If you want aditional plugins which the tool doesn't deploy, for a variety of reasons, you can use the -extra-plugins argument and include a list of plugins separated by a comma.
The plugins deployed are from the Qt installation pointed out by `qmake -v`.
You can deploy entire plugin directories, a specific directory or a mix of both.
A common use case for `linuxdeployqt` is to use it on Travis CI after the `make` command. The following example illustrates how to use `linuxdeployqt` with Travis CI. Create a `.travis.yml` file similar to this one (be sure to customize it, e.g., change `APPNAME` to the name of your application as it is spelled in the `Name=` entry of the `.desktop` file):
A common use case for `linuxdeployqt` is to use it on Travis CI after the `make` command. The following example illustrates how to use `linuxdeployqt` with Travis CI. Create a `.travis.yml` file similar to this one (be sure to customize it, e.g., change `APPNAME` to the name of your application as it is spelled in the `Name=` entry of the `.desktop` file):