@ -62,6 +62,122 @@ using std::endl; |
QMap<QString,QString> qtToBeBundledInfo; |
enum QtModule |
#if defined(Q_COMPILER_CLASS_ENUM) || defined(Q_CC_MSVC) |
: quint64 |
#endif |
{ |
QtBluetoothModule = 0x0000000000000001, |
QtCLuceneModule = 0x0000000000000002, |
QtConcurrentModule = 0x0000000000000004, |
QtCoreModule = 0x0000000000000008, |
QtDeclarativeModule = 0x0000000000000010, |
QtDesignerComponents = 0x0000000000000020, |
QtDesignerModule = 0x0000000000000040, |
QtGuiModule = 0x0000000000000080, |
QtCluceneModule = 0x0000000000000100, |
QtHelpModule = 0x0000000000000200, |
QtMultimediaModule = 0x0000000000000400, |
QtMultimediaWidgetsModule = 0x0000000000000800, |
QtMultimediaQuickModule = 0x0000000000001000, |
QtNetworkModule = 0x0000000000002000, |
QtNfcModule = 0x0000000000004000, |
QtOpenGLModule = 0x0000000000008000, |
QtPositioningModule = 0x0000000000010000, |
QtPrintSupportModule = 0x0000000000020000, |
QtQmlModule = 0x0000000000040000, |
QtQuickModule = 0x0000000000080000, |
QtQuickParticlesModule = 0x0000000000100000, |
QtScriptModule = 0x0000000000200000, |
QtScriptToolsModule = 0x0000000000400000, |
QtSensorsModule = 0x0000000000800000, |
QtSerialPortModule = 0x0000000001000000, |
QtSqlModule = 0x0000000002000000, |
QtSvgModule = 0x0000000004000000, |
QtTestModule = 0x0000000008000000, |
QtWidgetsModule = 0x0000000010000000, |
QtWinExtrasModule = 0x0000000020000000, |
QtXmlModule = 0x0000000040000000, |
QtXmlPatternsModule = 0x0000000080000000, |
QtWebKitModule = 0x0000000100000000, |
QtWebKitWidgetsModule = 0x0000000200000000, |
QtQuickWidgetsModule = 0x0000000400000000, |
QtWebSocketsModule = 0x0000000800000000, |
QtEnginioModule = 0x0000001000000000, |
QtWebEngineCoreModule = 0x0000002000000000, |
QtWebEngineModule = 0x0000004000000000, |
QtWebEngineWidgetsModule = 0x0000008000000000, |
QtQmlToolingModule = 0x0000010000000000, |
Qt3DCoreModule = 0x0000020000000000, |
Qt3DRendererModule = 0x0000040000000000, |
Qt3DQuickModule = 0x0000080000000000, |
Qt3DQuickRendererModule = 0x0000100000000000, |
Qt3DInputModule = 0x0000200000000000, |
QtLocationModule = 0x0000400000000000, |
QtWebChannelModule = 0x0000800000000000, |
QtTextToSpeechModule = 0x0001000000000000, |
QtSerialBusModule = 0x0002000000000000 |
}; |
struct QtModuleEntry { |
quint64 module; |
const char *option; |
const char *libraryName; |
const char *translation; |
}; |
static QtModuleEntry qtModuleEntries[] = { |
{ QtBluetoothModule, "bluetooth", "Qt5Bluetooth", 0 }, |
{ QtCLuceneModule, "clucene", "Qt5CLucene", "qt_help" }, |
{ QtConcurrentModule, "concurrent", "Qt5Concurrent", "qtbase" }, |
{ QtCoreModule, "core", "Qt5Core", "qtbase" }, |
{ QtDeclarativeModule, "declarative", "Qt5Declarative", "qtquick1" }, |
{ QtDesignerModule, "designer", "Qt5Designer", 0 }, |
{ QtDesignerComponents, "designercomponents", "Qt5DesignerComponents", 0 }, |
{ QtEnginioModule, "enginio", "Enginio", 0 }, |
{ QtGuiModule, "gui", "Qt5Gui", "qtbase" }, |
{ QtHelpModule, "qthelp", "Qt5Help", "qt_help" }, |
{ QtMultimediaModule, "multimedia", "Qt5Multimedia", "qtmultimedia" }, |
{ QtMultimediaWidgetsModule, "multimediawidgets", "Qt5MultimediaWidgets", "qtmultimedia" }, |
{ QtMultimediaQuickModule, "multimediaquick", "Qt5MultimediaQuick_p", "qtmultimedia" }, |
{ QtNetworkModule, "network", "Qt5Network", "qtbase" }, |
{ QtNfcModule, "nfc", "Qt5Nfc", 0 }, |
{ QtOpenGLModule, "opengl", "Qt5OpenGL", 0 }, |
{ QtPositioningModule, "positioning", "Qt5Positioning", 0 }, |
{ QtPrintSupportModule, "printsupport", "Qt5PrintSupport", 0 }, |
{ QtQmlModule, "qml", "Qt5Qml", "qtdeclarative" }, |
{ QtQmlToolingModule, "qmltooling", "qmltooling", 0 }, |
{ QtQuickModule, "quick", "Qt5Quick", "qtdeclarative" }, |
{ QtQuickParticlesModule, "quickparticles", "Qt5QuickParticles", 0 }, |
{ QtQuickWidgetsModule, "quickwidgets", "Qt5QuickWidgets", 0 }, |
{ QtScriptModule, "script", "Qt5Script", "qtscript" }, |
{ QtScriptToolsModule, "scripttools", "Qt5ScriptTools", "qtscript" }, |
{ QtSensorsModule, "sensors", "Qt5Sensors", 0 }, |
{ QtSerialPortModule, "serialport", "Qt5SerialPort", "qtserialport" }, |
{ QtSqlModule, "sql", "Qt5Sql", "qtbase" }, |
{ QtSvgModule, "svg", "Qt5Svg", 0 }, |
{ QtTestModule, "test", "Qt5Test", "qtbase" }, |
{ QtWebKitModule, "webkit", "Qt5WebKit", 0 }, |
{ QtWebKitWidgetsModule, "webkitwidgets", "Qt5WebKitWidgets", 0 }, |
{ QtWebSocketsModule, "websockets", "Qt5WebSockets", "qtwebsockets" }, |
{ QtWidgetsModule, "widgets", "Qt5Widgets", "qtbase" }, |
{ QtWinExtrasModule, "winextras", "Qt5WinExtras", 0 }, |
{ QtXmlModule, "xml", "Qt5Xml", "qtbase" }, |
{ QtXmlPatternsModule, "xmlpatterns", "Qt5XmlPatterns", "qtxmlpatterns" }, |
{ QtWebEngineCoreModule, "webenginecore", "Qt5WebEngineCore", 0 }, |
{ QtWebEngineModule, "webengine", "Qt5WebEngine", "qtwebengine" }, |
{ QtWebEngineWidgetsModule, "webenginewidgets", "Qt5WebEngineWidgets", 0 }, |
{ Qt3DCoreModule, "3dcore", "Qt53DCore", 0 }, |
{ Qt3DRendererModule, "3drenderer", "Qt53DRenderer", 0 }, |
{ Qt3DQuickModule, "3dquick", "Qt53DQuick", 0 }, |
{ Qt3DQuickRendererModule, "3dquickrenderer", "Qt53DQuickRenderer", 0 }, |
{ Qt3DInputModule, "3dinput", "Qt53DInput", 0 }, |
{ QtLocationModule, "geoservices", "Qt5Location", 0 }, |
{ QtWebChannelModule, "webchannel", "Qt5WebChannel", 0 }, |
{ QtTextToSpeechModule, "texttospeech", "Qt5TextToSpeech", 0 }, |
{ QtSerialBusModule, "serialbus", "Qt5SerialBus", 0 } |
}; |
bool operator==(const LibraryInfo &a, const LibraryInfo &b) |
{ |
return ((a.libraryPath == b.libraryPath) && (a.binaryPath == b.binaryPath)); |
@ -1472,3 +1588,136 @@ int createAppImage(const QString &appDirPath) |
LogNormal() << "WEXITSTATUS(ret)" << WEXITSTATUS(ret); |
return WEXITSTATUS(ret); |
} |
void findUsedModules(DeploymentInfo &info) |
{ |
LogDebug() << "Creating mask of used modules"; |
const QStringList &libraries = info.deployedLibraries; |
const size_t qtModulesCount = sizeof(qtModuleEntries)/sizeof(QtModuleEntry); |
for (size_t i = 0; i < qtModulesCount; ++i) { |
QtModuleEntry &entry = qtModuleEntries[i]; |
const QString name = QLatin1String(qtModuleEntries[i].libraryName); |
bool found = false; |
foreach (const QString &library, libraries) { |
if (library.contains(name, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { |
LogDebug() << "Found dependency:" << name; |
found = true; |
break; |
} |
} |
if (found) { |
info.usedModulesMask |= entry.module; |
} |
} |
} |
void deployTranslations(const QString &appDirPath, quint64 usedQtModules) |
{ |
LogDebug() << "Deploying translations..."; |
QString qtTranslationsPath = qtToBeBundledInfo.value("QT_INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS"); |
if (qtTranslationsPath.isEmpty() || !QFile::exists(qtTranslationsPath)) { |
LogError() << "Qt translations path could not be determined"; |
return; |
} |
QString translationsDirPath = appDirPath + QStringLiteral("/translations"); |
LogDebug() << "Using" << translationsDirPath << "as translations directory for App"; |
LogDebug() << "Using" << qtTranslationsPath << " to search for Qt translations"; |
QFileInfo fi(translationsDirPath); |
if (!fi.isDir()) { |
if (!QDir().mkpath(translationsDirPath)) { |
LogError() << "Failed to create translations directory"; |
} |
} else { |
LogDebug() << "Translations directory already exists"; |
} |
if (!deployTranslations(qtTranslationsPath, translationsDirPath, usedQtModules)) { |
LogError() << "Failed to copy translations"; |
} |
} |
QStringList translationNameFilters(quint64 modules, const QString &prefix) |
{ |
QStringList result; |
const size_t qtModulesCount = sizeof(qtModuleEntries)/sizeof(QtModuleEntry); |
for (size_t i = 0; i < qtModulesCount; ++i) { |
if ((qtModuleEntries[i].module & modules) && qtModuleEntries[i].translation) { |
const QString name = QLatin1String(qtModuleEntries[i].translation) + |
QLatin1Char('_') + prefix + QStringLiteral(".qm"); |
if (!result.contains(name)) |
result.push_back(name); |
} |
} |
LogDebug() << "Translation name filters:" << result; |
return result; |
} |
bool deployTranslations(const QString &sourcePath, const QString &target, quint64 usedQtModules) |
{ |
LogDebug() << "Translations target is" << target; |
// Find available languages prefixes by checking on qtbase.
QStringList prefixes; |
QDir sourceDir(sourcePath); |
const QStringList qmFilter = QStringList(QStringLiteral("qtbase_*.qm")); |
foreach (QString qmFile, sourceDir.entryList(qmFilter)) { |
qmFile.chop(3); |
qmFile.remove(0, 7); |
prefixes.push_back(qmFile); |
} |
if (prefixes.isEmpty()) { |
LogError() << "Could not find any translations in " |
<< sourcePath << " (developer build?)"; |
return true; |
} |
// Run lconvert to concatenate all files into a single named "qt_<prefix>.qm" in the application folder
// Use QT_INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS as working directory to keep the command line short.
const QString absoluteTarget = QFileInfo(target).absoluteFilePath(); |
QString lconvertPath = QDir::cleanPath(qtToBeBundledInfo.value("QT_INSTALL_BINS")) + "/lconvert"; |
LogDebug() << "Looking for lconvert at" << lconvertPath; |
// Fallback: Look relative to the linuxdeployqt binary
if (!QFile(lconvertPath).exists()){ |
lconvertPath = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/lconvert"; |
LogDebug() << "Fallback, looking for lconvert at" << lconvertPath; |
} |
// Verify that we found a lconvert binary
if (!QFile(lconvertPath).exists()) { |
LogError() << "lconvert not found at" << lconvertPath; |
return false; |
} |
LogNormal() << "Found lconvert at" << lconvertPath; |
QStringList arguments; |
foreach (const QString &prefix, prefixes) { |
arguments.clear(); |
const QString targetFile = QStringLiteral("qt_") + prefix + QStringLiteral(".qm"); |
arguments.append(QStringLiteral("-o")); |
const QString currentTargetFile = absoluteTarget + QLatin1Char('/') + targetFile; |
arguments.append(currentTargetFile); |
foreach (const QFileInfo &qmFileInfo, sourceDir.entryInfoList(translationNameFilters(usedQtModules, prefix))) |
arguments.append(qmFileInfo.absoluteFilePath()); |
LogNormal() << "Creating " << currentTargetFile << "..."; |
LogDebug() << "lconvert arguments:" << arguments; |
QProcess lconvert; |
lconvert.start(lconvertPath, arguments); |
lconvert.waitForFinished(); |
if (lconvert.exitStatus() != QProcess::NormalExit) { |
LogError() << "Fail in lconvert on file" << currentTargetFile; |
} |
} // for prefixes.
return true; |
} |