/* * /MathJax.js * * Copyright (c) 2009-2018 The MathJax Consortium * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ if (document.getElementById && document.childNodes && document.createElement) { if (!(window.MathJax && MathJax.Hub)) { if (window.MathJax) { window.MathJax = { AuthorConfig: window.MathJax }; } else { window.MathJax = {}; } MathJax.isPacked = true; MathJax.version = "2.7.5"; MathJax.fileversion = "2.7.5"; MathJax.cdnVersion = "2.7.5"; MathJax.cdnFileVersions = {}; (function (d) { var b = window[d]; if (!b) { b = window[d] = {}; } var e = []; var c = function (f) { var g = f.constructor; if (!g) { g = function () {}; } for (var h in f) { if (h !== "constructor" && f.hasOwnProperty(h)) { g[h] = f[h]; } } return g; }; var a = function () { return function () { return arguments.callee.Init.call(this, arguments); }; }; b.Object = c({ constructor: a(), Subclass: function (f, h) { var g = a(); g.SUPER = this; g.Init = this.Init; g.Subclass = this.Subclass; g.Augment = this.Augment; g.protoFunction = this.protoFunction; g.can = this.can; g.has = this.has; g.isa = this.isa; g.prototype = new this(e); g.prototype.constructor = g; g.Augment(f, h); return g; }, Init: function (f) { var g = this; if (f.length === 1 && f[0] === e) { return g; } if (!(g instanceof f.callee)) { g = new f.callee(e); } return g.Init.apply(g, f) || g; }, Augment: function (f, g) { var h; if (f != null) { for (h in f) { if (f.hasOwnProperty(h)) { this.protoFunction(h, f[h]); } } if ( f.toString !== this.prototype.toString && f.toString !== {}.toString ) { this.protoFunction("toString", f.toString); } } if (g != null) { for (h in g) { if (g.hasOwnProperty(h)) { this[h] = g[h]; } } } return this; }, protoFunction: function (g, f) { this.prototype[g] = f; if (typeof f === "function") { f.SUPER = this.SUPER.prototype; } }, prototype: { Init: function () {}, SUPER: function (f) { return f.callee.SUPER; }, can: function (f) { return typeof this[f] === "function"; }, has: function (f) { return typeof this[f] !== "undefined"; }, isa: function (f) { return f instanceof Object && this instanceof f; }, }, can: function (f) { return this.prototype.can.call(this, f); }, has: function (f) { return this.prototype.has.call(this, f); }, isa: function (g) { var f = this; while (f) { if (f === g) { return true; } else { f = f.SUPER; } } return false; }, SimpleSUPER: c({ constructor: function (f) { return this.SimpleSUPER.define(f); }, define: function (f) { var h = {}; if (f != null) { for (var g in f) { if (f.hasOwnProperty(g)) { h[g] = this.wrap(g, f[g]); } } if ( f.toString !== this.prototype.toString && f.toString !== {}.toString ) { h.toString = this.wrap("toString", f.toString); } } return h; }, wrap: function (i, h) { if ( typeof h !== "function" || !h.toString().match(/\.\s*SUPER\s*\(/) ) { return h; } var g = function () { this.SUPER = g.SUPER[i]; try { var f = h.apply(this, arguments); } catch (j) { delete this.SUPER; throw j; } delete this.SUPER; return f; }; g.toString = function () { return h.toString.apply(h, arguments); }; return g; }, }), }); b.Object.isArray = Array.isArray || function (f) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(f) === "[object Array]"; }; b.Object.Array = Array; })("MathJax"); (function (BASENAME) { var BASE = window[BASENAME]; if (!BASE) { BASE = window[BASENAME] = {}; } var isArray = BASE.Object.isArray; var CALLBACK = function (data) { var cb = function () { return arguments.callee.execute.apply(arguments.callee, arguments); }; for (var id in CALLBACK.prototype) { if (CALLBACK.prototype.hasOwnProperty(id)) { if (typeof data[id] !== "undefined") { cb[id] = data[id]; } else { cb[id] = CALLBACK.prototype[id]; } } } cb.toString = CALLBACK.prototype.toString; return cb; }; CALLBACK.prototype = { isCallback: true, hook: function () {}, data: [], object: window, execute: function () { if (!this.called || this.autoReset) { this.called = !this.autoReset; return this.hook.apply( this.object, this.data.concat([].slice.call(arguments, 0)) ); } }, reset: function () { delete this.called; }, toString: function () { return this.hook.toString.apply(this.hook, arguments); }, }; var ISCALLBACK = function (f) { return typeof f === "function" && f.isCallback; }; var EVAL = function (code) { return eval.call(window, code); }; var TESTEVAL = function () { EVAL("var __TeSt_VaR__ = 1"); if (window.__TeSt_VaR__) { try { delete window.__TeSt_VaR__; } catch (error) { window.__TeSt_VaR__ = null; } } else { if (window.execScript) { EVAL = function (code) { BASE.__code = code; code = "try {" + BASENAME + ".__result = eval(" + BASENAME + ".__code)} catch(err) {" + BASENAME + ".__result = err}"; window.execScript(code); var result = BASE.__result; delete BASE.__result; delete BASE.__code; if (result instanceof Error) { throw result; } return result; }; } else { EVAL = function (code) { BASE.__code = code; code = "try {" + BASENAME + ".__result = eval(" + BASENAME + ".__code)} catch(err) {" + BASENAME + ".__result = err}"; var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; if (!head) { head = document.body; } var script = document.createElement("script"); script.appendChild(document.createTextNode(code)); head.appendChild(script); head.removeChild(script); var result = BASE.__result; delete BASE.__result; delete BASE.__code; if (result instanceof Error) { throw result; } return result; }; } } TESTEVAL = null; }; var USING = function (args, i) { if (arguments.length > 1) { if ( arguments.length === 2 && !(typeof arguments[0] === "function") && arguments[0] instanceof Object && typeof arguments[1] === "number" ) { args = [].slice.call(args, i); } else { args = [].slice.call(arguments, 0); } } if ( isArray(args) && args.length === 1 && typeof args[0] === "function" ) { args = args[0]; } if (typeof args === "function") { if (args.execute === CALLBACK.prototype.execute) { return args; } return CALLBACK({ hook: args }); } else { if (isArray(args)) { if ( typeof args[0] === "string" && args[1] instanceof Object && typeof args[1][args[0]] === "function" ) { return CALLBACK({ hook: args[1][args[0]], object: args[1], data: args.slice(2), }); } else { if (typeof args[0] === "function") { return CALLBACK({ hook: args[0], data: args.slice(1) }); } else { if (typeof args[1] === "function") { return CALLBACK({ hook: args[1], object: args[0], data: args.slice(2), }); } } } } else { if (typeof args === "string") { if (TESTEVAL) { TESTEVAL(); } return CALLBACK({ hook: EVAL, data: [args] }); } else { if (args instanceof Object) { return CALLBACK(args); } else { if (typeof args === "undefined") { return CALLBACK({}); } } } } } throw Error("Can't make callback from given data"); }; var DELAY = function (time, callback) { callback = USING(callback); callback.timeout = setTimeout(callback, time); return callback; }; var WAITFOR = function (callback, signal) { callback = USING(callback); if (!callback.called) { WAITSIGNAL(callback, signal); signal.pending++; } }; var WAITEXECUTE = function () { var signals = this.signal; delete this.signal; this.execute = this.oldExecute; delete this.oldExecute; var result = this.execute.apply(this, arguments); if (ISCALLBACK(result) && !result.called) { WAITSIGNAL(result, signals); } else { for (var i = 0, m = signals.length; i < m; i++) { signals[i].pending--; if (signals[i].pending <= 0) { signals[i].call(); } } } }; var WAITSIGNAL = function (callback, signals) { if (!isArray(signals)) { signals = [signals]; } if (!callback.signal) { callback.oldExecute = callback.execute; callback.execute = WAITEXECUTE; callback.signal = signals; } else { if (signals.length === 1) { callback.signal.push(signals[0]); } else { callback.signal = callback.signal.concat(signals); } } }; var AFTER = function (callback) { callback = USING(callback); callback.pending = 0; for (var i = 1, m = arguments.length; i < m; i++) { if (arguments[i]) { WAITFOR(arguments[i], callback); } } if (callback.pending === 0) { var result = callback(); if (ISCALLBACK(result)) { callback = result; } } return callback; }; var HOOKS = MathJax.Object.Subclass({ Init: function (reset) { this.hooks = []; this.remove = []; this.reset = reset; this.running = false; }, Add: function (hook, priority) { if (priority == null) { priority = 10; } if (!ISCALLBACK(hook)) { hook = USING(hook); } hook.priority = priority; var i = this.hooks.length; while (i > 0 && priority < this.hooks[i - 1].priority) { i--; } this.hooks.splice(i, 0, hook); return hook; }, Remove: function (hook) { for (var i = 0, m = this.hooks.length; i < m; i++) { if (this.hooks[i] === hook) { if (this.running) { this.remove.push(i); } else { this.hooks.splice(i, 1); } return; } } }, Execute: function () { var callbacks = [{}]; this.running = true; for (var i = 0, m = this.hooks.length; i < m; i++) { if (this.reset) { this.hooks[i].reset(); } var result = this.hooks[i].apply(window, arguments); if (ISCALLBACK(result) && !result.called) { callbacks.push(result); } } this.running = false; if (this.remove.length) { this.RemovePending(); } if (callbacks.length === 1) { return null; } if (callbacks.length === 2) { return callbacks[1]; } return AFTER.apply({}, callbacks); }, RemovePending: function () { this.remove = this.remove.sort(); for (var i = this.remove.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { this.hooks.splice(i, 1); } this.remove = []; }, }); var EXECUTEHOOKS = function (hooks, data, reset) { if (!hooks) { return null; } if (!isArray(hooks)) { hooks = [hooks]; } if (!isArray(data)) { data = data == null ? [] : [data]; } var handler = HOOKS(reset); for (var i = 0, m = hooks.length; i < m; i++) { handler.Add(hooks[i]); } return handler.Execute.apply(handler, data); }; var QUEUE = BASE.Object.Subclass({ Init: function () { this.pending = this.running = 0; this.queue = []; this.Push.apply(this, arguments); }, Push: function () { var callback; for (var i = 0, m = arguments.length; i < m; i++) { callback = USING(arguments[i]); if (callback === arguments[i] && !callback.called) { callback = USING(["wait", this, callback]); } this.queue.push(callback); } if (!this.running && !this.pending) { this.Process(); } return callback; }, Process: function (queue) { while (!this.running && !this.pending && this.queue.length) { var callback = this.queue[0]; queue = this.queue.slice(1); this.queue = []; this.Suspend(); var result = callback(); this.Resume(); if (queue.length) { this.queue = queue.concat(this.queue); } if (ISCALLBACK(result) && !result.called) { WAITFOR(result, this); } } }, Suspend: function () { this.running++; }, Resume: function () { if (this.running) { this.running--; } }, call: function () { this.Process.apply(this, arguments); }, wait: function (callback) { return callback; }, }); var SIGNAL = QUEUE.Subclass( { Init: function (name) { QUEUE.prototype.Init.call(this); this.name = name; this.posted = []; this.listeners = HOOKS(true); this.posting = false; this.callback = null; }, Post: function (message, callback, forget) { callback = USING(callback); if (this.posting || this.pending) { this.Push(["Post", this, message, callback, forget]); } else { this.callback = callback; callback.reset(); if (!forget) { this.posted.push(message); } this.Suspend(); this.posting = true; var result = this.listeners.Execute(message); if (ISCALLBACK(result) && !result.called) { WAITFOR(result, this); } this.Resume(); this.posting = false; if (!this.pending) { this.call(); } } return callback; }, Clear: function (callback) { callback = USING(callback); if (this.posting || this.pending) { callback = this.Push(["Clear", this, callback]); } else { this.posted = []; callback(); } return callback; }, call: function () { this.callback(this); this.Process(); }, Interest: function (callback, ignorePast, priority) { callback = USING(callback); this.listeners.Add(callback, priority); if (!ignorePast) { for (var i = 0, m = this.posted.length; i < m; i++) { callback.reset(); var result = callback(this.posted[i]); if (ISCALLBACK(result) && i === this.posted.length - 1) { WAITFOR(result, this); } } } return callback; }, NoInterest: function (callback) { this.listeners.Remove(callback); }, MessageHook: function (msg, callback, priority) { callback = USING(callback); if (!this.hooks) { this.hooks = {}; this.Interest(["ExecuteHooks", this]); } if (!this.hooks[msg]) { this.hooks[msg] = HOOKS(true); } this.hooks[msg].Add(callback, priority); for (var i = 0, m = this.posted.length; i < m; i++) { if (this.posted[i] == msg) { callback.reset(); callback(this.posted[i]); } } callback.msg = msg; return callback; }, ExecuteHooks: function (msg) { var type = isArray(msg) ? msg[0] : msg; if (!this.hooks[type]) { return null; } return this.hooks[type].Execute(msg); }, RemoveHook: function (hook) { this.hooks[hook.msg].Remove(hook); }, }, { signals: {}, find: function (name) { if (!SIGNAL.signals[name]) { SIGNAL.signals[name] = new SIGNAL(name); } return SIGNAL.signals[name]; }, } ); BASE.Callback = BASE.CallBack = USING; BASE.Callback.Delay = DELAY; BASE.Callback.After = AFTER; BASE.Callback.Queue = QUEUE; BASE.Callback.Signal = SIGNAL.find; BASE.Callback.Hooks = HOOKS; BASE.Callback.ExecuteHooks = EXECUTEHOOKS; })("MathJax"); (function (e) { var a = window[e]; if (!a) { a = window[e] = {}; } var d = navigator.vendor === "Apple Computer, Inc." && typeof navigator.vendorSub === "undefined"; var g = 0; var h = function (i) { if (document.styleSheets && document.styleSheets.length > g) { g = document.styleSheets.length; } if (!i) { i = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; if (!i) { i = document.body; } } return i; }; var f = []; var c = function () { for (var k = 0, j = f.length; k < j; k++) { a.Ajax.head.removeChild(f[k]); } f = []; }; var b = {}; b[e] = ""; b.a11y = "[MathJax]/extensions/a11y"; b.Contrib = "https://cdn.mathjax.org/mathjax/contrib"; a.Ajax = { loaded: {}, loading: {}, loadHooks: {}, timeout: 15 * 1000, styleDelay: 1, config: { root: "", path: b }, params: {}, STATUS: { OK: 1, ERROR: -1 }, fileURL: function (j) { var i; while ( (i = j.match(/^\[([-._a-z0-9]+)\]/i)) && b.hasOwnProperty(i[1]) ) { j = (b[i[1]] || this.config.root) + j.substr(i[1].length + 2); } return j; }, fileName: function (j) { var i = this.config.root; if (j.substr(0, i.length) === i) { j = "[" + e + "]" + j.substr(i.length); } do { var k = false; for (var l in b) { if (b.hasOwnProperty(l) && b[l]) { if (j.substr(0, b[l].length) === b[l]) { j = "[" + l + "]" + j.substr(b[l].length); k = true; break; } } } } while (k); return j; }, fileRev: function (j) { var i = a.cdnFileVersions[j] || a.cdnVersion || ""; if (i) { i = "?V=" + i; } return i; }, urlRev: function (i) { return this.fileURL(i) + this.fileRev(i); }, Require: function (k, n) { n = a.Callback(n); var l; if (k instanceof Object) { for (var j in k) { if (k.hasOwnProperty(j)) { l = j.toUpperCase(); k = k[j]; } } } else { l = k.split(/\./).pop().toUpperCase(); } if (this.params.noContrib && k.substr(0, 9) === "[Contrib]") { n(this.STATUS.ERROR); } else { k = this.fileURL(k); if (this.loaded[k]) { n(this.loaded[k]); } else { var m = {}; m[l] = k; this.Load(m, n); } } return n; }, Load: function (k, m) { m = a.Callback(m); var l; if (k instanceof Object) { for (var j in k) { if (k.hasOwnProperty(j)) { l = j.toUpperCase(); k = k[j]; } } } else { l = k.split(/\./).pop().toUpperCase(); } k = this.fileURL(k); if (this.loading[k]) { this.addHook(k, m); } else { this.head = h(this.head); if (this.loader[l]) { this.loader[l].call(this, k, m); } else { throw Error("Can't load files of type " + l); } } return m; }, LoadHook: function (l, m, k) { m = a.Callback(m); if (l instanceof Object) { for (var j in l) { if (l.hasOwnProperty(j)) { l = l[j]; } } } l = this.fileURL(l); if (this.loaded[l]) { m(this.loaded[l]); } else { this.addHook(l, m, k); } return m; }, addHook: function (j, k, i) { if (!this.loadHooks[j]) { this.loadHooks[j] = MathJax.Callback.Hooks(); } this.loadHooks[j].Add(k, i); k.file = j; }, removeHook: function (i) { if (this.loadHooks[i.file]) { this.loadHooks[i.file].Remove(i); if (!this.loadHooks[i.file].hooks.length) { delete this.loadHooks[i.file]; } } }, Preloading: function () { for (var l = 0, j = arguments.length; l < j; l++) { var k = this.fileURL(arguments[l]); if (!this.loading[k]) { this.loading[k] = { preloaded: true }; } } }, loader: { JS: function (k, m) { var j = this.fileName(k); var i = document.createElement("script"); var l = a.Callback(["loadTimeout", this, k]); this.loading[k] = { callback: m, timeout: setTimeout(l, this.timeout), status: this.STATUS.OK, script: i, }; this.loading[k].message = a.Message.File(j); i.onerror = l; i.type = "text/javascript"; i.src = k + this.fileRev(j); this.head.appendChild(i); }, CSS: function (j, l) { var i = this.fileName(j); var k = document.createElement("link"); k.rel = "stylesheet"; k.type = "text/css"; k.href = j + this.fileRev(i); this.loading[j] = { callback: l, message: a.Message.File(i), status: this.STATUS.OK, }; this.head.appendChild(k); this.timer.create.call(this, [this.timer.file, j], k); }, }, timer: { create: function (j, i) { j = a.Callback(j); if ( i.nodeName === "STYLE" && i.styleSheet && typeof i.styleSheet.cssText !== "undefined" ) { j(this.STATUS.OK); } else { if (window.chrome && i.nodeName === "LINK") { j(this.STATUS.OK); } else { if (d) { this.timer.start( this, [this.timer.checkSafari2, g++, j], this.styleDelay ); } else { this.timer.start( this, [this.timer.checkLength, i, j], this.styleDelay ); } } } return j; }, start: function (j, i, k, l) { i = a.Callback(i); i.execute = this.execute; i.time = this.time; i.STATUS = j.STATUS; i.timeout = l || j.timeout; i.delay = i.total = k || 0; if (k) { setTimeout(i, k); } else { i(); } }, time: function (i) { this.total += this.delay; this.delay = Math.floor(this.delay * 1.05 + 5); if (this.total >= this.timeout) { i(this.STATUS.ERROR); return 1; } return 0; }, file: function (j, i) { if (i < 0) { a.Ajax.loadTimeout(j); } else { a.Ajax.loadComplete(j); } }, execute: function () { this.hook.call(this.object, this, this.data[0], this.data[1]); }, checkSafari2: function (i, j, k) { if (i.time(k)) { return; } if ( document.styleSheets.length > j && document.styleSheets[j].cssRules && document.styleSheets[j].cssRules.length ) { k(i.STATUS.OK); } else { setTimeout(i, i.delay); } }, checkLength: function (i, l, n) { if (i.time(n)) { return; } var m = 0; var j = l.sheet || l.styleSheet; try { if ((j.cssRules || j.rules || []).length > 0) { m = 1; } } catch (k) { if (k.message.match(/protected variable|restricted URI/)) { m = 1; } else { if (k.message.match(/Security error/)) { m = 1; } } } if (m) { setTimeout(a.Callback([n, i.STATUS.OK]), 0); } else { setTimeout(i, i.delay); } }, }, loadComplete: function (i) { i = this.fileURL(i); var j = this.loading[i]; if (j && !j.preloaded) { a.Message.Clear(j.message); clearTimeout(j.timeout); if (j.script) { if (f.length === 0) { setTimeout(c, 0); } f.push(j.script); } this.loaded[i] = j.status; delete this.loading[i]; this.addHook(i, j.callback); } else { if (j) { delete this.loading[i]; } this.loaded[i] = this.STATUS.OK; j = { status: this.STATUS.OK }; } if (!this.loadHooks[i]) { return null; } return this.loadHooks[i].Execute(j.status); }, loadTimeout: function (i) { if (this.loading[i].timeout) { clearTimeout(this.loading[i].timeout); } this.loading[i].status = this.STATUS.ERROR; this.loadError(i); this.loadComplete(i); }, loadError: function (i) { a.Message.Set( ["LoadFailed", "File failed to load: %1", i], null, 2000 ); a.Hub.signal.Post(["file load error", i]); }, Styles: function (k, l) { var i = this.StyleString(k); if (i === "") { l = a.Callback(l); l(); } else { var j = document.createElement("style"); j.type = "text/css"; this.head = h(this.head); this.head.appendChild(j); if (j.styleSheet && typeof j.styleSheet.cssText !== "undefined") { j.styleSheet.cssText = i; } else { j.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i)); } l = this.timer.create.call(this, l, j); } return l; }, StyleString: function (n) { if (typeof n === "string") { return n; } var k = "", o, m; for (o in n) { if (n.hasOwnProperty(o)) { if (typeof n[o] === "string") { k += o + " {" + n[o] + "}\n"; } else { if (a.Object.isArray(n[o])) { for (var l = 0; l < n[o].length; l++) { m = {}; m[o] = n[o][l]; k += this.StyleString(m); } } else { if (o.substr(0, 6) === "@media") { k += o + " {" + this.StyleString(n[o]) + "}\n"; } else { if (n[o] != null) { m = []; for (var j in n[o]) { if (n[o].hasOwnProperty(j)) { if (n[o][j] != null) { m[m.length] = j + ": " + n[o][j]; } } } k += o + " {" + m.join("; ") + "}\n"; } } } } } } return k; }, }; })("MathJax"); MathJax.HTML = { Element: function (d, f, e) { var g = document.createElement(d), h; if (f) { if (f.hasOwnProperty("style")) { var c = f.style; f.style = {}; for (h in c) { if (c.hasOwnProperty(h)) { f.style[h.replace(/-([a-z])/g, this.ucMatch)] = c[h]; } } } MathJax.Hub.Insert(g, f); for (h in f) { if (h === "role" || h.substr(0, 5) === "aria-") { g.setAttribute(h, f[h]); } } } if (e) { if (!MathJax.Object.isArray(e)) { e = [e]; } for (var b = 0, a = e.length; b < a; b++) { if (MathJax.Object.isArray(e[b])) { g.appendChild(this.Element(e[b][0], e[b][1], e[b][2])); } else { if (d === "script") { this.setScript(g, e[b]); } else { g.appendChild(document.createTextNode(e[b])); } } } } return g; }, ucMatch: function (a, b) { return b.toUpperCase(); }, addElement: function (b, a, d, c) { return b.appendChild(this.Element(a, d, c)); }, TextNode: function (a) { return document.createTextNode(a); }, addText: function (a, b) { return a.appendChild(this.TextNode(b)); }, setScript: function (a, b) { if (this.setScriptBug) { a.text = b; } else { while (a.firstChild) { a.removeChild(a.firstChild); } this.addText(a, b); } }, getScript: function (a) { var b = a.text === "" ? a.innerHTML : a.text; 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}, }, }; MathJax.Localization = { locale: "en", directory: "[MathJax]/localization", strings: { ar: { menuTitle: "\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064A\u0629" }, ast: { menuTitle: "asturianu" }, bg: { menuTitle: "\u0431\u044A\u043B\u0433\u0430\u0440\u0441\u043A\u0438", }, bcc: { menuTitle: "\u0628\u0644\u0648\u0686\u06CC" }, br: { menuTitle: "brezhoneg" }, ca: { menuTitle: "catal\u00E0" }, cdo: { menuTitle: "M\u00ECng-d\u0115\u0324ng-ng\u1E73\u0304" }, cs: { menuTitle: "\u010De\u0161tina" }, da: { menuTitle: "dansk" }, de: { menuTitle: "Deutsch" }, diq: { menuTitle: "Zazaki" }, en: { menuTitle: "English", isLoaded: true }, eo: { menuTitle: "Esperanto" }, es: { menuTitle: "espa\u00F1ol" }, fa: { menuTitle: "\u0641\u0627\u0631\u0633\u06CC" }, fi: { menuTitle: "suomi" }, fr: { menuTitle: "fran\u00E7ais" }, gl: { menuTitle: "galego" }, he: { menuTitle: "\u05E2\u05D1\u05E8\u05D9\u05EA" }, ia: { menuTitle: "interlingua" }, it: { menuTitle: "italiano" }, ja: { menuTitle: "\u65E5\u672C\u8A9E" }, kn: { menuTitle: "\u0C95\u0CA8\u0CCD\u0CA8\u0CA1" }, ko: { menuTitle: "\uD55C\uAD6D\uC5B4" }, lb: { menuTitle: "L\u00EBtzebuergesch" }, lki: { menuTitle: "\u0644\u06D5\u06A9\u06CC" }, lt: { menuTitle: "lietuvi\u0173" }, mk: { menuTitle: "\u043C\u0430\u043A\u0435\u0434\u043E\u043D\u0441\u043A\u0438", }, nl: { menuTitle: "Nederlands" }, oc: { menuTitle: "occitan" }, pl: { menuTitle: "polski" }, pt: { menuTitle: "portugu\u00EAs" }, "pt-br": { menuTitle: "portugu\u00EAs do Brasil" }, ru: { menuTitle: "\u0440\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043A\u0438\u0439" }, sco: { menuTitle: "Scots" }, scn: { menuTitle: "sicilianu" }, sk: { menuTitle: "sloven\u010Dina" }, sl: { menuTitle: "sloven\u0161\u010Dina" }, sv: { menuTitle: "svenska" }, th: { menuTitle: "\u0E44\u0E17\u0E22" }, tr: { menuTitle: "T\u00FCrk\u00E7e" }, uk: { menuTitle: "\u0443\u043A\u0440\u0430\u0457\u043D\u0441\u044C\u043A\u0430", }, vi: { menuTitle: "Ti\u1EBFng Vi\u1EC7t" }, "zh-hans": { menuTitle: "\u4E2D\u6587\uFF08\u7B80\u4F53\uFF09" }, "zh-hant": { menuTitle: "\u6C49\u8BED" }, }, pattern: /%(\d+|\{\d+\}|\{[a-z]+:\%\d+(?:\|(?:%\{\d+\}|%.|[^\}])*)+\}|.)/g, SPLIT: "axb".split(/(x)/).length === 3 ? function (a, b) { return a.split(b); } : function (c, e) { var a = [], b, d = 0; e.lastIndex = 0; while ((b = e.exec(c))) { a.push(c.substr(d, b.index - d)); a.push.apply(a, b.slice(1)); d = b.index + b[0].length; } a.push(c.substr(d)); return a; }, _: function (b, a) { if (MathJax.Object.isArray(a)) { return this.processSnippet(b, a); } return this.processString( this.lookupPhrase(b, a), [].slice.call(arguments, 2) ); }, processString: function (l, p, g) { var j, e, o = MathJax.Object.isArray; for (j = 0, e = p.length; j < e; j++) { if (g && o(p[j])) { p[j] = this.processSnippet(g, p[j]); } } var f = this.SPLIT(l, this.pattern); for (j = 1, e = f.length; j < e; j += 2) { var q = f[j].charAt(0); if (q >= "0" && q <= "9") { f[j] = p[f[j] - 1]; if (typeof f[j] === "number") { f[j] = this.number(f[j]); } } else { if (q === "{") { q = f[j].substr(1); if (q >= "0" && q <= "9") { f[j] = p[f[j].substr(1, f[j].length - 2) - 1]; if (typeof f[j] === "number") { f[j] = this.number(f[j]); } } else { var k = f[j].match(/^\{([a-z]+):%(\d+)\|(.*)\}$/); if (k) { if (k[1] === "plural") { var d = p[k[2] - 1]; if (typeof d === "undefined") { f[j] = "???"; } else { d = this.plural(d) - 1; var h = k[3] .replace(/(^|[^%])(%%)*%\|/g, "$1$2%\uEFEF") .split(/\|/); if (d >= 0 && d < h.length) { f[j] = this.processString( h[d].replace(/\uEFEF/g, "|"), p, g ); } else { f[j] = "???"; } } } else { f[j] = "%" + f[j]; } } } } } if (f[j] == null) { f[j] = "???"; } } if (!g) { return f.join(""); } var a = [], b = ""; for (j = 0; j < e; j++) { b += f[j]; j++; if (j < e) { if (o(f[j])) { a.push(b); a = a.concat(f[j]); b = ""; } else { b += f[j]; } } } if (b !== "") { a.push(b); } return a; }, processSnippet: function (g, e) { var c = []; for (var d = 0, b = e.length; d < b; d++) { if (MathJax.Object.isArray(e[d])) { var f = e[d]; if (typeof f[1] === "string") { var h = f[0]; if (!MathJax.Object.isArray(h)) { h = [g, h]; } var a = this.lookupPhrase(h, f[1]); c = c.concat(this.processMarkdown(a, f.slice(2), g)); } else { if (MathJax.Object.isArray(f[1])) { c = c.concat(this.processSnippet.apply(this, f)); } else { if (f.length >= 3) { c.push([f[0], f[1], this.processSnippet(g, f[2])]); } else { c.push(e[d]); } } } } else { c.push(e[d]); } } return c; }, markdownPattern: /(%.)|(\*{1,3})((?:%.|.)+?)\2|(`+)((?:%.|.)+?)\4|\[((?:%.|.)+?)\]\(([^\s\)]+)\)/, processMarkdown: function (b, h, d) { var j = [], e; var c = b.split(this.markdownPattern); var g = c[0]; for (var f = 1, a = c.length; f < a; f += 8) { if (c[f + 1]) { e = this.processString(c[f + 2], h, d); if (!MathJax.Object.isArray(e)) { e = [e]; } e = [["b", "i", "i"][c[f + 1].length - 1], {}, e]; if (c[f + 1].length === 3) { e = ["b", {}, e]; } } else { if (c[f + 3]) { e = this.processString( c[f + 4].replace(/^\s/, "").replace(/\s$/, ""), h, d ); if (!MathJax.Object.isArray(e)) { e = [e]; } e = ["code", {}, e]; } else { if (c[f + 5]) { e = this.processString(c[f + 5], h, d); if (!MathJax.Object.isArray(e)) { e = [e]; } e = [ "a", { href: this.processString(c[f + 6], h), target: "_blank" }, e, ]; } else { g += c[f]; e = null; } } } if (e) { j = this.concatString(j, g, h, d); j.push(e); g = ""; } if (c[f + 7] !== "") { g += c[f + 7]; } } j = this.concatString(j, g, h, d); return j; }, concatString: function (a, c, b, d) { if (c != "") { c = this.processString(c, b, d); if (!MathJax.Object.isArray(c)) { c = [c]; } a = a.concat(c); } return a; }, lookupPhrase: function (f, a, d) { if (!d) { d = "_"; } if (MathJax.Object.isArray(f)) { d = f[0] || "_"; f = f[1] || ""; } var c = this.loadDomain(d); if (c) { MathJax.Hub.RestartAfter(c); } var b = this.strings[this.locale]; if (b) { if (b.domains && d in b.domains) { var e = b.domains[d]; if (e.strings && f in e.strings) { a = e.strings[f]; } } } return a; }, loadFile: function (b, d, e) { e = MathJax.Callback(e); b = d.file || b; if (!b.match(/\.js$/)) { b += ".js"; } if (!b.match(/^([a-z]+:|\[MathJax\])/)) { var a = this.strings[this.locale].directory || this.directory + "/" + this.locale || "[MathJax]/localization/" + this.locale; b = a + "/" + b; } var c = MathJax.Ajax.Require(b, function () { d.isLoaded = true; return e(); }); return c.called ? null : c; }, loadDomain: function (c, e) { var b, a = this.strings[this.locale]; if (a) { if (!a.isLoaded) { b = this.loadFile(this.locale, a); if (b) { return MathJax.Callback.Queue(b, ["loadDomain", this, c]).Push( e || {} ); } } if (a.domains && c in a.domains) { var d = a.domains[c]; if (!d.isLoaded) { b = this.loadFile(c, d); if (b) { return MathJax.Callback.Queue(b).Push(e); } } } } return MathJax.Callback(e)(); }, Try: function (a) { a = MathJax.Callback(a); a.autoReset = true; try { a(); } catch (b) { if (!b.restart) { throw b; } MathJax.Callback.After(["Try", this, a], b.restart); } }, resetLocale: function (a) { if (!a) { return; } a = a.toLowerCase(); while (!this.strings[a]) { var c = a.lastIndexOf("-"); if (c === -1) { return; } a = a.substring(0, c); } var b = this.strings[a].remap; this.locale = b ? b : a; MathJax.Callback.Signal("Hub").Post(["Locale Reset", this.locale]); }, setLocale: function (a) { this.resetLocale(a); if (MathJax.Menu) { this.loadDomain("MathMenu"); } }, addTranslation: function (b, e, c) { var d = this.strings[b], a = false; if (!d) { d = this.strings[b] = {}; a = true; } if (!d.domains) { d.domains = {}; } if (e) { if (!d.domains[e]) { d.domains[e] = {}; } d = d.domains[e]; } MathJax.Hub.Insert(d, c); if (a && MathJax.Menu.menu) { MathJax.Menu.CreateLocaleMenu(); } }, setCSS: function (b) { var a = this.strings[this.locale]; if (a) { if (a.fontFamily) { b.style.fontFamily = a.fontFamily; } if (a.fontDirection) { b.style.direction = a.fontDirection; if (a.fontDirection === "rtl") { b.style.textAlign = "right"; } } } return b; }, fontFamily: function () { var a = this.strings[this.locale]; return a ? a.fontFamily : null; }, fontDirection: function () { var a = this.strings[this.locale]; return a ? a.fontDirection : null; }, plural: function (b) { var a = this.strings[this.locale]; if (a && a.plural) { return a.plural(b); } if (b == 1) { return 1; } return 2; }, number: function (b) { var a = this.strings[this.locale]; if (a && a.number) { return a.number(b); } return b; }, }; MathJax.Message = { ready: false, log: [{}], current: null, textNodeBug: (navigator.vendor === "Apple Computer, Inc." && typeof navigator.vendorSub === "undefined") || (window.hasOwnProperty && window.hasOwnProperty("konqueror")), styles: { "#MathJax_Message": { position: "fixed", left: "1px", bottom: "2px", "background-color": "#E6E6E6", border: "1px solid #959595", margin: "0px", padding: "2px 8px", "z-index": "102", color: "black", "font-size": "80%", width: "auto", "white-space": "nowrap", }, "#MathJax_MSIE_Frame": { position: "absolute", top: 0, left: 0, width: "0px", "z-index": 101, border: "0px", margin: "0px", padding: "0px", }, }, browsers: { MSIE: function (a) { MathJax.Message.msieFixedPositionBug = (document.documentMode || 0) < 7; if (MathJax.Message.msieFixedPositionBug) { MathJax.Hub.config.styles["#MathJax_Message"].position = "absolute"; } MathJax.Message.quirks = document.compatMode === "BackCompat"; }, Chrome: function (a) { MathJax.Hub.config.styles["#MathJax_Message"].bottom = "1.5em"; 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b.id = "MathJax_Message"; if (a.firstChild) { a.insertBefore(b, a.firstChild); } else { a.appendChild(b); } return b; }, MoveFrame: function () { var a = MathJax.Message.quirks ? document.body : document.documentElement; var b = MathJax.Message.frame; b.style.left = a.scrollLeft + "px"; b.style.top = a.scrollTop + "px"; b.style.width = a.clientWidth + "px"; b = b.firstChild; b.style.height = a.clientHeight + "px"; }, localize: function (a) { return MathJax.Localization._(a, a); }, filterText: function (a, c, b) { if (MathJax.Hub.config.messageStyle === "simple") { if (b === "LoadFile") { if (!this.loading) { this.loading = this.localize("Loading") + " "; } a = this.loading; this.loading += "."; } else { if (b === "ProcessMath") { if (!this.processing) { this.processing = this.localize("Processing") + " "; } a = this.processing; this.processing += "."; } else { if (b === "TypesetMath") { if (!this.typesetting) { this.typesetting = this.localize("Typesetting") + " "; } a = this.typesetting; this.typesetting += "."; } } } } return a; }, clearCounts: function () { delete this.loading; delete this.processing; delete this.typesetting; }, Set: function (c, e, b) { if (e == null) { e = this.log.length; this.log[e] = {}; } var d = ""; if (MathJax.Object.isArray(c)) { d = c[0]; if (MathJax.Object.isArray(d)) { d = d[1]; } try { c = MathJax.Localization._.apply(MathJax.Localization, c); } catch (a) { if (!a.restart) { throw a; } if (!a.restart.called) { if (this.log[e].restarted == null) { this.log[e].restarted = 0; } this.log[e].restarted++; delete this.log[e].cleared; MathJax.Callback.After(["Set", this, c, e, b], a.restart); return e; } } } if (this.timer) { clearTimeout(this.timer); delete this.timer; } this.log[e].text = c; this.log[e].filteredText = c = this.filterText(c, e, d); if (typeof this.log[e].next === "undefined") { this.log[e].next = this.current; if (this.current != null) { this.log[this.current].prev = e; } this.current = e; } if (this.current === e && MathJax.Hub.config.messageStyle !== "none") { if (this.Init()) { if (this.textNodeBug) { this.div.innerHTML = c; 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} else { this.text.nodeValue = this.log[this.current].filteredText; } } } if (this.status) { window.status = ""; delete this.status; } } else { if (this.status) { window.status = this.current == null ? "" : this.log[this.current].text; } } } delete this.log[b].next; delete this.log[b].prev; delete this.log[b].filteredText; if (this.log[b].restarted) { this.log[b].cleared = true; } }, Remove: function () { this.text.nodeValue = ""; this.div.style.display = "none"; }, File: function (a) { return this.Set(["LoadFile", "Loading %1", a], null, null); }, Log: function () { var b = []; for (var c = 1, a = this.log.length; c < a; c++) { b[c] = this.log[c].text; } return b.join("\n"); }, }; MathJax.Hub = { config: { root: "", config: [], styleSheets: [], styles: { ".MathJax_Preview": { color: "#888" } }, jax: [], extensions: [], preJax: null, postJax: null, displayAlign: "center", displayIndent: "0", preRemoveClass: "MathJax_Preview", showProcessingMessages: true, messageStyle: "normal", delayStartupUntil: "none", skipStartupTypeset: false, elements: [], positionToHash: true, showMathMenu: true, showMathMenuMSIE: true, menuSettings: { zoom: "None", CTRL: false, ALT: false, CMD: false, Shift: false, discoverable: false, zscale: "200%", renderer: null, font: "Auto", context: "MathJax", locale: null, mpContext: false, mpMouse: false, texHints: true, FastPreview: null, assistiveMML: null, inTabOrder: true, semantics: false, }, errorSettings: { message: ["[", ["MathProcessingError", "Math Processing Error"], "]"], style: { color: "#CC0000", "font-style": "italic" }, }, ignoreMMLattributes: {}, }, preProcessors: MathJax.Callback.Hooks(true), inputJax: {}, outputJax: { order: {} }, processSectionDelay: 50, processUpdateTime: 250, processUpdateDelay: 10, signal: MathJax.Callback.Signal("Hub"), Config: function (a) { this.Insert(this.config, a); if (this.config.Augment) { this.Augment(this.config.Augment); } }, CombineConfig: function (c, f) { var b = this.config, g, e; c = c.split(/\./); for (var d = 0, a = c.length; d < a; d++) { g = c[d]; if (!b[g]) { b[g] = {}; } e = b; b = b[g]; } e[g] = b = this.Insert(f, b); return b; }, Register: { PreProcessor: function () { return MathJax.Hub.preProcessors.Add.apply( MathJax.Hub.preProcessors, arguments ); }, MessageHook: function () { return MathJax.Hub.signal.MessageHook.apply( MathJax.Hub.signal, arguments ); }, StartupHook: function () { return MathJax.Hub.Startup.signal.MessageHook.apply( MathJax.Hub.Startup.signal, arguments ); }, LoadHook: function () { return MathJax.Ajax.LoadHook.apply(MathJax.Ajax, arguments); }, }, UnRegister: { PreProcessor: function (a) { MathJax.Hub.preProcessors.Remove(a); }, MessageHook: function (a) { MathJax.Hub.signal.RemoveHook(a); }, StartupHook: function (a) { MathJax.Hub.Startup.signal.RemoveHook(a); }, LoadHook: function (a) { MathJax.Ajax.removeHook(a); }, }, getAllJax: function (e) { var c = [], b = this.elementScripts(e); for (var d = 0, a = b.length; d < a; d++) { if (b[d].MathJax && b[d].MathJax.elementJax) { c.push(b[d].MathJax.elementJax); } } return c; }, getJaxByType: function (f, e) { var c = [], b = this.elementScripts(e); for (var d = 0, a = b.length; d < a; d++) { if ( b[d].MathJax && b[d].MathJax.elementJax && b[d].MathJax.elementJax.mimeType === f ) { c.push(b[d].MathJax.elementJax); } } return c; }, getJaxByInputType: function (f, e) { var c = [], b = this.elementScripts(e); for (var d = 0, a = b.length; d < a; d++) { if ( b[d].MathJax && b[d].MathJax.elementJax && b[d].type && b[d].type.replace(/ *;(.|\s)*/, "") === f ) { c.push(b[d].MathJax.elementJax); } } return c; }, getJaxFor: function (a) { if (typeof a === "string") { a = document.getElementById(a); } if (a && a.MathJax) { return a.MathJax.elementJax; } if (this.isMathJaxNode(a)) { if (!a.isMathJax) { a = a.firstChild; } while (a && !a.jaxID) { a = a.parentNode; } if (a) { return MathJax.OutputJax[a.jaxID].getJaxFromMath(a); } } return null; }, isJax: function (a) { if (typeof a === "string") { a = document.getElementById(a); } if (this.isMathJaxNode(a)) { return 1; } if (a && (a.tagName || "").toLowerCase() === "script") { if (a.MathJax) { return a.MathJax.state === MathJax.ElementJax.STATE.PROCESSED ? 1 : -1; } if (a.type && this.inputJax[a.type.replace(/ *;(.|\s)*/, "")]) { return -1; } } return 0; }, isMathJaxNode: function (a) { return !!a && (a.isMathJax || (a.className || "") === "MathJax_MathML"); }, setRenderer: function (d, c) { if (!d) { return; } var e = MathJax.OutputJax[d]; if (!e) { MathJax.OutputJax[d] = MathJax.OutputJax({ id: "unknown", version: "1.0.0", isUnknown: true, }); this.config.menuSettings.renderer = ""; var b = "[MathJax]/jax/output/" + d + "/config.js"; return MathJax.Ajax.Require(b, ["setRenderer", this, d, c]); } else { this.config.menuSettings.renderer = d; if (c == null) { c = "jax/mml"; } if (e.isUnknown) { e.Register(c); } var a = this.outputJax; if (a[c] && a[c].length) { if (d !== a[c][0].id) { a[c].unshift(e); return this.signal.Post(["Renderer Selected", d]); } } return null; } }, Queue: function () { return this.queue.Push.apply(this.queue, arguments); }, Typeset: function (c, d) { if (!MathJax.isReady) { return null; } var b = this.elementCallback(c, d); if (b.count) { var a = MathJax.Callback.Queue( ["PreProcess", this, b.elements], ["Process", this, b.elements] ); } return a.Push(b.callback); }, PreProcess: function (e, g) { var c = this.elementCallback(e, g); var b = MathJax.Callback.Queue(); if (c.count) { var f = c.count === 1 ? [c.elements] : c.elements; b.Push(["Post", this.signal, ["Begin PreProcess", c.elements]]); for (var d = 0, a = f.length; d < a; d++) { if (f[d]) { b.Push(["Execute", this.preProcessors, f[d]]); } } b.Push(["Post", this.signal, ["End PreProcess", c.elements]]); } return b.Push(c.callback); }, Process: function (a, b) { return this.takeAction("Process", a, b); }, Update: function (a, b) { return this.takeAction("Update", a, b); }, Reprocess: function (a, b) { return this.takeAction("Reprocess", a, b); }, Rerender: function (a, b) { return this.takeAction("Rerender", a, b); }, takeAction: function (g, d, h) { var c = this.elementCallback(d, h); var f = c.elements; var a = MathJax.Callback.Queue(["Clear", this.signal]); var e = { scripts: [], start: new Date().getTime(), i: 0, j: 0, jax: {}, jaxIDs: [], }; if (c.count) { var b = ["Delay", MathJax.Callback, this.processSectionDelay]; if (!b[2]) { b = {}; } a.Push( ["clearCounts", MathJax.Message], ["Post", this.signal, ["Begin " + g, f]], ["Post", this.signal, ["Begin Math", f, g]], ["prepareScripts", this, g, f, e], ["Post", this.signal, ["Begin Math Input", f, g]], ["processInput", this, e], ["Post", this.signal, ["End Math Input", f, g]], b, ["prepareOutput", this, e, "preProcess"], b, ["Post", this.signal, ["Begin Math Output", f, g]], ["processOutput", this, e], ["Post", this.signal, ["End Math Output", f, g]], b, ["prepareOutput", this, e, "postProcess"], b, ["Post", this.signal, ["End Math", f, g]], ["Post", this.signal, ["End " + g, f]], ["clearCounts", MathJax.Message] ); } return a.Push(c.callback); }, scriptAction: { Process: function (a) {}, Update: function (b) { var a = b.MathJax.elementJax; if (a && a.needsUpdate()) { a.Remove(true); b.MathJax.state = a.STATE.UPDATE; } else { b.MathJax.state = a.STATE.PROCESSED; } }, Reprocess: function (b) { var a = b.MathJax.elementJax; if (a) { a.Remove(true); b.MathJax.state = a.STATE.UPDATE; } }, Rerender: function (b) { var a = b.MathJax.elementJax; if (a) { a.Remove(true); b.MathJax.state = a.STATE.OUTPUT; } }, }, prepareScripts: function (h, e, g) { if (arguments.callee.disabled) { return; } var b = this.elementScripts(e); var f = MathJax.ElementJax.STATE; for (var d = 0, a = b.length; d < a; d++) { var c = b[d]; if (c.type && this.inputJax[c.type.replace(/ *;(.|\n)*/, "")]) { if (c.MathJax) { if (c.MathJax.elementJax && c.MathJax.elementJax.hover) { MathJax.Extension.MathEvents.Hover.ClearHover( c.MathJax.elementJax ); } if (c.MathJax.state !== f.PENDING) { this.scriptAction[h](c); } } if (!c.MathJax) { c.MathJax = { state: f.PENDING }; } if (c.MathJax.error) { delete c.MathJax.error; } if (c.MathJax.state !== f.PROCESSED) { g.scripts.push(c); } } } }, checkScriptSiblings: function (a) { if (a.MathJax.checked) { return; } var b = this.config, f = a.previousSibling; if (f && f.nodeName === "#text") { var d, e, c = a.nextSibling; if (c && c.nodeName !== "#text") { c = null; } if (b.preJax) { if (typeof b.preJax === "string") { b.preJax = new RegExp(b.preJax + "$"); } d = f.nodeValue.match(b.preJax); } if (b.postJax && c) { if (typeof b.postJax === "string") { b.postJax = new RegExp("^" + b.postJax); } e = c.nodeValue.match(b.postJax); } if (d && (!b.postJax || e)) { f.nodeValue = f.nodeValue.replace( b.preJax, d.length > 1 ? d[1] : "" ); f = null; } if (e && (!b.preJax || d)) { c.nodeValue = c.nodeValue.replace( b.postJax, e.length > 1 ? e[1] : "" ); } if (f && !f.nodeValue.match(/\S/)) { f = f.previousSibling; } } if (b.preRemoveClass && f && f.className === b.preRemoveClass) { a.MathJax.preview = f; } a.MathJax.checked = 1; }, processInput: function (a) { var b, i = MathJax.ElementJax.STATE; var h, e, d = a.scripts.length; try { while (a.i < d) { h = a.scripts[a.i]; if (!h) { a.i++; continue; } e = h.previousSibling; if (e && e.className === "MathJax_Error") { e.parentNode.removeChild(e); } if ( !h.parentNode || !h.MathJax || h.MathJax.state === i.PROCESSED ) { a.i++; continue; } if (!h.MathJax.elementJax || h.MathJax.state === i.UPDATE) { this.checkScriptSiblings(h); var g = h.type.replace(/ *;(.|\s)*/, ""); var j = this.inputJax[g]; b = j.Process(h, a); if (typeof b === "function") { if (b.called) { continue; } this.RestartAfter(b); } b = b.Attach(h, j.id); this.saveScript(b, a, h, i); this.postInputHooks.Execute(b, j.id, h); } else { if (h.MathJax.state === i.OUTPUT) { this.saveScript(h.MathJax.elementJax, a, h, i); } } a.i++; var c = new Date().getTime(); if ( c - a.start > this.processUpdateTime && a.i < a.scripts.length ) { a.start = c; this.RestartAfter(MathJax.Callback.Delay(1)); } } } catch (f) { return this.processError(f, a, "Input"); } if (a.scripts.length && this.config.showProcessingMessages) { MathJax.Message.Set(["ProcessMath", "Processing math: %1%%", 100], 0); } a.start = new Date().getTime(); a.i = a.j = 0; return null; }, postInputHooks: MathJax.Callback.Hooks(true), saveScript: function (a, d, b, c) { if (!this.outputJax[a.mimeType]) { b.MathJax.state = c.UPDATE; throw Error("No output jax registered for " + a.mimeType); } a.outputJax = this.outputJax[a.mimeType][0].id; if (!d.jax[a.outputJax]) { if (d.jaxIDs.length === 0) { d.jax[a.outputJax] = d.scripts; } else { if (d.jaxIDs.length === 1) { d.jax[d.jaxIDs[0]] = d.scripts.slice(0, d.i); } d.jax[a.outputJax] = []; } d.jaxIDs.push(a.outputJax); } if (d.jaxIDs.length > 1) { d.jax[a.outputJax].push(b); } b.MathJax.state = c.OUTPUT; }, prepareOutput: function (c, f) { while (c.j < c.jaxIDs.length) { var e = c.jaxIDs[c.j], d = MathJax.OutputJax[e]; if (d[f]) { try { var a = d[f](c); if (typeof a === "function") { if (a.called) { continue; } this.RestartAfter(a); } } catch (b) { if (!b.restart) { MathJax.Message.Set( ["PrepError", "Error preparing %1 output (%2)", e, f], null, 600 ); MathJax.Hub.lastPrepError = b; c.j++; } return MathJax.Callback.After( ["prepareOutput", this, c, f], b.restart ); } } c.j++; } return null; }, processOutput: function (h) { var b, g = MathJax.ElementJax.STATE, d, a = h.scripts.length; try { while (h.i < a) { d = h.scripts[h.i]; if (!d || !d.parentNode || !d.MathJax || d.MathJax.error) { h.i++; continue; } var c = d.MathJax.elementJax; if (!c) { h.i++; continue; } b = MathJax.OutputJax[c.outputJax].Process(d, h); if (b !== false) { d.MathJax.state = g.PROCESSED; if (d.MathJax.preview) { d.MathJax.preview.innerHTML = ""; d.MathJax.preview.style.display = "none"; } this.signal.Post(["New Math", c.inputID]); } h.i++; var e = new Date().getTime(); if ( e - h.start > this.processUpdateTime && h.i < h.scripts.length ) { h.start = e; this.RestartAfter( MathJax.Callback.Delay(this.processUpdateDelay) ); } } } catch (f) { return this.processError(f, h, "Output"); } if (h.scripts.length && this.config.showProcessingMessages) { MathJax.Message.Set( ["TypesetMath", "Typesetting math: %1%%", 100], 0 ); MathJax.Message.Clear(0); } h.i = h.j = 0; return null; }, processMessage: function (d, b) { var a = Math.floor((d.i / d.scripts.length) * 100); var c = b === "Output" ? ["TypesetMath", "Typesetting math: %1%%"] : ["ProcessMath", "Processing math: %1%%"]; if (this.config.showProcessingMessages) { MathJax.Message.Set(c.concat(a), 0); } }, processError: function (b, c, a) { if (!b.restart) { if (!this.config.errorSettings.message) { throw b; } this.formatError(c.scripts[c.i], b); c.i++; } this.processMessage(c, a); return MathJax.Callback.After(["process" + a, this, c], b.restart); }, formatError: function (b, f) { var h = function (l, k, j, i) { return MathJax.Localization._(l, k, j, i); }; var e = h("ErrorMessage", "Error: %1", f.message) + "\n"; if (f.sourceURL || f.fileName) { e += "\n" + h("ErrorFile", "file: %1", f.sourceURL || f.fileName); } if (f.line || f.lineNumber) { e += "\n" + h("ErrorLine", "line: %1", f.line || f.lineNumber); } e += "\n\n" + h( "ErrorTips", "Debugging tips: use %1, inspect %2 in the browser console", "'unpacked/MathJax.js'", "'MathJax.Hub.lastError'" ); b.MathJax.error = MathJax.OutputJax.Error.Jax(e, b); if (b.MathJax.elementJax) { b.MathJax.error.inputID = b.MathJax.elementJax.inputID; } var g = this.config.errorSettings; var a = h(g.messageId, g.message); var c = MathJax.HTML.Element( "span", { className: "MathJax_Error", jaxID: "Error", isMathJax: true, id: b.MathJax.error.inputID + "-Frame", }, [["span", null, a]] ); MathJax.Ajax.Require("[MathJax]/extensions/MathEvents.js", function () { var j = MathJax.Extension.MathEvents.Event, i = MathJax.Hub; c.oncontextmenu = j.Menu; c.onmousedown = j.Mousedown; c.onkeydown = j.Keydown; c.tabIndex = i.getTabOrder(i.getJaxFor(b)); }); var d = document.getElementById(c.id); if (d) { d.parentNode.removeChild(d); } if (b.parentNode) { b.parentNode.insertBefore(c, b); } if (b.MathJax.preview) { b.MathJax.preview.innerHTML = ""; b.MathJax.preview.style.display = "none"; } this.lastError = f; this.signal.Post(["Math Processing Error", b, f]); }, RestartAfter: function (a) { throw this.Insert(Error("restart"), { restart: MathJax.Callback(a) }); }, elementCallback: function (c, f) { if ( f == null && (MathJax.Object.isArray(c) || typeof c === "function") ) { try { MathJax.Callback(c); f = c; c = null; } catch (d) {} } if (c == null) { c = this.config.elements || []; } if (this.isHTMLCollection(c)) { c = this.HTMLCollection2Array(c); } if (!MathJax.Object.isArray(c)) { c = [c]; } c = [].concat(c); for (var b = 0, a = c.length; b < a; b++) { if (typeof c[b] === "string") { c[b] = document.getElementById(c[b]); } } if (!document.body) { document.body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; } if (c.length == 0) { c.push(document.body); } if (!f) { f = {}; } return { count: c.length, elements: c.length === 1 ? c[0] : c, callback: f, }; }, elementScripts: function (e) { var b = []; if (MathJax.Object.isArray(e) || this.isHTMLCollection(e)) { for (var d = 0, a = e.length; d < a; d++) { var f = 0; for (var c = 0; c < d && !f; c++) { f = e[c].contains(e[d]); } if (!f) { b.push.apply(b, this.elementScripts(e[d])); } } return b; } if (typeof e === "string") { e = document.getElementById(e); } if (!document.body) { document.body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; } if (e == null) { e = document.body; } if (e.tagName != null && e.tagName.toLowerCase() === "script") { return [e]; } b = e.getElementsByTagName("script"); if (this.msieHTMLCollectionBug) { b = this.HTMLCollection2Array(b); } return b; }, isHTMLCollection: function (a) { return ( "HTMLCollection" in window && typeof a === "object" && a instanceof HTMLCollection ); }, HTMLCollection2Array: function (c) { if (!this.msieHTMLCollectionBug) { return [].slice.call(c); } var b = []; for (var d = 0, a = c.length; d < a; d++) { b[d] = c[d]; } return b; }, Insert: function (c, a) { for (var b in a) { if (a.hasOwnProperty(b)) { if ( typeof a[b] === "object" && !MathJax.Object.isArray(a[b]) && (typeof c[b] === "object" || typeof c[b] === "function") ) { this.Insert(c[b], a[b]); } else { c[b] = a[b]; } } } return c; }, getTabOrder: function (a) { return this.config.menuSettings.inTabOrder ? 0 : -1; }, SplitList: "trim" in String.prototype ? function (a) { return a.trim().split(/\s+/); } : function (a) { return a.replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, "").split(/\s+/); }, }; MathJax.Hub.Insert(MathJax.Hub.config.styles, MathJax.Message.styles); MathJax.Hub.Insert(MathJax.Hub.config.styles, { ".MathJax_Error": MathJax.Hub.config.errorSettings.style, }); MathJax.Extension = {}; MathJax.Hub.Configured = MathJax.Callback({}); MathJax.Hub.Startup = { script: "", queue: MathJax.Callback.Queue(), signal: MathJax.Callback.Signal("Startup"), params: {}, Config: function () { this.queue.Push(["Post", this.signal, "Begin Config"]); if (MathJax.AuthorConfig && MathJax.AuthorConfig.root) { MathJax.Ajax.config.root = MathJax.AuthorConfig.root; } if (this.params.locale) { MathJax.Localization.resetLocale(this.params.locale); MathJax.Hub.config.menuSettings.locale = this.params.locale; } if (this.params.config) { var c = this.params.config.split(/,/); for (var b = 0, a = c.length; b < a; b++) { if (!c[b].match(/\.js$/)) { c[b] += ".js"; } this.queue.Push([ "Require", MathJax.Ajax, this.URL("config", c[b]), ]); } } this.queue.Push(["Config", MathJax.Hub, MathJax.AuthorConfig]); if (this.script.match(/\S/)) { this.queue.Push(this.script + ";\n1;"); } this.queue.Push( ["ConfigDelay", this], ["ConfigBlocks", this], [ function (d) { return d.loadArray( MathJax.Hub.config.config, "config", null, true ); }, this, ], ["Post", this.signal, "End Config"] ); }, ConfigDelay: function () { var a = this.params.delayStartupUntil || MathJax.Hub.config.delayStartupUntil; if (a === "onload") { return this.onload; } if (a === "configured") { return MathJax.Hub.Configured; } return a; }, ConfigBlocks: function () { var c = document.getElementsByTagName("script"); var b = MathJax.Callback.Queue(); for (var d = 0, a = c.length; d < a; d++) { var e = String(c[d].type).replace(/ /g, ""); if ( e.match(/^text\/x-mathjax-config(;.*)?$/) && !e.match(/;executed=true/) ) { c[d].type += ";executed=true"; b.Push(c[d].innerHTML + ";\n1;"); } } return b.Push(function () { MathJax.Ajax.config.root = MathJax.Hub.config.root; }); }, Cookie: function () { return this.queue.Push( ["Post", this.signal, "Begin Cookie"], ["Get", MathJax.HTML.Cookie, "menu", MathJax.Hub.config.menuSettings], [ function (e) { var d = e.menuSettings; if (d.locale) { MathJax.Localization.resetLocale(d.locale); } var g = e.menuSettings.renderer, b = e.jax; if (g) { var c = "output/" + g; b.sort(); for (var f = 0, a = b.length; f < a; f++) { if (b[f].substr(0, 7) === "output/") { break; } } if (f == a - 1) { b.pop(); } else { while (f < a) { if (b[f] === c) { b.splice(f, 1); break; } f++; } } b.unshift(c); } if (d.CHTMLpreview != null) { if (d.FastPreview == null) { d.FastPreview = d.CHTMLpreview; } delete d.CHTMLpreview; } if (d.FastPreview && !MathJax.Extension["fast-preview"]) { MathJax.Hub.config.extensions.push("fast-preview.js"); } if ( e.menuSettings.assistiveMML && !MathJax.Extension.AssistiveMML ) { MathJax.Hub.config.extensions.push("AssistiveMML.js"); } }, MathJax.Hub.config, ], ["Post", this.signal, "End Cookie"] ); }, Styles: function () { return this.queue.Push( ["Post", this.signal, "Begin Styles"], ["loadArray", this, MathJax.Hub.config.styleSheets, "config"], ["Styles", MathJax.Ajax, MathJax.Hub.config.styles], ["Post", this.signal, "End Styles"] ); }, Jax: function () { var f = MathJax.Hub.config, c = MathJax.Hub.outputJax; for (var g = 0, b = f.jax.length, d = 0; g < b; g++) { var e = f.jax[g].substr(7); if (f.jax[g].substr(0, 7) === "output/" && c.order[e] == null) { c.order[e] = d; d++; } } var a = MathJax.Callback.Queue(); return a.Push( ["Post", this.signal, "Begin Jax"], ["loadArray", this, f.jax, "jax", "config.js"], ["Post", this.signal, "End Jax"] ); }, Extensions: function () { var a = MathJax.Callback.Queue(); return a.Push( ["Post", this.signal, "Begin Extensions"], ["loadArray", this, MathJax.Hub.config.extensions, "extensions"], ["Post", this.signal, "End Extensions"] ); }, Message: function () { MathJax.Message.Init(true); }, Menu: function () { var b = MathJax.Hub.config.menuSettings, a = MathJax.Hub.outputJax, d; for (var c in a) { if (a.hasOwnProperty(c)) { if (a[c].length) { d = a[c]; break; } } } if (d && d.length) { if (b.renderer && b.renderer !== d[0].id) { d.unshift(MathJax.OutputJax[b.renderer]); } b.renderer = d[0].id; } }, Hash: function () { if ( MathJax.Hub.config.positionToHash && document.location.hash && document.body && document.body.scrollIntoView ) { var d = decodeURIComponent(document.location.hash.substr(1)); var f = document.getElementById(d); if (!f) { var c = document.getElementsByTagName("a"); for (var e = 0, b = c.length; e < b; e++) { if (c[e].name === d) { f = c[e]; break; } } } if (f) { while (!f.scrollIntoView) { f = f.parentNode; } f = this.HashCheck(f); if (f && f.scrollIntoView) { setTimeout(function () { f.scrollIntoView(true); }, 1); } } } }, HashCheck: function (b) { var a = MathJax.Hub.getJaxFor(b); if (a && MathJax.OutputJax[a.outputJax].hashCheck) { b = MathJax.OutputJax[a.outputJax].hashCheck(b); } return b; }, MenuZoom: function () { if (MathJax.Hub.config.showMathMenu) { if (!MathJax.Extension.MathMenu) { setTimeout(function () { MathJax.Callback.Queue( [ "Require", MathJax.Ajax, "[MathJax]/extensions/MathMenu.js", {}, ], ["loadDomain", MathJax.Localization, "MathMenu"] ); }, 1000); } else { setTimeout( MathJax.Callback([ "loadDomain", MathJax.Localization, "MathMenu", ]), 1000 ); } if (!MathJax.Extension.MathZoom) { setTimeout( MathJax.Callback([ "Require", MathJax.Ajax, "[MathJax]/extensions/MathZoom.js", {}, ]), 2000 ); } } }, onLoad: function () { var a = (this.onload = MathJax.Callback(function () { MathJax.Hub.Startup.signal.Post("onLoad"); })); if (document.body && document.readyState) { if (MathJax.Hub.Browser.isMSIE) { if (document.readyState === "complete") { return [a]; } } else { if (document.readyState !== "loading") { return [a]; } } } if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener("load", a, false); if (!this.params.noDOMContentEvent) { window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", a, false); } } else { if (window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent("onload", a); } else { window.onload = a; } } return a; }, Typeset: function (a, b) { if (MathJax.Hub.config.skipStartupTypeset) { return function () {}; } return this.queue.Push( ["Post", this.signal, "Begin Typeset"], ["Typeset", MathJax.Hub, a, b], ["Post", this.signal, "End Typeset"] ); }, URL: function (b, a) { if (!a.match(/^([a-z]+:\/\/|\[|\/)/)) { a = "[MathJax]/" + b + "/" + a; } return a; }, loadArray: function (b, f, c, a) { if (b) { if (!MathJax.Object.isArray(b)) { b = [b]; } if (b.length) { var h = MathJax.Callback.Queue(), j = {}, e; for (var g = 0, d = b.length; g < d; g++) { e = this.URL(f, b[g]); if (c) { e += "/" + c; } if (a) { h.Push(["Require", MathJax.Ajax, e, j]); } else { h.Push(MathJax.Ajax.Require(e, j)); } } return h.Push({}); } } return null; }, }; (function (d) { var b = window[d], e = "[" + d + "]"; var c = b.Hub, a = b.Ajax, f = b.Callback; var g = MathJax.Object.Subclass( { JAXFILE: "jax.js", require: null, config: {}, Init: function (i, h) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this; } return this.constructor.Subclass(i, h)(); }, Augment: function (k, j) { var i = this.constructor, h = {}; if (k != null) { for (var l in k) { if (k.hasOwnProperty(l)) { if (typeof k[l] === "function") { i.protoFunction(l, k[l]); } else { h[l] = k[l]; } } } if ( k.toString !== i.prototype.toString && k.toString !== {}.toString ) { i.protoFunction("toString", k.toString); } } c.Insert(i.prototype, h); i.Augment(null, j); return this; }, Translate: function (h, i) { throw Error( this.directory + "/" + this.JAXFILE + " failed to define the Translate() method" ); }, Register: function (h) {}, Config: function () { this.config = c.CombineConfig(this.id, this.config); if (this.config.Augment) { this.Augment(this.config.Augment); } }, Startup: function () {}, loadComplete: function (i) { if (i === "config.js") { return a.loadComplete(this.directory + "/" + i); } else { var h = f.Queue(); h.Push( c.Register.StartupHook("End Config", {}), ["Post", c.Startup.signal, this.id + " Jax Config"], ["Config", this], ["Post", c.Startup.signal, this.id + " Jax Require"], [ function (j) { return MathJax.Hub.Startup.loadArray( j.require, this.directory ); }, this, ], [ function (j, k) { return MathJax.Hub.Startup.loadArray( j.extensions, "extensions/" + k ); }, this.config || {}, this.id, ], ["Post", c.Startup.signal, this.id + " Jax Startup"], ["Startup", this], ["Post", c.Startup.signal, this.id + " Jax Ready"] ); if (this.copyTranslate) { h.Push([ function (j) { j.preProcess = j.preTranslate; j.Process = j.Translate; j.postProcess = j.postTranslate; }, this.constructor.prototype, ]); } return h.Push(["loadComplete", a, this.directory + "/" + i]); } }, }, { id: "Jax", version: "2.7.5", directory: e + "/jax", extensionDir: e + "/extensions", } ); b.InputJax = g.Subclass( { elementJax: "mml", sourceMenuTitle: ["Original", "Original Form"], copyTranslate: true, Process: function (l, q) { var j = f.Queue(), o; var k = this.elementJax; if (!b.Object.isArray(k)) { k = [k]; } for (var n = 0, h = k.length; n < h; n++) { o = b.ElementJax.directory + "/" + k[n] + "/" + this.JAXFILE; if (!this.require) { this.require = []; } else { if (!b.Object.isArray(this.require)) { this.require = [this.require]; } } this.require.push(o); j.Push(a.Require(o)); } o = this.directory + "/" + this.JAXFILE; var p = j.Push(a.Require(o)); if (!p.called) { this.constructor.prototype.Process = function () { if (!p.called) { return p; } throw Error(o + " failed to load properly"); }; } k = c.outputJax["jax/" + k[0]]; if (k) { j.Push(a.Require(k[0].directory + "/" + this.JAXFILE)); } return j.Push({}); }, needsUpdate: function (h) { var i = h.SourceElement(); return h.originalText !== b.HTML.getScript(i); }, Register: function (h) { if (!c.inputJax) { c.inputJax = {}; } c.inputJax[h] = this; }, }, { id: "InputJax", version: "2.7.5", directory: g.directory + "/input", extensionDir: g.extensionDir, } ); b.OutputJax = g.Subclass( { copyTranslate: true, preProcess: function (j) { var i, h = this.directory + "/" + this.JAXFILE; this.constructor.prototype.preProcess = function (k) { if (!i.called) { return i; } throw Error(h + " failed to load properly"); }; i = a.Require(h); return i; }, Process: function (h) { throw Error(this.id + " output jax failed to load properly"); }, Register: function (i) { var h = c.outputJax; if (!h[i]) { h[i] = []; } if ( h[i].length && (this.id === c.config.menuSettings.renderer || (h.order[this.id] || 0) < (h.order[h[i][0].id] || 0)) ) { h[i].unshift(this); } else { h[i].push(this); } if (!this.require) { this.require = []; } else { if (!b.Object.isArray(this.require)) { this.require = [this.require]; } } this.require.push( b.ElementJax.directory + "/" + i.split(/\//)[1] + "/" + this.JAXFILE ); }, Remove: function (h) {}, }, { id: "OutputJax", version: "2.7.5", directory: g.directory + "/output", extensionDir: g.extensionDir, fontDir: e + (b.isPacked ? "" : "/..") + "/fonts", imageDir: e + (b.isPacked ? "" : "/..") + "/images", } ); b.ElementJax = g.Subclass( { Init: function (i, h) { return this.constructor.Subclass(i, h); }, inputJax: null, outputJax: null, inputID: null, originalText: "", mimeType: "", sourceMenuTitle: ["MathMLcode", "MathML Code"], Text: function (i, j) { var h = this.SourceElement(); b.HTML.setScript(h, i); h.MathJax.state = this.STATE.UPDATE; return c.Update(h, j); }, Reprocess: function (i) { var h = this.SourceElement(); h.MathJax.state = this.STATE.UPDATE; return c.Reprocess(h, i); }, Update: function (h) { return this.Rerender(h); }, Rerender: function (i) { var h = this.SourceElement(); h.MathJax.state = this.STATE.OUTPUT; return c.Process(h, i); }, Remove: function (h) { if (this.hover) { this.hover.clear(this); } b.OutputJax[this.outputJax].Remove(this); if (!h) { c.signal.Post(["Remove Math", this.inputID]); this.Detach(); } }, needsUpdate: function () { return b.InputJax[this.inputJax].needsUpdate(this); }, SourceElement: function () { return document.getElementById(this.inputID); }, Attach: function (i, j) { var h = i.MathJax.elementJax; if (i.MathJax.state === this.STATE.UPDATE) { h.Clone(this); } else { h = i.MathJax.elementJax = this; if (i.id) { this.inputID = i.id; } else { i.id = this.inputID = b.ElementJax.GetID(); this.newID = 1; } } h.originalText = b.HTML.getScript(i); h.inputJax = j; if (h.root) { h.root.inputID = h.inputID; } return h; }, Detach: function () { var h = this.SourceElement(); if (!h) { return; } try { delete h.MathJax; } catch (i) { h.MathJax = null; } if (this.newID) { h.id = ""; } }, Clone: function (h) { var i; for (i in this) { if (!this.hasOwnProperty(i)) { continue; } if (typeof h[i] === "undefined" && i !== "newID") { delete this[i]; } } for (i in h) { if (!h.hasOwnProperty(i)) { continue; } if ( typeof this[i] === "undefined" || (this[i] !== h[i] && i !== "inputID") ) { this[i] = h[i]; } } }, }, { id: "ElementJax", version: "2.7.5", directory: g.directory + "/element", extensionDir: g.extensionDir, ID: 0, STATE: { PENDING: 1, PROCESSED: 2, UPDATE: 3, OUTPUT: 4 }, GetID: function () { this.ID++; return "MathJax-Element-" + this.ID; }, Subclass: function () { var h = g.Subclass.apply(this, arguments); h.loadComplete = this.prototype.loadComplete; return h; }, } ); b.ElementJax.prototype.STATE = b.ElementJax.STATE; b.OutputJax.Error = { id: "Error", version: "2.7.5", config: {}, errors: 0, ContextMenu: function () { return b.Extension.MathEvents.Event.ContextMenu.apply( b.Extension.MathEvents.Event, arguments ); }, Mousedown: function () { return b.Extension.MathEvents.Event.AltContextMenu.apply( b.Extension.MathEvents.Event, arguments ); }, getJaxFromMath: function (h) { return (h.nextSibling.MathJax || {}).error; }, Jax: function (j, i) { var h = MathJax.Hub.inputJax[i.type.replace(/ *;(.|\s)*/, "")]; this.errors++; return { inputJax: (h || { id: "Error" }).id, outputJax: "Error", inputID: "MathJax-Error-" + this.errors, sourceMenuTitle: ["ErrorMessage", "Error Message"], sourceMenuFormat: "Error", originalText: MathJax.HTML.getScript(i), errorText: j, }; }, }; b.InputJax.Error = { id: "Error", version: "2.7.5", config: {}, sourceMenuTitle: ["Original", "Original Form"], }; })("MathJax"); (function (o) { var h = window[o]; if (!h) { h = window[o] = {}; } var d = h.Hub; var s = d.Startup; var w = d.config; var g = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; if (!g) { g = document.childNodes[0]; } var b = (document.documentElement || document).getElementsByTagName( "script" ); if (b.length === 0 && g.namespaceURI) { b = document.getElementsByTagNameNS(g.namespaceURI, "script"); } var f = new RegExp("(^|/)" + o + "\\.js(\\?.*)?$"); for (var q = b.length - 1; q >= 0; q--) { if ((b[q].src || "").match(f)) { s.script = b[q].innerHTML; if (RegExp.$2) { var t = RegExp.$2.substr(1).split(/\&/); for (var p = 0, l = t.length; p < l; p++) { var n = t[p].match(/(.*)=(.*)/); if (n) { s.params[unescape(n[1])] = unescape(n[2]); } else { s.params[t[p]] = true; } } } w.root = b[q].src.replace(/(^|\/)[^\/]*(\?.*)?$/, ""); h.Ajax.config.root = w.root; h.Ajax.params = s.params; break; } } var k = navigator.userAgent; var a = { isMac: navigator.platform.substr(0, 3) === "Mac", isPC: navigator.platform.substr(0, 3) === "Win", isMSIE: "ActiveXObject" in window && "clipboardData" in window, isEdge: "MSGestureEvent" in window && "chrome" in window && window.chrome.loadTimes == null, isFirefox: !!k.match(/Gecko\//) && !k.match(/like Gecko/), isSafari: !!k.match(/ (Apple)?WebKit\//) && !k.match(/ like iPhone /) && (!window.chrome || window.chrome.app == null), isChrome: "chrome" in window && window.chrome.loadTimes != null, isOpera: "opera" in window && window.opera.version != null, isKonqueror: "konqueror" in window && navigator.vendor == "KDE", versionAtLeast: function (y) { var x = this.version.split("."); y = new String(y).split("."); for (var z = 0, j = y.length; z < j; z++) { if (x[z] != y[z]) { return parseInt(x[z] || "0") >= parseInt(y[z]); } } return true; }, Select: function (j) { var i = j[d.Browser]; if (i) { return i(d.Browser); } return null; }, }; var e = k .replace(/^Mozilla\/(\d+\.)+\d+ /, "") .replace(/[a-z][-a-z0-9._: ]+\/\d+[^ ]*-[^ ]*\.([a-z][a-z])?\d+ /i, "") .replace(/Gentoo |Ubuntu\/(\d+\.)*\d+ (\([^)]*\) )?/, ""); d.Browser = d.Insert( d.Insert(new String("Unknown"), { version: "0.0" }), a ); for (var v in a) { if (a.hasOwnProperty(v)) { if (a[v] && v.substr(0, 2) === "is") { v = v.slice(2); if (v === "Mac" || v === "PC") { continue; } d.Browser = d.Insert(new String(v), a); var r = new RegExp( ".*(Version/| Trident/.*; rv:)((?:\\d+\\.)+\\d+)|.*(" + v + ")" + (v == "MSIE" ? " " : "/") + "((?:\\d+\\.)*\\d+)|(?:^|\\(| )([a-z][-a-z0-9._: ]+|(?:Apple)?WebKit)/((?:\\d+\\.)+\\d+)" ); var u = r.exec(e) || ["", "", "", "unknown", "0.0"]; d.Browser.name = u[1] != "" ? v : u[3] || u[5]; d.Browser.version = u[2] || u[4] || u[6]; break; } } } try { d.Browser.Select({ Safari: function (j) { var i = parseInt(String(j.version).split(".")[0]); if (i > 85) { j.webkit = j.version; } if (i >= 538) { j.version = "8.0"; } else { if (i >= 537) { j.version = "7.0"; } else { if (i >= 536) { j.version = "6.0"; } else { if (i >= 534) { j.version = "5.1"; } else { if (i >= 533) { j.version = "5.0"; } else { if (i >= 526) { j.version = "4.0"; } else { if (i >= 525) { j.version = "3.1"; } else { if (i > 500) { j.version = "3.0"; } else { if (i > 400) { j.version = "2.0"; } else { if (i > 85) { j.version = "1.0"; } } } } } } } } } } j.webkit = navigator.appVersion.match(/WebKit\/(\d+)\./)[1]; j.isMobile = navigator.appVersion.match(/Mobile/i) != null; j.noContextMenu = j.isMobile; }, Firefox: function (j) { if ( (j.version === "0.0" || k.match(/Firefox/) == null) && navigator.product === "Gecko" ) { var m = k.match(/[\/ ]rv:(\d+\.\d.*?)[\) ]/); if (m) { j.version = m[1]; } else { var i = ( navigator.buildID || navigator.productSub || "0" ).substr(0, 8); if (i >= "20111220") { j.version = "9.0"; } else { if (i >= "20111120") { j.version = "8.0"; } else { if (i >= "20110927") { j.version = "7.0"; } else { if (i >= "20110816") { j.version = "6.0"; } else { if (i >= "20110621") { j.version = "5.0"; } else { if (i >= "20110320") { j.version = "4.0"; } else { if (i >= "20100121") { j.version = "3.6"; } else { if (i >= "20090630") { j.version = "3.5"; } else { if (i >= "20080617") { j.version = "3.0"; } else { if (i >= "20061024") { j.version = "2.0"; } } } } } } } } } } } } j.isMobile = navigator.appVersion.match(/Android/i) != null || k.match(/ Fennec\//) != null || k.match(/Mobile/) != null; }, Chrome: function (i) { i.noContextMenu = i.isMobile = !!navigator.userAgent.match(/ Mobile[ \/]/); }, Opera: function (i) { i.version = opera.version(); }, Edge: function (i) { i.isMobile = !!navigator.userAgent.match(/ Phone/); }, MSIE: function (j) { j.isMobile = !!navigator.userAgent.match(/ Phone/); j.isIE9 = !!( document.documentMode && (window.performance || window.msPerformance) ); MathJax.HTML.setScriptBug = !j.isIE9 || document.documentMode < 9; MathJax.Hub.msieHTMLCollectionBug = document.documentMode < 9; if (document.documentMode < 10 && !s.params.NoMathPlayer) { try { new ActiveXObject("MathPlayer.Factory.1"); j.hasMathPlayer = true; } catch (m) {} try { if (j.hasMathPlayer) { var i = document.createElement("object"); i.id = "mathplayer"; i.classid = "clsid:32F66A20-7614-11D4-BD11-00104BD3F987"; g.appendChild(i); document.namespaces.add( "m", "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" ); j.mpNamespace = true; if ( document.readyState && (document.readyState === "loading" || document.readyState === "interactive") ) { document.write( '' ); j.mpImported = true; } } else { document.namespaces.add( "mjx_IE_fix", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" ); } } catch (m) {} } }, }); } catch (c) { console.error(c.message); } d.Browser.Select(MathJax.Message.browsers); if (h.AuthorConfig && typeof h.AuthorConfig.AuthorInit === "function") { h.AuthorConfig.AuthorInit(); } d.queue = h.Callback.Queue(); d.queue.Push( ["Post", s.signal, "Begin"], ["Config", s], ["Cookie", s], ["Styles", s], ["Message", s], function () { var i = h.Callback.Queue(s.Jax(), s.Extensions()); return i.Push({}); }, ["Menu", s], s.onLoad(), function () { MathJax.isReady = true; }, ["Typeset", s], ["Hash", s], ["MenuZoom", s], ["Post", s.signal, "End"] ); })("MathJax"); } }