* *
* * Copyright ( C ) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd . and Simon Peter
* * Contact : https : //www.qt.io/licensing/
* *
* * This file is part of the tools applications of the Qt Toolkit .
* *
* * Commercial License Usage
* * Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
* * accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
* * Software or , alternatively , in accordance with the terms contained in
* * a written agreement between you and The Qt Company . For licensing terms
* * and conditions see https : //www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further
* * information use the contact form at https : //www.qt.io/contact-us.
* *
* * GNU General Public License Usage
* * Alternatively , this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
* * General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
* * Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE . GPL3 - EXCEPT
* * included in the packaging of this file . Please review the following
* * information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
* * be met : https : //www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html.
* *
* *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
# include <QCoreApplication>
# include <QString>
# include <QStringList>
# include <QDebug>
# include <iostream>
# include <QProcess>
# include <QDir>
# include <QRegExp>
# include <QSet>
# include <QStack>
# include <QDirIterator>
# include <QLibraryInfo>
# include <QJsonDocument>
# include <QJsonObject>
# include <QJsonArray>
# include <QJsonValue>
# include <QRegularExpression>
# include "shared.h"
bool runStripEnabled = true ;
bool bundleAllButCoreLibs = false ;
bool alwaysOwerwriteEnabled = false ;
QStringList librarySearchPath ;
bool appstoreCompliant = false ;
int logLevel = 1 ;
bool deployLibrary = false ;
using std : : cout ;
using std : : endl ;
bool operator = = ( const LibraryInfo & a , const LibraryInfo & b )
return ( ( a . libraryPath = = b . libraryPath ) & & ( a . binaryPath = = b . binaryPath ) ) ;
QDebug operator < < ( QDebug debug , const LibraryInfo & info )
debug < < " Library name " < < info . libraryName < < " \n " ;
debug < < " Library directory " < < info . libraryDirectory < < " \n " ;
debug < < " Library path " < < info . libraryPath < < " \n " ;
debug < < " Binary directory " < < info . binaryDirectory < < " \n " ;
debug < < " Binary name " < < info . binaryName < < " \n " ;
debug < < " Binary path " < < info . binaryPath < < " \n " ;
debug < < " Version " < < info . version < < " \n " ;
debug < < " Install name " < < info . installName < < " \n " ;
debug < < " Deployed install name " < < info . deployedInstallName < < " \n " ;
debug < < " Source file Path " < < info . sourceFilePath < < " \n " ;
debug < < " Library Destination Directory (relative to bundle) " < < info . libraryDestinationDirectory < < " \n " ;
debug < < " Binary Destination Directory (relative to bundle) " < < info . binaryDestinationDirectory < < " \n " ;
return debug ;
const QString bundleLibraryDirectory = " lib " ; // the same directory as the main executable; could define a relative subdirectory here
inline QDebug operator < < ( QDebug debug , const AppDirInfo & info )
debug < < " Application bundle path " < < info . path < < " \n " ;
debug < < " Binary path " < < info . binaryPath < < " \n " ;
debug < < " Additional libraries " < < info . libraryPaths < < " \n " ;
return debug ;
bool copyFilePrintStatus ( const QString & from , const QString & to )
if ( QFile ( to ) . exists ( ) ) {
if ( alwaysOwerwriteEnabled ) {
QFile ( to ) . remove ( ) ;
} else {
LogNormal ( ) < < " File exists, skip copy: " < < to ;
return false ;
if ( QFile : : copy ( from , to ) ) {
QFile dest ( to ) ;
dest . setPermissions ( dest . permissions ( ) | QFile : : WriteOwner | QFile : : WriteUser ) ;
LogNormal ( ) < < " copied: " < < from ;
LogNormal ( ) < < " to " < < to ;
// The source file might not have write permissions set. Set the
// write permission on the target file to make sure we can use
// install_name_tool on it later.
QFile toFile ( to ) ;
if ( toFile . permissions ( ) & QFile : : WriteOwner )
return true ;
if ( ! toFile . setPermissions ( toFile . permissions ( ) | QFile : : WriteOwner ) ) {
LogError ( ) < < " Failed to set u+w permissions on target file: " < < to ;
return false ;
return true ;
} else {
LogError ( ) < < " file copy failed from " < < from ;
LogError ( ) < < " to " < < to ;
return false ;
LddInfo findDependencyInfo ( const QString & binaryPath )
LddInfo info ;
info . binaryPath = binaryPath ;
LogDebug ( ) < < " Using ldd: " ;
LogDebug ( ) < < " inspecting " < < binaryPath ;
QProcess ldd ;
ldd . start ( " ldd " , QStringList ( ) < < binaryPath ) ;
ldd . waitForFinished ( ) ;
if ( ldd . exitStatus ( ) ! = QProcess : : NormalExit | | ldd . exitCode ( ) ! = 0 ) {
LogError ( ) < < " findDependencyInfo: " < < ldd . readAllStandardError ( ) ;
return info ;
static const QRegularExpression regexp ( QStringLiteral ( " ^.+ => (.+) \ \ ( " )) ;
QString output = ldd . readAllStandardOutput ( ) ;
QStringList outputLines = output . split ( " \n " , QString : : SkipEmptyParts ) ;
if ( outputLines . size ( ) < 2 ) {
if ( ( output . contains ( " statically linked " ) = = false ) ) {
LogError ( ) < < " Could not parse ldd output under 2 lines: " < < output ;
return info ;
foreach ( QString outputLine , outputLines ) {
LogDebug ( ) < < " ldd outputLine: " < < outputLine ;
if ( outputLine . contains ( " not found " ) ) {
LogError ( ) < < " ldd outputLine: " < < outputLine ;
if ( ( binaryPath . contains ( " .so. " ) | | binaryPath . endsWith ( " .so " ) ) and ( ! output . contains ( " linux-vdso.so.1 " ) ) ) {
const auto match = regexp . match ( outputLines . first ( ) ) ;
if ( match . hasMatch ( ) ) {
info . installName = match . captured ( 1 ) ;
} else {
LogError ( ) < < " Could not parse ldd output line: " < < outputLines . first ( ) ;
outputLines . removeFirst ( ) ;
for ( const QString & outputLine : outputLines ) {
const auto match = regexp . match ( outputLine ) ;
if ( match . hasMatch ( ) ) {
DylibInfo dylib ;
dylib . binaryPath = match . captured ( 1 ) . trimmed ( ) ;
LogDebug ( ) < < " dylib.binaryPath " < < dylib . binaryPath ;
dylib . compatibilityVersion = 0 ;
dylib . currentVersion = 0 ;
info . dependencies < < dylib ;
return info ;
int containsHowOften ( QStringList haystack , QString needle ) {
int result = haystack . filter ( needle ) . length ( ) ;
return result ;
LibraryInfo parseLddLibraryLine ( const QString & line , const QString & appDirPath , const QSet < QString > & rpaths )
LibraryInfo info ;
QString trimmed = line . trimmed ( ) ;
LogDebug ( ) < < " parsing " < < trimmed ;
if ( trimmed . isEmpty ( ) )
return info ;
if ( bundleAllButCoreLibs ) {
Bundle every lib including the low - level ones except those that are explicitly blacklisted .
This is more suitable for bundling in a way that is portable between different distributions and target systems .
Along the way , this also takes care of non - Qt libraries .
The excludelist can be updated by running
# / bin / bash
blacklisted = $ ( wget https : //raw.githubusercontent.com/probonopd/AppImages/master/excludelist -O - | sort | uniq | grep -v "^#.*" | grep "[^-\s]")
for item in $ blacklisted ; do
echo - ne ' " ' $ item ' " << '
QStringList excludelist ;
excludelist < < " libasound.so.2 " < < " libcom_err.so.2 " < < " libcrypt.so.1 " < < " libc.so.6 " < < " libdl.so.2 " < < " libdrm.so.2 " < < " libexpat.so.1 " < < " libfontconfig.so.1 " < < " libgcc_s.so.1 " < < " libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.so.0 " < < " libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0 " < < " libgio-2.0.so.0 " < < " libglib-2.0.so.0 " < < " libGL.so.1 " < < " libgobject-2.0.so.0 " < < " libgpg-error.so.0 " < < " libgssapi_krb5.so.2 " < < " libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0 " < < " libhcrypto.so.4 " < < " libhx509.so.5 " < < " libICE.so.6 " < < " libidn.so.11 " < < " libk5crypto.so.3 " < < " libkeyutils.so.1 " < < " libkrb5.so.26 " < < " libkrb5.so.3 " < < " libkrb5support.so.0 " < < " libm.so.6 " < < " libp11-kit.so.0 " < < " libpcre.so.3 " < < " libpthread.so.0 " < < " libresolv.so.2 " < < " libroken.so.18 " < < " librt.so.1 " < < " libselinux.so.1 " < < " libSM.so.6 " < < " libstdc++.so.6 " < < " libusb-1.0.so.0 " < < " libuuid.so.1 " < < " libwind.so.0 " < < " libX11.so.6 " < < " libxcb.so.1 " < < " libz.so.1 " ;
LogDebug ( ) < < " excludelist: " < < excludelist ;
if ( ! trimmed . contains ( " libicu " ) ) {
if ( containsHowOften ( excludelist , QFileInfo ( trimmed ) . completeBaseName ( ) ) ) {
LogDebug ( ) < < " Skipping blacklisted " < < trimmed ;
return info ;
} else {
Don ' t deploy low - level libraries in / usr or / lib because these tend to break if moved to a system with a different glibc .
TODO : Could make bundling these low - level libraries optional but then the bundles might need to
use something like patchelf - - set - interpreter or http : //bitwagon.com/rtldi/rtldi.html
With the Qt provided by qt . io the libicu libraries come bundled , but that is not the case with e . g . ,
Qt from ppas . Hence we make sure libicu is always bundled since it cannot be assumed to be on target sytems
if ( ! trimmed . contains ( " libicu " ) ) {
if ( ( trimmed . startsWith ( " /usr " ) or ( trimmed . startsWith ( " /lib " ) ) ) ) {
return info ;
enum State { QtPath , LibraryName , Version , End } ;
State state = QtPath ;
int part = 0 ;
QString name ;
QString qtPath ;
QString suffix = " " ;
// Split the line into [Qt-path]/lib/qt[Module].library/Versions/[Version]/
QStringList parts = trimmed . split ( " / " ) ;
while ( part < parts . count ( ) ) {
const QString currentPart = parts . at ( part ) . simplified ( ) ;
+ + part ;
if ( currentPart = = " " )
continue ;
if ( state = = QtPath ) {
// Check for library name part
if ( part < parts . count ( ) & & parts . at ( part ) . contains ( " .so " ) ) {
info . libraryDirectory + = " / " + ( qtPath + currentPart + " / " ) . simplified ( ) ;
LogDebug ( ) < < " info.libraryDirectory: " < < info . libraryDirectory ;
state = LibraryName ;
continue ;
} else if ( trimmed . startsWith ( " / " ) = = false ) { // If the line does not contain a full path, the app is using a binary Qt package.
QStringList partsCopy = parts ;
partsCopy . removeLast ( ) ;
foreach ( QString path , librarySearchPath ) {
if ( ! path . endsWith ( " / " ) )
path + = ' / ' ;
QString nameInPath = path + parts . join ( " / " ) ;
if ( QFile : : exists ( nameInPath ) ) {
info . libraryDirectory = path + partsCopy . join ( " / " ) ;
break ;
if ( info . libraryDirectory . isEmpty ( ) )
info . libraryDirectory = " /usr/lib/ " + partsCopy . join ( " / " ) ;
if ( ! info . libraryDirectory . endsWith ( " / " ) )
info . libraryDirectory + = " / " ;
state = LibraryName ;
- - part ;
continue ;
qtPath + = ( currentPart + " / " ) ;
} if ( state = = LibraryName ) {
name = currentPart ;
info . isDylib = true ;
info . libraryName = name ;
info . binaryName = name . left ( name . indexOf ( ' . ' ) ) + suffix + name . mid ( name . indexOf ( ' . ' ) ) ;
info . deployedInstallName = " $ORIGIN " ; // + info.binaryName;
info . libraryPath = info . libraryDirectory + info . binaryName ;
info . sourceFilePath = info . libraryPath ;
info . libraryDestinationDirectory = bundleLibraryDirectory + " / " ;
info . binaryDestinationDirectory = info . libraryDestinationDirectory ;
info . binaryDirectory = info . libraryDirectory ;
info . binaryPath = info . libraryPath ;
state = End ;
+ + part ;
continue ;
} else if ( state = = End ) {
break ;
if ( ! info . sourceFilePath . isEmpty ( ) & & QFile : : exists ( info . sourceFilePath ) ) {
info . installName = findDependencyInfo ( info . sourceFilePath ) . installName ;
if ( info . installName . startsWith ( " @rpath/ " ) )
info . deployedInstallName = info . installName ;
return info ;
QString findAppBinary ( const QString & appDirPath )
QString binaryPath ;
// FIXME: Do without the need for an AppRun symlink
// by passing appBinaryPath from main.cpp here
binaryPath = appDirPath + " / " + " AppRun " ;
if ( QFile : : exists ( binaryPath ) )
return binaryPath ;
LogError ( ) < < " Could not find bundle binary for " < < appDirPath < < " at " < < binaryPath ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
QStringList findAppLibraries ( const QString & appDirPath )
QStringList result ;
// .so
QDirIterator iter ( appDirPath , QStringList ( ) < < QString : : fromLatin1 ( " *.so " ) ,
QDir : : Files , QDirIterator : : Subdirectories ) ;
while ( iter . hasNext ( ) ) {
iter . next ( ) ;
result < < iter . fileInfo ( ) . filePath ( ) ;
// .so.*, FIXME: Is the above really needed or is it covered by the below too?
QDirIterator iter2 ( appDirPath , QStringList ( ) < < QString : : fromLatin1 ( " *.so* " ) ,
QDir : : Files , QDirIterator : : Subdirectories ) ;
while ( iter2 . hasNext ( ) ) {
iter2 . next ( ) ;
result < < iter2 . fileInfo ( ) . filePath ( ) ;
return result ;
QList < LibraryInfo > getQtLibraries ( const QList < DylibInfo > & dependencies , const QString & appDirPath , const QSet < QString > & rpaths )
QList < LibraryInfo > libraries ;
for ( const DylibInfo & dylibInfo : dependencies ) {
LibraryInfo info = parseLddLibraryLine ( dylibInfo . binaryPath , appDirPath , rpaths ) ;
if ( info . libraryName . isEmpty ( ) = = false ) {
LogDebug ( ) < < " Adding library: " ;
LogDebug ( ) < < info ;
libraries . append ( info ) ;
return libraries ;
// TODO: Switch the following to using patchelf
QSet < QString > getBinaryRPaths ( const QString & path , bool resolve = true , QString executablePath = QString ( ) )
QSet < QString > rpaths ;
QProcess objdump ;
objdump . start ( " objdump " , QStringList ( ) < < " -x " < < path ) ;
if ( ! objdump . waitForStarted ( ) ) {
if ( objdump . errorString ( ) . contains ( " execvp: No such file or directory " ) ) {
LogError ( ) < < " Could not start objdump. " ;
LogError ( ) < < " Make sure it is installed on your $PATH. " ;
} else {
LogError ( ) < < " Could not start objdump. Process error is " < < objdump . errorString ( ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
objdump . waitForFinished ( ) ;
if ( objdump . exitCode ( ) ! = 0 ) {
LogError ( ) < < " getBinaryRPaths: " < < objdump . readAllStandardError ( ) ;
if ( resolve & & executablePath . isEmpty ( ) ) {
executablePath = path ;
QString output = objdump . readAllStandardOutput ( ) ;
QStringList outputLines = output . split ( " \n " ) ;
QStringListIterator i ( outputLines ) ;
while ( i . hasNext ( ) ) {
if ( i . next ( ) . contains ( " RUNPATH " ) & & i . hasNext ( ) ) {
i . previous ( ) ;
const QString & rpathCmd = i . next ( ) ;
int pathStart = rpathCmd . indexOf ( " RUNPATH " ) ;
if ( pathStart > = 0 ) {
QString rpath = rpathCmd . mid ( pathStart + 8 ) . trimmed ( ) ;
LogDebug ( ) < < " rpath: " < < rpath ;
rpaths < < rpath ;
return rpaths ;
QList < LibraryInfo > getQtLibraries ( const QString & path , const QString & appDirPath , const QSet < QString > & rpaths )
const LddInfo info = findDependencyInfo ( path ) ;
return getQtLibraries ( info . dependencies , appDirPath , rpaths + getBinaryRPaths ( path ) ) ;
QList < LibraryInfo > getQtLibrariesForPaths ( const QStringList & paths , const QString & appDirPath , const QSet < QString > & rpaths )
QList < LibraryInfo > result ;
QSet < QString > existing ;
foreach ( const QString & path , paths ) {
foreach ( const LibraryInfo & info , getQtLibraries ( path , appDirPath , rpaths ) ) {
if ( ! existing . contains ( info . libraryPath ) ) { // avoid duplicates
existing . insert ( info . libraryPath ) ;
result < < info ;
return result ;
QStringList getBinaryDependencies ( const QString executablePath ,
const QString & path ,
const QList < QString > & additionalBinariesContainingRpaths )
QStringList binaries ;
const auto dependencies = findDependencyInfo ( path ) . dependencies ;
bool rpathsLoaded = false ;
QSet < QString > rpaths ;
// return bundle-local dependencies. (those starting with @executable_path)
foreach ( const DylibInfo & info , dependencies ) {
QString trimmedLine = info . binaryPath ;
if ( trimmedLine . startsWith ( " @executable_path/ " ) ) {
QString binary = QDir : : cleanPath ( executablePath + trimmedLine . mid ( QStringLiteral ( " @executable_path/ " ) . length ( ) ) ) ;
if ( binary ! = path )
binaries . append ( binary ) ;
} else if ( trimmedLine . startsWith ( " @rpath/ " ) ) {
if ( ! rpathsLoaded ) {
rpaths = getBinaryRPaths ( path , true , executablePath ) ;
foreach ( const QString & binaryPath , additionalBinariesContainingRpaths ) {
QSet < QString > binaryRpaths = getBinaryRPaths ( binaryPath , true ) ;
rpaths + = binaryRpaths ;
rpathsLoaded = true ;
bool resolved = false ;
foreach ( const QString & rpath , rpaths ) {
QString binary = QDir : : cleanPath ( rpath + " / " + trimmedLine . mid ( QStringLiteral ( " @rpath/ " ) . length ( ) ) ) ;
LogDebug ( ) < < " Checking for " < < binary ;
if ( QFile : : exists ( binary ) ) {
binaries . append ( binary ) ;
resolved = true ;
break ;
if ( ! resolved & & ! rpaths . isEmpty ( ) ) {
LogError ( ) < < " Cannot resolve rpath " < < trimmedLine ;
LogError ( ) < < " using " < < rpaths ;
return binaries ;
// copies everything _inside_ sourcePath to destinationPath
bool recursiveCopy ( const QString & sourcePath , const QString & destinationPath )
if ( ! QDir ( sourcePath ) . exists ( ) )
return false ;
QDir ( ) . mkpath ( destinationPath ) ;
LogNormal ( ) < < " copy: " < < sourcePath < < destinationPath ;
QStringList files = QDir ( sourcePath ) . entryList ( QStringList ( ) < < " * " , QDir : : Files | QDir : : NoDotAndDotDot ) ;
foreach ( QString file , files ) {
const QString fileSourcePath = sourcePath + " / " + file ;
const QString fileDestinationPath = destinationPath + " / " + file ;
copyFilePrintStatus ( fileSourcePath , fileDestinationPath ) ;
QStringList subdirs = QDir ( sourcePath ) . entryList ( QStringList ( ) < < " * " , QDir : : Dirs | QDir : : NoDotAndDotDot ) ;
foreach ( QString dir , subdirs ) {
recursiveCopy ( sourcePath + " / " + dir , destinationPath + " / " + dir ) ;
return true ;
void recursiveCopyAndDeploy ( const QString & appDirPath , const QSet < QString > & rpaths , const QString & sourcePath , const QString & destinationPath )
QDir ( ) . mkpath ( destinationPath ) ;
LogNormal ( ) < < " copy: " < < sourcePath < < destinationPath ;
QStringList files = QDir ( sourcePath ) . entryList ( QStringList ( ) < < QStringLiteral ( " * " ) , QDir : : Files | QDir : : NoDotAndDotDot ) ;
foreach ( QString file , files ) {
const QString fileSourcePath = sourcePath + QLatin1Char ( ' / ' ) + file ;
if ( file . endsWith ( " _debug.dylib " ) ) {
continue ; // Skip debug versions
} else {
QString fileDestinationPath = destinationPath + QLatin1Char ( ' / ' ) + file ;
copyFilePrintStatus ( fileSourcePath , fileDestinationPath ) ;
QStringList subdirs = QDir ( sourcePath ) . entryList ( QStringList ( ) < < QStringLiteral ( " * " ) , QDir : : Dirs | QDir : : NoDotAndDotDot ) ;
foreach ( QString dir , subdirs ) {
recursiveCopyAndDeploy ( appDirPath , rpaths , sourcePath + QLatin1Char ( ' / ' ) + dir , destinationPath + QLatin1Char ( ' / ' ) + dir ) ;
QString copyDylib ( const LibraryInfo & library , const QString path )
if ( ! QFile : : exists ( library . sourceFilePath ) ) {
LogError ( ) < < " no file at " < < library . sourceFilePath ;
return QString ( ) ;
// Construct destination paths. The full path typically looks like
// MyApp.app/Contents/Libraries/libfoo.dylib
QString dylibDestinationDirectory = path + QLatin1Char ( ' / ' ) + library . libraryDestinationDirectory ;
QString dylibDestinationBinaryPath = dylibDestinationDirectory + QLatin1Char ( ' / ' ) + library . binaryName ;
// Create destination directory
if ( ! QDir ( ) . mkpath ( dylibDestinationDirectory ) ) {
LogError ( ) < < " could not create destination directory " < < dylibDestinationDirectory ;
return QString ( ) ;
// Retrun if the dylib has aleardy been deployed
if ( QFileInfo ( dylibDestinationBinaryPath ) . exists ( ) & & ! alwaysOwerwriteEnabled )
return dylibDestinationBinaryPath ;
// Copy dylib binary
copyFilePrintStatus ( library . sourceFilePath , dylibDestinationBinaryPath ) ;
return dylibDestinationBinaryPath ;
void runPatchelf ( QStringList options )
QProcess patchelftool ;
patchelftool . start ( " patchelf " , options ) ;
if ( ! patchelftool . waitForStarted ( ) ) {
if ( patchelftool . errorString ( ) . contains ( " execvp: No such file or directory " ) ) {
LogError ( ) < < " Could not start patchelf. " ;
LogError ( ) < < " Make sure it is installed on your $PATH, e.g., in /usr/local/bin. " ;
LogError ( ) < < " You can get it from https://nixos.org/patchelf.html. " ;
} else {
LogError ( ) < < " Could not start patchelftool. Process error is " < < patchelftool . errorString ( ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
patchelftool . waitForFinished ( ) ;
if ( patchelftool . exitCode ( ) ! = 0 ) {
LogError ( ) < < " runPatchelf: " < < patchelftool . readAllStandardError ( ) ;
LogError ( ) < < " runPatchelf: " < < patchelftool . readAllStandardOutput ( ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
void changeIdentification ( const QString & id , const QString & binaryPath )
LogDebug ( ) < < " Using patchelf: " ;
LogDebug ( ) < < " change rpath in " < < binaryPath ;
LogDebug ( ) < < " to " < < id ;
runPatchelf ( QStringList ( ) < < " --set-rpath " < < id < < binaryPath ) ;
void runStrip ( const QString & binaryPath )
if ( runStripEnabled = = false )
return ;
// Since we might have a symlink, we need to find its target first
QString resolvedPath = QFileInfo ( binaryPath ) . canonicalFilePath ( ) ;
LogDebug ( ) < < " Using strip: " ;
LogDebug ( ) < < " stripping " < < resolvedPath ;
QProcess strip ;
strip . start ( " strip " , QStringList ( ) < < " -x " < < resolvedPath ) ;
if ( ! strip . waitForStarted ( ) ) {
if ( strip . errorString ( ) . contains ( " execvp: No such file or directory " ) ) {
LogError ( ) < < " Could not start strip. " ;
LogError ( ) < < " Make sure it is installed on your $PATH. " ;
} else {
LogError ( ) < < " Could not start strip. Process error is " < < strip . errorString ( ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
strip . waitForFinished ( ) ;
if ( strip . exitCode ( ) = = 0 )
return ;
if ( strip . readAllStandardError ( ) . contains ( " Not enough room for program headers " ) ) {
LogNormal ( ) < < QFileInfo ( resolvedPath ) . completeBaseName ( ) < < " already stripped. " ;
} else {
LogError ( ) < < " Error stripping " < < QFileInfo ( resolvedPath ) . completeBaseName ( ) < < " : " < < strip . readAllStandardError ( ) ;
LogError ( ) < < " Error stripping " < < QFileInfo ( resolvedPath ) . completeBaseName ( ) < < " : " < < strip . readAllStandardOutput ( ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
void stripAppBinary ( const QString & bundlePath )
runStrip ( findAppBinary ( bundlePath ) ) ;
Deploys the the libraries listed into an app bundle .
The libraries are searched for dependencies , which are also deployed .
( deploying Qt3Support will also deploy QtNetwork and QtSql for example . )
Returns a DeploymentInfo structure containing the Qt path used and a
a list of actually deployed libraries .
DeploymentInfo deployQtLibraries ( QList < LibraryInfo > libraries ,
const QString & bundlePath , const QStringList & binaryPaths ,
bool useLoaderPath )
LogNormal ( ) < < " Deploying libraries found inside: " < < binaryPaths ;
QStringList copiedLibraries ;
DeploymentInfo deploymentInfo ;
deploymentInfo . useLoaderPath = useLoaderPath ;
QSet < QString > rpathsUsed ;
while ( libraries . isEmpty ( ) = = false ) {
const LibraryInfo library = libraries . takeFirst ( ) ;
copiedLibraries . append ( library . libraryName ) ;
if ( library . libraryName . contains ( " libQt " ) and library . libraryName . contains ( " Core.so " ) ) {
LogNormal ( ) < < " Setting deploymentInfo.qtPath to: " < < library . libraryDirectory ;
deploymentInfo . qtPath = library . libraryDirectory ;
if ( library . libraryDirectory . startsWith ( bundlePath ) ) {
LogNormal ( ) < < library . libraryName < < " already deployed, skipping. " ;
continue ;
if ( library . rpathUsed . isEmpty ( ) ! = true ) {
rpathsUsed < < library . rpathUsed ;
// Copy the library to the app bundle.
const QString deployedBinaryPath = copyDylib ( library , bundlePath ) ;
// Skip the rest if already was deployed.
if ( deployedBinaryPath . isNull ( ) )
continue ;
runStrip ( deployedBinaryPath ) ;
if ( ! library . rpathUsed . length ( ) ) {
changeIdentification ( library . deployedInstallName , deployedBinaryPath ) ;
// Check for library dependencies
QList < LibraryInfo > dependencies = getQtLibraries ( deployedBinaryPath , bundlePath , rpathsUsed ) ;
foreach ( LibraryInfo dependency , dependencies ) {
if ( dependency . rpathUsed . isEmpty ( ) ! = true ) {
rpathsUsed < < dependency . rpathUsed ;
// Deploy library if necessary.
if ( copiedLibraries . contains ( dependency . libraryName ) = = false & & libraries . contains ( dependency ) = = false ) {
libraries . append ( dependency ) ;
deploymentInfo . deployedLibraries = copiedLibraries ;
deploymentInfo . rpathsUsed + = rpathsUsed ;
return deploymentInfo ;
DeploymentInfo deployQtLibraries ( const QString & appDirPath , const QStringList & additionalExecutables )
AppDirInfo applicationBundle ;
applicationBundle . path = appDirPath ;
LogDebug ( ) < < " applicationBundle.path: " < < applicationBundle . path ;
applicationBundle . binaryPath = findAppBinary ( appDirPath ) ;
LogDebug ( ) < < " applicationBundle.binaryPath: " < < applicationBundle . binaryPath ;
LogError ( ) < < " FIXME: Here I would like to determine the original rpath of the main executable, but get: " < < getBinaryRPaths ( applicationBundle . binaryPath , true ) ;
changeIdentification ( " $ORIGIN/ " + bundleLibraryDirectory , applicationBundle . binaryPath ) ;
applicationBundle . libraryPaths = findAppLibraries ( appDirPath ) ;
LogDebug ( ) < < " applicationBundle.libraryPaths: " < < applicationBundle . libraryPaths ;
LogDebug ( ) < < " additionalExecutables: " < < additionalExecutables ;
QStringList allBinaryPaths = QStringList ( ) < < applicationBundle . binaryPath < < applicationBundle . libraryPaths
< < additionalExecutables ;
LogDebug ( ) < < " allBinaryPaths: " < < allBinaryPaths ;
QSet < QString > allRPaths = getBinaryRPaths ( applicationBundle . binaryPath , true ) ;
allRPaths . insert ( QLibraryInfo : : location ( QLibraryInfo : : LibrariesPath ) ) ;
LogDebug ( ) < < " allRPaths: " < < allRPaths ;
QList < LibraryInfo > libraries = getQtLibrariesForPaths ( allBinaryPaths , appDirPath , allRPaths ) ;
if ( libraries . isEmpty ( ) & & ! alwaysOwerwriteEnabled ) {
LogWarning ( ) < < " Could not find any external Qt libraries to deploy in " < < appDirPath ;
LogWarning ( ) < < " Perhaps linuxdeployqt was already used on " < < appDirPath < < " ? " ;
LogWarning ( ) < < " If so, you will need to rebuild " < < appDirPath < < " before trying again. " ;
LogWarning ( ) < < " Or ldd does not find the external Qt libraries but sees the system ones. " ;
LogWarning ( ) < < " If so, you will need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the directory containing the external Qt libraries before trying again. " ;
LogWarning ( ) < < " FIXME: https://github.com/probonopd/linuxdeployqt/issues/2 " ;
return DeploymentInfo ( ) ;
} else {
return deployQtLibraries ( libraries , applicationBundle . path , allBinaryPaths , ! additionalExecutables . isEmpty ( ) ) ;
void deployPlugins ( const AppDirInfo & appDirInfo , const QString & pluginSourcePath ,
const QString pluginDestinationPath , DeploymentInfo deploymentInfo )
LogNormal ( ) < < " Deploying plugins from " < < pluginSourcePath ;
if ( ! pluginSourcePath . contains ( deploymentInfo . pluginPath ) )
return ;
// Plugin white list:
QStringList pluginList ;
LogDebug ( ) < < " deploymentInfo.deployedLibraries before attempting to bundle required plugins: " < < deploymentInfo . deployedLibraries ;
// Platform plugin:
if ( containsHowOften ( deploymentInfo . deployedLibraries , " libQt5Gui " ) ) {
LogDebug ( ) < < " libQt5Gui detected " ;
pluginList . append ( " platforms/libqxcb.so " ) ;
// All image formats (svg if QtSvg.library is used)
QStringList imagePlugins = QDir ( pluginSourcePath + QStringLiteral ( " /imageformats " ) ) . entryList ( QStringList ( ) < < QStringLiteral ( " *.so " ) ) ;
foreach ( const QString & plugin , imagePlugins ) {
if ( plugin . contains ( QStringLiteral ( " qsvg " ) ) ) {
if ( containsHowOften ( deploymentInfo . deployedLibraries , " libQt5Svg " ) ) {
pluginList . append ( QStringLiteral ( " imageformats/ " ) + plugin ) ;
pluginList . append ( QStringLiteral ( " imageformats/ " ) + plugin ) ;
// CUPS print support
if ( containsHowOften ( deploymentInfo . deployedLibraries , " libQt5PrintSupport " ) ) {
pluginList . append ( " printsupport/libcupsprintersupport.so " ) ;
// Network
if ( containsHowOften ( deploymentInfo . deployedLibraries , " libQt5Network " ) ) {
QStringList bearerPlugins = QDir ( pluginSourcePath + QStringLiteral ( " /bearer " ) ) . entryList ( QStringList ( ) < < QStringLiteral ( " *.so " ) ) ;
foreach ( const QString & plugin , bearerPlugins ) {
pluginList . append ( QStringLiteral ( " bearer/ " ) + plugin ) ;
// Sql plugins if QtSql.library is in use
if ( containsHowOften ( deploymentInfo . deployedLibraries , " libQt5Sql " ) ) {
QStringList sqlPlugins = QDir ( pluginSourcePath + QStringLiteral ( " /sqldrivers " ) ) . entryList ( QStringList ( ) < < QStringLiteral ( " *.so " ) ) ;
foreach ( const QString & plugin , sqlPlugins ) {
pluginList . append ( QStringLiteral ( " sqldrivers/ " ) + plugin ) ;
// multimedia plugins if QtMultimedia.library is in use
if ( containsHowOften ( deploymentInfo . deployedLibraries , " libQt5Multimedia " ) ) {
QStringList plugins = QDir ( pluginSourcePath + QStringLiteral ( " /mediaservice " ) ) . entryList ( QStringList ( ) < < QStringLiteral ( " *.so " ) ) ;
foreach ( const QString & plugin , plugins ) {
pluginList . append ( QStringLiteral ( " mediaservice/ " ) + plugin ) ;
plugins = QDir ( pluginSourcePath + QStringLiteral ( " /audio " ) ) . entryList ( QStringList ( ) < < QStringLiteral ( " *.so " ) ) ;
foreach ( const QString & plugin , plugins ) {
pluginList . append ( QStringLiteral ( " audio/ " ) + plugin ) ;
LogDebug ( ) < < " pluginList after having detected hopefully all required plugins: " < < pluginList ;
foreach ( const QString & plugin , pluginList ) {
QString sourcePath = pluginSourcePath + " / " + plugin ;
const QString destinationPath = pluginDestinationPath + " / " + plugin ;
QDir dir ;
dir . mkpath ( QFileInfo ( destinationPath ) . path ( ) ) ;
deploymentInfo . deployedLibraries + = findAppLibraries ( destinationPath ) ;
deploymentInfo . deployedLibraries = deploymentInfo . deployedLibraries . toSet ( ) . toList ( ) ;
if ( copyFilePrintStatus ( sourcePath , destinationPath ) ) {
runStrip ( destinationPath ) ;
QList < LibraryInfo > libraries = getQtLibraries ( destinationPath , appDirInfo . path , deploymentInfo . rpathsUsed ) ;
deployQtLibraries ( libraries , appDirInfo . path , QStringList ( ) < < destinationPath , deploymentInfo . useLoaderPath ) ;
void createQtConf ( const QString & appDirPath )
// Set Plugins and imports paths. These are relative to App.app/Contents.
QByteArray contents = " [Paths] \n "
" Plugins = plugins \n "
" Imports = qml \n "
" Qml2Imports = qml \n " ;
QString filePath = appDirPath + " / " ; // Is picked up when placed next to the main executable
QString fileName = filePath + " qt.conf " ;
QDir ( ) . mkpath ( filePath ) ;
QFile qtconf ( fileName ) ;
if ( qtconf . exists ( ) & & ! alwaysOwerwriteEnabled ) {
LogWarning ( ) < < fileName < < " already exists, will not overwrite. " ;
LogWarning ( ) < < " To make sure the plugins are loaded from the correct location, " ;
LogWarning ( ) < < " please make sure qt.conf contains the following lines: " ;
LogWarning ( ) < < " [Paths] " ;
LogWarning ( ) < < " Plugins = plugins " ;
return ;
qtconf . open ( QIODevice : : WriteOnly ) ;
if ( qtconf . write ( contents ) ! = - 1 ) {
LogNormal ( ) < < " Created configuration file: " < < fileName ;
LogNormal ( ) < < " This file sets the plugin search path to " < < appDirPath + " /plugins " ;
void deployPlugins ( const QString & appDirPath , DeploymentInfo deploymentInfo )
AppDirInfo applicationBundle ;
applicationBundle . path = appDirPath ;
applicationBundle . binaryPath = findAppBinary ( appDirPath ) ;
const QString pluginDestinationPath = appDirPath + " / " + " plugins " ;
deployPlugins ( applicationBundle , deploymentInfo . pluginPath , pluginDestinationPath , deploymentInfo ) ;
void deployQmlImport ( const QString & appDirPath , const QSet < QString > & rpaths , const QString & importSourcePath , const QString & importName )
QString importDestinationPath = appDirPath + " /qml/ " + importName ;
// Skip already deployed imports. This can happen in cases like "QtQuick.Controls.Styles",
// where deploying QtQuick.Controls will also deploy the "Styles" sub-import.
if ( QDir ( ) . exists ( importDestinationPath ) )
return ;
recursiveCopyAndDeploy ( appDirPath , rpaths , importSourcePath , importDestinationPath ) ;
// Scan qml files in qmldirs for import statements, deploy used imports from Qml2ImportsPath to ./qml.
bool deployQmlImports ( const QString & appDirPath , DeploymentInfo deploymentInfo , QStringList & qmlDirs )
LogNormal ( ) < < " " ;
LogNormal ( ) < < " Deploying QML imports " ;
LogNormal ( ) < < " Application QML file search path(s) is " < < qmlDirs ;
// Use qmlimportscanner from QLibraryInfo::BinariesPath
QString qmlImportScannerPath = QDir : : cleanPath ( QLibraryInfo : : location ( QLibraryInfo : : BinariesPath ) + " /qmlimportscanner " ) ;
// Fallback: Look relative to the linuxdeployqt binary
if ( ! QFile ( qmlImportScannerPath ) . exists ( ) )
qmlImportScannerPath = QCoreApplication : : applicationDirPath ( ) + " /qmlimportscanner " ;
// Verify that we found a qmlimportscanner binary
if ( ! QFile ( qmlImportScannerPath ) . exists ( ) ) {
LogError ( ) < < " qmlimportscanner not found at " < < qmlImportScannerPath ;
LogError ( ) < < " Rebuild qtdeclarative/tools/qmlimportscanner " ;
return false ;
// build argument list for qmlimportsanner: "-rootPath foo/ -rootPath bar/ -importPath path/to/qt/qml"
// ("rootPath" points to a directory containing app qml, "importPath" is where the Qt imports are installed)
QStringList argumentList ;
foreach ( const QString & qmlDir , qmlDirs ) {
argumentList . append ( " -rootPath " ) ;
argumentList . append ( qmlDir ) ;
QString qmlImportsPath = QLibraryInfo : : location ( QLibraryInfo : : Qml2ImportsPath ) ;
argumentList . append ( " -importPath " ) ;
argumentList . append ( qmlImportsPath ) ;
// run qmlimportscanner
QProcess qmlImportScanner ;
qmlImportScanner . start ( qmlImportScannerPath , argumentList ) ;
if ( ! qmlImportScanner . waitForStarted ( ) ) {
LogError ( ) < < " Could not start qmlimpoortscanner. Process error is " < < qmlImportScanner . errorString ( ) ;
return false ;
qmlImportScanner . waitForFinished ( ) ;
// log qmlimportscanner errors
qmlImportScanner . setReadChannel ( QProcess : : StandardError ) ;
QByteArray errors = qmlImportScanner . readAll ( ) ;
if ( ! errors . isEmpty ( ) ) {
LogWarning ( ) < < " QML file parse error (deployment will continue): " ;
LogWarning ( ) < < errors ;
// parse qmlimportscanner json
qmlImportScanner . setReadChannel ( QProcess : : StandardOutput ) ;
QByteArray json = qmlImportScanner . readAll ( ) ;
QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument : : fromJson ( json ) ;
if ( ! doc . isArray ( ) ) {
LogError ( ) < < " qmlimportscanner output error. Expected json array, got: " ;
LogError ( ) < < json ;
return false ;
bool qtQuickContolsInUse = false ; // condition for QtQuick.PrivateWidgets below
// deploy each import
foreach ( const QJsonValue & importValue , doc . array ( ) ) {
if ( ! importValue . isObject ( ) )
continue ;
QJsonObject import = importValue . toObject ( ) ;
QString name = import [ " name " ] . toString ( ) ;
QString path = import [ " path " ] . toString ( ) ;
QString type = import [ " type " ] . toString ( ) ;
if ( import [ " name " ] = = " QtQuick.Controls " )
qtQuickContolsInUse = true ;
LogNormal ( ) < < " Deploying QML import " < < name ;
// Skip imports with missing info - path will be empty if the import is not found.
if ( name . isEmpty ( ) | | path . isEmpty ( ) ) {
LogNormal ( ) < < " Skip import: name or path is empty " ;
LogNormal ( ) < < " " ;
continue ;
// Deploy module imports only, skip directory (local/remote) and js imports. These
// should be deployed as a part of the application build.
if ( type ! = QStringLiteral ( " module " ) ) {
LogNormal ( ) < < " Skip non-module import " ;
LogNormal ( ) < < " " ;
continue ;
// Create the destination path from the name
// and version (grabbed from the source path)
// ### let qmlimportscanner provide this.
name . replace ( QLatin1Char ( ' . ' ) , QLatin1Char ( ' / ' ) ) ;
int secondTolast = path . length ( ) - 2 ;
QString version = path . mid ( secondTolast ) ;
if ( version . startsWith ( QLatin1Char ( ' . ' ) ) )
name . append ( version ) ;
deployQmlImport ( appDirPath , deploymentInfo . rpathsUsed , path , name ) ;
LogNormal ( ) < < " " ;
// Special case:
// Use of QtQuick.PrivateWidgets is not discoverable at deploy-time.
// Recreate the run-time logic here as best as we can - deploy it iff
// 1) QtWidgets.library is used
// 2) QtQuick.Controls is used
// The intended failure mode is that libwidgetsplugin.dylib will be present
// in the app bundle but not used at run-time.
if ( deploymentInfo . deployedLibraries . contains ( " QtWidgets.library " ) & & qtQuickContolsInUse ) {
LogNormal ( ) < < " Deploying QML import QtQuick.PrivateWidgets " ;
QString name = " QtQuick/PrivateWidgets " ;
QString path = qmlImportsPath + QLatin1Char ( ' / ' ) + name ;
deployQmlImport ( appDirPath , deploymentInfo . rpathsUsed , path , name ) ;
LogNormal ( ) < < " " ;
return true ;
void changeQtLibraries ( const QList < LibraryInfo > libraries , const QStringList & binaryPaths , const QString & absoluteQtPath )
LogNormal ( ) < < " Changing " < < binaryPaths < < " to link against " ;
LogNormal ( ) < < " Qt in " < < absoluteQtPath ;
QString finalQtPath = absoluteQtPath ;
if ( ! absoluteQtPath . startsWith ( " /Library/Libraries " ) )
finalQtPath + = " /lib/ " ;
foreach ( LibraryInfo library , libraries ) {
const QString oldBinaryId = library . installName ;
const QString newBinaryId = finalQtPath + library . libraryName + library . binaryPath ;
void changeQtLibraries ( const QString appPath , const QString & qtPath )
const QString appBinaryPath = findAppBinary ( appPath ) ;
const QStringList libraryPaths = findAppLibraries ( appPath ) ;
const QList < LibraryInfo > libraries = getQtLibrariesForPaths ( QStringList ( ) < < appBinaryPath < < libraryPaths , appPath , getBinaryRPaths ( appBinaryPath , true ) ) ;
if ( libraries . isEmpty ( ) ) {
LogWarning ( ) < < " Could not find any _external_ Qt libraries to change in " < < appPath ;
return ;
} else {
const QString absoluteQtPath = QDir ( qtPath ) . absolutePath ( ) ;
changeQtLibraries ( libraries , QStringList ( ) < < appBinaryPath < < libraryPaths , absoluteQtPath ) ;
bool checkAppImagePrerequisites ( const QString & appDirPath )
QDirIterator iter ( appDirPath , QStringList ( ) < < QString : : fromLatin1 ( " *.desktop " ) ,
QDir : : Files , QDirIterator : : Subdirectories ) ;
if ( ! iter . hasNext ( ) ) {
LogError ( ) < < " Desktop file missing, creating a default one (you will probably want to edit it) " ;
QFile file ( appDirPath + " /default.desktop " ) ;
file . open ( QIODevice : : WriteOnly | QIODevice : : Text ) ;
QTextStream out ( & file ) ;
out < < " [Desktop Entry] \n " ;
out < < " Type=Application \n " ;
out < < " Name=Application \n " ;
out < < " Exec=AppRun %F \n " ;
out < < " Icon=default \n " ;
out < < " Comment=Edit this default file \n " ;
out < < " Terminal=true \n " ;
file . close ( ) ;
// TODO: Compare whether the icon filename matches the Icon= entry without ending in the *.desktop file above
QDirIterator iter2 ( appDirPath , QStringList ( ) < < QString : : fromLatin1 ( " *.png " ) ,
QDir : : Files , QDirIterator : : Subdirectories ) ;
if ( ! iter2 . hasNext ( ) ) {
LogError ( ) < < " Icon file missing, creating a default one (you will probably want to edit it) " ;
QFile file2 ( appDirPath + " /default.png " ) ;
file2 . open ( QIODevice : : WriteOnly | QIODevice : : Text ) ;
QTextStream out ( & file2 ) ;
file2 . close ( ) ;
return true ;
void createAppImage ( const QString & appDirPath )
QString appImagePath = appDirPath + " .AppImage " ;
QFile appImage ( appImagePath ) ;
LogDebug ( ) < < " appImageName: " < < appImagePath ;
if ( appImage . exists ( ) & & alwaysOwerwriteEnabled )
appImage . remove ( ) ;
if ( appImage . exists ( ) ) {
LogNormal ( ) < < " AppImage already exists, skipping .AppImage creation for " < < appImage . fileName ( ) ;
LogNormal ( ) < < " use -always-overwrite to overwrite " ;
} else {
LogNormal ( ) < < " Creating AppImage for " < < appDirPath ;
QStringList options = QStringList ( ) < < appDirPath < < appImagePath ;
QProcess appImageAssistant ;
appImageAssistant . start ( " AppImageAssistant " , options ) ;
if ( ! appImageAssistant . waitForStarted ( ) ) {
if ( appImageAssistant . errorString ( ) . contains ( " execvp: No such file or directory " ) ) {
LogError ( ) < < " Could not start AppImageAssistant which is needed to generate AppImages. " ;
LogError ( ) < < " Make sure it is installed on your $PATH, e.g., in /usr/local/bin. " ;
} else {
LogError ( ) < < " Could not start AppImageAssistant. Process error is " < < appImageAssistant . errorString ( ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
appImageAssistant . waitForFinished ( - 1 ) ;
// FIXME: How to get the output to appear on the console as it happens rather than after the fact?
QString output = appImageAssistant . readAllStandardError ( ) ;
QStringList outputLines = output . split ( " \n " , QString : : SkipEmptyParts ) ;
for ( const QString & outputLine : outputLines ) {
// xorriso spits out a lot of WARNINGs which in the context of AppImage can be safely ignored
if ( ! outputLine . contains ( " WARNING " ) ) {
LogNormal ( ) < < outputLine ;
// AppImageAssistant doesn't always give nonzero error codes, so we check for the presence of the AppImage file
// This should eventually be fixed in AppImageAssistant
if ( ! QFile ( appDirPath ) . exists ( ) ) {
if ( appImageAssistant . readAllStandardOutput ( ) . isEmpty ( ) = = false )
LogError ( ) < < " AppImageAssistant: " < < appImageAssistant . readAllStandardOutput ( ) ;
if ( appImageAssistant . readAllStandardError ( ) . isEmpty ( ) = = false )
LogError ( ) < < " AppImageAssistant: " < < appImageAssistant . readAllStandardError ( ) ;
} else {
LogNormal ( ) < < " Created AppImage at " < < appImagePath ;