{ "AboutUs": "About Us", "Add": "Add", "AddAppFailed": "Add application failed.", "AddPictureOnline": "Add Picture Online", "AddTo": "Add to", "Added": "Added", "Advance": "Advance", "AfterAppClose": "After App Open", "AfterAppOpen": "After App Open", "AlignBottom": "Align Bottom", "AlignLeft": "Align Left", "AlignRight": "Align Right", "AlignTop": "Align Top", "AppManager": "Apps", "AppStore": "App Store", "Application": "Application", "AppLockedCanNotChange": "The Application locked is not allowed to be changed.", "AttentionEnterAppName": "Please enter the application name", "AttentionNoResize": "Sorry, you can't change the size.", "Author": "Author", "Authorization": "Authorization", "AutoOffset": "Auto Offset", "AutoRun": "Auto Run", "BackMode": "Back Mode", "BeforeUnload": "The system may not save the changes you made.", "Big": "Big", "Blur": "Blur", "BottomTaskBar": "Bottom Task Bar", "CanBeEmpty": "Can be Empty", "Cancel": "Cancel", "CentreAdjustment": "Centre Adjustment", "ChildMethodSetupConfirm":"This operation tries to add new content to your desktop, does it continue?(Do not agree with the application of suspicious sources)", "ChildMethodSetupSuccessMsgContent":"Request source:", "ChildMethodSetupSuccessMsgTitle":"The Installation Is Complete", "ChildMethodUninstallConfirm":"This operation tries to uninstall some applications, does it continue?(Do not agree with the application of suspicious sources)", "ChildMethodUninstallSuccessMsgContent":"Request source:", "ChildMethodUninstallSuccessMsgTitle":"The Uninstallation Is Complete", "ClearSuperscript": "Clear Superscript", "ClickToChange": "Click to Change", "Close": "Close", "CloseAll": "Close All", "CollectAsApplication": "Collect as Application", "Color": "Color", "ConfigurationError": "Configuration Error", "Confirm": "Confirm", "Contact": "Contact", "CopiedToShearPlate": "The content has been copied to the shear plate.", "Copy": "Copy", "Copyright": "Copyright", "Create": "Create", "Current": "Current", "CutAndExchange": "Cut/Exchange", "DataHasBeenRefreshed": "Data has been refreshed", "DataManager": "Data", "Degrade": "Degrade", "Delete": "Delete", "DeleteBtnConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete the button ${0} ?", "DeleteGroupConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete the group ${0} ?", "DeleteIconConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete the icon ${0} ?", "DeleteMenuConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete the item ${0} ?", "DeleteTileConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete the tile ${0} ?", "Deleted": "Deleted", "Description": "Description", "DesktopIcons": "Desktop Icons", "Disabled": "Disabled", "DisplayAddressBar": "Display Address Bar", "DisplayAll": "Display All", "DisplayDesktop": "Desktop", "DisplayMode": "Display Mode", "DisplayWindow": "Display Window", "Enabled": "Enabled", "Exchange": "Exchange", "Export": "Export", "FormatError": "Format Error", "FullScreen": "Full Screen", "Group": "Group", "Hash": "Hash", "Height": "Height", "HideAddressBar": "Hide Address Bar", "HideAll": "Hide All", "Hours": "Hours", "IconBgColor": "Icon Bg Color", "IconContent": "Icon Content", "IconGroup": "IconGroup", "IconType": "Icon Type", "Image": "Image", "Import": "Import", "Initial": "Initial", "Key": "Key", "LateralAlignment": "Lateral Alignment", "LateralOffset": "Lateral Offset", "LegalCSSColor": "Legal CSS color", "Load": "Load", "Loaded": "Loaded", "LoadingInitializing": "Initializing", "LoadingPoweredBy": "This product is driven by YLUI", "LoadingStandby": "Please stand by", "MainMenu": "Main Menu", "MaxNumberOfWindows": "Max Number of Windows", "MaxWinsReached": "The number of windows is beyond the upper limit(${0}).", "Maximize": "Maximize", "Middle": "Middle", "Minimize": "Minimize", "Minutes": "Minutes", "MobileScreen": "Mobile", "MoveTo": "Move To", "NewSubgroup": "New Subgroup", "NoMoreDescription": "No more description", "NoMoreNotice": "No More Notice", "Normal": "Normal", "NormalScreen": "Normal Screen", "NoticeCenter": "Notice Center", "NoticeClearAll": "Clear All", "OfficialWebsite": "Official Website", "OnlineLocation": "Online Loc.", "Open": "Open", "OpenIcons": "Open Icons", "OpenMode": "Open Mode", "OpenOuter": "Open Outer", "Options": "Options", "OtherStatements": "Other Statements", "Others": "Others", "Outer": "Outer", "Paste": "Paste", "Pending": "Pending", "Personalization": "Custom", "PickFromBgAuto": "Pick From Bg", "PlayRandomly": "Play Randomly", "PlaySequentially": "Play Sequentially", "PleaseChoose": "Please Choose...", "PluginMode": "Plugin Mode", "Position": "Position", "PutBackground": "Put Background", "PutForeground": "Put Foreground", "Recorded": "Recorded", "Refresh": "Refresh", "Reload": "Reload", "RememberSizeAndPosition": "Record Size&Position", "Rename": "Rename", "ResetSizeAndPosition": "Reset Size&Position", "Resizable": "Resizable", "Restore": "Restore", "Save": "Save", "Saved": "Saved", "Search": "Search", "SecurityRisk": "Security Risk", "SecurityRiskDetail": "Security risks are found, and risk items have been closed.
Some applications try to use forged identity for data interaction, please stop all sensitive operations immediately and check the application you have installed.", "SerialNumber": "SerialNumber", "ShiftDown": "Shift Down", "ShiftUp": "Shift Up", "Sidebar": "Sidebar", "SingleWindow": "Single Window", "Size": "Size", "Slide": "Slide", "Small": "Small", "Start": "Start", "Superscript": "Superscript", "SwitchingFrequency": "Switching Frequency", "SystemOptions": "System", "TakeEffect": "Take Effect", "ThemeColor": "Theme Color", "Tile": "Tile", "Tiles": "Tiles", "TipsOfSizeSetting": "Mathematical expression (unit: pixel;x,y represents window size)", "Title": "Title", "TopTaskBar": "Top Task Bar", "UnGroup": "UnGroup", "Uninstall": "Uninstall", "UninstallCompleted": "Uninstall Completed", "UninstallConfirm": "Are you sure you want to uninstall the application ${0} ?", "UninstallFailed": "Uninstall failed.", "Upgrade": "Upgrade", "UrlRandomToken": "URL Token", "Value": "Value", "Version": "Version", "VerticalAlignment": "Vertical Alignment", "VerticalOffset": "Vertical Offset", "WarningErrorTitle":"UI Exception Occured", "WarningPerformanceInIEContent":"This product may not work completely under the IE browser. It is strongly recommended that you open with other browsers.", "WarningPerformanceInIETitle":"IExplorer Detected", "Wallpaper": "Wallpaper", "Width": "Width", "WindowPosition": "Window Position" }