YL.render = function (data) { //监听消息 $(window).on("message", function (e) { var winVerify = function (from) { var id = from[0]; var secrete = from[1]; var win = YL.vue.wins[id]; if (win) { if (win.secrete === secrete) { return true; } else { YL.vue.winClose(id); YL.msg(YL.lang('SecurityRisk'), YL.lang('SecurityRiskDetail')) } } return false; }; var data = e.originalEvent.data; if ($.inArray(data.type, ["ylui-pong", "ylui-eval", "ylui-emit"]) < 0) { return; } var from = data.from; var id = from[0]; var wins = YL.vue.wins; var win = wins[id]; if (!winVerify(from)) return; switch (data.type) { case "ylui-pong": win.pong = Date.now(); break; case "ylui-eval": var rel = YL.child[data.eval.method].call(YL.child, data.eval.data, id); !window.frames[id] || window.frames[id].postMessage({ "type": "ylui-eval", result: rel, session: data.session, }, '*'); break; case "ylui-emit": var target = data.emit.target; var sendList = []; if (typeof target === 'string') { sendList.push(target) } else if (Yuri2.isArray(target)) { sendList = target; } else if (target === true) { //all for (var i in wins) { sendList.push(i); } } var parsedFrom = Yuri2.parseURL(win.urlOrigin); sendList.forEach(function (t) { var parsedTo = Yuri2.parseURL(wins[t].urlOrigin); !window.frames[t] || window.frames[t].postMessage({ "type": "ylui-event", event: data.emit.event, target: sendList, data: data.emit.data, session: data.session, from: id, sameOrigin: parsedFrom.protocol === parsedTo.protocol && parsedFrom.host === parsedTo.host && parsedFrom.port === parsedTo.port, }, '*'); }); break; } }); //离开前警告 document.body.onbeforeunload = function (event) { if (!YL.static.beforeOnloadEnable) { return; } var rel = YL.lang("BeforeUnload"); if (!window.event) { event.returnValue = rel; } else { window.event.returnValue = rel; } }; //vue实例 YL.vue = new Vue({ el: '#yl', data: data, components: { GridLayout: VueGridLayout.GridLayout, GridItem: VueGridLayout.GridItem, }, created: function () { this.initRuntime(true); console.log('%c' + YL.static.welcome, "color:red;font-weight:bold;");//welcome }, methods: { contextMenuAddTo: function (objCopy) { var objDeepCopy = Yuri2.jsonDeepCopy(objCopy); var funcMsg = function () { YL.util.simpleMsg(YL.lang("Added")); }; var menuAddToTile = []; this.tiles.forEach(function (group, n) { menuAddToTile.push([ YL.util.getStrFa('square') + group.title, function () { YL.addTile(objDeepCopy, n); funcMsg(); }, !YL.static.changeable ]) }); return [ YL.util.getStrFa('copy') + YL.lang("AddTo"), [ [YL.util.getStrFa('desktop') + YL.lang("DesktopIcons"), function () { YL.addShortcut(objDeepCopy); funcMsg() }, !YL.static.changeable], [YL.util.getStrFa('list-ul') + YL.lang("MainMenu"), function () { YL.addMenuItem(objDeepCopy); funcMsg() }, !YL.static.changeable], [YL.util.getStrFa('sliders') + YL.lang("Sidebar"), function () { YL.addSidebarBtn(objDeepCopy); funcMsg() }, !YL.static.changeable], '|', "" + YL.util.getStrFa('square') + YL.lang("Tiles") + "", ].concat(menuAddToTile) ]; }, contextMenuUninstall: function (appId) { var that = this; return [ YL.util.getStrFa('trash') + YL.lang("Uninstall"), function (v) { YL.util.simpleConfirm(Yuri2.template(YL.lang("UninstallConfirm"), that.apps[appId].title), function () { if (YL.uninstall(appId)) { YL.util.simpleMsg(YL.lang("UninstallCompleted")); } }) }, !YL.static.changeable ] }, contextMenuOpen: function (obj) { var that = this; return [YL.util.getStrFa('play-circle') + YL.lang("Open"), [ [ YL.util.getStrFa('window-restore') + YL.lang("Normal"), function (v) { that.appOpen(obj.app, Yuri2.jsonMerge(obj, { openMode: 'normal' }), obj); }], [ YL.util.getStrFa('window-maximize') + YL.lang("Maximize"), function (v) { that.appOpen(obj.app, Yuri2.jsonMerge(obj, { openMode: 'max' }), obj); }], [ YL.util.getStrFa('window-minimize') + YL.lang("Minimize"), function (v) { that.appOpen(obj.app, Yuri2.jsonMerge(obj, { openMode: 'min' }), obj); }], [ YL.util.getStrFa('paper-plane') + YL.lang("Outer"), function (v) { that.appOpen(obj.app, Yuri2.jsonMerge(obj, { openMode: 'outer' }), obj); }], ]] }, onResize: function () { var that = this; //屏幕尺寸 var clientSize = Yuri2.getClientSize(); that.runtime.clientSize.width = clientSize.width; that.runtime.clientSize.height = clientSize.height; that.runtime.desktopSize.width = clientSize.width; that.runtime.desktopSize.height = clientSize.height - 40; that.runtime.isSmallScreen = clientSize.width <= 768; that.runtime.isHorizontalScreen = clientSize.width > clientSize.height; that.runtime.startMenu.width = clientSize.width > that.startMenu.width && !that.runtime.isSmallScreen ? that.startMenu.width : clientSize.width; that.runtime.startMenu.height = that.runtime.desktopSize.height > that.startMenu.height && !that.runtime.isSmallScreen ? that.startMenu.height : that.runtime.desktopSize.height; //计算磁贴尺寸 var widthFixed = that.runtime.startMenu.width - (that.runtime.isSmallScreen ? 80 : 328); var groupNum = 1;//多少列 if (widthFixed <= 460) { groupNum = 1; } else if (widthFixed <= 769) { groupNum = 2; } else if (widthFixed <= 1024) { groupNum = 3; } else { groupNum = 4; } that.runtime.tilesGroupNum = groupNum; for (var size = 0; size < 1000; size++) { var width = (size + 4) * 6; if (width > (widthFixed - 12 * groupNum) / groupNum) { size--; break; } } that.runtime.tileSize = size; that.runtime.tilesWidth = (size + 4) * 6; //计算桌面网格尺寸 that.runtime.shortcutWidth = that.runtime.isSmallScreen ? 56 : 68; that.runtime.shortcutHeight = that.runtime.isSmallScreen ? 70 : 90; that.runtime.shortcutsGrid.x = parseInt(that.runtime.desktopSize.width / that.runtime.shortcutWidth); that.runtime.shortcutsGrid.y = parseInt(that.runtime.desktopSize.height / that.runtime.shortcutHeight); //给窗体发送resize事件 that.emitWinEvent(0, 'resize',{ width:that.runtime.desktopSize.width, height:that.runtime.desktopSize.height, }); }, initRuntime: function (first) { var that = this; //窗体尺寸变更监听 var fnResize = that.onResize; fnResize(); if (first) $(window).resize(fnResize); //时钟 if (first) { setInterval(function () { var myDate = new Date(); var year = myDate.getFullYear(); var month = myDate.getMonth() + 1; var date = myDate.getDate(); var hours = myDate.getHours(); var mins = myDate.getMinutes(); if (mins < 10) { mins = '0' + mins } that.runtime.time = (hours + ':' + mins); that.runtime.date = myDate; }, 1000); } //即将渲染 if (first) { this.$nextTick(function () { //jq插件 滚动条 var box = [ '#yl .tiles-box', '#yl .startMenu .menu', '#yl .center .msgs', ]; for (var i = 0; i < box.length; i++) { var e = box[i]; $(e).niceScroll({ cursorcolor: "#ffffff30", cursorwidth: "4px", // 滚动条的宽度,单位:便素 cursorborder: "none", // CSS方式定义滚动条边框 grabcursorenabled: false, }); } setInterval(function () { for (var i = 0; i < box.length; i++) { var e = box[i]; try { $(e).getNiceScroll().resize(); } catch (e) { } } }, 500); $("#yl").css({ 'opacity': 1, display: "block" }); //显示 }); } //壁纸幻灯片服务 if (first) { setInterval(function () { //wallpaperSlided:Date.now(), //记录最近一次切换壁纸的时刻 if (!that.configs.wallpaperSlide) return; //没开启则返回 var itv = that.configs.wallpaperSlideItv * 60 * 1000; //间隔(毫秒) var last = that.configs.wallpaperSlideTime;//记录最近一次切换壁纸的时刻 var indexLast = that.configs.wallpaperSlideIndex;//记录最近一次切换壁纸的index var now = Date.now(); if (now > (itv + last)) { that.configs.wallpaperSlideTime = now; //记录当前时间 var wallpapers = that.configs.wallpapers; var len = wallpapers.length; var index = 0; if (that.configs.wallpaperSlideRandom) { index = YL.util.randInt(0, len - 1);//随机取下标 } else { //顺序取下标 index = indexLast + 1; if (index >= len) { index = 0; } } if (wallpapers[index]) { that.configs.wallpaper = wallpapers[index].image;//切换 that.configs.wallpaperSlideIndex = index; } } }, 1000); } //记录IE if (Yuri2.isIE()) { that.runtime.isIE = true; if (YL.static.WarningPerformanceInIE) { setTimeout(function () { YL.msg(YL.lang("WarningPerformanceInIETitle"), YL.lang("WarningPerformanceInIEContent")) }, 2000); } } //初始化壁纸 var img = new Image(); var urlBg = this.configs.wallpaper; img.src = urlBg; img.onload = function () { that.runtime.wallpaper = urlBg; if (that.configs.autoThemeColor) { that.backgroundToThemeColor() } }; //壁纸比例修正 that.backgroundUpdateScale(); //自动保存服务 if (first) { var lastExport = ''; setInterval(function () { try { var exportJson = JSON.stringify(YL.export()); if (exportJson !== lastExport) { lastExport = exportJson; localStorage.setItem(YL.static.localStorageName, exportJson); that.emitWinEvent(0, 'dataChanged'); } } catch (e) { YL.debug(e); } }, 1000); } //F5刷新激活子页 if (first) { var f5_check = function (e) { e = e || window.event; if (e.ctrlKey && ((e.which || e.keyCode) === 116)) { // 强制刷新,清除缓存 YL.static.beforeOnloadEnable = false; return; } if ((e.which || e.keyCode) === 116) { if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } else { e.keyCode = 0; e.returnValue = false; } if (that.runtime.winActive) { that.winRefresh(that.runtime.winActive); } else { that.flash(); } } }; if (document.addEventListener) { document.addEventListener("keydown", f5_check, false); } else { document.attachEvent("onkeydown", f5_check); } } //刷新子页的childSupport状态 if (first) { setInterval(function () { var now = Date.now(); for (var i in that.wins) { var win = that.wins[i]; win.childSupport = (win.pong && (now - win.pong < 500)) } }, 300); } //自启动 var autoRun = function () { var arrAutoRun = []; for (var i in that.apps) { if (that.apps[i].autoRun > 0) { arrAutoRun.push(i); } } arrAutoRun.sort(function (a, b) { return that.apps[b].autoRun - that.apps[a].autoRun; }); arrAutoRun.forEach(function (t) { //此处判断手机用户隐藏插件 var winId = that.appOpen(t, {}); if (that.apps[t].plugin && that.runtime.isSmallScreen) { that.$nextTick(function () { that.winMinimize(winId); }); } }); }; if (first) YL.onReady(autoRun); else { autoRun() } //社区版提示检测 if (first && !YL.static.serialNumber) { YL.onReady(function () { setTimeout(function () { YL.msg("Luckey's Windows", 'Hello,你好,欢迎来到 Windows 小分站!
个人主页:' + ' www.luckyzmj.cn
本网站 UI 由 ' + ' YLUI 强力驱动


'); }, 1500) }); } this.ready = true; }, setWithID: function (obj, val, prefix, ran) { //设置对象属性,返回合法id do { var id = ran === true ? prefix + Yuri2.randInt(100000000, 999999999) : prefix + YL.util.getID(); } while (obj[id] !== undefined); this.$set(obj, id, val); return id; }, emitWinEvent: function (id, event, data) { //给所有子窗口发消息,id:消息源,event:事件名 var senList = []; var wins = this.wins; for (var idWin in wins) { senList.push(idWin); } this.$nextTick(function () { senList.forEach(function (idWindow) { !window.frames[idWindow].postMessage || window.frames[idWindow].postMessage({ "type": "ylui-event", event: event, target: senList, data: data, session: null, from: id, sameOrigin: false, }, '*'); }); }); }, flash: function () { var that = this; //图标闪烁。假的,是头发的特技 that.runtime.shortcutsShow = false; setTimeout(function () { that.runtime.shortcutsShow = true; }, 200); //刷新customTileRandomToken that.runtime.customTileRandomToken = YL.util.randInt(1000, 9999); }, appOpen: function (id, options, source) { //id也可以是json(动态app) var that = this; if (!options) { options = {}; } //容错 //打开app var app = (typeof id === 'string') ? this.apps[id] : id; var appMerge = Yuri2.jsonMerge(app, options); this.hideOpens(); //单例检测 if (appMerge.single) { for (var i in this.wins) { var w = this.wins[i]; if (w.single && w.app === id) { that.winSetActive(i); that.winShow(i); return; } } } if (!appMerge.url) { return; }//空url返回 if (this.runtime.winOpened >= this.configs.openMax) { YL.util.simpleMsg(Yuri2.template(YL.lang("MaxWinsReached"), this.configs.openMax)); return; } //隐藏菜单和操作中心 // appMerge.plugin || this.runtime.winOpened++;//计数 this.runtime.winOpenCounter++;//计数 var dx = parseInt(this.runtime.winOpenCounter % 10) * this.runtime.clientSize.height * 0.01;//坐标偏移量 //该函数支持字符串转数字,其中x和y将被替换为屏幕的宽和高 var evalNum = function (str) { var rel = 0; if (isNaN(str)) { try { if (!/^[\dxy+\-*\/()\s.]*$/.test(str)) { //防xss的过滤 str = '600' } var query = 'var x=YL.vue.runtime.clientSize.width;var y=YL.vue.runtime.clientSize.height-40;' + str; rel = eval(query); } catch (e) { YL.debug(e) } } else { rel = str; } return parseInt(rel); }; var win = { app: id, state: 'normal', min: false, addressBar: true, style: { //样式继承自app position: { x: evalNum(app.position.x) + (app.position.autoOffset ? dx : 0), y: evalNum(app.position.y) + (app.position.autoOffset ? dx + 80 : 0), left: app.position.left, top: app.position.top, }, size: { width: evalNum(app.size.width), height: evalNum(app.size.height), }, }, drag: { mDownPosition: false, mDownSize: false, x: 0, y: 0, }, oldStyle: { //用于记录最大化还原 position: { left: 0, top: 0, }, size: { width: 0, height: 0, }, }, source: source, resizable: true, history: { pos: -1, urls: [], }, //url历史 data: {},//data域,使用YLApp时传递给子页面 pong: null, //最后pong的时间 childSupport: false,//子页支持可用 init: true,//init状态,用于显示封面 }; win = Yuri2.jsonMerge(win, appMerge); win.style = Yuri2.jsonDeepCopy(win.style);//深拷贝对象 win.style.index = YL.util.getBiggerWinZIndex(); win.url = YL.util.urlParams(win.url, win.params, win.hash); if (win.urlRandomToken) win.url = YL.util.updateUrlRandomToken(win.url); if (win.openMode === 'outer') { //外部打开 window.open(win.url); return; } win.urlOrigin = win.url; //保存原始地址 win.urlBar = win.url; //地址栏地址 var winID = this.setWithID(this.wins, win, 'win-', true); var secrete = Math.random(); win.idIframe = winID + "iframe-"; win.secrete = secrete; //身份密钥 this.emitWinEvent(winID, 'open', null); switch (win.openMode) { case 'max': this.winMaximize(winID); break; case 'min': this.winMinimize(winID); break; } //记录激活的id if (!win.min) this.runtime.winActive = winID; that.$nextTick(function () { //发送post消息,通知被分配的窗口id var itvPing = setInterval(function () { if ($("#" + winID).length <= 0) { clearInterval(itvPing); return; } !window.frames[winID].postMessage || window.frames[winID].postMessage({ "type": "ylui-ping", id: winID, secrete: secrete, itv: itvPing, data: win.data, }, '*'); }, 500); //监听iframe点击事件 var ifr = $("#" + win.idIframe)[0]; YL.util.iframeOnClick.track(ifr, function () { if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(YL.util._iframe_click_lock_children).length === 0) { that.winSetActive(winID);//激活窗口 ContextMenu._removeContextMenu();//关闭右键菜单 } }, winID); //激活刚打开的iframe if (!win.min) { ifr.focus(); } // 加载完毕关闭封面 var created = new Date().getTime(); var closeInit = function () { var now = new Date().getTime(); var delay = now - created > 1000 ? 0 : 1000; setTimeout(function () { win.init = false; }, delay); }; if (ifr.attachEvent) { // IE ifr.attachEvent("onload", closeInit); } else { // NOT IE ifr.onload = closeInit; } }); //如果是手机屏幕,最大化 if (that.runtime.isSmallScreen && !win.plugin && win.resizable) { that.winMaximize(winID); } // 超时关闭封面 setTimeout(function () { win.init = false; }, 10000); return winID; }, tileStyle: function (tile) { var that = this; var sizePerBlock = that.runtime.tileSize; var sizeRel = function (size) { return size * (sizePerBlock + 4) - 4; }; var w = tile.w; var h = tile.h; var min = Math.min(w, h) / 1.5; var size = sizeRel(min); return { width: size + 'px', height: size + 'px', top: (sizeRel(h) - size) / 2 + 'px', left: (sizeRel(w) - size) / 2 + 'px', 'line-height': size + 'px', 'font-size': size / 2 + 'px', // 'background-color':that.apps[tile.app].icon.bg, } }, winIsMin: function (id) { var win = this.wins[id]; return win.min; }, winShow: function (id) { var win = this.wins[id]; win.min = false; }, winShowToggle: function (id) { var win = this.wins[id]; win.min = !win.min; }, winClose: function (id) { var win = this.wins[id]; if (!win) { return } this.$delete(this.wins, id); this.emitWinEvent(id, 'close', null); this.findNewActive(); }, winMaximize: function (id) { //最大化 var win = this.wins[id]; if (!win.resizable) { YL.util.simpleMsg(YL.lang('AttentionNoResize')); return; } win.state = 'max'; win.oldStyle.position.y = win.style.position.y; win.style.position.y = win.addressBar ? 80 : 40; win.oldStyle.position.x = win.style.position.x; win.style.position.x = 0; win.oldStyle.size.width = win.style.size.width; win.style.size.width = this.runtime.desktopSize.width; win.oldStyle.size.height = win.style.size.height; win.style.size.height = this.runtime.desktopSize.height - (win.addressBar ? 80 : 40); }, winRestore: function (id) { var win = this.wins[id]; win.state = 'normal'; win.style.position.y = win.oldStyle.position.y; win.style.position.x = win.oldStyle.position.x; win.style.size.width = win.oldStyle.size.width; win.style.size.height = win.oldStyle.size.height; }, winMinimize: function (id) { var win = this.wins[id]; win.min = true; this.findNewActive(); }, winSetCenter: function (id) { var that = this; var win = that.wins[id]; that.winShow(id); if (!win.resizable) { YL.util.simpleMsg(YL.lang('AttentionNoResize')); return; } win.state = "normal"; var w = that.runtime.desktopSize.width; var h = that.runtime.desktopSize.height; win.style.size.width = w * 0.8; win.style.size.height = h * 0.8 - 80; win.style.position.y = h * 0.1 + 80; win.style.position.x = w * 0.1; }, winTitleMouseDown: function (id, e) { //忽略右键 if (e.which === 3) return; var isMouse = !e.changedTouches;//是否是鼠标事件,false为触屏; // var downTime=Date.now(); var fnGetPagePointFromEvent = function (event) { var p = { x: 0, y: 0, }; if (!e.changedTouches) { //是鼠标 p.x = event.pageX; p.y = event.pageY; } else { //是触屏 var touches = event.changedTouches ? event.changedTouches : event.originalEvent.changedTouches; p.x = touches[0].pageX; p.y = touches[0].pageY; } return p; }; //该函数从触屏或鼠标点击获取pageX,pageY var point = fnGetPagePointFromEvent(e); //拖动逻辑 var that = this; var win = this.wins[id]; win.drag.x = point.x; win.drag.y = point.y; win.drag.mDownPosition = true; var fnMouseUp = function (e) { if (!win.drag.mDownPosition) return; win.drag.mDownPosition = false; that.runtime.drag = false; //事件解绑 if (isMouse) { $(document).unbind('mousemove', fnMouseMove); $(document).unbind('mouseup', fnMouseUp); } else { $(document).unbind('touchmove', fnMouseMove); $(document).unbind('touchend', fnMouseUp); } }; var fnMouseMove = function (e) { if (!win.drag.mDownPosition) return; that.runtime.drag = true; var p = fnGetPagePointFromEvent(e); var x = p.x; var y = p.y; if (win.state === 'max' && (y - win.drag.y > 2)) that.winRestore(id);//在全屏状态拖动,自动还原 win.style.position.x += win.style.position.left ? (x - win.drag.x) : (win.drag.x - x); win.style.position.y += win.style.position.top ? (y - win.drag.y) : (win.drag.y - y); win.drag.x = x; win.drag.y = y; }; if (isMouse) { $(document).mouseup(fnMouseUp); $(document).mousemove(fnMouseMove); } else { $(document).on('touchend', fnMouseUp); $(document).on('touchmove', fnMouseMove); } }, winTitleDblclick: function (id) { //双击最大化 var w = this.wins[id]; if (w.plugin) { return; } if (w.state === 'max') { this.winRestore(id); } else { this.winMaximize(id); } }, winResizeMouseDown: function (id, e) { //拖动逻辑 var that = this; var win = this.wins[id]; win.drag.x = e.pageX; win.drag.y = e.pageY; win.drag.mDownSize = true; var fnMouseUp = function (e) { if (!win.drag.mDownSize) return; win.drag.mDownSize = false; that.runtime.drag = false; $(document).unbind('mouseup', fnMouseUp); $(document).unbind('mousemove', fnMouseMove); }; var fnMouseMove = function (e) { if (!win.drag.mDownSize) return; var minWidth = 200; var minHeight = 84; that.runtime.drag = true; var x = e.pageX; var y = e.pageY; win.style.size.width += (x - win.drag.x); (win.style.size.width) > minWidth || (win.style.size.width = minWidth); win.style.size.height += (y - win.drag.y); (win.style.size.height) > minHeight || (win.style.size.height = minHeight); win.drag.x = x; win.drag.y = y; }; $(document).mouseup(fnMouseUp); $(document).mousemove(fnMouseMove); }, winSetActive: function (id) { var now = Date.now(); if (now - this.runtime.winActiveTime < 200) { return; } this.runtime.winActiveTime = now; var win = this.wins[id]; win.style.index = YL.util.getBiggerWinZIndex(); this.runtime.winActive = id; this.startMenu.open = false; this.drawer = null; this.center.open = false; }, winStyle: function (id) { var win = this.wins[id]; return { width: win.style.size.width + 'px', height: win.style.size.height + 'px', top: win.style.position.top ? win.style.position.y + 'px' : 'auto', left: win.style.position.left ? win.style.position.x + 'px' : 'auto', bottom: !win.style.position.top ? win.style.position.y + 'px' : 'auto', right: !win.style.position.left ? win.style.position.x + 'px' : 'auto', 'z-index': win.style.index + (win.background ? -500 : 0), } }, winInitIconStyle: function (id) { var win = this.wins[id]; var size = Math.min(win.style.size.width, win.style.size.height) / 4; return { 'font-size': size + 'px', 'line-height': size + 'px', 'width': size * 1.5 + 'px', }; }, winClass: function (id) { var w = this.wins[id]; return { active: id === this.runtime.winActive && !this.winIsMin(id), plugin: w.plugin, "addressBar-hidden": !w.addressBar, } }, winTaskClick: function (id) { var win = this.wins[id]; if (this.winIsMin(id) || this.startMenu.open || this.drawer) { this.winShow(id); this.winSetActive(id); } else { if (this.runtime.winActive === id) { this.winMinimize(id); this.findNewActive(); } else { this.winSetActive(id); } } }, winRefresh: function (id) { var win = this.wins[id]; var target = win.urlBar; this.winJump(id, win.urlRandomToken ? YL.util.updateUrlRandomToken(target) : target); }, winHome: function (id) { var win = this.wins[id]; var target = win.urlOrigin; this.winJump(id, win.urlRandomToken ? YL.util.updateUrlRandomToken(target) : target); }, winJump: function (id, url) { var win = this.wins[id]; win.url = win.urlBar = 'about:blank'; setTimeout(function () { win.url = win.urlBar = url; }, 200); }, winContextMenu: function (id, e) { var that = this; var win = this.wins[id]; var menu = [ [YL.util.getStrFa("refresh") + YL.lang("Refresh"), function () { that.winRefresh(id); }], ]; if (!win.addressBar) { menu.push([YL.util.getStrFa("location-arrow") + YL.lang("DisplayAddressBar"), function () { win.addressBar = true; }]); } else { menu.push([YL.util.getStrFa("location-arrow") + YL.lang("HideAddressBar"), function () { win.addressBar = false; }]); } menu.push([YL.util.getStrFa("magic") + YL.lang("CollectAsApplication"), function () { layer.prompt({ title: YL.lang("AttentionEnterAppName"), formType: 0, value: Yuri2.parseURL(win.url).host, maxlength: 32, skin: 'yl', zIndex: 19930012, }, function (input, index) { layer.close(index); var app = YL.util.getAppDataTemplate(); app.url = YL.util.removeUrlRandomToken(win.url); app.title = input; app.icon.type = 'str'; app.icon.content = input; var appId = 'app-' + YL.util.getID(); YL.addApp(appId, app); YL.addShortcut(appId);//自动添加到桌面 YL.addMenuItem(appId);//自动添加到菜单 YL.util.simpleMsg(YL.lang("Added")); }); }, !YL.static.changeable]); menu.push('|'); var menuWin = []; menuWin.push(YL.util.getStrFa("arrows") + Yuri2.template('${0}px * ${1}px', parseInt(win.style.size.width), parseInt(win.style.size.height))); menuWin.push([YL.util.getStrFa("window-restore") + YL.lang("CentreAdjustment"), function () { that.winSetCenter(id); that.winSetActive(id); }]); if (that.winIsMin(id)) { menuWin.push([YL.util.getStrFa("clone") + YL.lang("DisplayWindow"), function () { that.winShow(id); }]); } else { menuWin.push([YL.util.getStrFa("window-minimize") + YL.lang("Minimize"), function () { that.winMinimize(id); }]); } if (!win.plugin && win.state === 'normal' && win.resizable) { menuWin.push([ YL.util.getStrFa("window-maximize") + YL.lang("Maximize"), function () { that.winShow(id); that.winMaximize(id); } ]) } if (!win.plugin && win.state === 'max') { menuWin.push([ YL.util.getStrFa("window-restore") + YL.lang("Restore"), function () { that.winRestore(id) } ]) } menuWin.push('|'); if (win.style.position.left) { menuWin.push([YL.util.getStrFa("angle-double-right") + YL.lang("AlignRight") + Yuri2.template(' (${0}px)', parseInt(win.style.position.x)), function () { win.style.position.left = !win.style.position.left; }]); } else { menuWin.push([YL.util.getStrFa("angle-double-left") + YL.lang("AlignLeft") + Yuri2.template(' (${0}px)', parseInt(win.style.position.x)), function () { win.style.position.left = !win.style.position.left; }]); } if (win.style.position.top) { menuWin.push([YL.util.getStrFa("angle-double-down") + YL.lang("AlignBottom") + Yuri2.template(' (${0}px)', parseInt(win.style.position.y)), function () { win.style.position.top = !win.style.position.top; }]); } else { menuWin.push([YL.util.getStrFa("angle-double-up") + YL.lang("AlignTop") + Yuri2.template(' (${0}px)', parseInt(win.style.position.y)), function () { win.style.position.top = !win.style.position.top; }]); } menu.push([YL.util.getStrFa("windows") + YL.lang("WindowPosition"), menuWin]); menu.push([YL.util.getStrFa("paper-plane") + YL.lang("OpenOuter"), function () { window.open(win.url); }]); //记住位置大小 if (win.source) { menu.push([YL.util.getStrFa("crop") + YL.lang('RememberSizeAndPosition'), function () { win.source.style = {}; win.source.style.position = {}; win.source.style.size = {}; win.source.style.position.x = win.style.position.x; win.source.style.position.y = win.style.position.y; win.source.style.position.left = win.style.position.left; win.source.style.position.top = win.style.position.top; win.source.style.position.autoOffset = false; win.source.style.size.height = win.style.size.height; win.source.style.size.width = win.style.size.width; YL.util.simpleMsg(YL.lang("Recorded")); }, !YL.static.changeable]); if (win.source.style) { menu.push([YL.util.getStrFa("crop") + YL.lang("ResetSizeAndPosition"), function () { delete win.source.style; }, !YL.static.changeable]); } } if (win.plugin) { //可以置底作为背景 menu.push('|'); if (win.background) { menu.push([YL.util.getStrFa("sort-up") + YL.lang("PutForeground"), function () { win.background = false; }]); } else { menu.push([YL.util.getStrFa("sort-down") + YL.lang("PutBackground"), function () { win.background = true; }]); } } menu.push('|'); menu.push([ YL.util.getStrFa("close") + YL.lang("Close"), function () { that.winClose(id) } ]); ContextMenu.render(e, menu, this, "light"); }, findNewActive: function () { var id = null; var maxIndex = 0; for (var i in this.wins) { var win = this.wins[i]; if (!win.min && win.style.index > maxIndex) { maxIndex = win.style.index; id = i; } } this.runtime.winActive = id; }, winHideAll: function () { for (var i in this.wins) { var win = this.wins[i]; if (win.plugin) { continue; } win.min = true; } }, winShowAll: function () { for (var i in this.wins) { var win = this.wins[i]; if (win.plugin) { continue; } win.min = false; } }, winCloseAll: function () { for (var i in this.wins) { var win = this.wins[i]; if (win.plugin) { continue; } this.$delete(this.wins, i); } // this.runtime.winOpened=0; //计数 }, menuItemClose: function (father) { var menu = father ? father : this.startMenu.menu; for (var i in menu) { var item = menu[i]; if (item.children) { item.open = false; this.menuItemClose(item); } } }, menuClose: function () { this.startMenu.open = false; this.menuItemClose(); }, showDesktop: function () { this.winHideAll(); this.hideOpens(); }, badgeText: function (content) { //处理badge的提示内容 if (isNaN(content)) { return content; } else { return content > 99 ? '99+' : parseInt(content); } }, drawerStyle: function () { var top = 0, left = 0; return { 'top': top + 'px', 'left': left + 'px', } }, hideOpens: function () { //批量关闭一些菜单,div this.drawer = null; this.menuClose(); this.center.open = false; this.runtime.pluginIconsOpen = false; this.runtime.CalendarOpen = false; }, desktopMouseDown: function (e) { this.hideOpens(); !e||this.emitWinEvent(0, 'desktopMouseDown',{ x:e.x, y:e.y, }); }, desktopMouseUp: function (e) { this.hideOpens(); !e||this.emitWinEvent(0, 'desktopMouseUp',{ x:e.x, y:e.y, }); }, desktopClick: function (e) { this.hideOpens(); !e||this.emitWinEvent(0, 'desktopClick',{ x:e.x, y:e.y, }); }, desktopContextMenu: function (e) { var that = this; that.hideOpens(); var menu = [ [YL.util.getStrFa("refresh") + YL.lang("Refresh"), function () { that.flash() }], '|', [YL.util.getStrFa('desktop') + YL.lang("DisplayDesktop"), function () { that.showDesktop() }], [YL.util.getStrFa('credit-card') + YL.lang("Personalization"), [ [YL.util.getStrFa('paint-brush') + YL.lang("ThemeColor"), function () { YL.open('yl-system', { data: { nav: 'colors' } }) }, !YL.static.changeable], [YL.util.getStrFa('picture-o') + YL.lang("Wallpaper"), function () { YL.open('yl-system', { data: { nav: 'wallpaper' } }) }, !YL.static.changeable], ] ], [YL.util.getStrFa('cog') + YL.lang("SystemOptions"), function () { YL.open('yl-system') }, !YL.static.changeable], '|', [YL.util.getStrFa('object-group') + YL.lang("FullScreen"), function () { YL.util.enableFullScreen(); }], [YL.util.getStrFa('object-ungroup') + YL.lang("NormalScreen"), function () { YL.util.disableFullScreen(); }], [YL.util.getStrFa('circle-o-notch') + YL.lang("Reload"), function () { YL.f5(); }], '|', [YL.util.getStrFa('info-circle') + YL.lang("AboutUs"), function () { YL.aboutUs() }], ]; ContextMenu.render(e, menu, this, "light"); }, desktopMouseMove: function (e) { this.emitWinEvent(0, 'desktopMouseMove',{ x:e.x, y:e.y, }); }, shortcutOpen: function (s, id) { var now = Date.now(); if (!s || s.drag.moved > 20 || now - this.runtime.shortcutOpenedAt < 500) { //忽略拖动产生的click和touch+click导致的短时间多次打开 return; } if (s.children) { //打开抽屉 this.drawer = id; } else { //普通图标 this.appOpen(s.app, s, s); } this.runtime.shortcutOpenedAt = Date.now(); YL.debug(YL.lang("OpenIcons") + ':' + s.title) }, shortcutGrid: function (id) { var x = parseInt(id / this.runtime.shortcutsGrid.y); var y = parseInt(id % this.runtime.shortcutsGrid.y); return { x: x, y: y } }, shortcutPosition: function (id, pid) { var g = this.shortcutGrid(id); var s = pid === null ? this.shortcuts[id] : this.shortcuts[pid].children[id]; return { x: g.x * this.runtime.shortcutWidth + s.drag.left, y: g.y * this.runtime.shortcutHeight + s.drag.top } }, shortcutStyle: function (id, pid) { var p = this.shortcutPosition(id, pid); return { left: p.x + 'px', top: p.y + 'px', } }, shortcutClass: function (id, s, fromDrawer) { return { move: s.drag.mDown, insert: this.runtime.shortcutInsert === id && !fromDrawer, over: this.runtime.shortcutOver === id && !fromDrawer, cut: this.shortcutCutOutFromDrawer(s), }; }, shortcutMouseDown: function (id, pid, e) { if (e.which && e.which !== 1) return; //只响应左键 var isMouse = !e.changedTouches;//是否是鼠标事件,false为触屏; var downTime = Date.now(); var fnGetPagePointFromEvent = function (event) { var p = { x: 0, y: 0, }; if (!e.changedTouches) { //是鼠标 p.x = event.pageX; p.y = event.pageY; } else { //是触屏 var touches = event.changedTouches ? event.changedTouches : event.originalEvent.changedTouches; p.x = touches[0].pageX; p.y = touches[0].pageY; } return p; }; //该函数从触屏或鼠标点击获取pageX,pageY var point = fnGetPagePointFromEvent(e); var that = this; var isFromDrawer = pid !== null; var s = !isFromDrawer ? that.shortcuts[id] : that.shortcuts[pid].children[id]; s.drag.mDown = true; s.drag.x = point.x; s.drag.y = point.y; s.drag.moved = 0; var fnDragOn = function (index) { var p = that.shortcutPosition(index, null);//得到图标目前的位置p var tid, tby, ton = false, tinsert = false, tover = false; that.shortcuts.forEach(function (t, i) { if (i === index) return;//忽略遍历自身 var pt = that.shortcutPosition(i, null); var bx = pt.x - p.x; var by = pt.y - p.y; if (Math.abs(bx) < that.runtime.shortcutWidth / 4 && Math.abs(by) < that.runtime.shortcutHeight / 2 ) { tid = i; tby = by; ton = true; tinsert = by < -that.runtime.shortcutHeight * 0.3; tover = Math.abs(by) < that.runtime.shortcutHeight * 0.3; } }); return { on: ton, id: tid, by: tby, insert: tinsert, over: tover, }; }; var fnMouseUp = function (e) { if (!s.drag.mDown) return; s.drag.mDown = false; if (!isFromDrawer) { //处理拖动位置网格吸附 var dragTo = fnDragOn(id); if (dragTo.insert) { //拖动插入 if (dragTo.id > id) { for (var i = dragTo.id - id; i > 0; i--) { Yuri2.arrDownRecord(that.shortcuts, dragTo.id - i) } } else { for (var i = id - dragTo.id; i > 1; i--) { Yuri2.arrUpRecord(that.shortcuts, dragTo.id + i) } } } if (dragTo.over) { //拖动覆盖 var sOn = that.shortcuts[dragTo.id]; if (!s.children && !sOn.children) { //1.图标vs图标 合并并生成组 that.$set(that.shortcuts, dragTo.id, { title: YL.lang("IconGroup") + YL.util.getID(), drag: { mDown: false, left: 0, top: 0, x: 0, y: 0, }, children: [ sOn, s ], }); that.shortcuts.splice(id, 1) } else if (!s.children && sOn.children) { //2.图标vs组 进组 sOn.children.push(s); that.shortcuts.splice(id, 1) } else if (s.children && !sOn.children) { //2.组vs图标 进组 s.children.push(sOn); that.shortcuts[dragTo.id] = s; that.shortcuts.splice(id, 1) } else if (s.children && sOn.children) { //4.组vs组 合并组 s.children.forEach(function (t) { sOn.children.push(t); }); that.shortcuts.splice(id, 1) } } } else { //抽屉内拖动(移动一定的距离就算是拖出去) if (that.shortcutCutOutFromDrawer(s)) { that.shortcuts.push(s); that.shortcuts[pid].children.splice(id, 1); } } if (s.drag.moved < 20 && Date.now() - downTime < 300) { that.shortcutOpen(s, id); //TODO 此处是否需要加延时操作 } s.drag.moved = 0; s.drag.left = s.drag.top = 0; that.runtime.shortcutInsert = that.runtime.shortcutOver = null; //事件解绑 if (isMouse) { $(document).unbind('mousemove', fnMouseMove); $(document).unbind('mouseup', fnMouseUp); } else { $(document).unbind('touchmove', fnMouseMove); $(document).unbind('touchend', fnMouseUp); } }; var fnMouseMove = function (e) { if (!s.drag.mDown) return; var p = fnGetPagePointFromEvent(e); var x = p.x; var y = p.y; var dx = x - s.drag.x; var dy = y - s.drag.y; s.drag.left += dx; s.drag.top += dy; s.drag.x = x; s.drag.y = y; s.drag.moved += (Math.abs(dx) + Math.abs(dy)); var dragTo = fnDragOn(id); if (dragTo.insert)//拖动插入的视觉提示 that.runtime.shortcutInsert = dragTo.id; else that.runtime.shortcutInsert = null; if (dragTo.over) //拖动覆盖的视觉提示 that.runtime.shortcutOver = dragTo.id; else that.runtime.shortcutOver = null; }; if (isMouse) { $(document).mouseup(fnMouseUp); $(document).mousemove(fnMouseMove); } else { $(document).on('touchend', fnMouseUp); $(document).on('touchmove', fnMouseMove); } }, shortcutCutOutFromDrawer: function (s) { return Math.abs(s.drag.left) + Math.abs(s.drag.top) > 1.5 * this.runtime.shortcutWidth; }, shortcutContextMenu: function (id, pid, e, isDrawer) { var that = this; var s = pid === null ? that.shortcuts[id] : that.shortcuts[pid].children[id]; var menu = []; if (s.children) { menu.push([ YL.util.getStrFa('play-circle') + YL.lang("Open"), function (v) { that.shortcutOpen(s, id); }]); } else { menu.push(that.contextMenuOpen(s)); } menu.push('|'); if (s.children) { menu.push([ YL.util.getStrFa('tags') + YL.lang("Rename"), function () { that.shortSetting = s; }, !YL.static.changeable ]); menu.push([ YL.util.getStrFa('sitemap') + YL.lang("UnGroup"), function (v) { s.children.forEach(function (t) { that.shortcuts.splice(id + 1, 0, t); }); that.shortcuts.splice(id, 1); } , !YL.static.changeable]); } else { var objCopy = Yuri2.jsonDeepCopy({ title: s.title, hash: s.hash, params: s.params, app: s.app, style: s.style, }); menu.push(that.contextMenuAddTo(objCopy)); menu.push([ YL.util.getStrFa('tags') + YL.lang("Rename") + "/" + YL.lang("Options"), function (v) { that.shortSetting = s; } , !YL.static.changeable]); } if (s.app && that.apps[s.app].badge) { menu.push([YL.util.getStrFa('map-pin') + YL.lang("ClearSuperscript"), function () { that.apps[s.app].badge = 0 }, !YL.static.changeable]) } menu.push('|'); menu.push([ YL.util.getStrFa('remove') + YL.lang("Delete"), function (v) { YL.util.simpleConfirm(Yuri2.template(YL.lang("DeleteIconConfirm"), s.title), function () { if (isDrawer) { that.shortcuts[pid].children.splice(id, 1); } else { that.shortcuts.splice(id, 1); } }) } , !YL.static.changeable]); if (s.app) { menu.push(that.contextMenuUninstall(s.app)); } ContextMenu.render(e, menu, this, "light"); }, shortcutGetDrawerBadge: function (id) { var g = this.shortcuts[id]; var d = g.children; var count = 0; for (var i in d) { var s = d[i]; var badge = parseInt(this.apps[s.app].badge); if (isNaN(badge)) { badge = 1; } count += badge; } return count; }, menuItemClick: function (item) { this.appOpen(item.app, item, item) }, msgClose: function (id) { var that = this; this.center.msg[id].hide = true; that.$delete(that.center.msg, id); that.center.msgNum--; }, btnCenterClick: function () { if (this.center.open) { this.hideOpens(); } else { this.hideOpens(); this.center.open = true; this.center.unread = 0; } }, btnCenterClear: function () { var that = this; for (var i in that.center.msg) { var m = that.center.msg[i]; m.hide = true; } that.$set(that.center, 'msg', {}); setTimeout(function () { that.center.unread = 0; that.center.msgNum = 0; }, 500); setTimeout(function () { that.center.open = false; }, 1500); }, barContextMenu: function (e) { var that = this; var menu = [ [YL.util.getStrFa('window-minimize') + YL.lang("HideAll"), function () { that.winHideAll() }], [YL.util.getStrFa('clone') + YL.lang("DisplayAll"), function () { that.winShowAll() }], [YL.util.getStrFa('window-close') + YL.lang("CloseAll"), function () { that.winCloseAll() }], "|" ]; if (that.configs.topTaskBar) { menu.push([ YL.util.getStrFa('arrow-down') + YL.lang("BottomTaskBar"), function () { that.configs.topTaskBar = false; } ], !YL.static.changeable) } else { menu.push([ YL.util.getStrFa('arrow-up') + YL.lang("TopTaskBar"), function () { that.configs.topTaskBar = true; } ]) } ContextMenu.render(e, menu, this); }, tileContextMenu: function (groupIndex, tileIndex, e) { var that = this; var tile = that.tiles[groupIndex].data[tileIndex]; var objCopy = Yuri2.jsonDeepCopy({ title: tile.title, hash: tile.hash, params: tile.params, app: tile.app, style: tile.style, }); var menu = [ that.contextMenuOpen(tile), that.contextMenuAddTo(objCopy), [ YL.util.getStrFa('tags') + YL.lang("Rename") + "/" + YL.lang("Options"), function (v) { that.shortSetting = tile; }, !YL.static.changeable ], "|", [YL.util.getStrFa('braille') + YL.lang("Small") + YL.lang("Size"), function () { tile.w = 1; tile.h = 1; }, !YL.static.changeable], [YL.util.getStrFa('braille') + YL.lang("Middle") + YL.lang("Size"), function () { tile.w = 2; tile.h = 2; }, !YL.static.changeable], [YL.util.getStrFa('braille') + YL.lang("Big") + YL.lang("Size"), function () { tile.w = 4; tile.h = 4; }, !YL.static.changeable], ]; //处理磁贴转移到其他组的逻辑 if (that.tiles.length > 1) { var moveMenu = []; that.tiles.forEach(function (t, n) { if (n === groupIndex) return; moveMenu.push([that.tiles[n].title, function () { that.tiles[groupIndex].data.splice(tileIndex, 1); var movedTile = Yuri2.jsonDeepCopy(tile); movedTile.y = 999; movedTile.x = 0; that.tiles[n].data.push(movedTile); }, !YL.static.changeable]) }); menu.push([YL.util.getStrFa('cut') + YL.lang("MoveTo"), moveMenu]) } menu.push("|"); menu.push([YL.util.getStrFa('remove') + YL.lang("Delete"), function () { YL.util.simpleConfirm(Yuri2.template(YL.lang("DeleteTileConfirm"), tile.title), function () { that.tiles[groupIndex].data.splice(tileIndex, 1); }); }, !YL.static.changeable]); menu.push(that.contextMenuUninstall(tile.app)); ContextMenu.render(e, menu, this); }, tileSrcCustom: function (app) { return app.urlRandomToken ? YL.util.updateUrlRandomToken(app.customTile, '', this.runtime.customTileRandomToken) : app.customTile; }, menuContextMenu: function (data) { var that = this; var item = data.item; var objCopy = Yuri2.jsonDeepCopy({ title: item.title, hash: item.hash, params: item.params, app: item.app, style: item.style, }); var itemId = data.id; var menu = []; if (item.app && !item.children) { menu = [ that.contextMenuOpen(item), that.contextMenuAddTo(objCopy), [ YL.util.getStrFa('tags') + YL.lang("Rename") + "/" + YL.lang("Options"), function (v) { that.shortSetting = item; } , !YL.static.changeable], ]; } else { menu.push([ YL.util.getStrFa('object-group') + YL.lang("NewSubgroup"), function () { var itemNew = { title: YL.lang("Group"), children: {}, open: true, }; that.setWithID(item.children, itemNew, 'itemPushed-'); } , !YL.static.changeable]); menu.push([ YL.util.getStrFa('tags') + YL.lang("Rename"), function () { that.shortSetting = item; } , !YL.static.changeable]); } menu.push('|'); menu.push([ YL.util.getStrFa('cut') + YL.lang("CutAndExchange"), function () { that.runtime.menuItemCut = itemId; YL.util.simpleMsg(item.title + " " + YL.lang("Recorded")); } , !YL.static.changeable]); if (that.runtime.menuItemCut) { menu.push([ YL.util.getStrFa('paste') + YL.lang("Paste"), function () { var cut = that.runtime.menuItemCut; that.menuItemAction(cut, function (child, father) { if (father.children) that.$delete(father.children, cut); else that.$delete(father, cut); that.$set(item.children, cut, child) }); that.runtime.menuItemCut = null; } , !YL.static.changeable]); menu.push([ YL.util.getStrFa('exchange') + YL.lang("Exchange"), function () { var idA = itemId, childA, fatherA; var idB = that.runtime.menuItemCut, childB, fatherB; that.menuItemAction(idA, function (child, father) { childA = child; fatherA = father; }); that.menuItemAction(idB, function (child, father) { childB = child; fatherB = father; }); that.runtime.menuItemCut = null; try { fatherA[idA] = childB; fatherB[idB] = childA; } catch (e) { } } , !YL.static.changeable]); } menu.push("|"); menu.push([ YL.util.getStrFa('remove') + YL.lang("Delete"), function () { //递归删除依赖菜单 YL.util.simpleConfirm(Yuri2.template(YL.lang("DeleteMenuConfirm"), item.title), function () { that.menuItemAction(itemId, function (child, father) { if (father.children) that.$delete(father.children, itemId); else that.$delete(father, itemId); }); }); } , !YL.static.changeable]); if (item.app) { menu.push(that.contextMenuUninstall(item.app)); } ContextMenu.render(data.event, menu, this); }, menuMainContextMenu: function (e) { var that = this; var menu = [ [ YL.util.getStrFa('object-group') + YL.lang("NewSubgroup"), function () { var item = { title: YL.lang("Group"), children: {}, open: true, }; that.setWithID(that.startMenu.menu, item, 'itemPushed-'); }, !YL.static.changeable], [ YL.util.getStrFa('paste') + YL.lang("Paste"), function () { var cut = that.runtime.menuItemCut; that.menuItemAction(cut, function (child, father) { if (father.children) that.$delete(father.children, cut); else that.$delete(father, cut); that.$set(that.startMenu.menu, cut, child) }); that.runtime.menuItemCut = null; }, !YL.static.changeable], ]; ContextMenu.render(e, menu, this); }, menuItemAction: function (id, cb, father) { //递归寻找,callback(child,father) var that = this; var menu = father ? father.children : that.startMenu.menu; for (var i in menu) { var item = menu[i]; if (i === id) { cb(item, menu); } else if (item.children) { that.menuItemAction(id, cb, item); } } }, tilesBoxContextMenu: function (e) { var that = this; var menu = [ [YL.util.getStrFa('object-group') + YL.lang("NewSubgroup"), function () { YL.addTileGroup(); }], !YL.static.changeable]; ContextMenu.render(e, menu, this); }, backgroundToThemeColor: function () { var that = this; YL.util.imgUrlToThemeColor(this.runtime.wallpaper, function (color) { that.configs.themeColor = color; }, 0.6) }, backgroundUpdateScale: function () { var that = this; var url = this.configs.wallpaper; YL.util.imgUrlToSize(url, function (size) { var width = size.width || 1; var height = size.height || 1; that.runtime.wallpaperScale = width / height; }) }, sidebarBtnContextMenu: function (i, e) { var that = this; var btn = that.startMenu.sidebar.btns[i]; var objCopy = Yuri2.jsonDeepCopy({ title: btn.title, hash: btn.hash, params: btn.params, app: btn.app, style: btn.style, }); var menu = [ that.contextMenuOpen(btn), that.contextMenuAddTo(objCopy), [YL.util.getStrFa('tags') + YL.lang("Rename") + "/" + YL.lang("Options"), function (v) { that.shortSetting = btn; }, !YL.static.changeable], "|", [ YL.util.getStrFa('arrow-up') + YL.lang("ShiftUp"), function () { Yuri2.arrUpRecord(that.startMenu.sidebar.btns, i); }, !YL.static.changeable ], [ YL.util.getStrFa('arrow-down') + YL.lang("ShiftDown"), function () { Yuri2.arrDownRecord(that.startMenu.sidebar.btns, i); }, !YL.static.changeable ], '|', [ YL.util.getStrFa('remove') + YL.lang("Delete"), function () { YL.util.simpleConfirm(Yuri2.template(YL.lang("DeleteBtnConfirm"), btn.title), function () { that.startMenu.sidebar.btns.splice(i, 1); }); }, !YL.static.changeable ], that.contextMenuUninstall(btn.app), ]; ContextMenu.render(e, menu, this); }, tilesTitleContextMenu: function (groupIndex, e) { var that = this; var group = that.tiles[groupIndex]; var menu = [ [YL.util.getStrFa('tags') + YL.lang("Rename"), function () { that.shortSetting = group; }, !YL.static.changeable], [YL.util.getStrFa('arrow-up') + YL.lang("ShiftUp"), function () { Yuri2.arrUpRecord(that.tiles, groupIndex) }, !YL.static.changeable], [YL.util.getStrFa('arrow-down') + YL.lang("ShiftDown"), function () { Yuri2.arrDownRecord(that.tiles, groupIndex) }, !YL.static.changeable], [YL.util.getStrFa('remove') + YL.lang("Delete"), function () { YL.util.simpleConfirm(Yuri2.template(YL.lang("DeleteGroupConfirm"), group.title), function () { that.tiles.splice(groupIndex, 1); }) }, !YL.static.changeable], ]; ContextMenu.render(e, menu, this); }, tileMoved: function () { this.runtime.tileMoved = true; }, tileMouseDown: function (e1) { var that = this; var x1 = e1.pageX; var y1 = e1.pageY; var fnMouseUp = function (e2) { var x2 = e2.pageX; var y2 = e2.pageY; if (Math.abs(x2 - x1) + Math.abs(y2 - y1) > 5) { that.runtime.tileMoved = true; } $(document).unbind('mouseup', fnMouseUp); }; $(document).on("mouseup", fnMouseUp); }, tileClick: function (tile) { if (!this.runtime.tileMoved) { //打开 this.appOpen(tile.app, tile, tile) } this.runtime.tileMoved = false; }, btnShortSettingAdvanceClick: function (appId) { //设置-高级按钮 this.shortSetting = null; YL.open('yl-system', { data: { appSetting: appId } }) }, shortSettingParamsAdd: function () { //新增图标param属性 按钮点击 if (this.runtime.shortcutNewParamName && this.runtime.shortcutNewParamValue) { if (!this.shortSetting.params) { this.$set(this.shortSetting, 'params', {}) } this.$set(this.shortSetting.params, this.runtime.shortcutNewParamName, this.runtime.shortcutNewParamValue); this.runtime.shortcutNewParamName = ''; this.runtime.shortcutNewParamValue = ''; } }, shortSettingParamsDelete: function (name) { this.$delete(this.shortSetting.params, name); }, startMenuResizeMouseDown: function (e) { //拖动逻辑 var that = this; var startMenu = that.runtime.startMenu; startMenu.drag.x = e.pageX; startMenu.drag.y = e.pageY; startMenu.drag.mDown = true; var fnMouseUp = function (e) { if (!startMenu.drag.mDown) return; startMenu.drag.mDown = false; $(document).unbind('mouseup', fnMouseUp); $(document).unbind('mousemove', fnMouseMove); }; var fnMouseMove = function (e) { if (!startMenu.drag.mDown) return; var minWidth = 320; var minHeight = 160; var x = e.pageX; var y = e.pageY; that.startMenu.width += (x - startMenu.drag.x); (that.startMenu.width) > minWidth || (that.startMenu.width = minWidth); that.startMenu.height -= (that.configs.topTaskBar?-1:1)*(y - startMenu.drag.y); (that.startMenu.height) > minHeight || (that.startMenu.height = minHeight); startMenu.drag.x = x; startMenu.drag.y = y; that.onResize(); }; $(document).mouseup(fnMouseUp); $(document).mousemove(fnMouseMove); }, }, watch: { "shortSetting": { handler: function (val, oldVal) { if (val) { this.drawer = null; } } }, "configs.wallpaper": { handler: function (val, oldVal) { var that = this; var img = new Image(); img.src = val; img.onload = function () { that.runtime.wallpaper = val; if (that.configs.autoThemeColor) { that.backgroundToThemeColor() } }; that.backgroundUpdateScale() } }, 'wins': { handler: function (val, oldVal) { var count = 0; for (var i in this.wins) { var win = this.wins[i]; if (!win.plugin) { count++; } } this.runtime.winOpened = count; } }, "startMenu.open": { handler: function (val, oldVal) { //修复磁贴在全屏切换时布局混乱的bug,人为发出一个resize事件 if (val) { this.$nextTick(YL.util.artificiallyResize); } } }, "startMenu.menu": { // deep: true, handler: function (val, oldVal) { this.$nextTick(YL.util.artificiallyResize); } } }, computed: { smallScreenAndMenuOpend: function () { return this.runtime.isSmallScreen && this.startMenu.open }, tilesBoxStyle: function () { var width = this.runtime.clientSize.width; if (this.runtime.isSmallScreen) { var left; left = 48 + (this.runtime.menuOnLeft ? width : 0); } return { left: this.runtime.isSmallScreen ? left + "px" : '312px', } }, menuStyle: function () { var width = this.runtime.clientSize.width; if (this.runtime.isSmallScreen) { return { left: (48 + (this.runtime.menuOnLeft ? 0 : -width))+'px', } } else return {}; }, barStyle: function () { if (this.configs.topTaskBar) { return { top: 0, bottom: "none", } } }, centerStyle: function () { if (this.configs.topTaskBar) { return { top: 40 + "px", } } else { return { bottom: 40 + "px", } } }, backgroundCross: function () { var r = this.runtime; return r.wallpaperScale < r.clientSize.width / r.clientSize.height; } }, }); };