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Clear error messages when tools such as ldd, patchelf, strip are not installed

probonopd 8 years ago
  1. 63


@ -330,6 +330,16 @@ QSet<QString> getBinaryRPaths(const QString &path, bool resolve = true, QString
QProcess ldd;
ldd.start("objdump", QStringList() << "-x" << path);
if (!ldd.waitForStarted()) {
if(ldd.errorString().contains("execvp: No such file or directory")){
LogError() << "Could not start ldd.";
LogError() << "Make sure it is installed on your $PATH.";
} else {
LogError() << "Could not start ldd. Process error is" << ldd.errorString();
if (ldd.exitCode() != 0) {
@ -507,9 +517,17 @@ void runPatchelf(QStringList options)
QProcess patchelftool;
patchelftool.start("patchelf", options);
if (!patchelftool.waitForStarted()) {
if(patchelftool.errorString().contains("execvp: No such file or directory")){
LogError() << "Could not start patchelf.";
LogError() << "Make sure it is installed on your $PATH, e.g., in /usr/local/bin.";
LogError() << "You can get it from";
} else {
LogError() << "Could not start patchelftool. Process error is" << patchelftool.errorString();
if (patchelftool.exitCode() != 0) {
LogError() << "FIXME: Check whether patchelf is on the $PATH and otherwise inform the user where to get it from";
LogError() << "runPatchelf:" << patchelftool.readAllStandardError();
LogError() << "runPatchelf:" << patchelftool.readAllStandardOutput();
@ -532,6 +550,14 @@ void runStrip(const QString &binaryPath)
LogDebug() << " stripped" << binaryPath;
QProcess strip;
strip.start("strip", QStringList() << "-x" << binaryPath);
if (!strip.waitForStarted()) {
if(strip.errorString().contains("execvp: No such file or directory")){
LogError() << "Could not start strip.";
LogError() << "Make sure it is installed on your $PATH.";
} else {
LogError() << "Could not start strip. Process error is" << strip.errorString();
if (strip.exitCode() == 0)
@ -935,18 +961,29 @@ bool checkAppImagePrerequisites(const QString &appDirPath)
QDirIterator iter(appDirPath, QStringList() << QString::fromLatin1("*.desktop"),
QDir::Files, QDirIterator::Subdirectories);
if (!iter.hasNext()) {
LogError() << "Desktop file missing, cannot create AppImage";
// TODO: Create a generic desktop file (never overwrite an existing one though!)
return false;
LogError() << "Desktop file missing, creating a default one (you will probably want to edit it)";
QFile file(appDirPath + "/default.desktop"); | QIODevice::Text);
QTextStream out(&file);
out << "[Desktop Entry]\n";
out << "Type=Application]\n";
out << "Name=Application\n";
out << "Exec=AppRun %F\n";
out << "Icon=default\n";
out << "Comment=Edit this default file\n";
out << "Terminal=true\n";
// TODO: Compare whether the icon filename matches the Icon= entry without ending in the *.desktop file above
QDirIterator iter2(appDirPath, QStringList() << QString::fromLatin1("*.png"),
QDir::Files, QDirIterator::Subdirectories);
if (!iter2.hasNext()) {
LogError() << "Icon file missing, cannot create AppImage";
// TODO: Create a generic icon (never overwrite an existing one though!)
return false;
LogError() << "Icon file missing, creating a default one (you will probably want to edit it)";
QFile file2(appDirPath + "/default.png"); | QIODevice::Text);
QTextStream out(&file2);
return true;
@ -972,6 +1009,17 @@ void createAppImage(const QString &appDirPath)
QProcess appImageAssistant;
appImageAssistant.start("AppImageAssistant", options);
if (!appImageAssistant.waitForStarted()) {
if(appImageAssistant.errorString().contains("execvp: No such file or directory")){
LogError() << "Could not start AppImageAssistant which is needed to generate AppImages.";
LogError() << "Make sure it is installed on your $PATH, e.g., in /usr/local/bin.";
} else {
LogError() << "Could not start AppImageAssistant. Process error is" << appImageAssistant.errorString();
// FIXME: How to get the output to appear on the console as it happens rather than after the fact?
@ -988,7 +1036,6 @@ void createAppImage(const QString &appDirPath)
// AppImageAssistant doesn't always give nonzero error codes, so we check for the presence of the AppImage file
// This should eventually be fixed in AppImageAssistant
if (!QFile(appDirPath).exists()) {
LogError() << "FIXME: TODO: Check for the presence of AppImageAssistant on the $PATH";
if(appImageAssistant.readAllStandardOutput().isEmpty() == false)
LogError() << "AppImageAssistant:" << appImageAssistant.readAllStandardOutput();
if(appImageAssistant.readAllStandardError().isEmpty() == false)
