# 变更记录 (CHANGELOG) ## 中文版 - v2.0.0 - 新增了对 Hexo 5.0.0 的支持,并推荐升级使用 Hexo 5.0.0,去除了对 `hexo-prism-plugin` 插件的依赖,可直接使用自带的 `prismjs` 插件; - 新增了背景图功能; - 新增了畅言、腾讯兔小巢、哔哔、 `Artitalk` 等评论或说说功能; - 开始阅读部分行为修改; - 修改了 TOC 目录高度为自适应; - 修复了搜索的相关问题; - 其他小问题修改; - v1.3.2 - 新增了繁体字的支持; - 新增了 404 页面; - 其他小问题修改; - v1.3.1 - 新增了 `kbd` 样式; - 修复了子目录部署时词云中链接有误的问题; - 移除了 TOC 中的竖线; - 修复了首页 icon 图标中的 tooltip 不显示的问题; - 修复生成静态文件时,每天切换 banner 不生效的问题; - 更新了 `miniValine` 中的一些配置; - v1.3.0 - 新增了支持子目录部署的功能(如:`Gitee`); - 新增了 `MiniValine` 评论系统; - 新增了 `jsdelivr` 的支持; - 修复了诸多发现的 bug; - v1.2.2 - 新增了自定义文章 `keywords` 的功能; - 新增静态彩带点击切换的功能和配置; - 将文章字数统计、彩带和站点运行时间等功能默认设置为 `false`; - 修改了文章的 `description` 的 meta 属性优先读取文章的 `summary` 属性; - 修改了文章标题的 HTML 标签,从 `div` 改成了 `h1` 标题; - 修改了页脚年份显示不正确的问题; - 去掉了站点运行时间中多余的 `setTimeout` 代码; - v1.2.1 - 新增了 TOC 的展开目录层级设置和滚动条功能,防止目录较多的时候目录溢出; - 修改了首页的展示方式为以前的模式; - 修复首页按钮没有边框的问题; - 修复了音乐及吸底模式、视频、推荐文章等不激活时仍然生成首页卡片的问题; - 修复 wordCount 插件未安装的问题,修改了部分配置; - 修复音乐的 JSON 配置中有单引号的情况页面不显示的音乐的问题 - 修复标签云在Hexo4.0下链接失效的问题; - v1.2.0 - 新增了 [DaoVoice](http://www.daovoice.io/)、[Tidio](https://www.tidio.com/) 的在线聊天功能; - 新增了两级菜单的功能; - 新增了打字效果的副标题; - 新增了网页内容预加载的功能; - 新增了首页 banner 是否每日切换的配置功能; - 新增了显示 ICP 备案信息的功能,默认未开启; - 新增了百度分析的配置; - 新增了代码块的语言显示、一键复制、显示行号等功能; - 新增了首页轮播图和推荐文章可自定义配置的功能; - 新增了文章页面显示更新日期; - 新增了转载规则的图标; - 修改了分享的布局和显示方式; - 升级更新了部分依赖库的版本; - 其他细节修改和优化; - v1.1.0 - 新增了 `emoji` 的支持; - 新增了站点运行时间统计及配置; - 新增了留言板的功能,默认未开启; - 新增了 `Twitter`、`Facebook`、知乎的社交链接; - 更新了 `Valine` 的版本为最新版; - 其他小细节的修改; - v1.0.4 - 新增了能为每篇文章都自定义转载规则的功能; - 修复上一页、下一页的自定义 `summary` 不显示的问题; - 修复了友情链接显示错位的问题,改为了瀑布流的布局方式; - 其他小细节 bug 的修改; - v1.0.3 - 新增了`TOC`展开、收缩的按钮和相关配置,默认显示此按钮; - v1.0.2 - 升级了 [Materialize](https://materializecss.com/) 框架版本为`1.0.0`,重构和修改了升级过程中的部分文件或问题; - 新增了首页封面的全屏轮播特效,可以将更重要的文章设置到首页轮播中; - 修复首页第一个按钮是中文的问题 - 修复了 iPhone 上点击搜索输入获取焦点的问题; - 修复了 iPhone 上输入框获取焦点后页面放大的问题; - 修复一些文章或 UI 显示问题; - v1.0.1 - 调整 `css`、`js` 的文件请求路径在主题的`_config.yml`中配置,便于你更快捷的配置自己的 CDN; - 新增代码是否折行为可配置,默认为折行; - 默认激活 `TOC` 功能,并新增为某篇文章关闭 `TOC` 的 `Front-matter` 配置选项; - 修复文章滚动时,高亮的目录选项不准确的问题; - `IOS`下移除搜索框自动获得焦点属性,防止自动获得焦点后导致视图上移; - v1.0.0 - 新增了所有基础功能; --- ## 英文版 - v2.0.0 - Added support for Hexo 5.0.0, and it is recommended to upgrade to Hexo 5.0.0, remove the dependency on the `hexo-prism-plugin`, you can directly use the built-in `prismjs`; - Added background image; - Added comment or talk support such as 畅言、腾讯兔小巢、哔哔、 `Artitalk`; - Modifications to "Start Reading"; - Modified TOC directory height to be adaptive; - Fixed search related bugs; - Fixed Other minor bugs; - v1.3.2 - Added support for traditional characters; - Added 404 page; - Fixed other minor issues; - v1.3.1 - Added `kbd` style; - Fixed an issue with incorrect links in the word cloud when deploying sub directories; - Removed vertical lines in TOC; - Fixed the problem that the `tooltip` in the home icon is not displayed; - Fixed the issue that switching banners every day does not take effect when generating static files; - Updated some configurations in `miniValine`; - v1.3.0 - new supporting sub directory deployment(e.g.: `Gitee`); - new `MiniValine` comment system; - new `jsdelivr` supported; - Fixed many bugs; - v1.2.2 - Add the function of customizing post `keywords`; - Add the function and configuration of static ribbon click switch; - Set the word count, ribbon and site running time as `false` by default; - Modify the meta attribute of the post's `description` to read the post's `summary` attribute first; - Modified HTML tag of article title from `div` to` h1` title; - Fixed the problem of incorrect footer `year` display; - Removed redundant `setTimeout` js code from site runtime; - v1.2.1 - Added TOC's expand directory level settings and scroll bar function to prevent directory overflow when there are many directories; - Modified the display mode of the homepage to the previous mode; - Fixed the problem that the home button has no border; - Fixed an issue where the homepage card was still generated when the music and bottom suction modes, videos, recommended articles, etc. were not activated; - Fixed the problem that wordCount plugin is not installed, and modified some configurations; - Fixed the issue that the page does not display music when there are single quotes in the JSON configuration of the music; - Fixed the problem of tag cloud link failure under Hexo4.0; - v1.2.0 - Added online chat function of [DaoVoice](http://www.daovoice.io/) and [Tidio](https://www.tidio.com/); - Added the ability to have two levels of menus; - Added a subtitle for typing effects; - Added the ability to preload web content; - Added the configuration function of the home banner whether to switch daily; - Added the ability to display ICP filing information, which is not enabled by default; - Added configuration for Baidu analysis; - Added language display, one-click copy, display line number and other functions of the code block; - Added the ability to customize the configuration of the home page car map and recommended articles; - Added article page to display update date; - Added an icon for the reload rule; - Modified the layout and display of the sharing; - Upgraded and updated versions of some dependent libraries; - other details to modify and optimize; - v1.1.0 - Added support for `emoji`; - Added site run time statistics and configuration; - Added the function of message board, it is not enabled by default; - Added `Twitter`, `Facebook`, and `zhihu` social links; - Updated the version of `Valine` to the latest version; - modification of other minor details; - v1.0.4 - Added the ability to customize the reprint rules for each post; - Fix the problem that the custom summary of the previous page and the next page does not display; - Fixed the problem that the link of the friends link was misplaced and changed to the layout of the waterfall stream; - Other minor bugs fixes; - v1.0.3 - Added `TOC` expansion, shrink button and related configuration, this button is displayed by default; - v1.0.2 - Upgraded the [Materialize](https://materializecss.com/) framework version to `1.0.0`, refactoring and modifying some files or problems during the upgrade process; - Added a full-screen carousel effect on the front cover of the home page to set more important posts to the home page carousel; - Fix the first button on the front page is Chinese; - Fixed an issue where clicking search input on the iPhone to get focus; - Fixed an issue where the page was enlarged after the input box on the iPhone got focus; - Fix some posts or UI display issues; - v1.0.1 - Adjust the file request path of `css` and `js` in the `_config.yml` of the theme, so that you can quickly configure their own CDN; - Whether the new code is configurable or not, the default is a line break; - The `TOC` function is activated by default, and the `Front-matter` configuration option for `TOC` is turned off for a post; - Fixed an issue where the highlighted directory option was inaccurate when scrolling through the post; - Remove the search box under `IOS` to automatically get the focus attribute, preventing the view from moving up after automatically getting the focus; - v1.0.0 - Added all the basic features;