window.YL = { info: { softwareName: 'YLUI', version: window.yluiVersion, iconBtnStart: 'yoast', author: 'Yuri2', contactInformation: '', officialWebsite: '', copyrightDetail: 'YLUI已授权本产品使用。YLUI禁止任何未经作者授权的使用、修改、二次发布,包括从本产品中剥离YLUI独立使用等侵权行为,违者将追究法律责任。', otherStatements: '', }, data: {}, lang: function (key) { return YL.static.languages[YL.static.lang] ? YL.static.languages[YL.static.lang][key] : ''; }, readyStack: [], loadStack: [], _baseData: function () { return { // YL:YL, configs: { topTaskBar: true, //顶部任务栏?默认底部 sound: false,//开启声音 wallpaper: './res/img/wallpapers/bg1.jpg', wallpaperBlur: false, //壁纸模糊(影响性能) wallpaperSlide: false, //壁纸幻灯片 wallpaperSlideRandom: false, //壁纸幻灯片顺序随机(否则顺序播放) wallpaperSlideItv: 0.1, //壁纸幻灯片播放切换间隔(单位:分钟) wallpaperSlideTime:, //记录最近一次切换壁纸的时刻 wallpaperSlideIndex: 0, //记录最近一次切换壁纸的index openMax: 9,//最多开启N个app idCounter: 0,//ID的下标起始 themeColor: "black", autoThemeColor: true, wallpapers: [], }, runtime: { ready: false, clientSize: { width: 0, height: 0, }, desktopSize: { width: 0, height: 0, }, startMenu: { width: 0, height: 0, drag: { x: 0, y: 0, mDown: false, } }, isSmallScreen: false, isHorizontalScreen: true, lang: 'zh-cn', winActive: null, //激活的窗口号 winActiveTime:, //上一次激活的时间戳(惰性检查) drag: false, //窗口拖拽中 time: '', //时钟 winOpenCounter: 0, //总计窗口数 winOpened: 0, //目前打开的窗口数 data: {}, //数据 shortcutsShow: true,//图标刷新动画辅助 pluginIconsOpen: false,//插件小图标打开/关闭 CalendarOpen: false,//日历打开/关闭 tileSize: 0,//磁贴的尺寸(动态计算) tilesWidth: 0,//磁贴框的尺寸(动态计算) tilesGroupNum: 1,//磁贴框每一行最多几个组(计算得出) wallpaper: '', wallpaperScale: 1, //壁纸宽高比 shortcutNewParamName: "",//图标的新参数input name shortcutNewParamValue: "",//图标的新参数input val isIE: false,//是否IE, menuItemCut: null,//菜单项的剪切板 tileMoved: false, //记录磁贴移动状态,防止移动触发点击 customTileRandomToken: YL.util.randInt(1000, 9999),//自定义磁贴iframe的随机token shortcutsGrid: { x: 0, y: 0 },//桌面图标网格的宽高(int) shortcutInsert: null,//即将插入在前的图标(视觉效果) shortcutOver: null,//即将拖动覆盖的图标(视觉效果) menuOnLeft: true,//移动端:菜单在左(反之在右) shortcutWidth: 0,//移动端响应式的图标尺寸 shortcutHeight: 0,//移动端响应式的图标尺寸 shortcutOpenedAt:, }, appStore: [], apps: {}, shortcuts: [], tiles: [], startMenu: { //开始菜单 open: false, width: 800, height: 600, sidebar: { open: false, btns: [], }, menu: {} }, center: { open: false, unread: 0, msgNum: 0, msg: {} }, wins: {}, msgPres: {}, drawer: null, shortSetting: null, }; }, init: function (data) { //数据处理 data = data ? data : (localStorage.getItem(YL.static.localStorageName) ? (JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(YL.static.localStorageName))) : this._baseData()); data = YL.format(data); $("#loading").remove(); YL.render(data); //ready调用 this.readyStack.forEach(function (t) { t(); }) }, reset: function () { //清空vue数据 var data = this._baseData(); var vue = YL.vue; for (var i in data) { if (i !== 'apps') { vue.$set(vue, i, data[i]); } } vue.$set(vue, 'apps', {}); }, msg: function (title, content) { var options = { title: title, content: content, key: Math.random(), }; this.vue.setWithID(, options, 'msg-'); ||; //未读标记+1; //总数+1 var indexs = {}; for (var i in this.vue.msgPres) { var msg = this.vue.msgPres[i]; if (msg) { var ind = msg.index; indexs[ind] = true; } } for (var j = 0; j < 99; j++) { if (!indexs[j]) { break; } } var msgPreID = this.vue.setWithID(this.vue.msgPres, Yuri2.jsonMerge(options, { index: j, }), 'msgPre-'); setTimeout(function () { var vue = YL.vue; vue.msgPres[msgPreID] = null; }, 5000); }, open: function (appId, options) { //临时打开的窗口(添加临时app) if (typeof appId === 'object') { appId = Yuri2.jsonMerge(this.util.getAppDataTemplate(), appId); } return this.vue.appOpen(appId, options); }, aboutUs: function () { //关于我们'yl-system', { data: { nav: "aboutUs" } }); }, uninstall: function (appId) { if (Yuri2.inArray(YL.static.lockedApps, appId)) { this.util.simpleMsg(YL.lang("UninstallFailed") + YL.lang("AppLockedCanNotChange")); return false; } //卸载应用 var v = this.vue; //删除依赖图标 for (var i = v.shortcuts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var s = v.shortcuts[i]; if (s.children) { for (var j = s.children.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { var ss = s.children[j]; if ( === appId) { s.children.splice(j, 1) } } } else { if ( === appId) { v.shortcuts.splice(i, 1) } } } //递归删除依赖菜单 var menuItemAppUninstall = function (father) { var menu = father ? father.children :; for (var i in menu) { var item = menu[i]; if ( === appId) { v.$delete(menu, i) } if (item.children) { menuItemAppUninstall(item); } } }; menuItemAppUninstall(); //删除开始侧边栏依赖 for (var i = v.startMenu.sidebar.btns.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var t = v.startMenu.sidebar.btns[i]; if ( === appId) { v.startMenu.sidebar.btns.splice(i, 1); } } //删除磁贴依赖 v.tiles.forEach(function (group) { for (var i = - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var t =[i]; if ( === appId) {, 1); } } }); //删除app v.$delete(v.apps, appId); return true; }, addApp: function (appId, data) { if (Yuri2.inArray(YL.static.lockedApps, appId)) { this.util.simpleMsg(YL.lang("AddAppFailed") + YL.lang("AppLockedCanNotChange")); return false; } var app = this.util.getAppDataTemplate(); app = Yuri2.jsonMerge(app, data); app.url = YL.util.removeUrlRandomToken(app.url); this.vue.$set(this.vue.apps, appId, app); return true; }, addShortcut: function (appId) { var that = this.vue; var s = { app: '', title: '', params: {}, hash: '', drag: { mDown: false, left: 0, top: 0, }, }; if (typeof appId === 'string') { var app = that.apps[appId]; s = Yuri2.jsonMerge(s, { app: appId, title: app.title, }); } else { s = Yuri2.jsonMerge(s, appId); } that.shortcuts.push(s); }, addMenuItem: function (appId) { var that = this.vue; var item = { app: '', title: '', params: {}, hash: '', }; if (typeof appId === 'string') { var app = that.apps[appId]; item = Yuri2.jsonMerge(item, { app: appId, title: app.title, }); } else { item = Yuri2.jsonMerge(item, appId); } that.setWithID(, item, 'itemPushed-'); }, addSidebarBtn: function (appId) { var that = this.vue; var btn = { app: '', title: '', params: {}, hash: '', }; if (typeof appId === 'string') { var app = that.apps[appId]; btn = Yuri2.jsonMerge(btn, { app: appId, title: app.title, }); } else { btn = Yuri2.jsonMerge(btn, appId); } that.startMenu.sidebar.btns.unshift(btn); }, addTile: function (appId, n) { var that = this.vue; if (!n) n = 0; //为app添加磁贴 var v = this.vue; if (v.tiles.length <= 0) { this.addTileGroup(); } var tile = { "x": 0, "y": 99, "w": 2, "h": 2, app: "", title: "", i: YL.util.getID() + "", params: {}, hash: '', }; if (typeof appId === 'string') { var app = that.apps[appId]; tile = Yuri2.jsonMerge(tile, { app: appId, title: app.title, }); } else { tile = Yuri2.jsonMerge(tile, appId); } v.tiles[n].data.push(tile) }, addTileGroup: function (groupTitle) { var v = this.vue; var title = groupTitle ? groupTitle : YL.util.getID(); v.tiles.push({ title: '分组' + title, data: [] }); return v.tiles.length - 1; }, setThemeColor: function (color) { this.vue.configs.themeColor = color; }, debug: function (log) { !YL.static.debug || console.log(log); }, onLoad: function (cb) { this.loadStack.push(cb); }, onReady: function (cb) { this.readyStack.push(cb); }, loadRes: function () { //资源加载 var that = this; var pathRes = './res'; var counterLoad = 0, maxLoad = 24; //资源加载计数器 var onLoading = "..."; //加载提示框 document.getElementById('loading-box').style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById('loading-software-name').innerHTML = YL.static.softwareName; document.getElementById('loading-lang-init').innerHTML = YL.lang("LoadingInitializing"); document.getElementById('loading-powered-by').innerHTML = YL.lang("LoadingPoweredBy"); document.title = YL.static.softwareName; var flagFifty = false;//解决圆环动画断裂 var itvLoading = setInterval(function () { var percent = parseInt(counterLoad / maxLoad * 100); document.getElementById('on-load-file-name').innerHTML = YL.static.debug ? onLoading : YL.lang("LoadingStandby"); document.getElementById('text-percent').innerHTML = percent + "%"; //loading动画 var deg = percent * 3.6; var degRight = deg - 180; if (degRight > 0) { degRight = 0 } if (!flagFifty && percent >= 50) { setTimeout(function () { flagFifty = true; }, 500) } var degLeft = deg - 360; if (degLeft < -180) { degLeft = -180 } if (flagFifty) document.getElementById('loading-left').style.transform = 'rotate(' + degLeft + 'deg)'; document.getElementById('loading-right').style.transform = 'rotate(' + degRight + 'deg)'; }, 200); /** 加载资源 */ const versionTail = "?v=" +; //jq YL.util.loadScript(pathRes + '/components/jquery-2.2.4.min.js', function () { onLoading = 'jquery-2.2.4.min.js'; counterLoad++; //contextMenu YL.util.loadScript(pathRes + '/components/contextMenu/contextMenu.js' + versionTail, function () { onLoading = 'contextMenu.js'; counterLoad++; }); YL.util.loadStyle(pathRes + '/components/contextMenu/contextMenu.css' + versionTail, function () { onLoading = 'contextMenu.css'; counterLoad++; }); YL.util.loadScript(pathRes + '/components/jquery.nicescroll.min.js', function () { onLoading = 'jquery.nicescroll.min.js'; counterLoad++; }); YL.util.loadScript(pathRes + '/components/layer-v3.0.3/layer/layer.full.js', function () { onLoading = 'layer.full.js'; counterLoad++; }); }); YL.util.loadStyle(pathRes + '/css/main.css' + versionTail, function () { onLoading = 'main.css'; counterLoad++; }); YL.util.loadStyle(pathRes + '/css/yl-layer-skin.css' + versionTail, function () { onLoading = 'yl-layer-skin.css'; counterLoad++; }); YL.util.loadStyle(pathRes + '/components/layer-v3.0.3/layer/skin/default/layer.css' + versionTail, function () { onLoading = 'layer.css'; counterLoad++; }); YL.util.loadStyle(pathRes + '/css/tiles.css' + versionTail, function () { onLoading = 'tiles.css'; counterLoad++; }); YL.util.loadStyle(pathRes + '/components/animate.css' + versionTail, function () { onLoading = 'animate.css'; counterLoad++; }); YL.util.loadScript(pathRes + '/js/Yuri2.js' + versionTail, function () { onLoading = 'Yuri2.js'; counterLoad++; }); YL.util.loadStyle(pathRes + '/components/font-awesome-4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css', function () { onLoading = 'font-awesome.min.css'; counterLoad++; }); YL.util.loadPrefetch(pathRes + '/components/font-awesome-4.7.0/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2?v=4.7.0', function () { onLoading = 'fontawesome-webfont.woff2'; counterLoad++; }); YL.util.loadPrefetch(pathRes + '/apps/element-ui/fonts/element-icons.woff?t=1510834658947', function () { onLoading = 'element-icons.woff'; counterLoad++; }); YL.util.loadPrefetch(pathRes + '/apps/element-ui/index.css', function () { onLoading = 'element-index.css'; counterLoad++; }); YL.util.loadPrefetch(pathRes + '/apps/element-ui/index.js', function () { onLoading = 'element-index.js'; counterLoad++; }); YL.util.loadScript(pathRes + '/components/vue.min.js', function () { onLoading = 'vue.min.js'; counterLoad++; YL.util.loadScript(pathRes + '/components/vue-grid-layout-2.1.11.min.js', function () { onLoading = 'vue-grid-layout.min.js'; counterLoad++; }); YL.util.loadScript(pathRes + '/js/yl-vue-component-icon.js' + versionTail, function () { onLoading = 'yl-vue-component-icon.js'; counterLoad++; }); YL.util.loadScript(pathRes + '/js/yl-vue-components.js' + versionTail, function () { onLoading = 'yl-vue-components.js'; counterLoad++; }); }); YL.util.loadScript(pathRes + '/js/yl-render.js' + versionTail, function () { onLoading = 'yl-render'; counterLoad++; }); YL.util.loadScript(pathRes + '/js/yl-io.js' + versionTail, function () { onLoading = 'yl-io'; counterLoad++; }); YL.util.loadScript(pathRes + '/components/calendar/script.js' + versionTail, function () { onLoading = 'calendar.script'; counterLoad++; }); YL.util.loadStyle(pathRes + '/components/calendar/style.css' + versionTail, function () { onLoading = ''; counterLoad++; }); /** /加载资源 */ var loadAt =; var itvLoader = setInterval(function () { var isFastLoad = - loadAt < 500; if (!isFastLoad) document.getElementById("loading").style.opacity = 1; if (counterLoad === maxLoad) { clearInterval(itvLoader); onLoading = 'Complete'; setTimeout(function () { //执行onload clearInterval(itvLoading); that.loadStack.forEach(function (t) { t(); }); $("#loading").remove() }, isFastLoad ? 0 : 1000); } }, 100) }, f5: function () { YL.static.beforeOnloadEnable = false; location.reload(); }, setWallpaper: function (urlImg) { this.vue.configs.wallpaper = urlImg; }, util: { isSet: function (val) { return typeof val !== 'undefined' }, isTrustedApp: function (appId) { return Yuri2.inArray(YL.static.trustedApps, appId); }, simpleMsg: function (msg) { !layer || layer.msg(msg, { zIndex: 19930012 }) }, simpleConfirm: function (msg, cb) { var cfm = layer.confirm(msg, { skin: "yl", zIndex: 19930010 }, function () { layer.close(cfm); cb(); }); }, onloadSafe: function (handle) { var old = window.onload; if (typeof old === 'function') { window.onload = function () { old(); handle(); } } else { window.onload = handle; } }, loadScript: function (url, callback) { var script = document.createElement("script"); script.type = "text/javascript"; if (typeof(callback) !== "undefined") { if (script.readyState) { script.onreadystatechange = function () { if (script.readyState === "loaded" || script.readyState === "complete") { script.onreadystatechange = null; callback(script); } }; } else { script.onload = function () { callback(script); }; } } script.src = url; document.head.appendChild(script); }, loadStyle: function (url, callback) { var style = document.createElement("link"); style.type = "text/css"; style.rel = "stylesheet"; style.href = url; if (typeof(callback) !== "undefined") { if (style.readyState) { style.onreadystatechange = function () { if (style.readyState === "loaded" || script.readyState === "complete") { style.onreadystatechange = null; callback(style); } }; } else { style.onload = function () { callback(style); }; } } document.head.appendChild(style); }, loadContentFromUrl: function (url, method, callback, noCache) { if (noCache === undefined) noCache = true; var xmlhttp; if (!method) { method = 'GET'; } try { xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { try { xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch (e) { return null; } }, url); if (noCache) { xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('Cache-Control', 'max-age=0'); } xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xmlhttp.readyState === 4) { if (xmlhttp.status === 200) { callback(null, xmlhttp.responseText); } else { callback(xmlhttp.status, xmlhttp.responseText); } } }; try { xmlhttp.send(null); } catch (e) { callback(e, ''); } }, loadPrefetch: function (url, callback) { //预读资源 var link = document.createElement("link"); link.rel = "prefetch"; link.href = url; var called = false; var call = function () { if (!called) { called = true; callback(link); } }; if (typeof(callback) !== "undefined") { if (link.readyState) { link.onreadystatechange = function () { if (link.readyState === "loaded" || link.readyState === "complete") { link.onreadystatechange = null; call(); } }; } else { link.onload = function () { call(); }; } } setTimeout(function () { call(); }, 1000); document.head.appendChild(link); }, getID: function () { return (window.YL.vue.configs.idCounter++) + ""; }, getRandomColor: function () { var r = Yuri2.randInt(0, 200); var g = Yuri2.randInt(0, 200); var b = Yuri2.randInt(0, 200); return 'rgb(' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b + ')'; }, dataCopy: function (name) { //从vue的data中获得对象的深拷贝 var data = name ? YL.vue.$data[name] : YL.vue.$data; return Yuri2.jsonDeepCopy(data); }, getAppDataTemplate: function () { return { addressBar: false, autoRun: 0, background: false, badge: 0, desc: '', icon: { type: "fa", content: "wpforms", bg: YL.util.getRandomColor(), }, openMode: "normal", plugin: false, position: { autoOffset: true, left: true, top: true, x: "x*0.05", y: "y*0.05", }, version: "1.0.0", poweredBy: "", resizable: true, single: false, size: { height: "y*0.8-80", width: "x*0.8", }, title: '', url: "", customTile: "", urlRandomToken: true, }; }, getAppByWinId: function (winId) { var app = YL.vue.wins[winId].app; if (typeof app === 'string') { app = YL.vue.apps[app]; } return app; }, _winZIndexMax: 0, getBiggerWinZIndex: function () { this._winZIndexMax++; return this._winZIndexMax; }, setWinZIndexMax: function (index) { this._winZIndexMax = index; }, strTofunction: function (str) { //讲指定格式字符串转化为fn ,如果 function(){} return eval("(" + str + ")"); }, iframeOnClick: { resolution: 200, iframes: [], interval: null, Iframe: function () { this.element = arguments[0]; this.cb = arguments[1]; this.hasTracked = false; = arguments[2]; }, track: function (element, cb, id) { this.iframes.push(new this.Iframe(element, cb, id)); if (!this.interval) { var _this = this; this.interval = setInterval(function () { _this.checkClick(); }, this.resolution); } }, checkClick: function () { if (document.activeElement) { var activeElement = document.activeElement; for (var i in this.iframes) { var eid = this.iframes[i].id; if (!document.getElementById(eid)) { delete this.iframes[i]; continue; } if (activeElement === this.iframes[i].element) { // user is in this Iframe if (this.iframes[i].hasTracked === false) { this.iframes[i].cb.apply(window, []); this.iframes[i].hasTracked = true; } } else { this.iframes[i].hasTracked = false; } } } } }, _iframe_click_lock_children: {}, imgUrlToThemeColor: function (url, cb, light) { //图片url获取主题色 if (!light) { light = 1.0 } var img = new Image; img.src = url; img.crossOrigin = 'anonymous';//跨域声明(只在chrome和firefox有效——吗?) img.onload = function () { try { var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); canvas.width = img.width; canvas.height = img.height; var ctxt = canvas.getContext('2d'); ctxt.drawImage(img, 0, 0); var data = ctxt.getImageData(0, 0, img.width, img.height).data;//读取整张图片的像素。 var r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0; var red, green, blue, alpha; var pixel = img.width * img.height; for (var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i += 4) { red = data[i]; r += red;//红色色深 green = data[i + 1]; g += green;//绿色色深 blue = data[i + 2]; b += blue;//蓝色色深 alpha = data[i + 3]; a += alpha;//透明度 } r = parseInt(r / pixel * light); g = parseInt(g / pixel * light); b = parseInt(b / pixel * light); a = 1;//a/pixel/255; var color = "rgba(" + r + "," + g + "," + b + "," + a + ")"; if (cb) { cb(color); } } catch (e) { console.warn(e) } }; }, imgUrlToSize: function (url, cb) { var img = new Image; img.src = url; img.onload = function () { if (cb) { cb({ width: img.width, height: img.height, }); } }; }, randInt: function (n, m) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (m - n + 1) + n); }, getFileUrl: function (sourceId) { //sourceId是input:file的id var url; if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") >= 1) { // IE url = document.getElementById(sourceId).value; } else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") > 0) { // Firefox url = window.URL.createObjectURL(document.getElementById(sourceId).files.item(0)); } else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") > 0) { // Chrome url = window.URL.createObjectURL(document.getElementById(sourceId).files.item(0)); } return url; }, getBase64Image: function (img) { var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); canvas.width = img.width; canvas.height = img.height; var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, img.width, img.height); var ext = img.src.substring(img.src.lastIndexOf(".") + 1).toLowerCase(); var dataURL = canvas.toDataURL("image/" + ext); return dataURL; }, enableFullScreen: function () { var docElm = document.documentElement; //W3C if (docElm.requestFullscreen) { docElm.requestFullscreen(); } //FireFox else if (docElm.mozRequestFullScreen) { docElm.mozRequestFullScreen(); } //Chrome等 else if (docElm.webkitRequestFullScreen) { docElm.webkitRequestFullScreen(); } //IE11 else if (docElm.msRequestFullscreen) { document.body.msRequestFullscreen(); } }, disableFullScreen: function () { if (document.exitFullscreen) { document.exitFullscreen(); } else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) { document.mozCancelFullScreen(); } else if (document.webkitCancelFullScreen) { document.webkitCancelFullScreen(); } else if (document.msExitFullscreen) { document.msExitFullscreen(); } }, updateUrlRandomToken: function (url, tokenName, token) { tokenName || (tokenName = 'ylrandomToken'); var params = {}; params[tokenName] = token ? token : this.randInt(1000, 9999); return this.urlParams(url, params) }, removeUrlRandomToken: function (url, tokenName) { tokenName || (tokenName = 'ylrandomToken'); var p = Yuri2.parseURL(url); var strParams = '?'; var paramLen = 0; for (var i in p.params) { if (i !== tokenName) { paramLen++; strParams += (i + '=' + p.params[i] + "&"); } } if (!paramLen) { strParams = "" } return p.protocol + "://" + + (p.port === 80 ? '' : ':' + p.port) + p.path + strParams + (p.hash ? "#" + p.hash : ""); }, artificiallyResize: function () { var e = document.createEvent("Event"); e.initEvent("resize", true, true); window.dispatchEvent(e); }, urlParams: function (url, params, hash) { //改变url的参数 var p = Yuri2.parseURL(url); if (params) { p.params = Yuri2.jsonMerge(p.params, params); } if (hash) { p.hash = hash; } var strParams = '?'; var paramLen = 0; for (var i in p.params) { paramLen++; strParams += (i + '=' + p.params[i] + "&"); } if (!paramLen) { strParams = "" } return p.protocol + "://" + + ((p.port === 80 || !p.port) ? '' : ':' + p.port) + p.path + strParams + (p.hash ? "#" + p.hash : ""); }, getStrFa: function (content, withSpace) { if (typeof withSpace === "undefined") { withSpace = true; } return "" + (withSpace ? ' ' : ''); }, hasApp: function (item) { var id = ""; if (typeof item === 'string') { id = item; } else { id =; } return this.isSet(YL.vue.apps[id]); } }, child: { //用于被子窗口调用的函数 getID: function () { return YL.util.getID(); }, getVersion: function () { return; }, refresh: function (id, idSelf) { id = id || idSelf; YL.vue.winRefresh(id); }, setWinData: function (data, id) { //设置窗口的某参数 var v = YL.vue; if (!v.wins[id]) { return; } for (var i in data) { v.$set(v.wins[id], i, data[i]); } }, getRuntime: function () { var v = YL.vue; return v.runtime; }, getConfigs: function () { var v = YL.vue; return v.configs; }, getWinData: function (params, id) { var win = YL.vue.wins[id]; return win ? Yuri2.jsonDeepCopy(win) : null; }, setWallpaper: function (urlImg, id) { return YL.setWallpaper(urlImg); }, setThemeColor: function (color, id) { return YL.setThemeColor(color); }, open: function (data, id) { return Yuri2.isArray(data) ?[0], data[1]) :; }, close: function (params, id) { YL.vue.winClose(params ? params : id); }, minimize: function (params, id) { YL.vue.winMinimize(params ? params : id); }, maximize: function (params, id) { YL.vue.winMaximize(params ? params : id); }, hide: function (params, id) { YL.vue.winMinimize(params ? params : id); }, show: function (params, id) { YL.vue.winShow(params ? params : id); YL.vue.winSetActive(params ? params : id); }, restore: function (params, id) { YL.vue.winRestore(params ? params : id); }, msg: function (data) { YL.msg(data[0], data[1]); }, simpleMsg: function (data) { YL.util.simpleMsg(data); }, setAppBadge: function (data, id) { var v = YL.vue; var app = (Yuri2.isArray(data)) ? v.apps[data[0]] : YL.util.getAppByWinId(id); var badge = (Yuri2.isArray(data)) ? v.apps[data[1]] : data; if (app) { app.badge = badge; return true; } return false; }, getAppVersion: function (data, id) { var app = data ? data : YL.util.getAppByWinId(id); return app ? app.version : null; }, setup: function (data, id) { YL.util.simpleConfirm(YL.lang('ChildMethodSetupConfirm'), function () { var v = YL.vue; //子页安装应用、图标、侧边栏、菜单、磁贴 if (data.apps) { for (var appid in data.apps) { var app = data.apps[appid]; YL.addApp(appid, app); } } if (data.shortcuts) { data.shortcuts.forEach(function (t) { if (YL.util.hasApp(t)) YL.addShortcut(t); }) } if (data.sidebar) { data.sidebar.forEach(function (t) { if (YL.util.hasApp(t)) YL.addSidebarBtn(t); }) } if (data.tiles) { data.tiles.forEach(function (t) { if (YL.util.hasApp(t)) YL.addTile(t); }) } if ( { var hasError = false; var addMenuAttrOpen = function (item) { = false; if (!item.hash) { item.hash = "" } if (!item.params) { item.params = {} } if (item.children) { for (var i in item.children) { var child = item.children[i]; addMenuAttrOpen(child); } } else { if (!YL.util.hasApp(item)) { hasError = true; } } }; if (!hasError) { for (var i in { var menu =[i]; addMenuAttrOpen(menu); v.$set(, i, menu); } } } var win = v.wins[id]; YL.msg(YL.lang('ChildMethodSetupSuccessMsgTitle'), YL.lang('ChildMethodSetupSuccessMsgContent') + win.url); }); }, uninstall: function (data, id) { //卸载一个或多个应用 YL.util.simpleConfirm(YL.lang('ChildMethodUninstallConfirm'), function () { var list = []; if (typeof data === 'string') list.push(data); else list = data; list.forEach(function (t) { YL.uninstall(t); }); var win = v.wins[id]; YL.msg(YL.lang('ChildMethodUninstallSuccessMsgTitle'), YL.lang('ChildMethodUninstallSuccessMsgContent') + win.url); }) }, import: function (data, id) { if (!YL.util.isTrustedApp(YL.vue.wins[id].app)) { return false; } YL.import(data); return true; }, export: function (data, id) { if (!YL.util.isTrustedApp(YL.vue.wins[id].app)) { return false; } return YL.export(); }, eval: function (data, id) { if (!YL.util.isTrustedApp(YL.vue.wins[id].app)) { return false; } return eval(data); }, urlRel: function (url, id) { //实时更新url var win = YL.vue.wins[id]; var h = win.history; win.urlBar = url; var posMax = h.urls.length - 1; if (posMax === h.pos) { //位于末尾且不相等,新增 if ((h.urls[posMax]) !== url) { h.urls.push(url); h.pos++; } } else { var posNext = h.pos + 1; var posPre = h.pos - 1; var posNow = h.pos; var urlNext = h.urls[posNext]; var urlPre = h.urls[posPre]; var urlNow = h.urls[posNow]; if (urlNext !== url && urlPre !== url && urlNow !== url) { h.urls.splice(posNext, 999); h.urls.push(url); h.pos++; } } }, historyBack: function (data, id) { var winId = data || id; var win = YL.vue.wins[winId]; var h = win.history; if (this.historyBackAvailable(winId)) { win.url = win.urlBar = h.urls[--h.pos]; } }, historyBackAvailable: function (data, id) { var winId = data || id; var win = YL.vue.wins[winId]; var h = win.history; return h.pos > 0 && h.urls[h.pos - 1]; }, historyForward: function (data, id) { var winId = data || id; var win = YL.vue.wins[winId]; var h = win.history; if (this.historyForwardAvailable(winId)) { win.url = win.urlBar = h.urls[++h.pos]; } }, historyForwardAvailable: function (data, id) { var winId = data || id; var win = YL.vue.wins[winId]; var h = win.history; var posMax = h.urls.length - 1; return h.pos < posMax && h.urls[h.pos + 1]; }, }, }; YL.util.onloadSafe(function () { YL.util.loadScript('./configs.js', function () { if (YL.static.lang.toLocaleLowerCase() === 'auto') { YL.static.lang = (navigator.language || navigator.browserLanguage).toLowerCase(); } var fnLoadResFromText = function (text) { var json; json = eval('(' + text + ')'); YL.static.languages[YL.static.lang] = json; YL.loadRes(); }; YL.util.loadContentFromUrl('./langs/' + YL.static.lang + '.json', 'GET', function (err, text) { if (!err) { fnLoadResFromText(text) } else { YL.static.lang = 'en'; YL.util.loadContentFromUrl('./langs/' + YL.static.lang + '.json', 'GET', function (err, text) { fnLoadResFromText(text) }) } }); }); });