autoSize="false" |
> |
<grid-item v-for="(tile,i) in tileGroup.data" |
@moved="tileMoved" |
:x="tile.x" |
:y="tile.y" |
:w="tile.w" |
:h="tile.h" |
:i="tile.i"> |
<div class="tile animated zoomIn" |
:style="{'animation-duration': '0.3s', 'animation-delay': Math.random()/8+'s'}" |
:title="tile.title" |
@mousedown="tileMouseDown($event)" |
@click="tileClick(tile)" @contextMenu="tileContextMenu(groupIndex,i,$event)"> |
<div class="mask" style="opacity:0.85" |
:style="{'background-color':apps[tile.app].icon.bg}"> |
<div class="badge" v-show="apps[tile.app].badge"> |
{{badgeText(apps[tile.app].badge)}} |
</div> |
<iframe class="custom-tile" v-if="apps[tile.app].customTile" |
frameborder="0" scrolling="no" hspace="0" |
:src="tileSrcCustom(apps[tile.app])" ></iframe> |
<yl-icon v-else :icon="apps[tile.app].icon" :badge="0" |
:style="tileStyle(tile)"></yl-icon> |
<div v-show="Math.min(tile.w,tile.h)*runtime.tileSize>80" class="title"> |
{{tile.title}} |
</div> |
</div> |
<!--<div class="mask" style="opacity: 0.3;background-color: white"></div>--> |
</div> |
</grid-item> |
</grid-layout> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</transition> |
<!--操作中心--> |
<div class="center shadow" :class="{open:center.open}" :style="centerStyle"> |
<div class="mask" |
:style="{background:configs.themeColor}"></div> |
<div class="banner">{{YL.lang("NoticeCenter")}} |
<div class="clear" v-show="center.msgNum>0" @click="btnCenterClear">{{YL.lang("NoticeClearAll")}}</div> |
</div> |
<transition |
name="custom-classes-transition-msg" |
enter-active-class="animated slideInRight" |
leave-active-class="animated slideOutRight"> |
<div style="animation-duration: 0.5s" class="banner no-msg" v-show="center.msgNum<=0"> |
{{YL.lang("NoMoreNotice")}} |
</div> |
</transition> |
<div class="msgs"> |
<transition-group |
name="custom-classes-transition-msg" |
enter-active-class="animated bounceInRight" |
leave-active-class="animated bounceOutRight"> |
<div v-for="(m,id) in center.msg" class="msg shadow-hover" :key="id"> |
<div class="title">{{m.title}} |
<div class="btn-close" @click="msgClose(id)"><i class="fa fa-trash"></i></div> |
</div> |
<div class="content selectable" v-html="m.content"></div> |
</div> |
</transition-group> |
</div> |
</div> |
<!--快捷方式配置--> |
<transition name="opacity"> |
<div class="shader" v-if="shortSetting" |
@click.self="shortSetting=null;runtime.shortcutNewParamName='',runtime.shortcutNewParamValue=''" |
:style="{'z-index':19930005}"> |
<div class="drawer"> |
<div class="mask" |
:style="{background:configs.themeColor}"></div> |
<div class="title">{{shortSetting.title}}<span v-if="shortSetting.app" class="btn-advance" |
@click="btnShortSettingAdvanceClick(shortSetting.app)">{{YL.lang("Advance")}}</span> |
</div> |
<div class="line" :style="{'margin-top':shortSetting.params?0:'64px'}"> |
<span>{{YL.lang("Title")}}</span> <input spellcheck="false" autofocus |
v-model="shortSetting.title"/> |
</div> |
<template v-if="shortSetting.params"> |
<div class="line"> |
<span>{{YL.lang("Hash")}}</span> <input spellcheck="false" v-model="shortSetting.hash"/> |
</div> |
<div class="line"> |
<input spellcheck="false" :placeholder="YL.lang('Key')" |
v-model="runtime.shortcutNewParamName"/> |
<input spellcheck="false" :placeholder="YL.lang('Value')" |
v-model="runtime.shortcutNewParamValue"/> |
<i class="fa fa-plus-circle" @click="shortSettingParamsAdd"></i> |
</div> |
<div v-for="(val,name) in shortSetting.params" |
class="line"> |
<span :title="name">{{name}}</span> |
<input spellcheck="false" v-model="shortSetting.params[name]"/> |
<i class="fa fa-minus-circle" @click="shortSettingParamsDelete(name)"></i> |
</div> |
</template> |
</div> |
</div> |
</transition> |
<!--消息预览--> |
<transition-group |
name="custom-classes-transition-msg" |
enter-active-class="animated bounceInRight" |
leave-active-class="animated bounceOutRight"> |
<div v-for="(msg,id) in msgPres" class="msg-attention animated" :key="msg.key" |
@click="center.open = true" |
:style="{bottom: msg.index*180+40+'px'}" v-if="msg"> |
<div class="mask" :style="{background:configs.themeColor}"></div> |
<div class="title">{{msg.title}}</div> |
<div class="content selectable" v-html="msg.content"></div> |
<div class="mask-msg" |
:style="{background: 'linear-gradient(to top,'+configs.themeColor+','+configs.themeColor+' 50%,transparent)'}"></div> |
</div> |
</transition-group> |
</div> |
</body> |
</html> |
@ -1,185 +0,0 @@ |
{ |
"AboutUs": "About Us", |
"Add": "Add", |
"AddAppFailed": "Add application failed.", |
"AddPictureOnline": "Add Picture Online", |
"AddTo": "Add to", |
"Added": "Added", |
"Advance": "Advance", |
"AfterAppClose": "After App Open", |
"AfterAppOpen": "After App Open", |
"AlignBottom": "Align Bottom", |
"AlignLeft": "Align Left", |
"AlignRight": "Align Right", |
"AlignTop": "Align Top", |
"AppManager": "Apps", |
"AppStore": "App Store", |
"Application": "Application", |
"AppLockedCanNotChange": "The Application locked is not allowed to be changed.", |
"AttentionEnterAppName": "Please enter the application name", |
"AttentionNoResize": "Sorry, you can't change the size.", |
"Author": "Author", |
"Authorization": "Authorization", |
"AutoOffset": "Auto Offset", |
"AutoRun": "Auto Run", |
"BackMode": "Back Mode", |
"BeforeUnload": "The system may not save the changes you made.", |
"Big": "Big", |
"Blur": "Blur", |
"BottomTaskBar": "Bottom Task Bar", |
"CanBeEmpty": "Can be Empty", |
"Cancel": "Cancel", |
"CentreAdjustment": "Centre Adjustment", |
"ChildMethodSetupConfirm":"This operation tries to add new content to your desktop, does it continue?(Do not agree with the application of suspicious sources)", |
"ChildMethodSetupSuccessMsgContent":"Request source:", |
"ChildMethodSetupSuccessMsgTitle":"The Installation Is Complete", |
"ChildMethodUninstallConfirm":"This operation tries to uninstall some applications, does it continue?(Do not agree with the application of suspicious sources)", |
"ChildMethodUninstallSuccessMsgContent":"Request source:", |
"ChildMethodUninstallSuccessMsgTitle":"The Uninstallation Is Complete", |
"ClearSuperscript": "Clear Superscript", |
"ClickToChange": "Click to Change", |
"Close": "Close", |
"CloseAll": "Close All", |
"CollectAsApplication": "Collect as Application", |
"Color": "Color", |
"ConfigurationError": "Configuration Error", |
"Confirm": "Confirm", |
"Contact": "Contact", |
"CopiedToShearPlate": "The content has been copied to the shear plate.", |
"Copy": "Copy", |
"Copyright": "Copyright", |
"Create": "Create", |
"Current": "Current", |
"CutAndExchange": "Cut/Exchange", |
"DataHasBeenRefreshed": "Data has been refreshed", |
"DataManager": "Data", |
"Degrade": "Degrade", |
"Delete": "Delete", |
"DeleteBtnConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete the button ${0} ?", |
"DeleteGroupConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete the group ${0} ?", |
"DeleteIconConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete the icon ${0} ?", |
"DeleteMenuConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete the item ${0} ?", |
"DeleteTileConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete the tile ${0} ?", |
"Deleted": "Deleted", |
"Description": "Description", |
"DesktopIcons": "Desktop Icons", |
"Disabled": "Disabled", |
"DisplayAddressBar": "Display Address Bar", |
"DisplayAll": "Display All", |
"DisplayDesktop": "Desktop", |
"DisplayMode": "Display Mode", |
"DisplayWindow": "Display Window", |
"Enabled": "Enabled", |
"Exchange": "Exchange", |
"Export": "Export", |
"FormatError": "Format Error", |
"FullScreen": "Full Screen", |
"Group": "Group", |
"Hash": "Hash", |
"Height": "Height", |
"HideAddressBar": "Hide Address Bar", |
"HideAll": "Hide All", |
"Hours": "Hours", |
"IconBgColor": "Icon Bg Color", |
"IconContent": "Icon Content", |
"IconGroup": "IconGroup", |
"IconType": "Icon Type", |
"Image": "Image", |
"Import": "Import", |
"Initial": "Initial", |
"Key": "Key", |
"LateralAlignment": "Lateral Alignment", |
"LateralOffset": "Lateral Offset", |
"LegalCSSColor": "Legal CSS color", |
"Load": "Load", |
"Loaded": "Loaded", |
"LoadingInitializing": "Initializing", |
"LoadingPoweredBy": "This product is driven by YLUI", |
"LoadingStandby": "Please stand by", |
"MainMenu": "Main Menu", |
"MaxNumberOfWindows": "Max Number of Windows", |
"MaxWinsReached": "The number of windows is beyond the upper limit(${0}).", |
"Maximize": "Maximize", |
"Middle": "Middle", |
"Minimize": "Minimize", |
"Minutes": "Minutes", |
"MobileScreen": "Mobile", |
"MoveTo": "Move To", |
"NewSubgroup": "New Subgroup", |
"NoMoreDescription": "No more description", |
"NoMoreNotice": "No More Notice", |
"Normal": "Normal", |
"NormalScreen": "Normal Screen", |
"NoticeCenter": "Notice Center", |
"NoticeClearAll": "Clear All", |
"OfficialWebsite": "Official Website", |
"OnlineLocation": "Online Loc.", |
"Open": "Open", |
"OpenIcons": "Open Icons", |
"OpenMode": "Open Mode", |
"OpenOuter": "Open Outer", |
"Options": "Options", |
"OtherStatements": "Other Statements", |
"Others": "Others", |
"Outer": "Outer", |
"Paste": "Paste", |
"Pending": "Pending", |
"Personalization": "Custom", |
"PickFromBgAuto": "Pick From Bg", |
"PlayRandomly": "Play Randomly", |
"PlaySequentially": "Play Sequentially", |
"PleaseChoose": "Please Choose...", |
"PluginMode": "Plugin Mode", |
"Position": "Position", |
"PutBackground": "Put Background", |
"PutForeground": "Put Foreground", |
"Recorded": "Recorded", |
"Refresh": "Refresh", |
"Reload": "Reload", |
"RememberSizeAndPosition": "Record Size&Position", |
"Rename": "Rename", |
"ResetSizeAndPosition": "Reset Size&Position", |
"Resizable": "Resizable", |
"Restore": "Restore", |
"Save": "Save", |
"Saved": "Saved", |
"Search": "Search", |
"SecurityRisk": "Security Risk", |
"SecurityRiskDetail": "Security risks are found, and risk items have been closed.<br/>Some applications try to use forged identity for data interaction, please stop all sensitive operations immediately and check the application you have installed.", |
"SerialNumber": "SerialNumber", |
"ShiftDown": "Shift Down", |
"ShiftUp": "Shift Up", |
"Sidebar": "Sidebar", |
"SingleWindow": "Single Window", |
"Size": "Size", |
"Slide": "Slide", |
"Small": "Small", |
"Start": "Start", |
"Superscript": "Superscript", |
"SwitchingFrequency": "Switching Frequency", |
"SystemOptions": "System", |
"TakeEffect": "Take Effect", |
"ThemeColor": "Theme Color", |
"Tile": "Tile", |
"Tiles": "Tiles", |
"TipsOfSizeSetting": "Mathematical expression (unit: pixel;x,y represents window size)", |
"Title": "Title", |
"TopTaskBar": "Top Task Bar", |
"UnGroup": "UnGroup", |
"Uninstall": "Uninstall", |
"UninstallCompleted": "Uninstall Completed", |
"UninstallConfirm": "Are you sure you want to uninstall the application ${0} ?", |
"UninstallFailed": "Uninstall failed.", |
"Upgrade": "Upgrade", |
"UrlRandomToken": "URL Token", |
"Value": "Value", |
"Version": "Version", |
"VerticalAlignment": "Vertical Alignment", |
"VerticalOffset": "Vertical Offset", |
"WarningErrorTitle":"UI Exception Occured", |
"WarningPerformanceInIEContent":"This product may not work completely under the IE browser. It is strongly recommended that you open with other browsers.", |
"WarningPerformanceInIETitle":"IExplorer Detected", |
"Wallpaper": "Wallpaper", |
"Width": "Width", |
"WindowPosition": "Window Position" |
} |
@ -1,185 +0,0 @@ |
{ |
"AboutUs": "关于", |
"Add": "添加", |
"AddAppFailed": "添加应用失败", |
"AddPictureOnline": "在线添加壁纸", |
"AddTo": "添加到", |
"Added": "已添加", |
"Advance": "高级", |
"AfterAppClose": "应用关闭后", |
"AfterAppOpen": "应用打开后", |
"AlignBottom": "底部对齐", |
"AlignLeft": "左部对齐", |
"AlignRight": "右部对齐", |
"AlignTop": "顶部对齐", |
"AppManager": "应用管理", |
"AppStore": "应用商店", |
"Application": "应用", |
"AppLockedCanNotChange": "锁定应用不允许被变更。", |
"AttentionEnterAppName": "请输入应用名", |
"AttentionNoResize": "很抱歉,不能变更尺寸", |
"Author": "作者", |
"Authorization": "授权", |
"AutoOffset": "自动偏移", |
"AutoRun": "自启", |
"BackMode": "后置模式", |
"BeforeUnload": "系统可能不会保存您所做的更改", |
"Big": "大", |
"Blur": "模糊", |
"BottomTaskBar": "任务栏置底", |
"CanBeEmpty": "可留空", |
"Cancel": "取消", |
"CentreAdjustment": "窗口置中", |
"ChildMethodSetupConfirm":"该操作试图为您的桌面添加新的内容,是否继续?(请勿同意可疑来源的操作申请)", |
"ChildMethodSetupSuccessMsgContent":"请求源:", |
"ChildMethodSetupSuccessMsgTitle":"安装完成", |
"ChildMethodUninstallConfirm":"该操作试图卸载一些应用,是否继续?(请勿同意可疑来源的操作申请)", |
"ChildMethodUninstallSuccessMsgContent":"请求源:", |
"ChildMethodUninstallSuccessMsgTitle":"卸载完成", |
"ClearSuperscript": "清除角标", |
"ClickToChange": "点击变更", |
"Close": "关闭", |
"CloseAll": "关闭全部窗口", |
"CollectAsApplication": "收藏到应用", |
"Color": "颜色", |
"ConfigurationError": "配置有误", |
"Confirm": "确认", |
"Contact": "联系方式", |
"CopiedToShearPlate": "内容已经拷贝到剪切板", |
"Copy": "复制", |
"Copyright": "版权", |
"Create": "新建", |
"Current": "当前", |
"CutAndExchange": "剪切/交换", |
"DataHasBeenRefreshed": "数据已刷新", |
"DataManager": "数据管理", |
"Degrade": "降级", |
"Delete": "删除", |
"DeleteBtnConfirm": "您确定要删除侧边栏按钮 ${0} 吗?", |
"DeleteGroupConfirm": "您确定要删除分组 ${0} 吗?", |
"DeleteIconConfirm": "您确定要删除图标 ${0} 吗?", |
"DeleteMenuConfirm": "您确定要删除菜单项 ${0} 吗?", |
"DeleteTileConfirm": "您确定要删除磁贴 ${0} 吗?", |
"Deleted": "已删除", |
"Description": "描述", |
"DesktopIcons": "桌面图标", |
"Disabled": "禁用", |
"DisplayAddressBar": "显示地址栏", |
"DisplayAll": "显示全部窗口", |
"DisplayDesktop": "显示桌面", |
"DisplayMode": "显示模式", |
"DisplayWindow": "显示窗口", |
"Enabled": "启用", |
"Exchange": "交换", |
"Export": "导出", |
"FullScreen": "启用全屏", |
"FormatError": "格式有误", |
"Group": "分组", |
"Hash": "锚点", |
"Height": "高度", |
"HideAddressBar": "隐藏地址栏", |
"HideAll": "隐藏全部窗口", |
"Hours": "小时", |
"IconBgColor": "图标背景", |
"IconContent": "图标内容", |
"IconGroup": "图标组", |
"IconType": "图标类型", |
"Image": "图片", |
"Import": "导入", |
"Initial": "首字母", |
"Key": "键名", |
"LateralAlignment": "水平对齐", |
"LateralOffset": "水平偏移", |
"LegalCSSColor": "合法CSS颜色", |
"Load": "读取", |
"Loaded": "已读取", |
"LoadingInitializing": "正在启动", |
"LoadingPoweredBy": "本产品由YLUI强力驱动", |
"LoadingStandby": "请稍候", |
"MainMenu": "主菜单", |
"MaxNumberOfWindows": "最大窗口数", |
"MaxWinsReached": "窗口数量超出上限(${0}个)", |
"Maximize": "最大化", |
"Middle": "中", |
"Minimize": "最小化", |
"Minutes": "分钟", |
"MobileScreen": "手机屏幕", |
"MoveTo": "移动至", |
"NewSubgroup": "建立子分组", |
"NoMoreDescription": "暂无描述", |
"NoMoreNotice": "暂无通知", |
"Normal": "普通", |
"NormalScreen": "禁用全屏", |
"NoticeCenter": "通知中心", |
"NoticeClearAll": "全部清除", |
"OfficialWebsite": "个人主页", |
"OnlineLocation": "网络位置", |
"Open": "打开", |
"OpenIcons": "打开图标", |
"OpenMode": "打开模式", |
"OpenOuter": "外部打开", |
"Options": "配置", |
"OtherStatements": "其它声明", |
"Others": "其它", |
"Outer": "外部", |
"Paste": "粘贴", |
"Pending": "待定", |
"Personalization": "个性化", |
"PickFromBgAuto": "从壁纸获取", |
"PlayRandomly": "随机播放", |
"PlaySequentially": "顺序顺序", |
"PleaseChoose": "请选择...", |
"PluginMode": "插件模式", |
"Position": "位置", |
"PutBackground": "置于背景", |
"PutForeground": "置于前景", |
"Recorded": "已记录", |
"Refresh": "刷新", |
"Reload": "重载", |
"RememberSizeAndPosition": "记住位置尺寸", |
"Rename": "重命名", |
"ResetSizeAndPosition": "清除位置尺寸", |
"Resizable": "可变尺寸", |
"Restore": "还原", |
"Save": "保存", |
"Saved": "已保存", |
"Search": "搜索", |
"SecurityRisk": "安全风险", |
"SecurityRiskDetail": "发现安全风险,并已关闭风险项。<br/>某些应用试图使用伪造身份进行数据交互,请立即停止一切敏感操作,并检查您所安装的应用。", |
"SerialNumber": "序列号", |
"ShiftDown": "下移", |
"ShiftUp": "上移", |
"Sidebar": "侧边栏", |
"SingleWindow": "唯一窗口", |
"Size": "尺寸", |
"Slide": "幻灯片", |
"Small": "小", |
"Start": "开始", |
"Superscript": "角标", |
"SwitchingFrequency": "切换频率", |
"SystemOptions": "系统设置", |
"TakeEffect": "生效", |
"ThemeColor": "主题色", |
"Tile": "磁贴", |
"Tiles": "磁贴", |
"TipsOfSizeSetting": "数学表达式(单位:像素; x,y分别代表窗口宽高)", |
"Title": "标题", |
"TopTaskBar": "任务栏置顶", |
"UnGroup": "解散", |
"Uninstall": "卸载", |
"UninstallCompleted": "卸载完成", |
"UninstallConfirm": "您确定要卸载应用 ${0} 吗?", |
"UninstallFailed": "卸载失败。", |
"Upgrade": "升级", |
"UrlRandomToken": "URL随机TOKEN", |
"Value": "键值", |
"Version": "版本", |
"VerticalAlignment": "垂直对齐", |
"VerticalOffset": "垂直偏移", |
"WarningErrorTitle":"UI发生异常", |
"WarningPerformanceInIEContent":"本产品在IE浏览器下可能无法完全正常工作。强烈建议您使用其他浏览器打开。", |
"WarningPerformanceInIETitle":"检测到IE浏览器", |
"Wallpaper": "壁纸", |
"Width": "宽度", |
"WindowPosition": "窗口位置" |
} |
@ -1,185 +0,0 @@ |
{ |
"AboutUs": "關於", |
"Add": "添加", |
"AddAppFailed": "添加應用失敗", |
"AddPictureOnline": "在線添加壁紙", |
"AddTo": "添加到", |
"Added": "已添加", |
"Advance": "高級", |
"AfterAppClose": "應用關閉後", |
"AfterAppOpen": "應用打開後", |
"AlignBottom": "底部對齊", |
"AlignLeft": "左部對齊", |
"AlignRight": "右部對齊", |
"AlignTop": "頂部對齊", |
"AppManager": "應用管理", |
"AppStore": "應用商店", |
"Application": "應用", |
"AppLockedCanNotChange": "鎖定應用不允許被變更。", |
"AttentionEnterAppName": "請輸入應用名", |
"AttentionNoResize": "很抱歉,不能變更尺寸", |
"Author": "作者", |
"Authorization": "授權", |
"AutoOffset": "自動偏移", |
"AutoRun": "自啟", |
"BackMode": "後置模式", |
"BeforeUnload": "系統可能不會保存您所做的更改", |
"Big": "大", |
"Blur": "模糊", |
"BottomTaskBar": "任務欄置底", |
"CanBeEmpty": "可留空", |
"Cancel": "取消", |
"CentreAdjustment": "窗口置中", |
"ChildMethodSetupConfirm":"該操作試圖為您的桌面添加新的內容,是否繼續?(請勿同意可疑來源的操作申請)", |
"ChildMethodSetupSuccessMsgContent":"請求源:", |
"ChildMethodSetupSuccessMsgTitle":"安裝完成", |
"ChildMethodUninstallConfirm":"該操作試圖卸載壹些應用,是否繼續?(請勿同意可疑來源的操作申請)", |
"ChildMethodUninstallSuccessMsgContent":"請求源:", |
"ChildMethodUninstallSuccessMsgTitle":"卸載完成", |
"ClearSuperscript": "清除角標", |
"ClickToChange": "點擊變更", |
"Close": "關閉", |
"CloseAll": "關閉全部窗口", |
"CollectAsApplication": "收藏到應用", |
"Color": "顏色", |
"ConfigurationError": "配置有誤", |
"Confirm": "確認", |
"Contact": "聯系方式", |
"CopiedToShearPlate": "內容已經拷貝到剪切板", |
"Copy": "復制", |
"Copyright": "版權", |
"Create": "新建", |
"Current": "當前", |
"CutAndExchange": "剪切/交換", |
"DataHasBeenRefreshed": "數據已刷新", |
"DataManager": "數據管理", |
"Degrade": "降級", |
"Delete": "刪除", |
"DeleteBtnConfirm": "您確定要刪除側邊欄按鈕 ${0} 嗎?", |
"DeleteGroupConfirm": "您確定要刪除分組 ${0} 嗎?", |
"DeleteIconConfirm": "您確定要刪除圖標 ${0} 嗎?", |
"DeleteMenuConfirm": "您確定要刪除菜單項 ${0} 嗎?", |
"DeleteTileConfirm": "您確定要刪除磁貼 ${0} 嗎?", |
"Deleted": "已刪除", |
"Description": "描述", |
"DesktopIcons": "桌面圖標", |
"Disabled": "禁用", |
"DisplayAddressBar": "顯示地址欄", |
"DisplayAll": "顯示全部窗口", |
"DisplayDesktop": "顯示桌面", |
"DisplayMode": "顯示模式", |
"DisplayWindow": "顯示窗口", |
"Enabled": "啟用", |
"Exchange": "交換", |
"Export": "導出", |
"FullScreen": "啟用全屏", |
"FormatError": "格式有誤", |
"Group": "分組", |
"Hash": "錨點", |
"Height": "高度", |
"HideAddressBar": "隱藏地址欄", |
"HideAll": "隱藏全部窗口", |
"Hours": "小時", |
"IconBgColor": "圖標背景", |
"IconContent": "圖標內容", |
"IconGroup": "圖標組", |
"IconType": "圖標類型", |
"Image": "圖片", |
"Import": "導入", |
"Initial": "首字母", |
"Key": "鍵名", |
"LateralAlignment": "水平對齊", |
"LateralOffset": "水平偏移", |
"LegalCSSColor": "合法CSS顏色", |
"Load": "讀取", |
"Loaded": "已讀取", |
"LoadingInitializing": "正在啟動", |
"LoadingPoweredBy": "本產品由YLUI強力驅動", |
"LoadingStandby": "請稍候", |
"MainMenu": "主菜單", |
"MaxNumberOfWindows": "最大窗口數", |
"MaxWinsReached": "窗口數量超出上限(${0}個)", |
"Maximize": "最大化", |
"Middle": "中", |
"Minimize": "最小化", |
"Minutes": "分鐘", |
"MobileScreen": "手機屏幕", |
"MoveTo": "移動至", |
"NewSubgroup": "建立子分組", |
"NoMoreDescription": "暫無描述", |
"NoMoreNotice": "暫無通知", |
"Normal": "普通", |
"NormalScreen": "禁用全屏", |
"NoticeCenter": "通知中心", |
"NoticeClearAll": "全部清除", |
"OfficialWebsite": "个人主页", |
"OnlineLocation": "網絡位置", |
"Open": "打開", |
"OpenIcons": "打開圖標", |
"OpenMode": "打開模式", |
"OpenOuter": "外部打開", |
"Options": "配置", |
"OtherStatements": "其它聲明", |
"Others": "其它", |
"Outer": "外部", |
"Paste": "粘貼", |
"Pending": "待定", |
"Personalization": "個性化", |
"PickFromBgAuto": "從壁紙獲取", |
"PlayRandomly": "隨機播放", |
"PlaySequentially": "順序順序", |
"PleaseChoose": "請選擇...", |
"PluginMode": "插件模式", |
"Position": "位置", |
"PutBackground": "置於背景", |
"PutForeground": "置於前景", |
"Recorded": "已記錄", |
"Refresh": "刷新", |
"Reload": "重載", |
"RememberSizeAndPosition": "記住位置尺寸", |
"Rename": "重命名", |
"ResetSizeAndPosition": "清除位置尺寸", |
"Resizable": "可變尺寸", |
"Restore": "還原", |
"Save": "保存", |
"Saved": "已保存", |
"Search": "搜索", |
"SecurityRisk": "安全風險", |
"SecurityRiskDetail": "發現安全風險,並已關閉風險項。<br/>某些應用試圖使用偽造身份進行數據交互,請立即停止壹切敏感操作,並檢查您所安裝的應用。", |
"SerialNumber": "序列號", |
"ShiftDown": "下移", |
"ShiftUp": "上移", |
"Sidebar": "側邊欄", |
"SingleWindow": "唯壹窗口", |
"Size": "尺寸", |
"Slide": "幻燈片", |
"Small": "小", |
"Start": "開始", |
"Superscript": "角標", |
"SwitchingFrequency": "切換頻率", |
"SystemOptions": "系統設置", |
"TakeEffect": "生效", |
"ThemeColor": "主題色", |
"Tile": "磁貼", |
"Tiles": "磁貼", |
"TipsOfSizeSetting": "數學表達式(單位:像素; x,y分別代表窗口寬高)", |
"Title": "標題", |
"TopTaskBar": "任務欄置頂", |
"UnGroup": "解散", |
"Uninstall": "卸載", |
"UninstallCompleted": "卸載完成", |
"UninstallConfirm": "您確定要卸載應用 ${0} 嗎?", |
"UninstallFailed": "卸載失敗。", |
"Upgrade": "升級", |
"UrlRandomToken": "URL隨機TOKEN", |
"Value": "鍵值", |
"Version": "版本", |
"VerticalAlignment": "垂直對齊", |
"VerticalOffset": "垂直偏移", |
"WarningErrorTitle":"UI發生異常", |
"WarningPerformanceInIEContent":"本產品在IE瀏覽器下可能無法完全正常工作。強烈建議您使用其他瀏覽器打開。", |
"WarningPerformanceInIETitle":"檢測到IE瀏覽器", |
"Wallpaper": "壁紙", |
"Width": "寬度", |
"WindowPosition": "窗口位置" |
} |
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ |
/** |
* 读取配置示例文件 |
* 修改此文件来实现持久化 |
* YL.init(data) 中的data必须是ylui接受的数据格式 |
* 开发者可以自行决定从静态文件读取(如basic.json)还是从远程服务器拉取(如ajax请求) |
*/ |
YL.onLoad(function () { |
// 读取url中load参数,如localhost/ylui/index.html?load=basic
var load = Yuri2.parseURL().params.load; |
var file; |
// 当load === 'ylui-storage'时,尝试加载浏览器缓存
if (load === YL.static.localStorageName && localStorage.getItem(YL.static.localStorageName)) { |
YL.init(); |
return; |
} else if (load === YL.static.localStorageName) { |
file = 'basic'; |
} |
// 从json文件读取
file = file || load || 'basic'; |
var save = /^\w+$/.test(file) ? './saves/' + file + '.json' : file; |
Yuri2.loadContentFromUrl(save, 'GET', function (err, text) { |
if (!err) { |
var data = JSON.parse(text); |
YL.init(data); |
} else { |
alert('YLUI读取配置错误,初始化失败'); |
} |
}); |
}); |
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ |
{ |
"name": "ylui", |
"main": "index.html", |
"description": "高度可扩展桌面UI", |
"version": "2.1.9", |
"repository": { |
"type": "git", |
"url": "https://github.com/yuri2peter/ylui" |
}, |
"scripts": { |
"start": "serve -s ." |
}, |
"window": { |
"title": "YLUI", |
"icon": "link.png", |
"toolbar": false, |
"resizable": true, |
"fullscreen": true, |
"show_in_taskbar": true, |
"frame": true, |
"position": "center", |
"width": 1366, |
"height": 768, |
"min_width": 400, |
"min_height": 335, |
"show": true, |
"kiosk": false |
}, |
"webkit": { |
"plugin": true, |
"java": false, |
"page-cache": false |
}, |
"devDependencies": {}, |
"dependencies": { |
"serve": "^11.1.0" |
} |
} |
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ |
{ |
"labels":["社交", "视频", "工具", "YLUI", "购物","壁纸","插件"], |
"apps": [ |
{ |
"title": "动态壁纸-星球大战", |
"icon": "../yl-wallpaper-starwar/preview.png", |
"labels": [ |
"YLUI", |
"壁纸" |
], |
"url": "./res/apps/yl-wallpaper-starwar/setup.html" |
}, |
{ |
"title": "桌面时钟插件", |
"icon": "../yl-clock/preview.png", |
"labels": [ |
"YLUI", |
"插件" |
], |
"url": "./res/apps/yl-clock/setup.html" |
}, |
{ |
"title": "计算器", |
"icon": "../yl-calculator/preview.png", |
"labels": [ |
"YLUI", |
"工具" |
], |
"url": "./res/apps/yl-calculator/setup.html" |
} |
] |
} |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 12 KiB |
@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ |
<!DOCTYPE html> |
<html lang="cn"> |
<head> |
<meta charset="UTF-8"> |
<title>应用商店</title> |
<meta name="viewport" |
content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0"> |
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../res/components/font-awesome-4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css"/> |
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./style.css"/> |
<script src="../../yl.app.js"></script> |
<script src="../../../res/js/Yuri2.js"></script> |
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<script src="../../../res/components/vue.min.js"></script> |
</head> |
<body> |
<div id="app"> |
<div id="banner"> |
YLUI 应用商店 |
</div> |
<div class="container"> |
<div class="row"> |
<div class="col-xs-9 col-sm-9 col-md-9 col-lg-9"> |
<div class="row apps box"> |
<div class="app col-xs-6 col-sm-3 col-md-2 col-lg-2" |
:class="{active:isAppActive(app)}" |
v-show="isAppActive(app)" |
v-for="app in apps" @click="appClick(app)"> |
<img onerror="this.src='./error.png'" :src="app.icon"/> |
<div class="title">{{app.title}}</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
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@click="labelClick(label)" |
:class="{active:label.active}" |
:style="labelStyle(label)" |
v-for="label in labels">{{label.name}} |
</div> |
<div class="clear"></div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div id="footer"> |
©2018 ylui.yuri2.com |
</div> |
</div> |
<script src="./script.js"></script> |
</body> |
</html> |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 82 KiB |
@ -1,99 +0,0 @@ |
var data={ |
labels:[], |
apps:[], |
}; |
new Vue({ |
el: "#app", |
data: { |
search: "", |
labels: [], |
apps: [], |
}, |
created: function () { |
var that = this; |
Yuri2.loadContentFromUrl('./data.json','get',function (err,str) { |
var data=JSON.parse(str); |
var labels = data.labels; |
var apps =data.apps ; |
var labelsLoaded = []; |
labels.forEach(function (t) { |
labelsLoaded.push({ |
name: t, |
active: true, |
color: that.getRandomColor() |
}) |
}); |
that.$set(that, 'labels', labelsLoaded); |
that.$set(that, 'apps', apps); |
}); |
YLApp.onReady(function () { |
YLApp.eval('getAppVersion','',function (rel) { |
console.log(rel) |
}); |
}) |
}, |
methods: { |
appClick: function (app) { |
if (app.url) { |
YLApp.eval('open',{url:app.url,title:app.title}); |
} |
}, |
labelClick: function (l) { |
l.active = !l.active; |
}, |
isAppActive: function (app) { |
var that = this; |
var rel = false; |
var labels = app.labels; |
var hash = {}; |
labels.forEach(function (t) { |
hash[t] = true; |
}); |
this.labelsActive.forEach(function (t) { |
var checkList = [ |
app.title, |
app.url, |
]; |
checkList = checkList.concat(app.labels); |
var inWord = false; |
checkList.forEach(function (t2) { |
if (typeof t2 === "string" && t2.indexOf(that.search) !== -1) { |
inWord = true; |
} |
}); |
if (hash[t] && inWord) { |
rel = true; |
} |
}); |
return rel; |
}, |
labelStyle: function (label) { |
return { |
"color": label.active ? "white" : label.color, |
"border-color": label.active ? "white" : label.color, |
"background-color": !label.active ? "white" : label.color, |
} |
}, |
getRandomColor: function () { |
var r = Yuri2.randInt(0, 200); |
var g = Yuri2.randInt(0, 200); |
var b = Yuri2.randInt(0, 200); |
return 'rgb(' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b + ')'; |
}, |
}, |
computed: { |
labelsActive: function () { |
var ls = []; |
this.labels.forEach(function (t) { |
if (t.active) |
ls.push(t.name) |
}); |
return ls; |
}, |
} |
}) |
@ -1,95 +0,0 @@ |
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@ -1,79 +0,0 @@ |
<!DOCTYPE html> |
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<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0"> |
<script src="../../yl.app.js"></script> |
<title>示例-APP引导安装</title> |
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</head> |
<body> |
<div id="header"> |
<div id="title">APP名称</div> |
<div id="sub-title">APP副标题</div> |
<div class="btn">立即安装</div> |
</div> |
<div id="body"> |
<img id="preview" class="left" src="./preview.jpg"/> |
<div id="content" class="left"> |
<p>介绍性文字</p> |
<ul> |
<li>特性1</li> |
<li>特性2</li> |
<li>特性3</li> |
</ul> |
</div> |
<div class="clear"></div> |
</div> |
</body> |
</html> |
@ -1,100 +0,0 @@ |
html,body{ |
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#history-box .right:hover { |
color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); |
} |
@ -1,134 +0,0 @@ |
<!DOCTYPE html> |
<html lang="cn"> |
<head> |
<meta charset="UTF-8"> |
<meta name="viewport" |
content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0"> |
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../res/components/font-awesome-4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css" /> |
<script src="../../yl.app.js" ></script> |
<script src="../../../res/components/vue.min.js" ></script> |
<script src="../../../res/components/jquery-2.2.4.min.js" ></script> |
<script src="../../../res/components/jquery.nicescroll.min.js" ></script> |
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./index.css" /> |
<title>浏览器</title> |
</head> |
<body> |
<div id="app"> |
<div id="url-box"> |
<input @keyup.enter="visit()" id="url-ipt" spellcheck="false" autofocus v-model="url" /> |
</div> |
<div id="btn-go" @click="visit()"><i class="fa fa-location-arrow fa-fw"></i></div> |
<div class="clear"></div> |
<ul id="history-box"> |
<li v-for="item in list"> |
<span class="left text-one-line" |
@click="visit(item.url)" |
:title="item.url">{{item.url}}</span> |
<span class="right text-one-line"> |
{{new Date(item.date).format('MM-dd hh:mm')}} |
</span> |
</li> |
</ul> |
</div> |
<script> |
var storageName='yluiAppsBrowser'; |
function urlFormat(url) { |
url=url.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, ""); |
var preg=/^(https?:\/\/|\.\.?\/|\/\/?)/i; |
if(!preg.test(url)){ |
url='//'+url; |
} |
return url; |
} |
function jump(url) { |
// url=urlFormat(url); |
if(YLApp.id){ |
YLApp.eval('setWinData',{ |
url :url, |
urlBar:url |
}) |
}else{ |
try{ |
location.href=url; |
}catch (e){ |
alert('不正确的地址') |
} |
} |
} |
var vue=new Vue({ |
el:"#app", |
data:{ |
url:"", |
list:[], |
}, |
created:function () { |
Date.prototype.format = function (fmt) { //author: meizz |
if (!fmt) { |
fmt = 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss'; |
} |
var o = { |
"M+": this.getMonth() + 1, //月份 |
"d+": this.getDate(), //日 |
"h+": this.getHours(), //小时 |
"m+": this.getMinutes(), //分 |
"s+": this.getSeconds(), //秒 |
"q+": Math.floor((this.getMonth() + 3) / 3), //季度 |
"S": this.getMilliseconds() //毫秒 |
}; |
if (/(y+)/.test(fmt)) fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (this.getFullYear() + "").substr(4 - RegExp.$1.length)); |
for (var k in o) |
if (new RegExp("(" + k + ")").test(fmt)) fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (RegExp.$1.length === 1) ? (o[k]) : (("00" + o[k]).substr(("" + o[k]).length))); |
return fmt; |
}; |
if(localStorage[storageName]){ |
this.list=JSON.parse(localStorage[storageName]); |
} |
this.$nextTick(function () { |
$("#history-box").niceScroll({ |
cursorcolor: "#ffffff30", |
cursorwidth: "4px", // 滚动条的宽度,单位:便素 |
cursorborder: "none", // CSS方式定义滚动条边框 |
grabcursorenabled: false, |
}); |
}); |
}, |
methods:{ |
save:function () { |
localStorage[storageName]=JSON.stringify(this.list); |
}, |
visit:function (url) { |
url||(url=this.url); |
if(!url) return; |
url= urlFormat(url); |
//查找是否已存在于列表 |
if(this.list.length>0){ |
var found=false,foundIndex=null; |
this.list.forEach(function (t, n) { |
if(found){return} |
if(t.url===url){ |
found=true; |
foundIndex=n; |
} |
}); |
if(found){ |
this.list.splice(foundIndex,1) |
} |
} |
this.list.unshift({ |
url:url, |
date:Date.now() |
}); |
if(this.list.length>50){ |
this.list.pop(); |
} |
this.save(); |
jump(url); |
} |
} |
}); |
</script> |
</body> |
</html> |
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ |
<!DOCTYPE html> |
<html lang="cn"> |
<head> |
<meta charset="UTF-8"> |
<title>colorPicker</title> |
<script src="../../components/jquery-2.2.4.min.js"></script> |
<script src="../../components/color-picker/color-picker.js"></script> |
<script src="../../yl.app.js"></script> |
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<style> |
html,body{ |
background-color: transparent; |
padding: 0; |
margin: 0; |
overflow: hidden; |
} |
</style> |
</head> |
<body> |
<div id="picker"></div> |
<script> |
YLApp.onReady(function () { |
var color=YLApp.data.color?YLApp.data.color:'000000'; |
color=color.replace(/^#/,''); |
if(!/^[\da-zA-Z]{6}$/.test(color)){ |
color="000000" |
} |
$('#picker').colpick({ |
flat:true, |
layout:'hex', |
color:color, |
submit:0, |
onChange:function(hsb,hex,rgb,el){ |
if(YLApp.data.parent){ |
var color="#"+hex; |
YLApp.emit('setColorFromColorPicker',color,YLApp.data.parent); |
} |
} |
}); |
}); |
</script> |
</body> |
</html> |
@ -1 +0,0 @@ |
2.0.8 |
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ |
<!DOCTYPE html> |
<html lang="cn"> |
<head> |
<meta charset="UTF-8"> |
<title>Server</title> |
<script src="../../../res/yl.app.js"></script> |
<style> |
</style> |
</head> |
<body> |
<h1>Server</h1> |
<script> |
YLApp.onReady(function () { |
// YLApp.eval('import',null,function (data) { |
// |
// }) |
}) |
</script> |
</body> |
</html> |
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ |
<!DOCTYPE html> |
<html lang="cn"> |
<head> |
<meta charset="UTF-8"> |
<title>Server</title> |
<script src="../../../res/yl.app.js"></script> |
<style> |
body{background-color: white} |
</style> |
</head> |
<body> |
<h1>Server</h1> |
<script> |
YLApp.onReady(function () { |
var json= |
YLApp.eval('import',null,function (data) { |
console.log(YLApp.id,data) |
}) |
}) |
</script> |
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<div id="app" :class="{'small-screen':isSmallScreen}"> |
<div class="tab-title"><i class="fa fa-gear fa-fw"></i> {{YL.lang("SystemOptions")}}</div> |
<div class="tab-left"> |
<ul class="tab-nav"> |
<li v-for="(nav,id) in navs" |
@click="if(!nav.disable) navActive=id" |
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<i class="fa fa-fw" :class="[ 'fa-'+nav.icon ]"></i>{{nav.text}} |
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</div> |
<div class="tab-right" :class="{active:'app-manager'===navActive}"> |
<div class="show"> |
<h1>{{YL.lang('AppManager')}}</h1> |
<div id="app-manager"> |
<div> |
<input style="padding: 0.5em; width: calc(100% - 7.5em);margin-bottom: 1em; max-width: 36em;outline: none" |
v-model="appSearchWords" |
:placeholder="YL.lang('Search')+'/'+YL.lang('Create')+' '+YL.lang('Application')+'...'"/> |
<el-button @click="appCreate(appSearchWords)" type="primary" size="small" icon="el-icon-plus" >{{YL.lang('Application')}}</el-button> |
<table class="list" style="table-layout: fixed;width: 100%"> |
<tr class="item"> |
<td class="text" width="120" style="font-weight: bold">{{YL.lang('Application')}}</td> |
<td class="text" width="120" style="font-weight: bold">ID</td> |
<td class="text" width="110" style="font-weight: bold">{{YL.lang('Description')}}</td> |
<td class="text" width="50" style="font-weight: bold">{{YL.lang('Copyright')}}</td> |
<td class="text" width="40" style="font-weight: bold">{{YL.lang('AutoRun')}}</td> |
</tr> |
<tr v-for="(app,id) in apps" class="item" |
v-show="appSearchMatch(id)" |
@contextMenu="appContextMenu(id,$event)"> |
<td class="text title" @dblclick="appSetting=app"> |
<yl-icon :icon="app.icon" :img="urlFix(app.icon.content)"></yl-icon> |
<span style="padding-left: 0.5em" :title="app.title">{{app.title}}</span> |
</td> |
<td class="text" :title="id">{{id}}</td> |
<td class="text" :title="app.desc?app.desc:YL.lang('NoMoreDescription')">{{app.desc?app.desc:YL.lang('NoMoreDescription')}}</td> |
<td class="text" :title="app.poweredBy">{{app.poweredBy}}</td> |
<td class="text">{{renderAutoRun(app.autoRun)}}</td> |
</tr> |
</table> |
</div> |
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<!--抽屉渲染--> |
<transition name="opacity"> |
<div class="shader" v-if="appSetting" @click.self="appSetting=null" |
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<div class="drawer"> |
<el-form ref="form" :label-position="isSmallScreen?'top':'left'" :model="appSettingForm" label-width="8em" size="mini" |
style="padding:1em ;overflow: auto;height: calc(100% - 2em);"> |
<el-form-item :label="YL.lang('Title')"> |
<el-input spellcheck="false" v-model="appSetting.title" size="mini"></el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item :label="YL.lang('Version')"> |
<el-input spellcheck="false" v-model="appSetting.version" size="mini"></el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item :label="YL.lang('Description')"> |
<el-input spellcheck="false" v-model="appSetting.desc" size="mini"></el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item :label="YL.lang('Copyright')"> |
<el-input spellcheck="false" v-model="appSetting.poweredBy" size="mini"></el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item label="URL"> |
<el-input spellcheck="false" v-model="appSetting.url" size="mini" :placeholder="YL.lang('CanBeEmpty')"></el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item :label="YL.lang('Tile')+' '+'URL'"> |
<el-input spellcheck="false" v-model="appSetting.customTile" size="mini" :placeholder="YL.lang('CanBeEmpty')"></el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item :label="YL.lang('OpenMode')"> |
<el-select v-model="appSetting.openMode" :placeholder="YL.lang('PleaseChoose')" size="mini"> |
<el-option :label="YL.lang('Normal')" value="normal"></el-option> |
<el-option :label="YL.lang('Maximize')" value="max"></el-option> |
<el-option :label="YL.lang('Minimize')" value="min"></el-option> |
<el-option :label="YL.lang('Outer')" value="outer"></el-option> |
</el-select> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item :label="YL.lang('IconType')"> |
<el-select v-model="appSetting.icon.type" :placeholder="YL.lang('PleaseChoose')" size="mini"> |
<el-option label="Font Awesome" value="fa"></el-option> |
<el-option :label="YL.lang('Initial')" value="str"></el-option> |
<el-option :label="YL.lang('Image')" value="img"></el-option> |
</el-select> |
<el-button @click="YL.open('ylui-fa')" v-show="appSetting.icon.type === 'fa'" plain size="mini" icon="el-icon-search" style="margin-left: 10px"></el-button> |
<el-button @click="YL.open('ylui-image-host')" v-show="appSetting.icon.type === 'img'" plain size="mini" icon="el-icon-upload" ></el-button> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item :label="YL.lang('IconContent')"> |
<el-input spellcheck="false" v-model="appSetting.icon.content" size="mini"></el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item :label="YL.lang('IconBgColor')"> |
<el-row> |
<el-col :span="2"> |
<div @click="YL.open('yl-color-picker',{data:{color:appSetting.icon.bg,parent:YLApp.id}})" :style="{background:appSetting.icon.bg}" style="width: 90%;height: 27px;margin-top: 1px;border-radius: 3px;box-sizing: border-box;border: 1px solid darkgray;"> </div> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="22"> |
<el-input spellcheck="false" v-model="appSetting.icon.bg" size="mini" style="width:147px" :placeholder="YL.lang('LegalCSSColor')"></el-input> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item :label="YL.lang('AutoRun')"> |
<el-button-group> |
<el-button @click="reduceAutoRunLevel(appSetting)" plain icon="el-icon-remove" size="mini">{{YL.lang('Degrade')}}</el-button> |
<el-button plain size="mini">{{YL.lang('Current')}}:{{renderAutoRun(appSetting.autoRun)}}</el-button> |
<el-button @click="increaseAutoRunLevel(appSetting)" plain icon="el-icon-circle-plus" size="mini">{{YL.lang('Upgrade')}}</el-button> |
</el-button-group> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item :label="YL.lang('Superscript')"> |
<el-input-number v-model="appSetting.badge" size="mini" :min="0" :max="999"></el-input-number> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item :label="YL.lang('Position')+' - '+YL.lang('AutoOffset')"> |
<el-switch |
style="display: block;position: relative;top: 4px;width: 40px;" |
v-model="appSetting.position.autoOffset" |
inactive-color="gray"> |
</el-switch> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item :label="YL.lang('Position')+' - '+YL.lang('LateralAlignment')"> |
<el-switch |
v-model="appSetting.position.left" |
:active-text="YL.lang('AlignLeft')" |
:inactive-text="YL.lang('AlignRight')" |
inactive-color="#409EFF"> |
</el-switch> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item :label="YL.lang('Position')+' - '+YL.lang('VerticalAlignment')"> |
<el-switch |
v-model="appSetting.position.top" |
:active-text="YL.lang('AlignTop')" |
:inactive-text="YL.lang('AlignBottom')" |
inactive-color="#409EFF"> |
</el-switch> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item :label="YL.lang('Position')+' - '+YL.lang('LateralOffset')"> |
<el-input v-model="appSetting.position.x" size="mini" |
:placeholder="YL.lang('TipsOfSizeSetting')"></el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item :label="YL.lang('Position')+' - '+YL.lang('VerticalOffset')"> |
<el-input v-model="appSetting.position.y" size="mini" |
:placeholder="YL.lang('TipsOfSizeSetting')"></el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item :label="YL.lang('Size')+' - '+YL.lang('Width')"> |
<el-input v-model="appSetting.size.width" size="mini" |
:placeholder="YL.lang('TipsOfSizeSetting')"></el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item :label="YL.lang('Size')+' - '+YL.lang('Height')"> |
<el-input v-model="appSetting.size.height" size="mini" |
:placeholder="YL.lang('TipsOfSizeSetting')"></el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item :label="YL.lang('DisplayMode')"> |
<el-row> |
<el-col :span="12"> |
<el-switch |
v-model="appSetting.plugin" |
:active-text="YL.lang('PluginMode')" |
inactive-color="gray"> |
</el-switch> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="12"> |
<el-switch |
v-model="appSetting.single" |
:active-text="YL.lang('SingleWindow')" |
inactive-color="gray"> |
</el-switch> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row> |
<el-col :span="12"> |
<el-switch |
v-model="appSetting.addressBar" |
:active-text="YL.lang('DisplayAddressBar')" |
inactive-color="gray"> |
</el-switch> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="12"> |
<el-switch |
v-model="appSetting.background" |
:active-text="YL.lang('BackMode')" |
inactive-color="gray"> |
</el-switch> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row> |
<el-col :span="12"> |
<el-switch |
v-model="appSetting.resizable" |
:active-text="YL.lang('Resizable')" |
inactive-color="gray"> |
</el-switch> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="12"> |
<el-switch |
v-model="appSetting.urlRandomToken" |
:active-text="YL.lang('UrlRandomToken')" |
inactive-color="gray"> |
</el-switch> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</div> |
</transition> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="tab-right" :class="{active:'colors'===navActive}"> |
<div class="show" id="colors"> |
<h1>{{YL.lang('Color')}}</h1> |
<div class="color-choose"> |
<div v-for="color in colors" class="color-block" |
@click="colorChoose=color" |
:style="{'background-color': color}"></div> |
</div> |
<div> |
<div @click="YL.open('yl-color-picker',{data:{color:colorChoose,parent:YLApp.id}})" style="float: left;margin-right:1em;width:4em;height:calc(2em + 2px);" |
:style="{'background-color': colorChoose}"></div> |
<input style="width:103px;margin-right: 20px;float: left;padding: 0.5em;outline: none;" |
:disabled="autoThemeColor" v-model="colorChoose"/> |
<el-switch |
style="display: block;position: relative;top: 4px;float: left;width: 200px;" |
v-model="autoThemeColor" |
:active-text="YL.lang('PickFromBgAuto')" |
inactive-color="gray"> |
</el-switch> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="tab-right" :class="{active:'wallpaper'===navActive}"> |
<div class="show"> |
<h1>{{YL.lang('Wallpaper')}}</h1> |
<img id="img-wallpaper-preview" width="336" height="185" onerror="this.src='./error.png'" :src="wallpaperNowFixed"/> |
<div> |
<el-switch |
style="" |
v-model="wallpaperBlur" |
:active-text="YL.lang('Blur')" |
inactive-color="gray"> |
</el-switch> |
<el-switch |
style="margin-left: 20px" |
v-model="wallpaperSlide" |
:active-text="YL.lang('Slide')" |
inactive-color="gray"> |
</el-switch> |
</div> |
<div v-show="wallpaperSlide"> |
<div style="margin-top: 20px"> |
<el-radio-group v-model="wallpaperSlideRandom" size="small"> |
<el-radio-button :label="false">{{YL.lang('PlaySequentially')}}</el-radio-button> |
<el-radio-button :label="true">{{YL.lang('PlayRandomly')}}</el-radio-button> |
</el-radio-group> |
</div> |
<div style="margin-top: 20px"> |
{{YL.lang('SwitchingFrequency')}} |
<el-select v-model="wallpaperSlideItv" size="small" :placeholder="YL.lang('PleaseChoose')"> |
<el-option :label="'1 '+YL.lang('Minutes')" :value="1"></el-option> |
<el-option :label="'10 '+YL.lang('Minutes')" :value="10"></el-option> |
<el-option :label="'30 '+YL.lang('Minutes')" :value="30"></el-option> |
<el-option :label="'1 '+YL.lang('Hours')" :value="60"></el-option> |
<el-option :label="'6 '+YL.lang('Hours')" :value="360"></el-option> |
<el-option :label="'24 '+YL.lang('Hours')" :value="1440"></el-option> |
</el-select> |
</div> |
</div> |
<p> |
<input class="ipt-yl" v-model="wallpaperAddUrl" :placeholder="YL.lang('AddPictureOnline')"/> |
<el-button @click="btnAddBgClick" size="medium" |
style="width: 81px;border-radius: inherit;font-size: 12px;">{{YL.lang('Add')}} |
</el-button> |
<el-button @click="YL.open('ylui-image-host')" |
style="border-radius: inherit;margin-left: 13px;font-size: 12px;" |
size="medium" icon="el-icon-upload" ></el-button> |
</p> |
<div class="img-bg-preview"> |
<img v-for="bg in wallpapers" |
:style="{'border-color':themeColorNow}" |
@click="YL.vue.configs.wallpaper=bg.image" |
onerror="this.src='./error.png'" |
@contextMenu="imgContextMenu(bg,$event)" |
:src="urlFix(bg.preview?bg.preview:bg.image)"/> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="tab-right" :class="{active:'data-manage'===navActive}"> |
<div class="show"> |
<h1>{{YL.lang('DataManager')}}</h1> |
<div style="min-width: 250px;overflow-x: hidden"> |
<el-button-group> |
<el-button plain :type="dataChanged?'primary':''" size="small" @click="layer.msg(YL.lang('DataHasBeenRefreshed'), {icon: 1});refreshData();" icon="el-icon-refresh"><span class="small-screen-hidden">{{YL.lang('Refresh')}}</span></el-button> |
<el-button plain size="small" @click="enableData" :loading="btnEnableLoading" icon="el-icon-sort"><span class="small-screen-hidden">{{YL.lang('TakeEffect')}}</span></el-button> |
<el-button plain size="small" @click="btnClipboard" icon="el-icon-tickets"><span class="small-screen-hidden">{{YL.lang('Copy')}}</span></el-button> |
<el-button plain size="small" @click="$('#ipt-json-file').click()" icon="el-icon-upload2"><input type="file" |
@change="jsonImport" |
id="ipt-json-file"/><span class="small-screen-hidden">{{YL.lang('Import')}}</span></el-button> |
<el-button plain size="small" @click="jsonExport" icon="el-icon-download"><span class="small-screen-hidden">{{YL.lang('Export')}}</span></el-button> |
</el-button-group> |
</div> |
<textarea style="margin: 5px 0 " id="text-data" v-model="textData" spellcheck="false"></textarea> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="tab-right" :class="{active:'others'===navActive}"> |
<div class="show"> |
<h1>{{YL.lang('Others')}}</h1> |
<p> |
<el-switch |
v-model="topTaskBar" |
:active-text="YL.lang('TopTaskBar')" |
inactive-color="gray"> |
</el-switch> |
</p> |
<div style="margin-top: 20px"> |
{{YL.lang('MaxNumberOfWindows')}} |
<el-select v-model="openMax" size="small" :placeholder="YL.lang('PleaseChoose')"> |
<el-option label="6" :value="6"></el-option> |
<el-option label="9" :value="9"></el-option> |
<el-option label="12" :value="12"></el-option> |
<el-option label="15" :value="15"></el-option> |
<el-option label="18" :value="18"></el-option> |
</el-select> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="tab-right" :class="{active:'YLUI'===navActive}"> |
<div class="show"> |
<h1>YLUI</h1> |
<div style="margin: 15px auto;" :style="{color:themeColorNow,'font-size':isSmallScreen?'22px':'68px'}"> |
<i class=" fa " :class="[ 'fa-'+YL.info.iconBtnStart ]"></i> {{YL.info.softwareName}} |
</div> |
<table class="tb-about-us"> |
<tr> |
<td :width="isSmallScreen?'100':'150'">{{YL.lang('Version')}}</td> |
<td>{{YL.info.version}}</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>{{YL.lang('Authorization')}}</td> |
<td>{{YL.static.authorization}}</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>{{YL.lang('SerialNumber')}}</td> |
<td>{{YL.static.serialNumber}}</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>{{YL.lang('Author')}}</td> |
<td>{{YL.info.author}}</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>{{YL.lang('Contact')}}</td> |
<td>{{YL.info.contactInformation}}</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>{{YL.lang('OfficialWebsite')}}</td> |
<td> |
<a style="text-decoration: underline;cursor: pointer" onclick="YLApp.open(YL.info.officialWebsite)">{{YL.info.officialWebsite}}</a> |
</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>{{YL.lang('Copyright')}}</td> |
<td style="font-size: 12px">{{YL.info.copyrightDetail}}</td> |
</tr> |
<tr v-if="YL.static.others"> |
<td>{{YL.lang('OtherStatements')}}</td> |
<td style="font-size: 12px">{{YL.info.otherStatements}}</td> |
</tr> |
</table> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="tab-right" :class="{active:'aboutUs'===navActive}"> |
<div class="show"> |
<h1>{{YL.lang('AboutUs')}}</h1> |
<div style="margin: 15px auto;" :style="{color:themeColorNow,'font-size':isSmallScreen?'22px':'68px'}"> |
<i class=" fa " :class="[ 'fa-'+YL.static.iconBtnStart ]"></i> {{YL.static.softwareName}} |
</div> |
<table class="tb-about-us"> |
<tr> |
<td :width="isSmallScreen?'100':'150'">{{YL.lang('Version')}}</td> |
<td>{{YL.static.version}}</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>{{YL.lang('Author')}}</td> |
<td>{{YL.static.author}}</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>{{YL.lang('Contact')}}</td> |
<td>{{YL.static.contactInformation}}</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>{{YL.lang('OfficialWebsite')}}</td> |
<td> |
<a style="text-decoration: underline;cursor: pointer" onclick="YLApp.open(YL.static.officialWebsite)">{{YL.static.officialWebsite}}</a> |
</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>{{YL.lang('Copyright')}}</td> |
<td style="font-size: 12px">{{YL.static.copyrightDetail}}</td> |
</tr> |
<tr v-if="YL.static.others"> |
<td>{{YL.lang('OtherStatements')}}</td> |
<td style="font-size: 12px">{{YL.static.otherStatements}}</td> |
</tr> |
</table> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<script src="./index.js"></script> |
</body> |
</html> |
@ -1,457 +0,0 @@ |
var YL = parent.YL; |
YLApp.onReady(function () { |
YLApp.onEvent(function (e) { |
switch (e.event) { |
case "setColorFromColorPicker": |
var color = e.data; |
if ('colors' === vue.navActive) { |
vue.colorChoose = color; |
} |
if ('app-manager' === vue.navActive) { |
vue.appSetting.icon.bg = color; |
} |
break; |
case "dataChanged" : |
if(e.from===0){ |
vue.ondataChanged(); |
} |
} |
}); |
var vue = new Vue({ |
el: "#app", |
created: function () { |
document.body.focus(); |
var that = this; |
if(YL.static.changeable&&YL.static.dataCenter){ |
this.loadApps(); |
if (YLApp.data.nav) { |
this.navActive = YLApp.data.nav; |
} |
if (YLApp.data.appSetting) { |
this.appSetting = this.apps[YLApp.data.appSetting]; |
} |
this.syncData(); |
this.refreshData(); |
}else{ |
this.navActive ="aboutUs"; |
} |
var fnResize = function () { |
var clientSize = Yuri2.getClientSize(); |
that.isSmallScreen = clientSize.width <= 768; |
}; |
fnResize(); |
$(window).resize(fnResize); |
$("body").css("opacity", 1); |
}, |
data: { |
navActive: 'app-manager', |
navs: { |
"app-manager": { |
icon: "puzzle-piece", |
text: YL.lang('AppManager'), |
disable:!YL.static.changeable |
}, |
"colors": { |
icon: "paint-brush", |
text: YL.lang('Color'), |
disable:!YL.static.changeable |
}, |
"wallpaper": { |
icon: "image", |
text: YL.lang('Wallpaper'), |
disable:!YL.static.changeable |
}, |
"others": { |
icon: "tasks", |
text: YL.lang('Others'), |
disable:!YL.static.changeable |
}, |
"data-manage": { |
icon: "database", |
text: YL.lang('DataManager'), |
disable:!(YL.static.changeable&&YL.static.dataCenter) |
}, |
"YLUI": { |
icon: "yoast", |
text: 'YLUI', |
}, |
"aboutUs": { |
icon: "info-circle", |
text: YL.lang('AboutUs'), |
}, |
}, |
apps: {}, |
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themeColorNow: '', |
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wallpapers: [], |
wallpaperBlur: false, |
wallpaperSlide: false, |
wallpaperSlideRandom: false, |
wallpaperSlideItv: 5, |
wallpaperAddUrl: '', |
openMax: 9, |
topTaskBar: false, |
activeAppId: null, |
textData: '', |
btnEnableLoading: false, |
appSetting: null,//app高级配置
appSettingForm: {}, |
isSmallScreen: false,//是否小屏幕
dataChanged:false, |
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watch: { |
appSetting: { |
handler: function (val, oldVal) { |
if (!val) { |
YL.vue.$set(YL.vue, 'apps', Yuri2.jsonDeepCopy(this.apps)); |
layer.msg("已保存"); |
} |
} |
}, |
colorChoose: { |
handler: function (val, oldVal) { |
if (!this.autoThemeColor) { |
YL.vue.configs.themeColor = val; |
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} |
}, |
autoThemeColor: { |
handler: function (val, oldVal) { |
YL.vue.configs.autoThemeColor = val; |
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YL.vue.configs.themeColor = this.colorChoose; |
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wallpaperBlur: { |
handler: function (val, oldVal) { |
YL.vue.configs.wallpaperBlur = this.wallpaperBlur; |
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wallpaperSlide: { |
handler: function (val, oldVal) { |
YL.vue.configs.wallpaperSlide = this.wallpaperSlide; |
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handler: function (val, oldVal) { |
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wallpaperSlideItv: { |
handler: function (val, oldVal) { |
YL.vue.configs.wallpaperSlideItv = this.wallpaperSlideItv; |
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handler: function (val, oldVal) { |
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openMax: { |
handler: function (val, oldVal) { |
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computed: { |
// 计算属性的 getter
wallpaperNowFixed: function () { |
return this.urlFix(this.wallpaperNow); |
}, |
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methods: { |
syncData:function () { |
var that=this; |
try { |
var configs = YL.util.dataCopy('configs'); |
that.themeColorNow = configs.themeColor; |
that.autoThemeColor = configs.autoThemeColor; |
that.wallpaperNow = configs.wallpaper; |
that.wallpapers = configs.wallpapers; |
that.wallpaperBlur = configs.wallpaperBlur; |
that.wallpaperSlide = configs.wallpaperSlide; |
that.wallpaperSlideRandom = configs.wallpaperSlideRandom; |
that.wallpaperSlideItv = configs.wallpaperSlideItv; |
that.openMax = configs.openMax; |
that.topTaskBar = configs.topTaskBar; |
if (!that.colorChoose) { |
that.colorChoose = configs.themeColor; |
} |
} catch (e) { |
YL.debug(e) |
} |
}, |
ondataChanged:function () { |
this.dataChanged=true; |
this.syncData(); |
}, |
appCreate: function (title) { |
var id = ''; |
if (/^[\w-.]+$/.test(title) && !this.apps[title]) { |
id = title; |
} else { |
do { |
id = 'app-' + YL.util.getID(); |
} while (this.apps[id]) |
} |
var app = YL.util.getAppDataTemplate(); |
app.title = title; |
app.icon.type = 'str'; |
app.icon.content = title; |
this.$set(this.apps,id,app); |
}, |
appContextMenu: function (id, e) { |
var that = this; |
var app = this.apps[id]; |
var menu = [ |
"<span style='color: darkgray'>" + YL.util.getStrFa('pencil') + app.title + "</span>", |
'|', |
[YL.util.getStrFa('play-circle') +YL.lang('Open'), function () { |
YL.open(id); |
}], |
[ |
YL.util.getStrFa('copy') + YL.lang("AddTo"), [ |
[YL.util.getStrFa('desktop') + YL.lang("DesktopIcons"), function () { |
that.appAddToShortcut(id) |
}], |
[YL.util.getStrFa('list-ul') + YL.lang("MainMenu"), function () { |
that.appAddToMenu(id) |
}], |
[YL.util.getStrFa('sliders') + YL.lang("Sidebar"), function () { |
that.appAddToSidebar(id) |
}], |
[YL.util.getStrFa('square') + YL.lang("Tiles"), function () { |
that.appAddToTile(id) |
}], |
] |
], |
[YL.util.getStrFa('cogs') + YL.lang("Advance"), function () { |
that.appSetting = app; |
}], |
'|', |
[YL.util.getStrFa('trash') + YL.lang("Uninstall"), function () { |
that.uninstall(id) |
}], |
]; |
ContextMenu.render(e, menu, this); |
}, |
jsonImport: function () { |
var that = this; |
var el = $("#ipt-json-file"); |
var reader = new FileReader(); |
reader.readAsText(el[0].files[0], "utf8"); |
reader.onload = function (e) { |
that.textData = e.target.result; |
}; |
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jsonExport: function () { |
var blob = new Blob([this.textData], {type: "text/plain;charset=utf-8"}); |
Yuri2.saveAs(blob, "yl-data.json"); |
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refreshData: function () { |
var textData = YL.export(); |
this.textData = Yuri2.jsonFormat(textData); // 缩进4个空格
this.dataChanged=false; |
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btnClipboard: function () { |
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dt.setData("text/plain", this.textData); |
clipboard.write(dt); |
layer.msg(YL.lang("CopiedToShearPlate")); |
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enableData: function () { |
var that = this; |
this.btnEnableLoading = true; |
setTimeout(function () { |
try { |
var json = JSON.parse(that.textData); |
YL.import(json); |
}catch (e){ |
layer.msg(YL.lang("FormatError")); |
that.btnEnableLoading = false; |
} |
}, 500); |
}, |
renderAutoRun: function (autoRun) { |
try { |
if (autoRun > 0) { |
return "Lv" + Math.floor(autoRun); |
} else { |
return YL.lang("Disabled"); |
} |
} catch (e) { |
return YL.lang("ConfigurationError"); |
} |
}, |
urlFix: function (url) { |
return url[0] === '.' ? "../../../" + url : url; |
}, |
loadApps: function () { |
var apps = YL.util.dataCopy('apps'); |
this.apps = apps; |
}, |
navStyle: function (id) { |
var color = this.themeColorNow; |
return id === this.navActive ? {'color': color, 'border-left': '5px solid ' + color} : {}; |
}, |
uninstall: function (id) { |
var app = this.apps[id]; |
var cfm = layer.confirm(Yuri2.template(YL.lang("UninstallConfirm"),app.title), {skin: "yl"}, function () { |
layer.close(cfm); |
if (YL.uninstall(id)) |
vue.$delete(vue.apps, id); |
}) |
}, |
appOpen: function (id) { |
YL.open(id); |
}, |
appAddToShortcut: function (id) { |
YL.addShortcut(id); |
layer.msg(YL.lang("Added")); |
}, |
appAddToMenu: function (id) { |
YL.addMenuItem(id); |
layer.msg(YL.lang("Added")); |
}, |
appAddToSidebar: function (id) { |
YL.addSidebarBtn(id); |
layer.msg(YL.lang("Added")); |
}, |
appAddToTile: function (id) { |
YL.addTile(id); |
layer.msg(YL.lang("Added")); |
}, |
appSearchMatch: function (id) { |
var app = this.apps[id]; |
var words = this.appSearchWords; |
if (!words) { |
return true; |
} |
var checkList = [ |
id, |
app.title, |
app.desc, |
app.poweredBy, |
this.renderAutoRun(app.autoRun), |
]; |
for (var i in checkList) { |
var item = checkList[i]; |
if (typeof item === 'string' && item.indexOf(words) !== -1) { |
return true; |
} |
} |
return false; |
}, |
btnAutoTheme: function () { |
if (this.autoThemeColor) { |
return {'background': this.themeColorNow, 'color': 'white'}; |
} else { |
return {'background': 'rgb(230,230,230)', 'color': 'black'}; |
} |
}, |
btnAddBgClick: function () { |
var url = this.wallpaperAddUrl; |
if (!url) { |
return |
} |
YL.vue.configs.wallpapers.push({image: url, preview: ""}); |
this.wallpaperAddUrl = ''; |
}, |
imgContextMenu: function (bg, e) { |
var that = this; |
var menu = [ |
[YL.util.getStrFa('play') + YL.lang('Enabled'), function () { |
YL.vue.configs.wallpaper = bg.image; |
}], |
[YL.util.getStrFa('remove') + YL.lang('Delete'), function () { |
var wallpapers = YL.vue.configs.wallpapers; |
for (var i = 0; i < wallpapers.length; i++) { |
if (wallpapers[i].image === bg.image) { |
wallpapers.splice(i, 1); |
return; |
} |
} |
}], |
]; |
ContextMenu.render(e, menu, this); |
}, |
_checkAutoRunLevel: function (app) { |
if (isNaN(app.autoRun) || app.autoRun < 0) { |
app.autoRun = 0; |
} |
}, |
reduceAutoRunLevel: function (app) { |
this._checkAutoRunLevel(app); |
app.autoRun--; |
this._checkAutoRunLevel(app); |
}, |
increaseAutoRunLevel: function (app) { |
this._checkAutoRunLevel(app); |
app.autoRun++; |
this._checkAutoRunLevel(app); |
}, |
}, |
}); |
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Before Width: | Height: | Size: 66 KiB |
@ -1,415 +0,0 @@ |
YL.onReady(function () { |
var lang = YL.static.lang === 'zh-cn' || YL.static.lang === 'zh-tw'? |
{ |
Mon: '星期一', |
MonShort: '一', |
Tues: '星期二', |
TuesShort: '二', |
Wed: '星期三', |
WedShort: '三', |
Thur: '星期四', |
ThurShort: '四', |
Fri: '星期五', |
FriShort: '五', |
Sat: '星期六', |
SatShort: '六', |
Sun: '星期日', |
SunShort: '日', |
Jan: '1月', |
Feb: '2月', |
Mar: '3月', |
Apr: '4月', |
May: '5月', |
June: '6月', |
July: '7月', |
Aug: '8月', |
Sept: '9月', |
Oct: '10月', |
Nov: '11月', |
Dec: '12月', |
}: |
{ |
Mon: 'Monday', |
MonShort: 'Mon', |
Tues: 'Tuesday', |
TuesShort: 'Tues', |
Wed: 'Wednesday', |
WedShort: 'Wed', |
Thur: 'Thursday', |
ThurShort: 'Thur', |
Fri: 'Friday', |
FriShort: 'Fri', |
Sat: 'Saturday', |
SatShort: 'Sat', |
Sun: 'Sunday', |
SunShort: 'Sun', |
Jan: 'Jan', |
Feb: 'Feb', |
Mar: 'Mar', |
Apr: 'Apr', |
May: 'May', |
June: 'June', |
July: 'July', |
Aug: 'Aug', |
Sept: 'Sept', |
Oct: 'Oct', |
Nov: 'Nov', |
Dec: 'Dec', |
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var _relDate = _setdate; |
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function showTime() { |
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var s = date.getSeconds(); |
var year = date.getFullYear(); |
var month = date.getMonth() + 1; |
var day = date.getDate(); |
var week = date.getDay(); |
var str; |
str = toZero(h) + ':' + toZero(m) + ':' + toZero(s); |
aDiv_time[0].innerHTML = str; |
str = year + '/' + month + '/' + day + ',' + arrWeek[week]; |
aDiv_time[1].innerHTML = str; |
} |
aDiv_time[1].onclick = function () { |
clearTimeout(_delay_time); |
_setyear = _relYear; |
_setmonth = _relMonth; |
_setdate = _relDate; |
showDate(); |
onOff = 0; |
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_oTenYears.style.display = 'none'; |
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_aLi_months[i].className = ''; |
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_aLi_months[_setmonth].className = 'active'; |
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var i; |
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { |
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for (i = 0; i < _aLi_months.length; i++) { |
(function (n) { |
_aLi_months[n].onclick = function () { |
var i; |
for (i = 0; i < _aLi_months.length; i++) { |
_aLi_months[i].className = ''; |
} |
_setmonth = n % 12; |
for (i = 0; i < _aLi_months.length; i++) { |
_aLi_months[i].className = ''; |
} |
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { |
_aLi_months[_setmonth + i * 12].className = 'active'; |
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console.log(this.offsetLeft, this.offsetTop); |
clearTimeout(_delay_time); |
_delay_time = setTimeout(function () { |
_aStrong[0].innerHTML = _setyear + '/' + (_setmonth + 1); |
_oYears_months.style.display = 'none'; |
_oNormal.style.display = 'block'; |
_fn_block(_oNormal); |
_oTenYears.style.display = 'none'; |
// document.title=onOff;
showDate(); |
onOff = 0; |
}, 200); |
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ele.style.transform = 'scale(0.5)'; |
setTimeout(function () { |
ele.style.transition = '0.3s'; |
ele.style.transform = 'scale(1)'; |
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showDate(); |
function showDate() { |
var str = ''; |
if (_setmonth === 0) { |
str = _fn_layout(_setyear - 1, 11, _setdate) + _fn_layout(_setyear, _setmonth, _setdate) + _fn_layout(_setyear, _setmonth + 1, _setdate); |
} else if (_setmonth === 11) { |
str = _fn_layout(_setyear, _setmonth - 1, _setdate) + _fn_layout(_setyear, _setmonth, _setdate) + _fn_layout(_setyear + 1, 0, _setdate); |
} else { |
str = _fn_layout(_setyear, _setmonth - 1, _setdate) + _fn_layout(_setyear, _setmonth, _setdate) + _fn_layout(_setyear, _setmonth + 1, _setdate); |
} |
oDays.innerHTML = str; |
_aStrong[0].innerHTML = _setyear + '/' + (_setmonth + 1); |
} |
function _fn_layout(_setyear, _setmonth, _setdate) { |
if (_setyear === _relYear && _setmonth === _relMonth) { |
_setdate = _relDate; |
} else { |
_setdate = 1; |
} |
var _oDate = new Date(); |
var _date; |
_oDate.setDate(_setdate); |
_oDate.setMonth(_setmonth); |
_oDate.setFullYear(_setyear); |
_date = new Date(_oDate); |
_date.setDate(0); |
var _prevDays = _date.getDate(); |
_date = new Date(_oDate); |
_date.setDate(1); |
var _week = _date.getDay(); |
_date = new Date(_oDate); |
_date.setDate(1); |
_date.setMonth(_setmonth + 1); |
_date.setDate(0); |
var _allDays = _date.getDate(); |
var str = ''; |
var num = 0; |
var i; |
if (_week === 0) { |
_week = 7; |
} |
for (i = 0; i < _week; i++) { |
str = '<li class="grey">' + (_prevDays - i) + '</li>' + str; |
num++; |
} |
for (i = 0; i < _allDays; i++) { |
if (i === _setdate - 1) { |
str += '<li class="active">' + (i + 1) + '</li>'; |
} else { |
str += '<li>' + (i + 1) + '</li>'; |
} |
num++; |
} |
for (i = 0; i < 42 - num; i++) { |
str += '<li class="grey">' + (i + 1) + '</li>'; |
} |
return str; |
} |
_aStrong[0].onclick = function () { |
clearTimeout(_delay_time); |
if (onOff === 0) { |
_aStrong[0].innerHTML = _setyear; |
_oYears_months.style.display = 'block'; |
_fn_block(_oYears_months); |
_oNormal.style.display = 'none'; |
_oTenYears.style.display = 'none'; |
} else if (onOff === 1) { |
_temp_ten = 0; |
_aStrong[0].innerHTML = Math.floor(_setyear / 10) * 10 + '-' + (Math.floor(_setyear / 10) * 10 + 9); |
_oYears_months.style.display = 'none'; |
_oNormal.style.display = 'none'; |
_oTenYears.style.display = 'block'; |
_fn_block(_oTenYears); |
} else if (onOff === 2) { |
_aStrong[0].innerHTML = _setyear + '/' + (_setmonth + 1); |
_oYears_months.style.display = 'none'; |
_oNormal.style.display = 'block'; |
_fn_block(_oNormal); |
_oTenYears.style.display = 'none'; |
} |
var i; |
for (i = 0; i < _aLi_months.length; i++) { |
_aLi_months[i].className = ''; |
} |
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { |
_aLi_months[_setmonth + i * 12].className = 'active'; |
} |
if (onOff === 1) { |
ten(_setyear); |
} |
if (onOff === 2) { |
showDate(); |
} |
onOff++; |
onOff = onOff % 3; |
}; |
function ten(_year) { |
_oTenYears_ul.innerHTML = _layout_tenyear(_year - 10) + _layout_tenyear(_year) + _layout_tenyear(_year + 10); |
for (var i = 0; i < _oTenYears_lis.length; i++) { |
_oTenYears_lis[i].onclick = function () { |
for (var i = 0; i < _oTenYears_lis.length; i++) { |
_oTenYears_lis[i].className === 'active' && (_oTenYears_lis[i].className = ''); |
} |
this.className = 'active'; |
_setyear = parseInt(this.innerHTML); |
clearTimeout(_delay_time); |
_delay_time = setTimeout(function () { |
onOff = 1; |
_aStrong[0].innerHTML = _setyear; |
_oYears_months.style.display = 'block'; |
_fn_block(_oYears_months); |
_oNormal.style.display = 'none'; |
_oTenYears.style.display = 'none'; |
}, 200); |
} |
} |
} |
_r_l[0].onclick = function () { |
if (onOff === 0) { |
_setmonth--; |
if (_setmonth === -1) { |
_setmonth = 11; //0-11
_setyear--; |
} |
showDate(); |
oDays.style.transition = '0s'; |
oDays.style.top = '-25.2rem'; |
setTimeout(function () { |
oDays.style.transition = '0.5s'; |
oDays.style.top = '-12.6rem'; |
}, 10); |
} else if (onOff === 1) { |
_setyear--; |
_oYears_months_ul.style.transition = '0s'; |
_oYears_months_ul.style.top = '-21.6rem'; |
setTimeout(function () { |
_oYears_months_ul.style.transition = '0.5s'; |
_oYears_months_ul.style.top = '-10.8rem'; |
}, 10); |
_aStrong[0].innerHTML = _setyear; |
} else if (onOff === 2) { |
_temp_ten--; |
var _temp = _setyear + 10 * _temp_ten; |
_aStrong[0].innerHTML = Math.floor(_temp / 10) * 10 + '-' + (Math.floor(_temp / 10) * 10 + 9); |
ten(_temp); |
_oTenYears_ul.style.transition = '0s'; |
_oTenYears_ul.style.top = '-21.6rem'; |
setTimeout(function () { |
_oTenYears_ul.style.transition = '0.5s'; |
_oTenYears_ul.style.top = '-10.8rem'; |
}, 10); |
} |
}; |
_r_l[1].onclick = function () { |
if (onOff === 0) { |
_setmonth++; |
if (_setmonth === 12) { |
_setmonth = 0; //0-11
_setyear++; |
} |
showDate(); |
oDays.style.transition = '0s'; |
oDays.style.top = '0'; |
setTimeout(function () { |
oDays.style.transition = '0.5s'; |
oDays.style.top = '-12.6rem'; |
}, 10); |
} else if (onOff === 1) { |
_setyear++; |
_oYears_months_ul.style.transition = '0s'; |
_oYears_months_ul.style.top = '0'; |
setTimeout(function () { |
_oYears_months_ul.style.transition = '0.5s'; |
_oYears_months_ul.style.top = '-10.8rem'; |
}, 10); |
_aStrong[0].innerHTML = _setyear; |
} else if (onOff === 2) { |
_temp_ten++; |
var _temp = _setyear + 10 * _temp_ten; |
_aStrong[0].innerHTML = Math.floor(_temp / 10) * 10 + '-' + (Math.floor(_temp / 10) * 10 + 9); |
ten(_temp); |
_oTenYears_ul.style.transition = '0s'; |
_oTenYears_ul.style.top = '0'; |
setTimeout(function () { |
_oTenYears_ul.style.transition = '0.5s'; |
_oTenYears_ul.style.top = '-10.8rem'; |
}, 10); |
} |
}; |
function toZero(num) { |
return num < 10 ? '0' + num : '' + num; |
} |
function _layout_tenyear(_year) { |
var str = ''; |
var num = Math.floor(_year / 10) * 10; |
var start = num - 1; |
var end = num + 10; |
for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) { |
if ((start + i) === _setyear && (start + i) >= num && (start + i) < end) { |
str += '<li class="active">' + (start + i) + '</li>'; |
} else if (i === 0 || i === 11) { |
str += '<li class="grey">' + (start + i) + '</li>'; |
} else { |
str += '<li>' + (start + i) + '</li>'; |
} |
} |
return str; |
} |
function initDom() { |
var domWeek = o_box_time.getElementsByClassName('_week')[0]; |
var week = [lang.SunShort, lang.MonShort, lang.TuesShort, lang.WedShort, lang.ThurShort, lang.FriShort, lang.SatShort]; |
var months = [lang.Jan, lang.Feb, lang.Mar, lang.Apr, lang.May, lang.June, lang.July, lang.Aug, lang.Sept, lang.Oct, lang.Nov, lang.Dec]; |
week.forEach(function (t) { |
var span = document.createElement('span'); |
span.innerHTML = t; |
domWeek.appendChild(span); |
}); |
var funcAddMonth = function () { |
months.forEach(function (t) { |
var li = document.createElement('li'); |
li.innerHTML = t; |
_oYears_months_ul.appendChild(li); |
}); |
}; |
funcAddMonth(); |
funcAddMonth(); |
funcAddMonth(); |
} |
}); |
@ -1,161 +0,0 @@ |
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display: none; |
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display: none; |
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text-shadow: 0 0 1px #fff; |
} |
@ -1,423 +0,0 @@ |
/* |
colpick Color Picker / colpick.com |
*/ |
/*Main container*/ |
.colpick { |
position: absolute; |
width: 346px; |
height: 170px; |
overflow: hidden; |
display: none; |
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; |
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/*Hue bar sliding indicator*/ |
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.colpick_rgb_b { |
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/*Text field container on focus*/ |
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/*Field label container*/ |
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/*Text inputs*/ |
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/*Field up/down arrows*/ |
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/*rgbhex layout*/ |
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top: 135px; |
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/*hex layout*/ |
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height:25px; |
top:168px; |
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line-height: 25px; |
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.colpick_hex .colpick_new_color { |
left:9px; |
top:168px; |
width:30px; |
border-right:none; |
} |
.colpick_hex .colpick_current_color { |
left:39px; |
top:168px; |
width:30px; |
border-left:none; |
} |
.colpick_hex .colpick_submit { |
left:164px; |
top: 168px; |
width:30px; |
height:25px; |
line-height: 25px; |
} |
/*hex layout, no submit button*/ |
.colpick_hex_ns .colpick_submit, .colpick_hex_ns .colpick_current_color { |
display:none; |
} |
.colpick_hex_ns .colpick_hex_field { |
width:80px; |
} |
.colpick_hex_ns .colpick_new_color{ |
width:60px; |
border: 1px solid #8f8f8f; |
} |
/*Dark color scheme*/ |
.colpick_dark { |
background: #161616; |
border-color: #2a2a2a; |
} |
.colpick_dark .colpick_color { |
outline-color: #333; |
} |
.colpick_dark .colpick_hue { |
border-color: #555; |
} |
.colpick_dark .colpick_field, .colpick_dark .colpick_hex_field { |
background: #101010; |
border-color: #2d2d2d; |
} |
.colpick_dark .colpick_field_letter { |
background: #131313; |
border-color: #2d2d2d; |
color: #696969; |
} |
.colpick_dark .colpick_field input, .colpick_dark .colpick_hex_field input { |
color: #7a7a7a; |
} |
.colpick_dark .colpick_field_uarr { |
border-bottom-color:#696969; |
} |
.colpick_dark .colpick_field_darr { |
border-top-color:#696969; |
} |
.colpick_dark .colpick_focus { |
border-color:#444; |
} |
.colpick_dark .colpick_submit { |
background: #131313; |
border-color:#2d2d2d; |
color:#7a7a7a; |
} |
.colpick_dark .colpick_submit:hover { |
background-color:#101010; |
border-color:#444; |
} |
@ -1,561 +0,0 @@ |
/* |
colpick Color Picker |
Copyright 2013 Jose Vargas. Licensed under GPL license. Based on Stefan Petre's Color Picker www.eyecon.ro, dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses |
For usage and examples: colpick.com/plugin |
*/ |
(function ($) { |
var colpick = function () { |
var |
tpl = '<div class="colpick"><div class="colpick_color"><div class="colpick_color_overlay1"><div class="colpick_color_overlay2"><div class="colpick_selector_outer"><div class="colpick_selector_inner"></div></div></div></div></div><div class="colpick_hue"><div class="colpick_hue_arrs"><div class="colpick_hue_larr"></div><div class="colpick_hue_rarr"></div></div></div><div class="colpick_new_color"></div><div class="colpick_current_color"></div><div class="colpick_hex_field"><div class="colpick_field_letter">#</div><input type="text" maxlength="6" size="6" /></div><div class="colpick_rgb_r colpick_field"><div class="colpick_field_letter">R</div><input type="text" maxlength="3" size="3" /><div class="colpick_field_arrs"><div class="colpick_field_uarr"></div><div class="colpick_field_darr"></div></div></div><div class="colpick_rgb_g colpick_field"><div class="colpick_field_letter">G</div><input type="text" maxlength="3" size="3" /><div class="colpick_field_arrs"><div class="colpick_field_uarr"></div><div class="colpick_field_darr"></div></div></div><div class="colpick_rgb_b colpick_field"><div class="colpick_field_letter">B</div><input type="text" maxlength="3" size="3" /><div class="colpick_field_arrs"><div class="colpick_field_uarr"></div><div class="colpick_field_darr"></div></div></div><div class="colpick_hsx_h colpick_field"><div class="colpick_field_letter">H</div><input type="text" maxlength="3" size="3" /><div class="colpick_field_arrs"><div class="colpick_field_uarr"></div><div class="colpick_field_darr"></div></div></div><div class="colpick_hsx_s colpick_field"><div class="colpick_field_letter">S</div><input type="text" maxlength="3" size="3" /><div class="colpick_field_arrs"><div class="colpick_field_uarr"></div><div class="colpick_field_darr"></div></div></div><div class="colpick_hsx_x colpick_field"><div class="colpick_field_letter">B</div><input type="text" maxlength="3" size="3" /><div class="colpick_field_arrs"><div class="colpick_field_uarr"></div><div class="colpick_field_darr"></div></div></div><div class="colpick_submit"></div></div>', |
defaults = { |
showEvent: 'click', |
onShow: function () {}, |
onBeforeShow: function(){}, |
onHide: function () {}, |
onChange: function () {}, |
onSubmit: function () {}, |
colorScheme: 'light', |
color: '3289c7', |
livePreview: true, |
flat: false, |
layout: 'full', |
submit: 1, |
submitText: 'OK', |
height: 156, |
hsl: false |
}, |
//Fill the inputs of the plugin
fillRGBFields = function (hsx, cal) { |
var rgb = $(cal).data('colpick').hsl ? hslToRgb(hsx) : hsbToRgb(hsx); |
$(cal).data('colpick').fields |
.eq(1).val(rgb.r).end() |
.eq(2).val(rgb.g).end() |
.eq(3).val(rgb.b).end(); |
}, |
fillHSXFields = function (hsx, cal) { |
$(cal).data('colpick').fields |
.eq(4).val(Math.round(hsx.h)).end() |
.eq(5).val(Math.round(hsx.s)).end() |
.eq(6).val(Math.round(hsx.x)).end(); |
}, |
fillHexFields = function (hsx, cal) { |
$(cal).data('colpick').fields.eq(0).val($(cal).data('colpick').hsl ? hslToHex(hsx) : hsbToHex(hsx)); |
}, |
//Set the round selector position
setSelector = function (hsx, cal) { |
$(cal).data('colpick').selector.css('backgroundColor', '#' + ($(cal).data('colpick').hsl ? hslToHex({h:hsx.h,s:100,x:50}) : hsbToHex({h:hsx.h,s:100,x:100})) ); |
$(cal).data('colpick').selectorIndic.css({ |
left: parseInt($(cal).data('colpick').height * hsx.s/100, 10), |
top: parseInt($(cal).data('colpick').height * (100-hsx.x)/100, 10) |
}); |
}, |
//Set the hue selector position
setHue = function (hsx, cal) { |
$(cal).data('colpick').hue.css('top', parseInt($(cal).data('colpick').height - $(cal).data('colpick').height * hsx.h/360, 10)); |
}, |
//Set current and new colors
setCurrentColor = function (hsx, cal) { |
$(cal).data('colpick').currentColor.css('backgroundColor', '#' + ($(cal).data('colpick').hsl ? hslToHex(hsx) : hsbToHex(hsx)) ); |
}, |
setNewColor = function (hsx, cal) { |
$(cal).data('colpick').newColor.css('backgroundColor', '#' + ($(cal).data('colpick').hsl ? hslToHex(hsx) : hsbToHex(hsx)) ); |
}, |
//Called when the new color is changed
change = function (ev) { |
var cal = $(this).parent().parent(), col; |
if (this.parentNode.className.indexOf('_hex') > 0) { |
cal.data('colpick').color = col = cal.data('colpick').hsl ? hexToHsl(fixHex(this.value)) : hexToHsb(fixHex(this.value)); |
fillRGBFields(col, cal.get(0)); |
fillHSXFields(col, cal.get(0)); |
} else if (this.parentNode.className.indexOf('_hsx') > 0) { |
cal.data('colpick').color = col = fixHsx({ |
h: parseInt(cal.data('colpick').fields.eq(4).val(), 10), |
s: parseInt(cal.data('colpick').fields.eq(5).val(), 10), |
x: parseInt(cal.data('colpick').fields.eq(6).val(), 10) |
}); |
fillRGBFields(col, cal.get(0)); |
fillHexFields(col, cal.get(0)); |
} else { |
var rgb = { |
r: parseInt(cal.data('colpick').fields.eq(1).val(), 10), |
g: parseInt(cal.data('colpick').fields.eq(2).val(), 10), |
b: parseInt(cal.data('colpick').fields.eq(3).val(), 10) |
}; |
cal.data('colpick').color = col = cal.data('colpick').hsl ? rgbToHsl(fixRgb(rgb)) : rgbToHsb(fixRgb(rgb)); |
fillHexFields(col, cal.get(0)); |
fillHSXFields(col, cal.get(0)); |
} |
setSelector(col, cal.get(0)); |
setHue(col, cal.get(0)); |
setNewColor(col, cal.get(0)); |
cal.data('colpick').onChange.apply(cal.parent(), [col, cal.data('colpick').hsl ? hslToHex(col) : hsbToHex(col), cal.data('colpick').hsl ? hslToRgb(col) : hsbToRgb(col), cal.data('colpick').el, 0]); |
}, |
//Change style on blur and on focus of inputs
blur = function (ev) { |
$(this).parent().removeClass('colpick_focus'); |
}, |
focus = function () { |
$(this).parent().parent().data('colpick').fields.parent().removeClass('colpick_focus'); |
$(this).parent().addClass('colpick_focus'); |
}, |
//Increment/decrement arrows functions
downIncrement = function (ev) { |
ev.preventDefault ? ev.preventDefault() : ev.returnValue = false; |
var field = $(this).parent().find('input').focus(); |
var current = { |
el: $(this).parent().addClass('colpick_slider'), |
max: this.parentNode.className.indexOf('_hsx_h') > 0 ? 360 : (this.parentNode.className.indexOf('_hsx') > 0 ? 100 : 255), |
y: ev.pageY, |
field: field, |
val: parseInt(field.val(), 10), |
preview: $(this).parent().parent().data('colpick').livePreview |
}; |
$(document).mouseup(current, upIncrement); |
$(document).mousemove(current, moveIncrement); |
}, |
moveIncrement = function (ev) { |
ev.data.field.val(Math.max(0, Math.min(ev.data.max, parseInt(ev.data.val - ev.pageY + ev.data.y, 10)))); |
if (ev.data.preview) { |
change.apply(ev.data.field.get(0), [true]); |
} |
return false; |
}, |
upIncrement = function (ev) { |
change.apply(ev.data.field.get(0), [true]); |
ev.data.el.removeClass('colpick_slider').find('input').focus(); |
$(document).off('mouseup', upIncrement); |
$(document).off('mousemove', moveIncrement); |
return false; |
}, |
//Hue slider functions
downHue = function (ev) { |
ev.preventDefault ? ev.preventDefault() : ev.returnValue = false; |
var current = { |
cal: $(this).parent(), |
y: $(this).offset().top |
}; |
$(document).on('mouseup touchend',current,upHue); |
$(document).on('mousemove touchmove',current,moveHue); |
var pageY = ((ev.type == 'touchstart') ? ev.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageY : ev.pageY ); |
change.apply( |
current.cal.data('colpick') |
.fields.eq(4).val(parseInt(360*(current.cal.data('colpick').height - (pageY - current.y))/current.cal.data('colpick').height, 10)) |
.get(0), |
[current.cal.data('colpick').livePreview] |
); |
return false; |
}, |
moveHue = function (ev) { |
var pageY = ((ev.type == 'touchmove') ? ev.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageY : ev.pageY ); |
change.apply( |
ev.data.cal.data('colpick') |
.fields.eq(4).val(parseInt(360*(ev.data.cal.data('colpick').height - Math.max(0,Math.min(ev.data.cal.data('colpick').height,(pageY - ev.data.y))))/ev.data.cal.data('colpick').height, 10)) |
.get(0), |
[ev.data.preview] |
); |
return false; |
}, |
upHue = function (ev) { |
//fillRGBFields(ev.data.cal.data('colpick').color, ev.data.cal.get(0));
//fillHexFields(ev.data.cal.data('colpick').color, ev.data.cal.get(0));
$(document).off('mouseup touchend',upHue); |
$(document).off('mousemove touchmove',moveHue); |
return false; |
}, |
//Color selector functions
downSelector = function (ev) { |
ev.preventDefault ? ev.preventDefault() : ev.returnValue = false; |
var current = { |
cal: $(this).parent(), |
pos: $(this).offset() |
}; |
current.preview = current.cal.data('colpick').livePreview; |
$(document).on('mouseup touchend',current,upSelector); |
$(document).on('mousemove touchmove',current,moveSelector); |
var payeX,pageY; |
if(ev.type == 'touchstart') { |
pageX = ev.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX, |
pageY = ev.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageY; |
} else { |
pageX = ev.pageX; |
pageY = ev.pageY; |
} |
change.apply( |
current.cal.data('colpick').fields |
.eq(6).val(parseInt(100*(current.cal.data('colpick').height - (pageY - current.pos.top))/current.cal.data('colpick').height, 10)).end() |
.eq(5).val(parseInt(100*(pageX - current.pos.left)/current.cal.data('colpick').height, 10)) |
.get(0), |
[current.preview] |
); |
return false; |
}, |
moveSelector = function (ev) { |
var payeX,pageY; |
if(ev.type == 'touchmove') { |
pageX = ev.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX, |
pageY = ev.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageY; |
} else { |
pageX = ev.pageX; |
pageY = ev.pageY; |
} |
change.apply( |
ev.data.cal.data('colpick').fields |
.eq(6).val(parseInt(100*(ev.data.cal.data('colpick').height - Math.max(0,Math.min(ev.data.cal.data('colpick').height,(pageY - ev.data.pos.top))))/ev.data.cal.data('colpick').height, 10)).end() |
.eq(5).val(parseInt(100*(Math.max(0,Math.min(ev.data.cal.data('colpick').height,(pageX - ev.data.pos.left))))/ev.data.cal.data('colpick').height, 10)) |
.get(0), |
[ev.data.preview] |
); |
return false; |
}, |
upSelector = function (ev) { |
//fillRGBFields(ev.data.cal.data('colpick').color, ev.data.cal.get(0));
//fillHexFields(ev.data.cal.data('colpick').color, ev.data.cal.get(0));
$(document).off('mouseup touchend',upSelector); |
$(document).off('mousemove touchmove',moveSelector); |
return false; |
}, |
//Submit button
clickSubmit = function (ev) { |
var cal = $(this).parent(); |
var col = cal.data('colpick').color; |
cal.data('colpick').origColor = col; |
setCurrentColor(col, cal.get(0)); |
cal.data('colpick').onSubmit(col, cal.data('colpick').hsl ? hslToHex(col) : hsbToHex(col), cal.data('colpick').hsl ? hslToRgb(col) : hsbToRgb(col), cal.data('colpick').el); |
}, |
//Show/hide the color picker
show = function (ev) { |
// Prevent the trigger of any direct parent
ev.stopPropagation(); |
var cal = $('#' + $(this).data('colpickId')); |
cal.data('colpick').onBeforeShow.apply(this, [cal.get(0)]); |
var pos = $(this).offset(); |
var top = pos.top + this.offsetHeight; |
var left = pos.left; |
var viewPort = getViewport(); |
var calW = cal.width(); |
if (left + calW > viewPort.l + viewPort.w) { |
left -= calW; |
} |
cal.css({left: left + 'px', top: top + 'px'}); |
if (cal.data('colpick').onShow.apply(this, [cal.get(0)]) != false) { |
cal.show(); |
} |
//Hide when user clicks outside
$('html').mousedown({cal:cal}, hide); |
cal.mousedown(function(ev){ev.stopPropagation();}) |
}, |
hide = function (ev) { |
if (ev.data.cal.data('colpick').onHide.apply(this, [ev.data.cal.get(0)]) != false) { |
ev.data.cal.hide(); |
} |
$('html').off('mousedown', hide); |
}, |
getViewport = function () { |
var m = document.compatMode == 'CSS1Compat'; |
return { |
l : window.pageXOffset || (m ? document.documentElement.scrollLeft : document.body.scrollLeft), |
w : window.innerWidth || (m ? document.documentElement.clientWidth : document.body.clientWidth) |
}; |
}, |
//Fix the values if the user enters a negative or high value
fixHsx = function (hsx) { |
return { |
h: Math.min(360, Math.max(0, hsx.h)), |
s: Math.min(100, Math.max(0, hsx.s)), |
x: Math.min(100, Math.max(0, hsx.x)) |
}; |
}, |
fixRgb = function (rgb) { |
return { |
r: Math.min(255, Math.max(0, rgb.r)), |
g: Math.min(255, Math.max(0, rgb.g)), |
b: Math.min(255, Math.max(0, rgb.b)) |
}; |
}, |
fixHex = function (hex) { |
var len = 6 - hex.length; |
if (len > 0) { |
var o = []; |
for (var i=0; i<len; i++) { |
o.push('0'); |
} |
o.push(hex); |
hex = o.join(''); |
} |
return hex; |
}, |
restoreOriginal = function () { |
var cal = $(this).parent(); |
var col = cal.data('colpick').origColor; |
cal.data('colpick').color = col; |
fillRGBFields(col, cal.get(0)); |
fillHexFields(col, cal.get(0)); |
fillHSXFields(col, cal.get(0)); |
setSelector(col, cal.get(0)); |
setHue(col, cal.get(0)); |
setNewColor(col, cal.get(0)); |
}; |
return { |
init: function (opt) { |
opt = $.extend({}, defaults, opt||{}); |
//Set color
if (typeof opt.color == 'string') { |
opt.color = opt.hsl ? hexToHsl(opt.color) : hexToHsb(opt.color); |
} else if (opt.color.r != undefined && opt.color.g != undefined && opt.color.b != undefined) { |
opt.color = opt.hsl ? rgbToHsl(opt.color) : rgbToHsb(opt.color); |
} else if (opt.color.h != undefined && opt.color.s != undefined && opt.color.b != undefined) { |
opt.color = opt.hsl ? fixHsl(opt.color) : fixHsb(opt.color); |
} else { |
return this; |
} |
//For each selected DOM element
return this.each(function () { |
//If the element does not have an ID
if (!$(this).data('colpickId')) { |
var options = $.extend({}, opt); |
options.origColor = opt.color; |
//Generate and assign a random ID
var id = 'collorpicker_' + parseInt(Math.random() * 1000); |
$(this).data('colpickId', id); |
//Set the tpl's ID and get the HTML
var cal = $(tpl).attr('id', id); |
//Add class according to layout
cal.addClass('colpick_'+options.layout+(options.submit?'':' colpick_'+options.layout+'_ns')); |
//Add class if the color scheme is not default
if(options.colorScheme != 'light') cal.addClass('colpick_'+options.colorScheme); |
//Add class if HSL is enabled
if(options.hsl) cal.addClass('colpick_hsl'); |
//Setup submit button
cal.find('div.colpick_submit').html(options.submitText).click(clickSubmit); |
//Setup input fields
options.fields = cal.find('input').change(change).blur(blur).focus(focus); |
cal.find('div.colpick_field_arrs').mousedown(downIncrement).end().find('div.colpick_current_color').click(restoreOriginal); |
//Setup hue selector
options.selector = cal.find('div.colpick_color').on('mousedown touchstart',downSelector); |
options.selectorIndic = options.selector.find('div.colpick_selector_outer'); |
//Store parts of the plugin
options.el = this; |
options.hue = cal.find('div.colpick_hue_arrs'); |
huebar = options.hue.parent(); |
//Paint the hue bar
var UA = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); |
var isIE = navigator.appName === 'Microsoft Internet Explorer'; |
var IEver = isIE ? parseFloat( UA.match( /msie ([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})/ )[1] ) : 0; |
var ngIE = ( isIE && IEver < 10 ); |
var stops = ['#ff0000','#ff0080','#ff00ff','#8000ff','#0000ff','#0080ff','#00ffff','#00ff80','#00ff00','#80ff00','#ffff00','#ff8000','#ff0000']; |
if(ngIE) { |
var i, div; |
for(i=0; i<=11; i++) { |
div = $('<div></div>').attr('style','height:8.333333%; filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(GradientType=0,startColorstr='+stops[i]+', endColorstr='+stops[i+1]+'); -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(GradientType=0,startColorstr='+stops[i]+', endColorstr='+stops[i+1]+')";'); |
huebar.append(div); |
} |
} else { |
stopList = stops.join(','); |
huebar.attr('style','background:-webkit-linear-gradient(top center,'+stopList+'); background:-moz-linear-gradient(top center,'+stopList+'); background:linear-gradient(to bottom,'+stopList+'); '); |
} |
cal.find('div.colpick_hue').on('mousedown touchstart',downHue); |
options.newColor = cal.find('div.colpick_new_color'); |
options.currentColor = cal.find('div.colpick_current_color'); |
//Store options and fill with default color
cal.data('colpick', options); |
fillRGBFields(options.color, cal.get(0)); |
fillHSXFields(options.color, cal.get(0)); |
fillHexFields(options.color, cal.get(0)); |
setHue(options.color, cal.get(0)); |
setSelector(options.color, cal.get(0)); |
setCurrentColor(options.color, cal.get(0)); |
setNewColor(options.color, cal.get(0)); |
//Append to body if flat=false, else show in place
if (options.flat) { |
cal.appendTo(this).show(); |
cal.css({ |
position: 'relative', |
display: 'block' |
}); |
} else { |
cal.appendTo(document.body); |
$(this).on(options.showEvent, show); |
cal.css({ |
position:'absolute' |
}); |
} |
} |
}); |
}, |
//Shows the picker
showPicker: function() { |
return this.each( function () { |
if ($(this).data('colpickId')) { |
show.apply(this); |
} |
}); |
}, |
//Hides the picker
hidePicker: function() { |
return this.each( function () { |
if ($(this).data('colpickId')) { |
$('#' + $(this).data('colpickId')).hide(); |
} |
}); |
}, |
//Sets a color as new and current (default)
setColor: function(col, setCurrent) { |
setCurrent = (typeof setCurrent === "undefined") ? 1 : setCurrent; |
if (typeof col == 'string') { |
col = hexToHsb(col); |
} else if (col.r != undefined && col.g != undefined && col.b != undefined) { |
col = rgbToHsb(col); |
} else if (col.h != undefined && col.s != undefined && col.b != undefined) { |
col = fixHsb(col); |
} else { |
return this; |
} |
return this.each(function(){ |
if ($(this).data('colpickId')) { |
var cal = $('#' + $(this).data('colpickId')); |
cal.data('colpick').color = col; |
cal.data('colpick').origColor = col; |
fillRGBFields(col, cal.get(0)); |
fillHSXFields(col, cal.get(0)); |
fillHexFields(col, cal.get(0)); |
setHue(col, cal.get(0)); |
setSelector(col, cal.get(0)); |
setNewColor(col, cal.get(0)); |
cal.data('colpick').onChange.apply(cal.parent(), [ |
col, |
cal.data('colpick').hsl ? hslToHex(col) : hsbToHex(col), |
cal.data('colpick').hsl ? hslToRgb(col) : hsbToRgb(col), |
cal.data('colpick').el, |
1 |
]); |
if(setCurrent) { |
setCurrentColor(col, cal.get(0)); |
} |
} |
}); |
} |
}; |
}(); |
//Color space convertions
var hexToRgb = function (hex) { |
var hex = parseInt(((hex.indexOf('#') > -1) ? hex.substring(1) : hex), 16); |
return {r: hex >> 16, g: (hex & 0x00FF00) >> 8, b: (hex & 0x0000FF)}; |
}; |
var hexToHsb = function (hex) { |
return rgbToHsb(hexToRgb(hex)); |
}; |
var hexToHsl = function (hex) { |
return rgbToHsl(hexToRgb(hex)); |
}; |
var rgbToHsb = function (rgb) { |
var hsb = {h: 0, s: 0, x: 0}; |
var min = Math.min(rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b); |
var max = Math.max(rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b); |
var delta = max - min; |
hsb.x = max; |
hsb.s = max != 0 ? 255 * delta / max : 0; |
if (hsb.s != 0) { |
if (rgb.r == max) hsb.h = (rgb.g - rgb.b) / delta; |
else if (rgb.g == max) hsb.h = 2 + (rgb.b - rgb.r) / delta; |
else hsb.h = 4 + (rgb.r - rgb.g) / delta; |
} else hsb.h = -1; |
hsb.h *= 60; |
if (hsb.h < 0) hsb.h += 360; |
hsb.s *= 100/255; |
hsb.x *= 100/255; |
return hsb; |
}; |
var rgbToHsl = function (rgb) { |
return hsbToHsl(rgbToHsb(rgb)); |
}; |
var hsbToHsl = function(hsb) { |
var hsl = {h: 0, s: 0, x: 0}; |
hsl.h = hsb.h; |
hsl.x = hsb.x*(200-hsb.s)/200; |
hsl.s = hsb.x*hsb.s/(100-Math.abs(2*hsl.x-100)); |
return hsl; |
}; |
var hslToHsb = function(hsl) { |
var hsb = {h: 0, s: 0, x: 0}; |
hsb.h = hsl.h; |
hsb.x = (200*hsl.x + hsl.s*(100-Math.abs(2*hsl.x-100)))/200 |
hsb.s = 200*(hsb.x-hsl.x)/hsb.x; |
return hsb; |
}; |
var hsbToRgb = function (hsb) { |
var rgb = {}; |
var h = hsb.h; |
var s = hsb.s*255/100; |
var v = hsb.x*255/100; |
if(s == 0) { |
rgb.r = rgb.g = rgb.b = v; |
} else { |
var t1 = v; |
var t2 = (255-s)*v/255; |
var t3 = (t1-t2)*(h%60)/60; |
if(h==360) h = 0; |
if(h<60) {rgb.r=t1; rgb.b=t2; rgb.g=t2+t3} |
else if(h<120) {rgb.g=t1; rgb.b=t2; rgb.r=t1-t3} |
else if(h<180) {rgb.g=t1; rgb.r=t2; rgb.b=t2+t3} |
else if(h<240) {rgb.b=t1; rgb.r=t2; rgb.g=t1-t3} |
else if(h<300) {rgb.b=t1; rgb.g=t2; rgb.r=t2+t3} |
else if(h<360) {rgb.r=t1; rgb.g=t2; rgb.b=t1-t3} |
else {rgb.r=0; rgb.g=0; rgb.b=0} |
} |
return {r:Math.round(rgb.r), g:Math.round(rgb.g), b:Math.round(rgb.b)}; |
}; |
var hslToRgb = function(hsl) { |
return hsbToRgb(hslToHsb(hsl)); |
}; |
var rgbToHex = function (rgb) { |
var hex = [ |
rgb.r.toString(16), |
rgb.g.toString(16), |
rgb.b.toString(16) |
]; |
$.each(hex, function (nr, val) { |
if (val.length == 1) { |
hex[nr] = '0' + val; |
} |
}); |
return hex.join(''); |
}; |
var hsbToHex = function (hsb) { |
return rgbToHex(hsbToRgb(hsb)); |
}; |
var hslToHex = function (hsl) { |
return hsbToHex(hslToHsb(hsl)); |
}; |
$.fn.extend({ |
colpick: colpick.init, |
colpickHide: colpick.hidePicker, |
colpickShow: colpick.showPicker, |
colpickSetColor: colpick.setColor |
}); |
$.extend({ |
colpick:{ |
rgbToHex: rgbToHex, |
rgbToHsb: rgbToHsb, |
rgbToHsl: rgbToHsl, |
hsbToHex: hsbToHex, |
hsbToRgb: hsbToRgb, |
hsbToHsl: hsbToHsl, |
hexToHsb: hexToHsb, |
hexToHsl: hexToHsl, |
hexToRgb: hexToRgb, |
hslToHsb: hslToHsb, |
hslToRgb: hslToRgb, |
hslToHex: hslToHex |
} |
}); |
})(jQuery); |
@ -1,97 +0,0 @@ |
# contextMenu |
自由定制页面元素的右键菜单。 |
 |
> 是的同类的插件很多,作者造轮子是因为当初寻找右键菜单插件的时候,找了几个都有bug,要么经不起环境的考验,只能跑通demo。如果你也在寻找一款右键菜单插件,不如试试这一款,应该不会让你失望。 |
## 最新版本 |
v2.2.5 |
## 原理 |
该插件通过指定的参数,渲染出一个漂亮的右键菜单,并绑定菜单项点击事件。 |
需要的参数有: |
1. 右键事件e。指定一个事件e,它可能是通过原生js、jq,甚至vue捕捉的;该插件将获取点击的位置,并阻止事件冒泡,屏蔽默认的右键菜单。 |
2. 菜单描述数组menu。menu数组决定了你想渲染出什么样的菜单。 |
## 特色 |
* 侵入性小,这个插件几乎不会影响全局,除了ContextMenu全局变量。 |
* 兼容性好,在各个屏幕尺寸和有无滚动条的场景都有不错的渲染效果。 |
* 支持多层嵌套的DOM触发的事件,以最里层为准(详见demo)。 |
* 支持二级菜单。 |
## 准备 |
1. 下载源码(并点赞) |
2. 引入 jquery |
3. 引入 contextMenu.css |
4. 引入 contextMenu.js |
## 典型用法 |
~~~js |
$('body').contextmenu(function (e) { |
var menu=[ |
'menu1', //合理的html或纯文字 |
'menu2', |
'|', //分隔符 |
[ |
'click me', //title |
function (dom) {alert('Hi')} // 点击菜单项的回调 |
], |
]; |
ContextMenu.render(e,menu,this); //开始渲染 |
}); |
~~~ |
## API |
`ContextMenu.render(e,menu,param,theme)` |
**e**:点击事件对象,如`$('body').contextmenu(function (e){})`。 |
**menu**: |
menu为`true`代表禁用系统默认菜单,但是不渲染自定义菜单; |
menu为数组表示渲染自定义右键菜单; |
~~~js |
var menu=[ |
'文字1', //纯文字或html将直接被渲染,做为一个提示性菜单项 |
'文字2', |
'|', //简单的一个分隔符 |
['功能1',function(param){alert("功能1点击")}], //这种格式说明这个菜单项可以被点击并产生回调 |
[ |
'子菜单',[ |
'文字3', |
'文字4', |
'|', |
['功能2',function(param){alert("功能2点击")}], |
] |
] //声明一个子菜单,子菜单内部的声明格式和父级一样 |
] |
~~~ |
**param**:菜单点击回调的第一个参数 |
**theme**:主题(目前可选主题"light") |
## 其他 |
注意:为了获得正确的屏幕尺寸,添加了一个`html,body:{height:100%}`的样式,请确保该样式生效不被覆盖。 |
## 更多项目 |
[Yuri2'Projects](https://github.com/yuri2peter/) |
## TOOD |
* 右键菜单,二级垂直方向有可能溢出 |
## 更新记录 |
* v2.2.5 修复文字溢出(title提示)和子菜单底部溢出 |
* v2.2.3 优化css |
* v2.2.2 新增第三个参数[bool] disable 临时禁用菜单点击功能 `['功能2',function(param){alert("功能2点击")},true]` |
* v2.2.1 优化css |
* v2.2.0 新增主题切换功能 |
* v2.1.1 修复了二级菜单溢出屏幕的问题,更好的兼容性 |
@ -1,92 +0,0 @@ |
html, body { |
height: 100%; |
padding: 0; |
margin: 0; |
} |
.yuri2-context-menu { |
left: 0; |
top: 0; |
position: fixed; |
width: 150px; |
height: auto; |
background-color: rgb(61, 61, 61); |
display: block; |
/*border-radius: 5px;*/ |
z-index: 99999999; |
color: white; |
/*overflow: hidden;*/ |
} |
.yuri2-context-menu.sub { |
left: 98%; |
position: absolute; |
display: none; |
} |
.yuri2-context-menu.sub.left { |
left: auto; |
right: 98%; |
} |
.yuri2-context-menu ul li:hover .yuri2-context-menu.sub { |
display: block; |
} |
.yuri2-context-menu ul.left .yuri2-context-menu.sub{ |
left: -100%; |
} |
.yuri2-context-menu ul { |
margin: 0px; |
padding: 0px; |
box-shadow: 0 0 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.54); |
} |
.yuri2-context-menu ul li { |
transition: background-color 0.5s; |
cursor: default; |
padding: 0px 1em; |
list-style: none; |
line-height: 30px; |
height: 30px; |
font-size: 10px; |
/*overflow: hidden;*/ |
position: relative; |
} |
.yuri2-context-menu ul li div.title{ |
width: 80%; |
overflow: hidden; |
height: 100%; |
float: left; |
word-break: break-all; |
} |
.yuri2-context-menu ul li div.title.disable { |
color: darkgrey; |
} |
.yuri2-context-menu ul li.sub:after { |
content: ">"; |
float: right; |
transform: scale3d(0.5,1.5,1); |
position: relative; |
} |
.yuri2-context-menu ul li:hover { |
background-color: #636363; |
} |
.yuri2-context-menu ul li a { |
text-decoration: none; |
display: block; |
height: 100%; |
color: #333; |
outline: none; |
} |
.yuri2-context-menu ul hr { |
margin: 0; |
height: 0; |
border: 0; |
border-bottom: rgba(132, 132, 132, 0.47) 1px solid; |
border-top: none |
} |
/*浅色主题*/ |
.yuri2-context-menu.light {background-color: #e0e0e0;border-color: #535353;color: #333333;} |
.yuri2-context-menu.light ul li:hover {background-color: #707070;color: #ffffff;} |
.yuri2-context-menu.light ul hr{border-color: #535353;} |
@ -1,96 +0,0 @@ |
/** |
* contextMenu v2.2.4 |
* @author Yuri2(yuri2peter@qq.com) |
* @link https://github.com/yuri2peter/contextMenu
* Enjoy! (●'◡'●) |
* 基于jq的右键菜单(动态绑定) |
* @author Yuri2 |
*/ |
window.ContextMenu={ |
_className:'yuri2-context-menu', |
_stopProp:function (e) { |
if (e.cancelable) { |
// 判断默认行为是否已经被禁用
if (!e.defaultPrevented) { |
e.preventDefault(); |
} |
} |
e.stopImmediatePropagation(); |
e.stopPropagation(); |
}, |
_getMainContent:function(text){ |
return text.replace(/<\/?.+?>/g,""); |
}, |
render:function (e, menu, trigger,theme) { |
theme||(theme=''); |
var x=e.clientX,y=e.clientY; |
this._stopProp(e); |
this._removeContextMenu(); |
if(menu===true){return;} |
if(typeof menu === 'object' && menu.length===0){menu=[['...']]} |
var dom = $("<div class='"+ContextMenu._className+" "+theme+"'><ul></ul></div>"); |
$('body').append(dom); |
var ul=dom.find('ul'); |
if(x+150>document.body.clientWidth){x-=150;ul.addClass('left')} |
menu.forEach(function (item) { |
if(item==='|'){ |
ul.append($('<hr/>')); |
} |
else if(typeof(item)==='string'){ |
ul.append($('<li><div class="title" title="'+ContextMenu._getMainContent(item)+'">'+item+'</div></li>')); |
} |
else if(typeof(item)==='object'){ |
var sub=$('<li><div class="title '+(item[2]===true?'disable':'')+'" title="'+ContextMenu._getMainContent(item[0])+'">'+item[0]+'</div></li>'); |
ul.append(sub); |
if(typeof(item[1])==='object'){ |
var subMenu=$("<div class='sub "+ContextMenu._className+" "+theme+"'>\</div>"); |
var subUl=$("<ul></ul>"); |
sub.addClass('sub'); |
subMenu.append(subUl); |
if(x+300>document.body.clientWidth){subMenu.addClass('left')} |
sub.append(subMenu); |
var counterForTop = -1; |
item[1].forEach(function (t) { |
if(t==='|'){ |
subUl.append($('<hr/>')); |
} |
else if(typeof(t)==='string'){ |
subUl.append($('<li><div class="title" title="'+ContextMenu._getMainContent(t)+'">'+t+'</div></li>')); |
counterForTop++; |
} |
else if(typeof(t)==='object'){ |
var subLi=$('<li><div class="title '+(t[2]===true?'disable':'')+'" title="'+ContextMenu._getMainContent(t[0])+'">'+t[0]+'</div></li>'); |
subUl.append(subLi); |
if(t[2]!==true){ |
subLi.click(trigger,t[1]); |
subLi.click(function () {ContextMenu._removeContextMenu();}); |
} |
counterForTop++; |
} |
}); |
if(y+dom.height()>document.body.clientHeight && document.body.clientHeight>0){ |
subMenu.css('top','-'+(counterForTop*30)+'px') |
} |
} |
else if(typeof(item[1])==='function' &&item[2]!==true){ |
sub.click(trigger,item[1]); |
sub.click(function () {ContextMenu._removeContextMenu();}); |
} |
} |
}); |
if(y+dom.height()>document.body.clientHeight && document.body.clientHeight>0){y-=dom.height()} |
dom.css({ |
top:y, |
left:x, |
}); |
}, |
_removeContextMenu:function () { |
$('.'+ContextMenu._className).remove(); |
}, |
}; |
$(document).click(function (e) { |
if ($(e.target).hasClass(ContextMenu._className) || $(e.target).parents('.'+ContextMenu._className).length > 0) return; |
ContextMenu._removeContextMenu(); |
}); |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 434 KiB |
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@ -1,120 +0,0 @@ |
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/*https://www.html5tricks.com/demo/css3-loading-cool-styles/index.html*/ |
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@ -1,117 +0,0 @@ |
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box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 2px white; |
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background: rgba(105, 120, 135, 0.52); |
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animation-fill-mode: backwards ; |
} |
#yl .tiles .vue-grid-item .tile{ |
width: 100%; |
height: 100%; |
overflow: hidden; |
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); |
} |
#yl .tiles .vue-grid-item .tile>.mask{ |
height: 100%; |
} |
#yl .tiles .vue-grid-item .tile>.mask>.badge { |
right: 0.2em; |
top: 0.2em; |
transform: none; |
border-radius: 0; |
padding: 0.2em; |
min-width: 2em; |
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25); |
border-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.71); |
} |
#yl .vue-grid-item>.vue-resizable-handle{ |
opacity: 0; |
} |
#yl .vue-grid-item:hover>.vue-resizable-handle{ |
opacity: 1; |
} |
#yl .tiles .tile .icon{ |
color:white; |
position: absolute; |
text-align: center; |
} |
#yl .tiles .tile .title { |
position: absolute; |
bottom: 0; |
left: 0; |
color: white; |
font-size: 12px; |
line-height: 14px; |
max-height: 28px; |
overflow: hidden; |
text-overflow: ellipsis; |
padding: 0.5em; |
text-shadow: 0px 0px 4px #0000006b; |
} |
#yl .tiles .tile .custom-tile{ |
width: 100%; |
height: 100%; |
border: none; |
resize: none; |
} |
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ |
.layui-layer.yl{ |
border-radius: 10px; |
overflow: hidden; |
background-color: white; |
min-width: 300px; |
} |
.layui-layer.yl .layui-layer-title{ |
background-color: inherit; |
border-bottom: 1px solid transparent; |
} |
.layui-layer.yl .layui-layer-btn0,.layui-layer.yl .layui-layer-btn1{ |
border-radius: 4px; |
font-size: 12px; |
padding: 0 1em; |
} |
.layui-layer.yl .layui-layer-content .layui-layer-input{ |
margin: 0 auto; |
display: block; |
width: calc(100% - 50px); |
line-height: 20px; |
padding: 0.5em; |
outline: none; |
} |
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